34 resultados para Leaf color
La práctica de la pintura figurativa nos obliga al estudio del comportamiento del color como sensación discreta; fruto de este conocimiento se desprende el procedimiento de la elaboración de la superficie como resultado de la integración de los colores. A su vez, la noción de color como estado de conciencia -como sensación- nos lleva a planteamientos que sobrepasan el ámbito de la representación.
Naive scale invariance is not a true property of natural images. Natural monochrome images possess a much richer geometrical structure, which is particularly well described in terms of multiscaling relations. This means that the pixels of a given image can be decomposed into sets, the fractal components of the image, with well-defined scaling exponents [Turiel and Parga, Neural Comput. 12, 763 (2000)]. Here it is shown that hyperspectral representations of natural scenes also exhibit multiscaling properties, observing the same kind of behavior. A precise measure of the informational relevance of the fractal components is also given, and it is shown that there are important differences between the intrinsically redundant red-green-blue system and the decorrelated one defined in Ruderman, Cronin, and Chiao [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 15, 2036 (1998)].
El presente artículo analiza la significación simbólica del color como manifestación de la Belleza divina en el Diarium spirituale (La revelación de los secretos, Kaslzfal-nsr2r) de RGzbihh Baqli ShirazT (m. 606/1209), uno de los grandes místicos del amor del sufismo persa. El diario de RGzbihan es un documento excepcional de la literatura sufí. Paul Nwyia ha descrito este texto como «único en el campo de La mística islámica, incluso de la literatura mística universal», y Henry Corbin era de la misma opinión. El diario de RGzbihari está lleno de visiones de asombrosa intensidad, y contiene encuentros extraordinarios con Dios, los ángeles, los profetas y los santos sufíes. A su vez, en el arte moderno, los Diarios de Paul Klee muestran la vigencia del sentido espiritual del color como una forma de visión interior.
Leaf litter inputs and retention play an important role in ecosystem functioning in forested streams. We examined colonization of leaves by microbes (bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and fauna in Fuirosos, an intermittent forested Mediterranean stream. Black poplar (Populus nigra) and plane (Platanus acerifolia) leaf packs were placed in the stream for 4 mo. We measured the biomasses and calculated the densities of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, meiofauna, and macroinvertebrates to determine their dynamics and potential interactions throughout the colonization process. Colonization was strongly correlated with hydrological variability (defined mainly by water temperature and discharge). The 1st week of colonization was characterized by hydrological stability and warm water temperatures, and allocation of C from microbial to invertebrate compartments on the leaf packs was rapid. Clumps of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) were retained by the leaf packs, and enhanced rapid colonization by microfauna and meiofaunal collector-gatherers (ostracods and copepods). After 2 wk, an autumnal flood caused a 20-fold increase in water flow. Higher discharge and lower water temperature caused FPOM-related fauna to drift away from the packs and modified the subsequent colonization sequence. Fungi showed the highest biomass, with similar values to those recorded at the beginning of the experiment. After 70 d of postflood colonization, fungi decreased to nearly 40% of the total C in the leaf packs, whereas invertebrates became more abundant and accounted for 60% of the C. Natural flood occurrence in Mediterranean streams could be a key factor in the colonization and processing of organic matter.
Presentem l'estudi taxonòmic dels représentants d'Euphorbia subsect. Esula a la Península Ibèrica. Prèviament, s'inclou un primer capítol dedicai a l'estudi de les epidermis foliars i un segon capítol sobre nombres cromosòmics...
Genetic variation at the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene is correlated with melanin color variation in many birds. Feral pigeons (Columba livia) show two major melanin-based colorations: a red coloration due to pheomelanic pigment and a black coloration due to eumelanic pigment. Furthermore, within each color type, feral pigeons display continuous variation in the amount of melanin pigment present in the feathers, with individuals varying from pure white to a full dark melanic color. Coloration is highly heritable and it has been suggested that it is under natural or sexual selection, or both. Our objective was to investigate whether MC1R allelic variants are associated with plumage color in feral pigeons.We sequenced 888 bp of the coding sequence of MC1R among pigeons varying both in the type, eumelanin or pheomelanin, and the amount of melanin in their feathers. We detected 10 non-synonymous substitutions and 2 synonymous substitution but none of them were associated with a plumage type. It remains possible that non-synonymous substitutions that influence coloration are present in the short MC1R fragment that we did not sequence but this seems unlikely because we analyzed the entire functionally important region of the gene.Our results show that color differences among feral pigeons are probably not attributable to amino acid variation at the MC1R locus. Therefore, variation in regulatory regions of MC1R or variation in other genes may be responsible for the color polymorphism of feral pigeons.
