51 resultados para Informative Censoring
This paper study repeated games where the time repetitions of the stage game are not known or controlled by the players. We call this feature random monitoring. Kawamori's (2004) shows that perfect random monitoring is always better than the canonical case. Surprisingly, when the monitoring is public, the result is less clear-cut and does not generalize in a straightforward way. Unless the public signals are sufficiently informative about player's actions and/or players are patient enough. In addition to a discount effect, that tends to consistently favor the provision of incentives, we found an information effect, associated with the time uncertainty on the distribution of public signals. Whether payoff improvements are or not possible, depends crucially on the direction and strength of these effects. JEL: C73, D82, D86. KEYWORDS: Repeated Games, Frequent Monitoring, Random Public Monitoring, Moral Hazard, Stochastic Processes.
Existeix un gran nombre de grups virtuals dedicats a la maternitat (i a la paternitat), i alguns d'ells tenen un alt grau de participació. En el cas de la lactància materna, la manca de suport social i familiar, i la poca informació, o informació contradictòria que reben les mares, fins i tot, per part del seu pediatra, fa pensar que aquests grups poden ser un recurs a tenir en compte per tal d'obtenir aquesta expertesa i recolzament necessaris per a portar endavant amb èxit l'alletament dels fills. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és observar com funcionen alguns d'aquests grups, a través de l'observació participant, parant especial atenció a dos aspectes concrets: l'equilibri entre la funció informativa i la funció de suport, i el que he definit com a l'economia de la veritat.
Com es pot fer que la visita a una instal·lació museogràfica sigui informativa, lúdica i a la vegada instructiva? Aquest treball es proposa esbrinar quines orientacions museogràfiques amb finalitat educativa s'han portat a terme en els aquàriums, contextualitzades amb una perspectiva històrica i exemplaritzades en una instal·lació concreta, que és L'Aquàrium de Barcelona.
Treball que té com a objectiu desenvolupar i aplicar un sistema d'informació integrat al servei d'atenció al públic nouvingut d'origen estranger a la ciutat d'Olot. El sistema s'ha dissenyat en tres grans apartats: en el primer es presenta una diagnosi de les necessitats informatives; el segon correspon pròpiament al disseny del sistema d'informació amb l'elaboració d'un observatori estadístic de la immigració a Olot, d'unes fitxes descriptives de tràmits administratius i d'unes fitxes de serveis locals, i el tercer apartat és el disseny d'un sistema informàtic per a la gestió de tota la informació amb la creació d'un lloc web i el disseny conceptual d'un sistema de gestió de base de dades.
Aquest treball de final de carrera pretén cobrir una necessitat divulgativa del món de l'espeleologia, proporcionant al col·lectiu espeleològic una aplicació basada en web que permeti publicar, de forma cooperativa, ressenyes de cavitats incorporant dades textuals, fotografies, topografies i mapes d'ubicació.El projecte s'ha desenvolupat com a Treball de Final de Carrera de l'àrea J2EE de l'Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Gestió. La seva implementació, per tant, està basada en Programació Orientada a Objectes amb llenguatge Java i tecnologies J2EE.
L'objectiu d'aquest treball és aplicar en una aplicació funcional algunes de les tecnologies disponibles a les especificacions J2EE. El projecte escollit és l'elaboració d'un catàleg de material videogràfic que permeti emmagatzemar dades informatives sobre els items disponibles i establir relacions entre ells que facilitin la seva localització i identificació.
En els últims anys s'ha produït a Espanya un increment substancial de les revistes digitals de Documentació, tant de tipus acadèmic com merament informatiu o comercial. En la present comunicació, centrada en les revistes de tipus acadèmic, s'analitzen les existents, es realitza una proposta de definició i es presenta un model de revista.
We propose to analyze shapes as “compositions” of distances in Aitchison geometry asan alternate and complementary tool to classical shape analysis, especially when sizeis non-informative.Shapes are typically described by the location of user-chosen landmarks. Howeverthe shape – considered as invariant under scaling, translation, mirroring and rotation– does not uniquely define the location of landmarks. A simple approach is to usedistances of landmarks instead of the locations of landmarks them self. Distances arepositive numbers defined up to joint scaling, a mathematical structure quite similar tocompositions. The shape fixes only ratios of distances. Perturbations correspond torelative changes of the size of subshapes and of aspect ratios. The power transformincreases the expression of the shape by increasing distance ratios. In analogy to thesubcompositional consistency, results should not depend too much on the choice ofdistances, because different subsets of the pairwise distances of landmarks uniquelydefine the shape.Various compositional analysis tools can be applied to sets of distances directly or afterminor modifications concerning the singularity of the covariance matrix and yield resultswith direct interpretations in terms of shape changes. The remaining problem isthat not all sets of distances correspond to a valid shape. Nevertheless interpolated orpredicted shapes can be backtransformated by multidimensional scaling (when all pairwisedistances are used) or free geodetic adjustment (when sufficiently many distancesare used)
At CoDaWork'03 we presented work on the analysis of archaeological glass composi-tional data. Such data typically consist of geochemical compositions involving 10-12variables and approximates completely compositional data if the main component, sil-ica, is included. We suggested that what has been termed `crude' principal componentanalysis (PCA) of standardized data often identi ed interpretable pattern in the datamore readily than analyses based on log-ratio transformed data (LRA). The funda-mental problem is that, in LRA, minor oxides with high relative variation, that maynot be structure carrying, can dominate an analysis and obscure pattern associatedwith variables present at higher absolute levels. We investigate this further using sub-compositional data relating to archaeological glasses found on Israeli sites. A simplemodel for glass-making is that it is based on a `recipe' consisting of two `ingredients',sand and a source of soda. Our analysis focuses on the sub-composition of componentsassociated with the sand source. A `crude' PCA of standardized data shows two clearcompositional groups that can be interpreted in terms of di erent recipes being used atdi erent periods, reected in absolute di erences in the composition. LRA analysis canbe undertaken either by normalizing the data or de ning a `residual'. In either case,after some `tuning', these groups are recovered. The results from the normalized LRAare di erently interpreted as showing that the source of sand used to make the glassdi ered. These results are complementary. One relates to the recipe used. The otherrelates to the composition (and presumed sources) of one of the ingredients. It seemsto be axiomatic in some expositions of LRA that statistical analysis of compositionaldata should focus on relative variation via the use of ratios. Our analysis suggests thatabsolute di erences can also be informative
