23 resultados para Isoterma de Curie


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The gibbon genome exhibits extensive karyotypic diversity with an increased rate of chromosomal rearrangements during evolution. In an effort to understand the mechanistic origin and implications of these rearrangement events, we sequenced 24 synteny breakpoint regions in the white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys, NLE) in the form of high-quality BAC insert sequences (4.2 Mbp). While there is a significant deficit of breakpoints in genes, we identified seven human gene structures involved in signaling pathways (DEPDC4, GNG10), phospholipid metabolism (ENPP5, PLSCR2), beta-oxidation (ECH1), cellular structure and transport (HEATR4), and transcription (ZNF461), that have been disrupted in the NLE gibbon lineage. Notably, only three of these genes show the expected evolutionary signatures of pseudogenization. Sequence analysis of the breakpoints suggested both nonclassical nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and replication-based mechanisms of rearrangement. A substantial number (11/24) of human-NLE gibbon breakpoints showed new insertions of gibbon-specific repeats and mosaic structures formed from disparate sequences including segmental duplications, LINE, SINE, and LTR elements. Analysis of these sites provides a model for a replication-dependent repair mechanism for double-strand breaks (DSBs) at rearrangement sites and insights into the structure and formation of primate segmental duplications at sites of genomic rearrangements during evolution.


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Duplicated sequences are substrates for the emergence of new genes and are an important source of genetic instability associated with rare and common diseases. Analyses of primate genomes have shown an increase in the proportion of interspersed segmental duplications (SDs) within the genomes of humans and great apes. This contrasts with other mammalian genomes that seem to have their recently duplicated sequences organized in a tandem configuration. In this review, we focus on the mechanistic origin and impact of this difference with respect to evolution, genetic diversity and primate phenotype. Although many genomes will be sequenced in the future, resolution of this aspect of genomic architecture still requires high quality sequences and detailed analyses.


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The Heusler alloy Ni50 Mn37 Sn13 was successfully produced as ribbon flakes of thickness around 7-10 μm melt spinning. Fracture cross section micrographs in the ribbon show the formation of a microcrystalline columnarlike microstructure, with their longer axes perpendicular to the ribbon plane. Phase transition temperatures of the martensite-austenite transformation were found to be MS =218 K, Mf =207 K, AS =224 K, and Af =232 K; the thermal hysteresis of the transformation is 15 K. Ferromagnetic L 21 bcc austenite phase shows a Curie point of 313 K, with cell parameter a=0.5971 (5) nm at 298 K, transforming into a modulated 7M orthorhombic martensite with a=0.6121 (7) nm, b=0.6058 (8) nm, and c=0.5660 (2) nm, at 150 K


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BACKGROUND: Candida glabrata follows C. albicans as the second or third most prevalent cause of candidemia worldwide. These two pathogenic yeasts are distantly related, C. glabrata being part of the Nakaseomyces, a group more closely related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although C. glabrata was thought to be the only pathogenic Nakaseomyces, two new pathogens have recently been described within this group: C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis. To gain insight into the genomic changes underlying the emergence of virulence, we sequenced the genomes of these two, and three other non-pathogenic Nakaseomyces, and compared them to other sequenced yeasts. RESULTS: Our results indicate that the two new pathogens are more closely related to the non-pathogenic N. delphensis than to C. glabrata. We uncover duplications and accelerated evolution that specifically affected genes in the lineage preceding the group containing N. delphensis and the three pathogens, which may provide clues to the higher propensity of this group to infect humans. Finally, the number of Epa-like adhesins is specifically enriched in the pathogens, particularly in C. glabrata. CONCLUSIONS: Remarkably, some features thought to be the result of adaptation of C. glabrata to a pathogenic lifestyle, are present throughout the Nakaseomyces, indicating these are rather ancient adaptations to other environments. Phylogeny suggests that human pathogenesis evolved several times, independently within the clade. The expansion of the EPA gene family in pathogens establishes an evolutionary link between adhesion and virulence phenotypes. Our analyses thus shed light onto the relationships between virulence and the recent genomic changes that occurred within the Nakaseomyces.