Photosynthetic activity of cereals has traditionally been studied using leaves, thus neglecting the role of other organs such as ears. Here, we studied the effects of water status and genotypes on the photosynthetic activity of the flag leaf blade and the ear of durum wheat. The various parameters related to the photosynthetic activity were analysed in relation to the total above-ground plant biomass and grain yield at maturity. Four local varieties plus two cultivars adapted to the semiarid areas of South Morocco were grown in pots in a greenhouse. Five different water treatments were maintained from the beginning of stem elongation to maturity, when shoot biomass and grain yield were recorded. The net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (T) of the ear and the flag leaf were measured at anthesis. In both organs these factors decreased significantly with water deficit, whereas the A/T and A/gs ratios increased. The genotype effect was also significant for all traits studied. Whole-organ photosynthesis was much higher in the ear than in the flag leaf in well-watered conditions. As water stress developed, photosynthesis decreased less in the ear than in the flag leaf. Whole-ear photosynthesis correlated better than flag leaf photosynthesis with biomass and yield. Nevertheless, the relationships of the whole flag leaf with biomass and yield improved as the water stress became more severe, suggesting a progressive shift of yield from sink to source limitation. For all water regimes the ratios A/gs and A/T of the ear also showed a higher (negative) correlation with both biomass and yield than those of the flag leaf. The results indicate that the ear has a greater photosynthetic role than the flag leaf in determining grain yield, not only in drought but also in the absence of stress.
The figurative painter accesses very complex levels of knowledge. To produce a painting requires, first, a deep analysis of the image of the reality and, afterwards, the study of the reconstruction of this reality. This is not about a process of copying, but a process of the comprehension of the concepts that appear in the representation. The drawing guides us in the process of the production of the surface and in the distribution of the colours that, after all, are the data with which the vision mechanism builds the visual reality. Knowing the colour and its behaviour have always been a requirement for the figurative painter. From that knowledge we can draw wider conclusions.
The compounds responsible for the colours and decorations in glass and glazed ceramics include: colouring agents (transition metal ions), pigments (micro-and nano-precipitates of compounds that either do not dissolve or recrystallize in the glassy matrix) and opacifiers (microcrystalline compounds with high light scattering capability). Their composition, structure and range of stability are highly dependent not only on the composition but also on the procedures followed to obtain them. Chemical composition of the colorants and crystallites may be obtained by means of SEM-EDX and WDX. Synchrotron Radiation micro-X-ray Diffraction has a small beam size adequate (10 to 50 microns footprint size) to obtain the structural information of crystalline compounds and high brilliance, optimal for determining the crystallites even when present in low amounts. In addition, in glass decorations the crystallites often appear forming thin layers (from 10 to 100 micrometers thick) and they show a depth dependent composition and crystal structure. Their nature and distribution across the glass/glazes decorations gives direct information on the technology of production and stability and may be related to the color and appearance. A selection of glass and glaze coloring agents and decorations are studied by means of SR-micro- XRD and SEM-EDX including: manganese brown, antimony yellow, red copper lusters and cobalt blue. The selection includes Medieval (Islamic, and Hispano Moresque) and renaissance tin glazed ceramics from the 10th to the 17th century AD.
