45 resultados para Larra, Mariano José de, 1809-1837
La caverna de José Saramago tiene como referencia indudable la imagen de la caverna del libro VII de la República de Platón, y, sin embargo, Saramago no és un escritor idealista o metafísico. Este artículo muestra cómo, aprovechando la aplicabilidad con que Platón dotó a su imagen, Saramago defiende la necesidad de saber recibir los mensajes de la tierra, de la materia, de no convertirnos en prisioneros en las cavernas doradas de la sociedad occidental, y de ser libres en la naturaleza, phýsis, y no lejos o más allá, metá, de ella.
The cave by José Saramago has as a certain reference the image of the cave of book VII of Plato's Republic and, however, Saramago is not an idealistic or metaphysical writer. This article, taking advantage of the applicability with which Plato endowed his image, defends the urge to be open to the messages sent by the earth, by matter, the urge not to become prisoners in the golden caves of the Western society and, finally, the urge to find our freedom in Nature, phýsis, and not far or beyond, metá, it.
La caverna de José Saramago tiene como referencia indudable la imagen de la caverna del libro VII de la República de Platón, y, sin embargo, Saramago no és un escritor idealista o metafísico. Este artículo muestra cómo, aprovechando la aplicabilidad con que Platón dotó a su imagen, Saramago defiende la necesidad de saber recibir los mensajes de la tierra, de la materia, de no convertirnos en prisioneros en las cavernas doradas de la sociedad occidental, y de ser libres en la naturaleza, phýsis, y no lejos o más allá, metá, de ella.
Currently, MVA virus vectors carrying HIV-1 genes are being developed as HIV-1/AIDS prophylactic/therapeutic vaccines. Nevertheless, little is known about the impact of these vectors on human dendritic cells (DC) and their capacity to present HIV-1 antigens to human HIV-specific T cells. This study aimed to characterize the interaction of MVA and MVA expressing the HIV-1 genes Env-Gag-Pol-Nef of clade B (referred to as MVA-B) in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and the subsequent processes of HIV-1 antigen presentation and activation of memory HIV-1-specific T lymphocytes. For these purposes, we performed ex vivo assays with MDDC and autologous lymphocytes from asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Infection of MDDC with MVA-B or MVA, at the optimal dose of 0.3 PFU/MDDC, induced by itself a moderate degree of maturation of MDDC, involving secretion of cytokines and chemokines (IL1-ra, IL-7, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, RANTES, IP-10, MIG, and IFN-α). MDDC infected with MVA or MVA-B and following a period of 48 h or 72 h of maturation were able to migrate toward CCL19 or CCL21 chemokine gradients. MVA-B infection induced apoptosis of the infected cells and the resulting apoptotic bodies were engulfed by the uninfected MDDC, which cross-presented HIV-1 antigens to autologous CD8+ T lymphocytes. MVA-B-infected MDDC co-cultured with autologous T lymphocytes induced a highly functional HIV-specific CD8+ T cell response including proliferation, secretion of IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, RANTES and IL-6, and strong cytotoxic activity against autologous HIV-1-infected CD4+ T lymphocytes. These results evidence the adjuvant role of the vector itself (MVA) and support the clinical development of prophylactic and therapeutic anti-HIV vaccines based on MVA-B.
Background: We investigated the change of prognosis in resected gastric cancer (RGC) patients and the role of radical surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. Methods: We retrospectively analyze the outcome of 426 consecutive patients from 1975 to 2002, divided into 2 time-periods (TP) cohort: Before 1990 (TP1, n = 207) and 1990 or after (TP2; n= 219). Partial gastrectomy and D1-lymphadenetomy was predominant in TP1 and total gastrectomy with D2-lymphadenectomy it was in TP2. Adjuvant chemotherapy consisted of mitomycin C (MMC), 10¿20 mg/m2 iv 4 courses or MMC plus Tegafur 500 mg/m2 for 6 months. Results: Positive nodes were similar in TP2/TP1 patients with 56%/59% respectively. Total gastrectomy was done in 56%/45% of TP2/TP1 respectively. Two-drug adjuvant chemotherapy was administered in 65%/18% of TP2/TP1 respectively. Survival at 5 years was 66% for TP2 versus 42%for TP1 patients (p < 0.0001). Survival by stages II, IIIA y IIIB for TP2 versus TP1 patients was 70 vs. 51% (p = 0.0132); 57 vs. 22% (p = 0.0008) y 30 vs. 15% (p = 0.2315) respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that age, stage of disease and period of treatment were independent variables. Conclusion: The global prognosis and that of some stages have improved in recent years with case RGC patients treated with surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy.
