58 resultados para Immaculate Conception.
La Biblioteca de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya va començar a funcionar durant el curs 1995-1996. Des d'un bon principi, la singular concepció d'aquesta nova universitat a distància i la manca d'experiències similars en les que basar el desenvolupament dels seus serveis bibliotecaris va fer palesa la necessitat de donar una especial atenció al seguiment i l'aplicació de les noves tecnologies emergents. En els dos anys transcorreguts aquest plantejament s'ha vist consolidat i, en l'actualitat, està incorporat als objectius i a les línies d'actuació de la Biblioteca.
L'objectiu d'aquest treball és explicar i fer la crítica de la Teoria de la Veritat recentment defensada per Apel. En primer lloc, el consens i pragmàtica de la Teoria de la Veritat d'Apel es presenta en relació amb el projecte de la Teoria Crítica de la Societat de Habermas i el problema dels fonaments en el raonament ètic. En segon lloc, la seva versió idealitzada i transcendental de la Veritat que invoca la noció de convergència en una comunitat ideal d'investigadors lliures és analitzada. Finalment, les entranyes de l'esperit wingensteinià i després de l'últim anàlisi de Putnam, s’ha intentat fer una avaluació crítica. El resultat de tot això serà una més modesta concepció de la Veritat com a tan sols una qualitat de la praxi lingüística humana, però no la seva primera pedra
El treball en primer lloc presenta una breu introducció del moviment esperantista, explicitant els vincles entre pacifisme i esperantisme, particularment en el cas català. En segon lloc, i a partir d’una enquesta a aquest subconjunt del moviment per la pau, l’estudi, d’una banda, compara les característiques d’aquest col·lectiu amb les de la societat catalana i amb la d’esperantistes d’altres països. D’altra banda, analitza el grup mateix i l’eventual evolució personal dels seus membres. L’estudi no sobreentén, com en enquestes anteriors en altres països, el concepte d’«esperantista» com el fet de ser membre d’una associació esperantista, sinó que estudia quina concepció en tenen els mateixos membres del col·lectiu i persones pròximes. Els resultats mostren algunes diferències notables entre els esperantistes catalans i la resta de la població catalana, particularment en relació amb el nivell d’estudis, les opinions polítiques i el lleure. Per altra banda, confirma els resultats obtinguts amb esperantistes d’altres països, malgrat algunes diferències sensibles, que potser podrien explicar-se per la minorització nacional i lingüística dels catalans.
Nuevo disipador para edificación sismorresistente. 1ª parte: caracterización y modelos de predicción
A new energy dissipator, based on yielding of steel under shear response, has been developed and recently tested. It is H shaped and web stiffened. Yielding moin part is mechanized from one piece of rectangular shoped steel bar. Its conception let obtain thin and well-stiffened web cross sections without welded parts. Main experimentally obtained charecteristics are a yielding point near 0.5 mm of displacement, yielding loads between 14 kN and 20 kN and a dissipated energy, before damage appears in the web, from 10 kJ to 21 kJ. All tested specimens have developed large deformations without web buckling. Whe web degradation appers, flanges and stiffeners keep dissipating an important amount of energy. Proposed numerical models and simple mathematical expressions offer well correlated results when compared to the experimental ones
In this article we compare the images used by Dante Alighieri with the ones used by her“heretical” contemporary Marguerite Porete (†1310) for expressing the final contact-vision of God. We will analyze the use of the images of light, the gradual ascent and the knot in bothauthors, putting it into the context of the theological doctrines about the visio Dei. This will allow us, in the first place, to claim a shared cultural background based in the conception of God as a visible being and, in the second, to discuss the historical implications ofheteredoxy/ortodoxy in the Commedia and the Mirouer.
