55 resultados para Issachar Work Israel Tribal life Wage earning.


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[spa] Este texto forma parte de un proyecto de investigación Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que nos planteamos explorar los cambios los ámbitos de la legislación, laorganización institucional, la investigación, la gestión y la docencia en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo del estudio era profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Estapublicación recoge la 24 historias de vida profesional realizas con o sobre otros tantos docentes universitarios. Sus relatos analizados y contextualizados, significan una contribución significativa al conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, a nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.


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[spa] Este texto forma parte de un proyecto de investigación Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que nos planteamos explorar los cambios los ámbitos de la legislación, laorganización institucional, la investigación, la gestión y la docencia en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo del estudio era profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Estapublicación recoge la 24 historias de vida profesional realizas con o sobre otros tantos docentes universitarios. Sus relatos analizados y contextualizados, significan una contribución significativa al conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, a nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.


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Aquest treball de final de grau, té com objectiu realitzar un estat de la qüestió sobre tots els estudis i treballs realitzats, al voltant de la figura de lâartista María Gutiérrez Blanchard. Dâuna banda, sâha buscat tota la bibliografia existent sobre ella, fent un recompte del total de les obres i comentant els anys de publicació. A més, sâha analitzat totes les que sâhan pogut consultar; presentant les aportacions, coincidències i dissidències que hi ha entre elles. Per una altra banda, i a partir de les informacions llegides en la bibliografia sobre lâartista, sâha buscat la presència que té aquesta en les publicacions sobre els moviments, escoles o artistes ,amb els que va tenir algun vincle o relació (Escola de París, cubisme, Juan Gris i art i gènere), en els diccionaris i enciclopèdies dâhistòria de lâart i en diferents documents electrònics.. Aquesta comparació de diferents treballs, mâha donat lâoportunitat de veure les aportacions o punts positius de tots ells, per tal de conèixer a María Gutiérrez Blanchard i la seva obra; però també, mâha permès ser conscient de les mancances o punts negatius, i així adonar-me que encara queda molta feina per a fer, per tal de conèixer a fons la seva figura. Cal destacar, el punt de vista masclista des del que sâha analitzat lâobra dâaquesta artista, establint un forta connexió entre la seva obra i la vida personal (malformació física). .Aquest punt de vista ha estat fortament criticat, principalment durant els darrers anys, des de la bibliografia dâart i gènere, especialment per Xon de Ros, que aporta reflexions molt interessants.


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Los estudios sobre el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) para organizar el trabajo y sobre su incidencia en la conciliación entre vida laboral y familiar arrojan resultados ambiguos o contradictorios. Sin embargo, la aparición y la difusión de TIC inalámbricas están provocando intensos cambios en las prácticassociales, incluidas las relaciones entre vida personal y trabajo. Mediante entrevistas en profundidad, un grupo de padres en situaciones laborales diversas han reflexionado sobre cómo utilizan el potencial de movilidad, conectividad y flexibilidad que les ofrecen las nuevas TIC y sobre cómo modula dicho uso la implicación de los hombres en su rol de padres. En línea con trabajos realizados en otros países, los resultados preliminares sugieren que el papel que se atribuye a las TIC como herramientas para la emancipación del rol de género de los hombres mediante su mayor implicación en el cuidado material y afectivo de los hijos depende muchas veces de factores ajenos al uso de estas tecnologías: motivación personal, actitud y percepción de la pareja respecto a la competencia hombre para ejercer de padre, o macro y micro políticas de conciliación existentes en las organizaciones.


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Presentation at: II IAS Annual Research Programme International ConferenceSession: Governing Regions, Lancaster Setember 17-19 2007


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In the first part of this paper we try to test the relationship between mothers earnings, fertility and children's work in the Spanish (Catalan) context of the first third of the 20th century. Specific human capital investment of adult working women had as an outcome the sharp increase of their real wage and also the increase of the opportunity cost of time devoted to house work including child rearing. Fertility evolution is endogenous to the model and decreases as a result of women real wage increases. Human capital investment of labouring women and mandatory schooling of children shift the labour supply function to a new steady state in which the slope is steeper. According to recent papers this model applies to 20th century Spain and it causes the abolition of children's work. Nonetheless the model do not apply to 20th century Latin America. Despite the positive evolution of literacy and life expectancy in this region, other factors involved poor results of the educational human capital investment. In this paper we remark the role of the increasing share of the informal sector of the economy ruled on the bases of women's and children's work. Second we stress the role of high income inequality evolution and endogamic school supplies to explain the limits of increasing literacy on more remarkable human capital improvements.


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The aim of this article is to show the classical parameters of Shadowlands by R. Attenborough, with a screenplay by W. Nicholson, on C. S. Lewis's life and work. Based upon an accurate reading of Lewis's works, the author of this article proposes to interpret the opposition Lewis / Gresham as the translation into the real life of the opposition between the Platonic or idealistic and the Aristotelian or materialistic temperaments which was already maintained by Coleridge. In any case, there are many classical references which must be taken into account in order to understand to what extent C. S. Lewis's Christianity is also a classic Christianity, that is, a Greek and Latin one.


