The magnetically induced splay Fréedericksz transition is reexamined to look for pattern forming phenomena slightly above or below criticality. By using our traditional scheme of stochastic nematodynamic equations, situations are, respectively, found of transient and permanent predominance of transversal periodicities (wave numbers) along the direction perpendicular to the initial orientation within the sample. The relevance of these predictions in relation with recent observations in the electrically driven splay Fréedericksz transition, and in general with other pattern forming phenomena, is stressed.
We discuss the dynamics of the transient pattern formation process corresponding to the splay Fréedericksz transition. The emergence and subsequent evolution of the spatial periodicity is here described in terms of the temporal dependence of the wave numbers corresponding to the maxima of the structure factor. Situations of perpendicular as well as oblique field-induced stripes relative to the initial orientation of the director are both examined with explicit indications of the time scales needed for their appearance and posterior development.
Very fast magnetic avalanches in (La, Pr)-based manganites are the signature of a phase transition from an insulating blocked charge-ordered antiferromagnetic state to a charge-delocalized ferromagnetic (CD-FM) state. We report here the experimental observation that this transition does not occur either simultaneously or randomly in the whole sample but there is instead a spatial propagation with a velocity of the order of tens of m/s. Our results show that avalanches originate from the inside of the sample, move to the outside, and occur at values of the applied magnetic field that depend on the CD-FM fraction in the sample. Moreover, upon application of surface acoustic waves at constant magnetic fields, we are able to trigger avalanches at very well-determined values of the temperature and magnetic field. Due to the interaction with the acoustic waves, the number of isolated ferromagnetic clusters in La0.225Pr0.40Ca0.375MnO3 starts to grow across the entire sample in the same way as if it were a magnetic deflagration.