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El límite altitudinal del bosque y los pastos alpinos forman los límites inferior y superior del ecotono bosque subalpino-pastos alpinos, respectivamente. El objetivo es la descripción espacial de este ecotono, en un sitio poco afectado por perturbaciones humanas locales (Tessó, 42° 36' N, 01° 03' E), para inferir los procesos que generaron su estructura espacial. Este ecotono está compuesto por Pinus uncinata y su límite altitudinal se sitúa a -2350 m snm. Se midieron la localización (coordenadas x e y) y varias características (diámetros en la base -Db- y a 1,3 m -Dbh-, altura, edad estimada, etc.) para cada árbol dentro de una parcela rectangular (30 m x 140 m) paralela a la máxima pendiente y cruzando el ecotono. La estructura espacial se describió mediante cuatro grupos de técnicas:(i) análisis del patrón de puntos, (ii) análisis del patrón de superficies, (iii) detección y descripción de fronteras (lattice-wombling), y (iv) ordenación de 115 cuadrados de 6 m x 6 m en que se subdividió la parcela de acuerdo a su posición en el ecotono y al tipo de individuos de P. uncinata (adultos, jóvenes, vástagos, plántulas y muertos) y de plantas (arbustos y herbáceas) que contenían. El límite del bosque se sitúa bajo el límite forestal potencial marcado por la isoterma de 10 ºC para la temperatura media del mes más cálido. A lo largo de la pendiente, las plántulas de P. uncinata aparecen por encima del límite del árbol, donde predomina Dryas octopetala, mientras que los individuos grandes (adultos) aparecen cerca o dentro del bosque, con un sotobosque dominado por densas matas de Rhododendron ferrugineum acompañadas por Vaccinium myrtillus sobre un sustrato de materia orgánica. La ordenación confirma estos resultados colocando a los individuos muertos en una posición intermedia. La variación a lo largo del ecotono de diversas variables ...


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Los aludes son fenómenos recurrentes que se producen con una gran variedad de situaciones nivo-meteorológicas. Las actuaciones para minimizar el riesgo son básicamente dos: la predicción temporal (boletín del peligro de aludes), que hay que mantener, y la predicción en el espacio (cartografías). El riesgo de ser afectado por un alud se percibe con total indefensión por la población cuando un alud de gran magnitud impacta sobre un edificio o una infraestructura. Por tanto, es necesaria una legislación del uso de suelo que obligue a considerar los riesgos naturales en la calificación de suelos no urbanizables, basada en mapas de inventario y peligrosidad. Así se puede proteger a la población no especialista frente a las amenazas naturales extremas. Respecto al cambio climático, el IPCC, en su Tercer Informe de Evaluación expone una serie de probables escenarios de cambio climático a escala global. En todos ellos se concluye que muy probablemente las temperaturas mínimas serán más altas (irán en aumento), habrá menos días fríos, días de heladas y olas de frío en casi todas las zonas continentales. esto va a conllevar la elevación de la isoterma de 0ºC hacia mayores altitudes y, por lo tanto, la elevación del límite del manto nivoso continuo durante el invierno hacia mayores altitudes. Respecto a la precipitación y también a escala global, no se puede concluir que vaya a haber un incremento positivo de los eventos de temporal extremos, por lo que no se puede concluir que vaya a haber una variación del número de aludes extremos. Respecto al riesgo futuro, en el mejor de los casos se van a seguir produciendo aludes de la misma o mayor magnitud y en los mismos lugares. El deterioro del bosque de protección es muy probable, por lo será necesaria una buena gestión forestal. La minimización del riesgo deberá basarse en una buena legislación y una buena gestión territorial.


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Using a Ginzburg-Landau model for the magnetic degrees of freedom with coupling to disorder, we demonstrate through simulations the existence of stripelike magnetic precursors recently observed in Co-Ni-Al alloys above the Curie temperature. We characterize these magnetic modulations by means of the temperature dependence of local magnetization distribution, magnetized volume fraction, and magnetic susceptibility. We also obtain a temperature-disorder strength phase diagram in which a magnetic tweed phase exists in a small region between the paramagnetic and dipolar phases.


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Based on experimental observations of modulated magnetic patterns in a Co0.5Ni0.205Ga0.295 alloy, we propose a model to describe a (purely) magnetic tweed and a magnetoelastic tweed. The former arises above the Curie (or Nel) temperature due to magnetic disorder. The latter results from compositional fluctuations coupling to strain and then to magnetism through the magnetoelastic interaction above the structural transition temperature. We discuss the origin of purely magnetic and magnetoelastic precursor modulations and their experimental thermodynamic signatures.