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In recent years, we have seen how the quality of work life has been focused and defined by the European Commission (EC). In our study we compare the EC definition with the academic one and try to see how close they are. We also analyse the possibility of applying the institutional definition to the Spanish case through the development of specific indicators. Our main conclusions are that QWL is increasingly important for policy makers. In addition, it is essential to have objective indicators and to conduct surveys in order to reliably measure QWL.


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ABSTRACT The measure and estimation of income levels in Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA) goes back a long way. Using different approaches and focusing on different municipalities, there is a lot of work in the field. The majority of the literature has focused on the estimation of income levels using variables related to consumption. The empirical evidence on wage differentials has shown an important growth during 80âs and 90âs especially in United Kingdom and USA. Less is known on spatial distribution of inequality. This paper presents a new data set for analyzing spatial distribution of wage income. This data is obtained by matching Wage Structure Survey (WSS) with data from Census disaggregated by census tracts. In this way we have a unique data set with wage incomes for every census track for 36 municipalities belonging to BMA. We develop a descriptive analysis of spatial distribution, testing for spatial autocorrelation and use the family of Generalised Entropy Indices to measure inequality. Properties of the index allow us to decompose inequality into inter and intra-municipality measures. Since we have two cross-sectional data for WSS (1995-2002) we can also analyze the evolution of the inequality in this period of economic growth. Key words: spatial distribution of wages, spatial autocorrelation, inequality indices.


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This paper examines the impact of local human capital on individualsâ wages through external effects. Employing wage regressions, it is found that changes in individualsâ wages are positively associated with changes in the shares of high-paid occupation workers in the British travel-to-work-areas for the late 1990s. I examine this positive association for different occupational groups (defined by pay) in order to disentangle between production function and consumer demand driven theoretical explanations. The wage effect is found to be stronger and significant for the bottom-paid occupational quintile compared to the middle-paid ones, and using also sectoral controls the paper argues to provide evidence for the existence of consumer demand effects.


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This paper analyses the extent to which individual and workplacecharacteristics and regional policies influence the use and duration ofparental leave in Spain. The research is based on a sample of 125,165people, and 6,959 parental leaves stemming from the â˜Sample ofWorking Life Historiesâ (SWLH), 2006. The SWLH consists of administrative register data which include information from threedifferent sources: Social Security, Municipality and Income TaxRegisters. We adopt a simultaneous equations approach to analyse theuse (logistic regression) and duration (event history analysis) ofparental leave, which allows us to control for endogeneity and censoredobservations. We argue that the Spanish parental leave scheme increases gender and social inequalities insofar as reinforces genderrole specialization, and only encourages the reconciling of work andfamily life among workers with a good position in the labour market(educated employees with high and stable working status).


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The general objective of the study was to empirically test a reciprocal model of job satisfaction and life satisfaction while controlling for some social demographic variables. 827 employees working in 34 car dealerships in Northern Quebec (56% responses rate) were surveyed. The multiple item questionnaires were analysed using correlation analysis, chi square and ANOVAs. Results show interesting patterns emerging for the relationships between job and life satisfaction of which 49.2% of all individuals have spillover, 43.5% compensation, and 7.3% segmentation type of relationships. Results, nonetheless, are far richer and the model becomes much more refined when social demographic indicators are taken into account. Globally, social demographic variables demonstrate some effects on each satisfaction individually but also on the interrelation (nature of the relations) between life and work satisfaction.


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The standard New Keynesian model with staggered wage settingis shown to imply a simple dynamic relation between wage inflationand unemployment. Under some assumptions, that relation takes aform similar to that found in empirical wage equations-starting fromPhillips' (1958) original work-and may thus be viewed as providingsome theoretical foundations to the latter. The structural wage equation derived here is shown to account reasonably well for the comovement of wage inflation and the unemployment rate in the U.S. economy, even under the strong assumption of a constant natural rate ofunemployment.


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Does the labor market place wage premia on jobs that involve physical strain,job, insecurity or bad regulation of hours? This paper derives bounds on themonetary returns to these job disamenities in the West German labor market.We show that in a market with dispersion in both job characteristics andwages, the average wage change of workers who switch jobs voluntarily and optfor consuming more (less) disamenities,provides an upper (lower) bound on themarket return to the disamenity. Using longitudinal information from workersin the German Socio Economic Panel, we estimate an upper bound of 5% and alower bound of 3.5% for the market return to work strain in a job.


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The experiential sampling method (ESM) was used to collect data from 74 parttimestudents who described and assessed the risks involved in their current activitieswhen interrupted at random moments by text messages. The major categories ofperceived risk were short-term in nature and involved loss of time or materials relatedto work and physical damage (e.g., from transportation). Using techniques of multilevelanalysis, we demonstrate effects of gender, emotional state, and types of risk onassessments of risk. Specifically, females do not differ from males in assessing thepotential severity of risks but they see these as more likely to occur. Also, participantsassessed risks to be lower when in more positive self-reported emotional states. Wefurther demonstrate the potential of ESM by showing that risk assessments associatedwith current actions exceed those made retrospectively. We conclude by notingadvantages and disadvantages of ESM for collecting data about risk perceptions.