Background: The ultimate goal of synthetic biology is the conception and construction of genetic circuits that are reliable with respect to their designed function (e.g. oscillators, switches). This task remains still to be attained due to the inherent synergy of the biological building blocks and to an insufficient feedback between experiments and mathematical models. Nevertheless, the progress in these directions has been substantial. Results: It has been emphasized in the literature that the architecture of a genetic oscillator must include positive (activating) and negative (inhibiting) genetic interactions in order to yield robust oscillations. Our results point out that the oscillatory capacity is not only affected by the interaction polarity but by how it is implemented at promoter level. For a chosen oscillator architecture, we show by means of numerical simulations that the existence or lack of competition between activator and inhibitor at promoter level affects the probability of producing oscillations and also leaves characteristic fingerprints on the associated period/amplitude features. Conclusions: In comparison with non-competitive binding at promoters, competition drastically reduces the region of the parameters space characterized by oscillatory solutions. Moreover, while competition leads to pulse-like oscillations with long-tail distribution in period and amplitude for various parameters or noisy conditions, the non-competitive scenario shows a characteristic frequency and confined amplitude values. Our study also situates the competition mechanism in the context of existing genetic oscillators, with emphasis on the Atkinson oscillator.
Cet article présente d’abord le panorama actuel de la terminologie du point de vue théorique, quise caractérise aujourd’hui par une grande diversité d’approches comme résultat de l’apparition de nouvelles nécessités au cours des dernières années, qui ont abouti à des usages terminologiques aussi très diverses. Comme réponse à cette nouvelle situation, les auteurs présentent une esquisse d’une proposition pour unenouvelle conception de la terminologie, qui essai d’intégrer des apports du côté linguistique, cognitive et sociale; cette nouvelle approche théorique présente aussi des conséquences importantes sur le planméthodologique et pratique.
The aim of this paper is to examine the various controversies over the genuineproblems of toleration in a plurally diverse polity as both historically andconceptually, toleration is one of the foundational characteristics that defines thevery essence of a plurally diverse polity and the basic virtue associated with a liberalconception of citizenship. In section 1, I present the main philosophical andconceptual issues related to the toleration-based approach to diversity in liberalpolitical theory. In section 2 I identify the conditions and the circumstances oftoleration. I articulate in Section 3 the most pressing objections against toleration. Ipresent in section 4 two competing approaches to the toleration-based approach todiversity is faced with. In the concluding section, I outline a modified conception oftoleration that mediates between different requirements associated with the twoprincipled commitments of the liberal version of the rights-based conception ofcitizenship.
Global Justice has usually been understood to mean institutional and social justice (political and redistributive issues on a global scale). In contrast, issues involving different national and cultural identities, are usually marginal in reflections on global justice. This occurs despite the fact that human rights include political social and cultural rights. This paper links a conception of global justice, moral cosmopolitanism, with plurinational democracies. After giving a brief description of moral cosmopolitanism I go on to analyse notions of cosmopolitanism and patriotism in Kant's work and the political significance that the notion of "unsocial sociability" and the "Ideas of Pure Reason" of Kant's first Critique have for cosmopolitanism. Finally, I analyse the relationship between cosmopolitanism and minority nations based on the preceding sections. I postulate the need for a moral and institutional refinement of democracies and international society that is better able to accommodate national pluralism than has so far been achieved by traditional liberal constitutionalism and cosmopolitanism
RÉQUIEM POR LA MUERTE DEL YO ARTISTA es un proyecto audiovisual en forma de performance sobre la música del compositor finlandés contemporáneo Einojuhani Rautavaara, los Requiem del poeta alemán Rainer Maria Rilke y la concepción filosófica del arte y su comercialidad del artista americano Andy Warhol. RÉQUIEM POR LA MUERTE DEL YO ARTISTA es mi sangre. Es mi compromiso. Trata sobre la dualidad entre el artista y la persona, y cómo esto afecta a nuestro arte. RÉQUIEM POR LA MUERTE DEL YO ARTISTA es una operación de corazón. Es provocación; es sobre vomitar tu mente y estar sediento de futuro. Es comerte a ti mismo. Pero sobre todo, es mi concepción de arte: arte es todo aquello por lo que el creador esté dispuesto a morir.
