34 resultados para MUCOSA


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The clinical data of 180 episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in 168 patients with cirrhosis of the liver are examined. The source of bleeding had been determined by early endoscopy in all cases. In men under the age of 50 years, and without symptoms of liver failure, bleeding was due to ruptured gastro-oesophageal varices in 84% of cases. Severe liver failure was associated with acute lesions of gastric mucosa in many cases. No presumptive diagnosis of the source of haemorrhage could be based on the examination of other clinical data (presence of ascites, mode of presentation and pattern of bleeding, history of ulcer disease, alcoholism, and previous medication.


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Background and aims: Increased pancreatitis associated protein (PAP) mRNA has been reported in active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aims of the current study were to characterise PAP production in IBD and the effects of PAP on inflammation. Patients and methods: Serum PAP levels were determined in healthy controls (n¿=¿29), inflammatory controls (n¿=¿14), and IBD patients (n¿=¿171). Ex vivo PAP secretion in intestinal tissue was measured in 56 IBD patients and 13 healthy controls. Cellular origin of PAP was determined by immunohistochemistry. The effects of exogenous PAP on nuclear factor ¿B (NF¿B) activation, proinflammatory cytokine production, and endothelial adhesion molecule expression were also analysed ex vivo. Results: Patients with active IBD had increased serum PAP levels compared with controls, and these levels correlated with clinical and endoscopic disease severity. Ex vivo intestinal PAP synthesis was increased in active IBD and correlated with endoscopic and histological severity of inflammatory lesions. PAP localised to colonic Paneth cells. Incubation of mucosa from active Crohn¿s disease with PAP dose dependently reduced proinflammatory cytokines secretion. PAP prevented TNF-¿ induced NF¿B activation in monocytic, epithelial, and endothelial cells and reduced proinflammatory cytokine mRNA levels and adhesion molecule expression. Conclusions: PAP is synthesised by Paneth cells and is overexpressed in colonic tissue of active IBD. PAP inhibits NF¿B activation and downregulates cytokine production and adhesion molecule expression in inflamed tissue. It may represent an anti-inflammatory mechanism and new therapeutic strategy in IBD.


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The clinical data of 180 episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in 168 patients with cirrhosis of the liver are examined. The source of bleeding had been determined by early endoscopy in all cases. In men under the age of 50 years, and without symptoms of liver failure, bleeding was due to ruptured gastro-oesophageal varices in 84% of cases. Severe liver failure was associated with acute lesions of gastric mucosa in many cases. No presumptive diagnosis of the source of haemorrhage could be based on the examination of other clinical data (presence of ascites, mode of presentation and pattern of bleeding, history of ulcer disease, alcoholism, and previous medication.


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En este trabajo se presenta una revisión bibliográfica actualizada sobre lesiones precancerosas y cáncer de la mucosa oral, presentando datos epidemiológicos correspondientes a España y Portugal. Por otro lado, se justifica el papel fundamental y la responsabilidad del odontólogo/estomatólogo en el diagnóstico precoz y la prevención de esta patología.


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El tratamiento de los tumores de la cavidad bucal incluye en la mayoría de los casos la combinación de cirugía y radioterapia. Dentro de las secuelas de la radioterapia de la región cervicofacial podemos distinguir efectos agudos como radiodermitis, mucositis e hiposialia,y efectos tardios como necrosis cutánea, mucosa y ósea.La necrosis ósea u osteorradionecrosis es la complicación más severa de la radioterapia cervicofacial, siendo la mandibula la zona de la cavidad bucal que presenta una mayor incidencia. En este artículo presentamos una revisión bibliográfica de los efectos secundarios de la irradiación en la región de cabeza y cuello, haciendo especial hincapié en la osteorradionecrosis, describiendo su fisiopatología, clínica,diagnóstico,tratamiento y medidas preventivas encaminadas a minimizar o evitar esta patología.


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Se lleva a cabo un ensayo clínico en un grupo de 72 pacientes no hipertensos seleccionados entre los pacientes de un gabinete odontoestomatológico a fin de intentar determinar si la utilización de irrigadores de bicarbonato y la consiguiente sobrecarga de sodio, absorbido a través de la mucosa bucal y del surco gingival, son capaces de originar aumentos significativos de la presión arterial en los pacientes. Secundariamente trataremos de determinar si el grado de enfermedad periodontal que presenten los sujetos es un factor determinante en las posibles modificaciones que se puedan producir. De los resultados obtenidos podemos afirmar que la absorción del sodio proyectado por los irrigadores no es capaz de traducirse en alteraciones significativas de la presión arterial de los pacientes y que las modificaciones que se aprecian en la misma durante el tratamiento serían mayormente consecuencia del stress que originamos al paciente. El grado de enfermedad periodontal tampoco parece influir especialmente en las modificaciones tensionales.