Descriptors based on Molecular Interaction Fields (MIF) are highly suitable for drug discovery, but their size (thousands of variables) often limits their application in practice. Here we describe a simple and fast computational method that extracts from a MIF a handful of highly informative points (hot spots) which summarize the most relevant information. The method was specifically developed for drug discovery, is fast, and does not require human supervision, being suitable for its application on very large series of compounds. The quality of the results has been tested by running the method on the ligand structure of a large number of ligand-receptor complexes and then comparing the position of the selected hot spots with actual atoms of the receptor. As an additional test, the hot spots obtained with the novel method were used to obtain GRIND-like molecular descriptors which were compared with the original GRIND. In both cases the results show that the novel method is highly suitable for describing ligand-receptor interactions and compares favorably with other state-of-the-art methods.
Expressions relating spectral efficiency, power, and Doppler spectrum, are derived for Rayleigh-faded wireless channels with Gaussian signal transmission. No side information on the state of the channel is assumed at the receiver. Rather, periodic reference signals are postulated in accordance with the functioning of most wireless systems. The analysis relies on a well-established lower bound, generally tight and asymptotically exact at low SNR. In contrast with most previous studies, which relied on block-fading channel models, a continuous-fading model is adopted. This embeds the Doppler spectrum directly in the derived expressions, imbuing them with practical significance. Closed-form relationships are obtained for the popular Clarke-Jakes spectrum and informative expansions, valid for arbitrary spectra, are found for the low- and high-power regimes. While the paper focuses on scalar channels, the extension to multiantenna settings is also discussed.
This paper argues that low-stakes test scores, available in surveys, may be partially determined by test-taking motivation, which is associated with personality traits but not with cognitive ability. Therefore, such test score distributions may not be informative regarding cognitive ability distributions. Moreover, correlations, found in survey data, between high test scores and economic success may be partially caused by favorable personality traits. To demonstrate these points, I use the coding speed test that was administered without incentives to National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY) participants. I suggest that due to its simplicity its scores may especially depend on individuals' test-taking motivation. I show that controlling for conventional measures of cognitive skills, the coding speed scores are correlated with future earnings of male NLSY participants. Moreover, the coding speed scores of highly motivated, though less educated, population (potential enlists to the armed forces) are higher than NLSY participants' scores. I then use controlled experiments to show that when no performance-based incentives are provided, participants' characteristics, but not their cognitive skills, affect effort invested in the coding speed test. Thus, participants with the same ability (measured by their scores on an incentivized test) have significantly different scores on tests without performance- based incentives.
In this article we present the first empirical analysis on the associations between body size, activity, employment and wages for several European countries. The main advantage of the present work with respect to the previous literature is offered by the comparability of the data and its large geographical coverage. According to our results, for Spanish women, being obese is associated with both a 9% lower wage and probability of being employed, while for Swedish and Danish, obesity is associated with a 12% lower probability of being employed, and a 10% lower wage respectively. In Belgium, obesity is associated with a 19% lower probability of being employed for men. These robust estimates are strongly informative and may be used as a simple statistical rule of thumb to decide the countries in which lab and field experiments should be run.
En este trabajo se relatan los acontecimientos que dieron pié a la relación simbiótica entre Johann Sebastian Bach y el oboe. Es un escrito de carácter divulgativo para el cual se consultaron tanto fuentes primarias como secundarias, las cuales se plasman aquí a manera de resumen. Como resultado de esta relación, nos ha llegado la colección más grande de música para oboe solista jamás escrita por un solo compositor.
Monetary policy is conducted in an environment of uncertainty. This paper sets upa model where the central bank uses real-time data from the bond market togetherwith standard macroeconomic indicators to estimate the current state of theeconomy more efficiently, while taking into account that its own actions influencewhat it observes. The timeliness of bond market data allows for quicker responsesof monetary policy to disturbances compared to the case when the central bankhas to rely solely on collected aggregate data. The information content of theterm structure creates a link between the bond market and the macroeconomythat is novel to the literature. To quantify the importance of the bond market asa source of information, the model is estimated on data for the United Statesand Australia using Bayesian methods. The empirical exercise suggests that thereis some information in the US term structure that helps the Federal Reserve toidentify shocks to the economy on a timely basis. Australian bond prices seemto be less informative than their US counterparts, perhaps because Australia is arelatively small and open economy.