Currently, MVA virus vectors carrying HIV-1 genes are being developed as HIV-1/AIDS prophylactic/therapeutic vaccines. Nevertheless, little is known about the impact of these vectors on human dendritic cells (DC) and their capacity to present HIV-1 antigens to human HIV-specific T cells. This study aimed to characterize the interaction of MVA and MVA expressing the HIV-1 genes Env-Gag-Pol-Nef of clade B (referred to as MVA-B) in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and the subsequent processes of HIV-1 antigen presentation and activation of memory HIV-1-specific T lymphocytes. For these purposes, we performed ex vivo assays with MDDC and autologous lymphocytes from asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Infection of MDDC with MVA-B or MVA, at the optimal dose of 0.3 PFU/MDDC, induced by itself a moderate degree of maturation of MDDC, involving secretion of cytokines and chemokines (IL1-ra, IL-7, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, RANTES, IP-10, MIG, and IFN-α). MDDC infected with MVA or MVA-B and following a period of 48 h or 72 h of maturation were able to migrate toward CCL19 or CCL21 chemokine gradients. MVA-B infection induced apoptosis of the infected cells and the resulting apoptotic bodies were engulfed by the uninfected MDDC, which cross-presented HIV-1 antigens to autologous CD8+ T lymphocytes. MVA-B-infected MDDC co-cultured with autologous T lymphocytes induced a highly functional HIV-specific CD8+ T cell response including proliferation, secretion of IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, RANTES and IL-6, and strong cytotoxic activity against autologous HIV-1-infected CD4+ T lymphocytes. These results evidence the adjuvant role of the vector itself (MVA) and support the clinical development of prophylactic and therapeutic anti-HIV vaccines based on MVA-B.
Newborn mice carrying targeted mutations in genes encoding neurotrophins or their signaling Trk receptors display severe neuronal deficits in the peripheral nervous system but not in the CNS. In this study, we show that trkB (¿/¿) mice have a significant increase in apoptotic cell death in different regions of the brain during early postnatal life. The most affected region in the brain is the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, although elevated levels of pyknotic nuclei were also detected in cortical layers II and III and V and VI, the striatum, and the thalamus. Furthermore, axotomized hippocampal and motor neurons of trkB (¿/¿) mice have significantly lower survival rates than those of wild-type littermates. These results suggest that neurotrophin signaling through TrkB receptors plays a role in the survival of CNS neurons during postnatal development. Moreover, they indicate that TrkB receptor signaling protects subpopulations of CNS neurons from injury- and axotomy-induced cell death.
Recent studies have suggested a role for neurotrophins in the growth and refinement of neural connections, in dendritic growth, and in activity-dependent adult plasticity. To unravel the role of endogenous neurotrophins in the development of neural connections in the CNS, we studied the ontogeny of hippocampal afferents intrkB (¿/¿) and trkC (¿/¿) mice. Injections of lipophilic tracers in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus of newborn mutant mice showed that the ingrowth of entorhinal and commissural/associational afferents to the hippocampus was not affected by these mutations. Similarly, injections of biocytin in postnatal mutant mice (P10¿P16) did not reveal major differences in the topographic patterns of hippocampal connections. In contrast, quantification of biocytin-filled axons showed that commissural and entorhinal afferents have a reduced number of axon collaterals (21¿49%) and decreased densities of axonal varicosities (8¿17%) in both trkB (¿/¿) and trkC (¿/¿) mice. In addition, electron microscopic analyses showed thattrkB (¿/¿) and trkC (¿/¿) mice have lower densities of synaptic contacts and important structural alterations of presynaptic boutons, such as decreased density of synaptic vesicles. Finally, immunocytochemical studies revealed a reduced expression of the synaptic-associated proteins responsible for synaptic vesicle exocytosis and neurotransmitter release (v-SNAREs and t-SNAREs), especially in trkB (¿/¿) mice. We conclude that neither trkB nor trkC genes are essential for the ingrowth or layer-specific targeting of hippocampal connections, although the lack of these receptors results in reduced axonal arborization and synaptic density, which indicates a role for TrkB and TrkC receptors in the developmental regulation of synaptic inputs in the CNS in vivo. The data also suggest that the genes encoding for synaptic proteins may be targets of TrkB and TrkC signaling pathways.
