23 resultados para Machine shops -- Automation
This report details the port interconnection of two subsystems: a power electronics subsystem (a back-to-back AC/AC converter (B2B), coupled to a phase of the power grid), and an electromechanical subsystem (a doubly-fed induction machine (DFIM), coupled mechanically to a flywheel and electrically to the power grid and to a local varying load). Both subsystems have been essentially described in previous reports (deliverables D 0.5 and D 4.3.1), although some previously unpublished details are presented here. The B2B is a variable structure system (VSS), due to the presence of control-actuated switches: however from a modelling and simulation, as well as a control-design, point of view, it is sensible to consider modulated transformers (MTF in the bond-graph language) instead of the pairs of complementary switches. The port-Hamiltonian models of both subsystems are presents and coupled through a power-preserving interconnection, and the Hamiltonian description of the whole system is obtained; detailed bond-graphs of all the subsystems and the complete system are provided.
This paper describes the port interconnection of two subsystems: a power electronics subsystem (a back-to-back AC/CA converter (B2B), coupled to a phase of the power grid), and an electromechanical subsystem (a doubly-fed induction machine (DFIM). The B2B is a variable structure system (VSS), due to presence of control-actuated switches: however, from a modelling simulation, as well as a control-design, point of view, it is sensible to consider modulated transformers (MTF in the bond graph language) instead of the pairs of complementary switches. The port-Hamiltonian models of both subsystems are presented and, using a power-preserving interconnection, the Hamiltonian description of the whole system is obtained; detailed bond graphs of all subsystems and the complete system are also provided. Using passivity-based controllers computed in the Hamiltonian formalism for both subsystems, the whole model is simulated; simulations are run to rest the correctness and efficiency of the Hamiltonian network modelling approach used in this work.
Els stents són unes pròtesis endovasculars. L’objectiu del projecte és el disseny i desenvolupament d’un utillatge que permeti la seva fabricació per tall làser. S’utilitzarà el làser del GREP (Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria de Producte, Procés i Producció) de la Universitat de Girona, el qual està instal•lat sobre el capçal d’un centre de mecanitzat convencional
Psychophysical studies suggest that humans preferentially use a narrow band of low spatial frequencies for face recognition. Here we asked whether artificial face recognition systems have an improved recognition performance at the same spatial frequencies as humans. To this end, we estimated recognition performance over a large database of face images by computing three discriminability measures: Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis, Non-Parametric Discriminant Analysis, and Mutual Information. In order to address frequency dependence, discriminabilities were measured as a function of (filtered) image size. All three measures revealed a maximum at the same image sizes, where the spatial frequency content corresponds to the psychophysical found frequencies. Our results therefore support the notion that the critical band of spatial frequencies for face recognition in humans and machines follows from inherent properties of face images, and that the use of these frequencies is associated with optimal face recognition performance.
Aquesta memòria descriu la preparació, l'execució i els resultats obtinguts d'implementar un sistema calculador de rutes. El projecte Open Source Routing Machine és un motor calculador de rutes d'alt rendiment que utilitza les dades de OpenStreetMaps per calcular el camí més curt entre dos punts. En aquest projecte final no únicament es volen utilitzar les dades OpenStreetMap sinó que també es pretenen utilitzar dades pròpies en format shapefile i poder visualitzar-los en un visor web. Aquest visor permet a l'usuari, de forma senzilla, sol•licitar rutes al servidor OSRM creat, obtenint la ruta desitjada en molt pocs milisegons
This paper describes the development of a two-way shallow-transfer rule-based machine translation system between Bulgarian and Macedonian. It gives an account of the resources and the methods used for constructing the system, including the development of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, syntactic transfer rules and constraint grammars. An evaluation of thesystem's performance was carried out and compared to another commercially available MT system for the two languages. Some future work was suggested.
El llum electric és un tipus d’energia amb la que s’il•lumina tot el món i s’utilitza tant per a il•luminar la nit com per a disposar de llum addicional durant el dia. L’energia es pren directament de la xarxa de subministrament elèctric i permet encendre tot tipus de focus i bombetes. Actualment la necessitat de controlar la intensitat lumínica de focus és de gran utilitat i es poden veure exemples en escenaris de teatres, concerts musicals, domòtica bàsica a vivendes, botigues, restaurants, etc. on s’incorporen aparells òptims per aquest control. Aspectes com la programació d’encesa, apagat i intensitat desitjada de focus a una hora convinguda facilita el fet de fer-ho manualment i disposar de més temps propi. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és dissenyar i construir un regulador de llum controlat per ordinador capac de regular la intensitat lumínica de 8 focus independentment l’un de l’altre. El control de regulació s’efectua mitjancant un programa informàtic compatible amb ordinadors que incorporin el sistema operatiu Windows i és programable en el temps permetent seleccionar la intensitat desitjada a diferents hores del dia seleccionat. Com a conclusions es pot destacar un estalvi energètic al regular la intensitat dels focus evitant així la permanent connexio a una tensió màxima de 230 VAC i la oportunitat de construir un regulador de llum amb els documents subministrats.