Les missions Petersberg són l'operatiu militar més ambiciós organitzat per la Unió Europea en el desenvolupament de la CSDP, Política Europea de Seguretat i Defensa. Amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir una organització efectiva y funcional d'aquestes missions, és desitjable que les cultures estratègiques dels diferents Estats membres siguin, en gran mesura, compatibles en benefici d'una cultura estratègica europea amb directrius clares. Aquest estudi compara les cultures estratègiques d'Alemanya, el Regne Unit i França en referència al seu nivell de compatibilitat contrastant-les amb dos casos recents, exemples paradigmàtics de cultures estratègiques integrals. D'aquesta manera, pretenem descriure les circumstàncies en què es desenvolupen les missions Petersberg.
The advances of the semiconductor industry enable microelectromechanical systems sensors, signal conditioning logic and network access to be integrated into a smart sensor node. In this framework, a mixed-mode interface circuit for monolithically integrated gas sensor arrays was developed with high-level design techniques. This interface system includes analog electronics for inspection of up to four sensor arrays and digital logic for smart control and data communication. Although different design methodologies were used in the conception of the complete circuit, high-level synthesis tools and methodologies were crucial in speeding up the whole design cycle, enhancing reusability for future applications and producing a flexible and robust component.
The recent death of the art historian motives this approach to his works. Gombrich studies connected art with many other fields of human knowledge. In this article the author focused the Gombrich conception of the relationship between art and cultural history.
This research analyses the actual use and conception of the ICT mobility that a life long learning group of students have. The students have participated in a Mobile Learning experience along an online postgraduate course, which was designed under a traditional e-learning perspective. The students received a tablet PC (iPad) in order to work at the course and also to use it in their personal and professional life. A complete and original pre-test / post-test questionnaire was applied before and after the course. This instrument was scientifically validated. Thru the questionnaire, uses tendency and students perceptions were studied. Frequencies, purposes, habits of use and valuation, as well as the device"s integration into their personal, social and professional life were studied. The analysis intents to apply the 'Social Technographics Profile" by Bernoff (2010) to classify, by profile groups, the users of the actual Internet. Finally a reflexion of the reasons and limits of the theory, in this study, and also the relation to reality is presented. The Inter-coding reliability and validity shows the possibility of applying the instrument on wider samples in order to get a closer look to the uses and actual conceptions of the ubiquitous ICTs.
Through scientific discourse and reproductive technologies, the reproductive body and the maternal body continue to be constructed as ‘natural’. At the same time,these technologies have begun to blur the boundaries between what is consideredan acceptable reproductive body, and consequently an acceptable maternal body,and an unnatural or a socially undesireable one. As science purports to offerwomen greater control over how and when they choose to procreate, through methods which range between delaying or eliminating the possibility of contraception to those which extend the possibility of conception to postmenopausal or infertile women, these same procedures raise questions about thenature and ‘naturalness’ of reproduction. Added to these concerns are thesuitablility of the reproductive body as a maternal body. Consequently, and moreand more frequently, bodies which defy ideals about maternity and motherhoodemerge, and questions about what it means to mother are raised. Bodies whichcontest the construction of motherhood as natural are frequently represented asmonstrous or freakish, and the debate between science and nature is heightened.Hiromi Goto’s short story ‘Hopeful Monsters’ resists the construction of the‘natural’ maternal body by highlighting the way in which women’s bodies areshaped by scientific discourse. In turn, images of ‘monstrous’ mothers emerge andare challenged, suggesting the need to reimagine what it means to mother and whatit means to be a mother. Through reading a selection of the stories this paper willinterrogate possible alternatives to constructions of the ‘natural’ maternal body and motherhood, suggesting that the Goto’s ‘monsters’ are perhaps only monstrous as a result of scientific discourse which constructs them as such.