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La estomatitis protésica es una inflamación crónica de la mucosa oral debida al contacto con una prótesis extraible. Es un proceso difícil de controlar en los pacientes portadores de este tipo de prótesis. La patología involucra diferentes factores predisponentes, y el más importante de ellos es la presencia de Candida. En el presente artículo se describe el manejo del paciente y las dificultades de los tratamientos actuales para eliminar de las prótesis y de la mucosa oral los residuos fúngicos. Se concluye que los hábitos de higiene oral y personal en pacientes portadores de prótesis extraible son los métodos principales para evitar la aparición de la patología. Una vez instaurada, podemos controlar al paciente con medidas higiénicas y agentes antifúngicos, pero debemos ser conscientes de las limitaciones terapéuticas ante los depósitos de Candidade las prótesis. En algunos casos puede estar indicada la sustitución de la prótesis por una nueva.


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Introduction: Minor salivary gland tumors (MSGTs) are infrequent, representing 10-15% of all salivary neoplasms. Despite this low frequency, MSGTs conform a heterogeneous group of neoplasms characterized by a broad range of histological types. Patients and method: We identified cases of MSGT in a retrospective study of the biopsies made in the period 1997-2007 in the Service of Oral Surgery (Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona, Spain). The data collected comprised patient age and sex, the clinical characteristics and location of the tumor, the duration of the lesion, its size, the treatment provided, and the histopathological findings. Results: Of the 18 cases of MSGT studied, 12 corresponded to women (66.7%) and 6 to men (33.3%). The great majority (94.4%) were benign tumors. The preferential location was the posterior third of the hard palate (33.2%), followed by the soft palate (16.7%) and the mucosa of the upper lip (16.7%). The histopathological diagnoses of our MSGTs comprised 10 pleomorphic adenomas (55.3%), 2 cystadenomas (11.1%), 1 myoepithelioma (5.6%), 1 sialadenoma papilliferum (5.6%), 1 basal cell adenoma (5.6%), 1 Warthin"s tumor (5.6%), 1 canalicular adenoma (5.6%), and 1 low-grade polymorphic adenocarcinoma (5.6%). Discussion and conclusions: Coinciding with our own results, the literature describes a high recurrence rate for MSGTs (5-30%) when surgical removal is incomplete. Six percent of all benign minor salivary gland tumors are considered to relapse, versus 65% of all malignant lesions. Periodic clinical controls are required, since the possibility of malignant transformation must be taken into account


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The present study describes some of the applications of ultrasound in bone surgery, based on the presentation of two clinical cases. The Piezosurgery® ultrasound device was used (Tecnología Mectron Medical, Carasco, Italy). In one case the instrument was used to harvest a chin bone graft for placement in a bone defect at level 1.2, while in the other case a bony window osteotomy was made in the external wall of the maxillary sinus, in the context of a sinus membrane lift procedure. The Piezosurgery® device produces specific ultrasound frequency modulation (25-29 kHz), and has been designed to secure increased precision in application to bone surgery. This instrument produces selective sectioning of the mineralized bone structures, and causes less intra- and postoperative bleeding. One of the advantages of the Piezosurgery® device is that it can be used for maxillary sinus lift procedures in dental implant placement. In this context it considerably lessens the risk of sinus mucosa laceration by preparing the bony window in the external wall of the upper maxilla, and can be used to complete the lifting maneuver. The use of ultrasound in application to hard tissues can be regarded as a slow technique compared with the conventional rotary instruments, since it requires special surgical skill and involves a certain learning curve.


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Forty-three patients with cirrhosis and ascites, 21 with normal renal function, 10 with a progressive functional renal failure (FRF), and 12 with a steady FRF, were investigated for the presence of endotoxaemia by the Limulus lysate test. Endotoxaemia was found in nine patients with FRF and in none of the 21 with normal renal function (P less than 0-01). A positive Limulus test was almost exclusively associated with a progressive FRF (eight of 10 patients) and all but one of them died. Renal function improved as endotoxaemia disappeared in the survivor. Endotoxaemia was also associated with haemorrhage due to acute erosions of the gastric mucosa, being present in six of the seven patients who had this complication. Intravascular coagulation was not found in any patient. The Limulus test was positive in the ascitic fluid in 18 of 21 patients tested, although only two of them had peritonitis. These results suggest that endotoxaemia may play a critical role in the development of progressive renal failure and haemorrhagic gastritis in cirrhosis, and emphasise the potential risk of procedures involving reinfusion of ascitic fluid.


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We present a double-blind study in two groups afflicted with oral lichen planus erythematous of long evolution and resistant to other treatments. We tested on it a treatment with Cyclosporine A (CyA) which had been successfully used before by many dermatologists. In the group A we used mouthwashes with a 5 ml Cyclosporine A solution to a 10% in olive oil of 0.4 degrees of acidity for five minutes, three times a day for eight weeks. In the control group we used acetonide of triamcinolone 01% in aqueous solution. Patients in group A improved considerably in their symptomatology in a 90% against a 60% in group B. In group A we could appreciate a disappearance of the symptomatology after two weeks of treatment in 60% of patients against 30% in group B. CyA can be an alternative to the conventional treatments in the acute period of lichen planus although it can not be considered as a first option drug because of the high cost of the treatment. For long term, results are not so good and we consider that extensive studies are necessary