Dentro de la serie de Urgoiti Editores sobre los grandes nombres de la ciencia histórica en España, se publica la tercera obra dedicada a los arqueólogos y prehistoriadores de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Tras los estudios de Jordi Cortadella sobre Pere Bosch Gimpera (1981-1974) y Fernando Wulff sobre Adolf Schulten (1870-1960), y a la espera del trabajo de Gloria Mora sobre Hugo Obermaier (1877-1946), ve la luz el estudio que Margarita Díaz Andreu ha dedicado a una de las figuras más nombradas, pero a la par más desconocidas, de la arqueología española: José Ramón Mélida y Alinari (1856-1933).
Este libro es un nuevo fascículo del volumen I del proyecto CSIR-España, que a modo de corpus reúne, con carácter general y de modo minuciosamente sistemático, los sarcófagos romanos decorados de Andalucía, cuyo mayor número ya había sido objeto de publicación. La investigación histórica e iconográfica sobre los sarcófagos hispanos (en especial para los ejemplares paleocristianos) es deudora fundamentalmente de los estudios realizados por Sotomayor (1966: 77-99; 1975) y, más recientemente, por Koch (2000), además de dos de los autores que firman este trabajo, que en los últimos años se han detenido metódicamente sobre los sarcófagos béticos de tema profano (Beltrán, 1999; Rodríguez Oliva, 2001: 107-127).
ESTE LIBRO describe la historia de la Revista Comercial Ibero- Americana MERCURIO, la publicación barcelonesa que salió a la luz en diciembre de 1901, poco después de la pérdida de las últimas colonias (Cuba, Puerto Rico y Filipinas),y que dejó de aparecer a mediados del año 1938, en plena Guerra Civil española. Elfundador de esta revista fue José Puigdollers Macià, un importante empresario quetambién se hizo cargo del Crédito Ibero-Americano desde finales del siglo XIX. Durante los primeros años de edición, la revista se identificó por su carácter mensual, pero desde 1907 comenzó a aparecer semanalmente al dividirse entre la Edición Ilustrada y la Edición Comercial y de Transportes. La Edición Ilustrada fue posible gracias a los directores Federico Rahola Trèmols, Mariano Viada Lluch y Rafael Vehils Grau-Bolívar,y al director artístico Pere Casas Abarca. La Edición Comercial y de Transportes, por su parte, quedó en manos de los directores Simeón Mugüerza Sanz y Mariano Viada Viada.MERCURIO divulgó importantes contribuciones de más de 800 autores y autoras quecolaboraron con la revista. La encargada de resguardar las fuentes bibliográficas y hemerográficas fue María del Carmen Vehils Grau-Bolívar. El libro incluye el índice de los artículos publicados por MERCURIO entre 1901 y 1938.
Piñera vivió en los márgenes, tanto en su vida en La Habana o en Buenos Aires como en su condición de escritor y crítico –no se sintió cómodo en ninguna de las revistas en las que trabajó, ni en Orígenes, ni en Sur, ni en Espuela de plata-; esto es, en los márgenes de la literatura establecida y canónica del momento.Piñera fue un constante provocador en sus poesías, cuentos, obras teatrales, ensayos o como crítico de arte. Pero lo que más sorprende de este eterno inconformista es su conducta inquebrantable. Las siguientes declaraciones de Piñera, efectuadas en “Las plumas respetuosas”, en Revolución, definen su conducta...
In this project we present some background data about José Luis Sampedro and his works to point out the main reasons why we should translate them. We then offer a translation proposal for some selected chapters of the book La sonrisa etrusca in order to suggest a hypothetical translation job.