A discussion is presented of daytime sky imaging and techniques that may be applied to the analysis of full-color sky images to infer cloud macrophysical properties. Descriptions of two different types of skyimaging systems developed by the authors are presented, one of which has been developed into a commercially available instrument. Retrievals of fractional sky cover from automated processing methods are compared to human retrievals, both from direct observations and visual analyses of sky images. Although some uncertainty exists in fractional sky cover retrievals from sky images, this uncertainty is no greater than that attached to human observations for the commercially available sky-imager retrievals. Thus, the application of automatic digital image processing techniques on sky images is a useful method to complement, or even replace, traditional human observations of sky cover and, potentially, cloud type. Additionally, the possibilities for inferring other cloud parameters such as cloud brokenness and solar obstruction further enhance the usefulness of sky imagers
Este artículo presenta los primeros resultados del estudio "Identificación de patologías causadas por el PVAc en bienes culturales" que se está realizando en la Sección de Conservación-Restauración de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Barcelona. El trabajo se basa en el estudio de obras originales que fueron tratadas con PVAc en los años 70-80 y pretende identificar los problemas que genera el PVAc en materiales de archivo, arqueológicos, pintura sobre tela, sobre madera y pintura mural. Tras el análisis de las obras originales, se han preparado muestras probeta que reproducen sus características, así como de adhesivos de PVAc comerciales y de uso específico en restauración. Éstas han sido analizadas antes y después de someterlas a dos fases consecutivas de envejecimiento acelerado. También se han analizado obras originales con PVAc aplicado hace aproximadamente 30 años. El artículo presenta los resultados de las mediciones de color y pH en las muestras probeta antes y después de la primera fase de envejecimiento acelerado y, también, en las muestras envejecidas de forma natural durante 10 años.
Este artículo presenta los primeros resultados del estudio "Identificación de patologías causadas por el PVAc en bienes culturales" que se está realizando en la Sección de Conservación-Restauración de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Barcelona. El trabajo se basa en el estudio de obras originales que fueron tratadas con PVAc en los años 70-80 y pretende identificar los problemas que genera el PVAc en materiales de archivo, arqueológicos, pintura sobre tela, sobre madera y pintura mural. Tras el análisis de las obras originales, se han preparado muestras probeta que reproducen sus características, así como de adhesivos de PVAc comerciales y de uso específico en restauración. Éstas han sido analizadas antes y después de someterlas a dos fases consecutivas de envejecimiento acelerado. También se han analizado obras originales con PVAc aplicado hace aproximadamente 30 años. El artículo presenta los resultados de las mediciones de color y pH en las muestras probeta antes y después de la primera fase de envejecimiento acelerado y, también, en las muestras envejecidas de forma natural durante 10 años.
Este artículo presenta los primeros resultados del estudio "Identificación de patologías causadas por el PVAc en bienes culturales" que se está realizando en la Sección de Conservación-Restauración de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Barcelona. El trabajo se basa en el estudio de obras originales que fueron tratadas con PVAc en los años 70-80 y pretende identificar los problemas que genera el PVAc en materiales de archivo, arqueológicos, pintura sobre tela, sobre madera y pintura mural. Tras el análisis de las obras originales, se han preparado muestras probeta que reproducen sus características, así como de adhesivos de PVAc comerciales y de uso específico en restauración. Éstas han sido analizadas antes y después de someterlas a dos fases consecutivas de envejecimiento acelerado. También se han analizado obras originales con PVAc aplicado hace aproximadamente 30 años. El artículo presenta los resultados de las mediciones de color y pH en las muestras probeta antes y después de la primera fase de envejecimiento acelerado y, también, en las muestras envejecidas de forma natural durante 10 años.
Este artículo presenta los primeros resultados del estudio "Identificación de patologías causadas por el PVAc en bienes culturales" que se está realizando en la Sección de Conservación-Restauración de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Barcelona. El trabajo se basa en el estudio de obras originales que fueron tratadas con PVAc en los años 70-80 y pretende identificar los problemas que genera el PVAc en materiales de archivo, arqueológicos, pintura sobre tela, sobre madera y pintura mural. Tras el análisis de las obras originales, se han preparado muestras probeta que reproducen sus características, así como de adhesivos de PVAc comerciales y de uso específico en restauración. Éstas han sido analizadas antes y después de someterlas a dos fases consecutivas de envejecimiento acelerado. También se han analizado obras originales con PVAc aplicado hace aproximadamente 30 años. El artículo presenta los resultados de las mediciones de color y pH en las muestras probeta antes y después de la primera fase de envejecimiento acelerado y, también, en las muestras envejecidas de forma natural durante 10 años.
A comparative survey was done in leafhopper populations captured in apricot orchards in two areas of Valencia, one with considerable natural spread of apricot chlorotic leaf roll (ACLR), and the other where such natural spread is virtually nonexistent. An identification of the leafhopper species found in the first and in the second area suggest that Neoaliturus haematoceps and/or Neoaliturus fertestratus are the potential vectors of ACLR, at least under the conditions of Valencia province. Psammotettix striatus and Austroagallia sinuata are potential secondary vextors of ACLR.