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Tuberous sclerosis (TS) or Bourneville"s disease is a rare, multisystemic genetic disorder. It involves alterations to ectodermal and mesodermal cell differentiation and proliferation, causing benign hamartomatous tumors, neurofibromas and angiofibromas in the brain and other vital organs including the kidney, heart, eyes, lungs, skin and mucosa. It also affects the central nervous system and produces neurological dysfunctions such as seizures, mental retardation and behavior disorders. Tuberous (rootshaped) growths develop in the brain, and calcify over time, becoming hard and sclerotic, hence the name given to the disease. Although inheritance is autosomal dominant, 60-70% of cases occur through spontaneous mutations. The disease is related to some mutations or alterations in two genes, named TSC1 and TSC2. Discovered in 1997, TSC1 is located on chromosome 9q34 and produces a protein called hamartin. TSC2, discovered in 1993, is located on chromosome 16p13 and produces a protein called tuberin. The prevalence of the disease is 1/6000-10,000 live newborns, and it is estimated that there are 1-2 million sufferers worldwide. This paper presents a literature review and a family case report of a mother and two of her daughters with oral features of TS


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Objectives: The objective of the present study is to assess whether a good buccodental status (evaluated by means of dentogingival indices), is associated with a lower incidence and severity of oral mucositis in patients with hematological diseases who receive treatment with chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant. Study design: The study was carried out on 97 patients admitted to the Hematology Service of the Hospital Duran y Reynals in Barcelona during 2002-2003. These patients received treatment with chemotherapy or conditioning prior to bone marrow transplant. A descriptive study was made, analyzing oral hygiene, one dental index, and two gingivales indices, and evaluating their relationship with the appearance of mucositis. Results: The patients with high plaque (PI) and gingival (GI) indices during chemotherapy presented a higher percentage of mucositis (77.4% and 65.7% respectively) against those who had little or no visible plaque. In the case of the PI, the differences were statistically significant (p=0.015). Likewise, patients who brushed their teeth 3 times/day presented mucositis in only 26.7% of cases, against those who did not brush, or brushed only once a day (65.9% and 68.4%), these differences also being statistically significant (p=0.013). The CAO showed similar results in patients with or without mucositis (7.59 and 7.03 respectively). Conclusions: In our study, a good gingival status as well as good oral hygiene during chemoradiotherapy is associated with a lower incidence and severity of mucositis.


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Objective: The aim of this in vitro experimental study was to perform histological evaluation of the thermal effect produced on soft tissue irradiated with CO2, Er,Cr:YSGG or diode lasers. Study design: Porcine oral mucosa samples were irradiated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser at 1 W with and without water / air spray, at 2 W with and without water / air spray, and at 4 W with water / air spray, with CO2 laser at 1 W, 2 W, 10 W, 20 W continuous mode and 20 W pulsed mode and diode laser at 2W, 5W, and 10W pulsed mode. The thermal effect was evaluated measuring the width of damaged tissue adjacent to the incision, stained positively for hyalinized tissue with Hematoxylin-Eosin and Masson Trichrome stains. Besides, histological changes in the irradiated tissue were described using subjective grading scales. Results: The evaluated lasers developed a wide range of thermal damage with significant differences between groups. The samples with lowest thermal effect were those irradiated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser using water / air spray, followed by CO2 and diode lasers. Conclusions: Emission parameters of each laser system may influence the thermal damage inflicted on the soft tissue, however, the wave length of each laser determines the absorption rate characteristics of every tissue and the thermal effect


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Desde que se realizó en España el primer trasplante hepático en el año 1984 los avances en la técnica quirúrgica y en los fármacos inmunosupresores empleados han producido un aumento en el número de pacientes trasplantados. El objetivo del presente estudio fue valorar el estado bucodental de los pacientes trasplantados hepáticos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de una muestra de pacientes que habían sido sometidos a un trasplante hepático en el Hospital Príncipes de España de la Ciudad Sanitaria y Universitaria de Bellvitge (L Hospitalet de Llobregat - Barcelona). Los datos recogidos fueron los de filiación, los de la historia médica general, los de la historia bucodental y los de la exploración intrabucal. En total fueron examinados 53 individuos, 28 hombres y 25 mujeres, con una edad media de 57,6 años. El tiempo medio del trasplante fue de 3 años y 9 meses. La causa más frecuente del trasplante hepático fue la cirrosis hepática por el virus de la hepatitis C (49,1%). Los inmunosupresores más utilizados fueron la ciclosporina y el tacrolimus. El índice CAOD de la muestra fue de 11,2. En cuanto a la patología periodontal, el 22% de los pacientes dentados presentaban agrandamiento gingival, la mitad de los dentados tenían recesiones gingivales y el 34% presentaban algún tipo de movilidad dentaria. A la exploración de la mucosa bucal, la patología más prevalente fue la lengua fisurada (39,6%), la lengua saburral (28,3%) y la xerostomía (18,9%). La patología bucodental de estos pacientes está relacionada con el uso de fármacos inmunosupresores y de otros factores tales como la falta de medidas preventivas. Los datos de este estudio demuestran que sería necesario instaurar tratamientos preventivos en este grupo de población