61 resultados para Hipertensió arterial, Insuficiència renal
: La insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) condiciona disfunción del tejido adiposo y desequilibrio de las adipocitocinas relacionadas con la inflamación y metabolismo de la glicemia. Objetivo: describir la relación entre los marcadores de inflamación (IL6, TNFα, PCR, RIL2), las adipocitocinas (adiponectina, leptina) y las alteraciones de la glicemia en 336 pacientes con IRC en diferentes grupos de IRC (sin terapia renal sustitutiva, hemodiálisis, diálisis peritoneal). Conclusiones: Pacientes con IRC sin terapia renal sustitutiva, presentan menor estado inflamatorio y adipocitocinas que los pacientes en diálisis. Existe una relación inversa entre adiponectina, inflamación y filtrado glomerular. Las adipocitocinas son un factor de riesgo independiente de hiperglicemia
Objectiu: Descriure les característiques demogràfiques i clíniques dels pacients inclosos als assaigs clínics que avaluen l’eficàcia dels fàrmacs inhibidors del sistema renina-angiotensina (ISRA). Metodologia: Revisió sistemàtica dels assaigs clínics que avaluen l’eficàcia dels ISRA, a partir de la base de dades bibliogràfica Cochrane Plus. A partir dels 143 articles identificats, es van recollir els criteris de selecció i les característiques demogràfiques i clíniques dels pacients tractats amb ISRA. Resultats: El criteri d’inclusió més freqüent dels pacients va ser la hipertensió arterial (111 assaigs) i el d’exclusió l’alteració de la funció renal (68 assaigs). Dels 64.038 pacients inclosos, 38.106 van rebre tractament amb ISRA. Les dades disponibles dels pacients tractats amb ISRA van ser: edat (68,5%), sexe (88,7%), pes (16,2%), pressió arterial sistòlica i diastòlica (67,7%), creatinina (22,8%). L’edat (SD) mitjana dels pacients va ser de 53,1 (7) anys, el 38,1% van ser dones i la concentració de creatinina (SD) mitjana dels pacients va ser d’1,2 (0,3) mg/dl. Conclusió: Hi ha poca informació sobre les característiques demogràfiques i clíniques dels pacients en les publicacions dels assaigs clínics que avaluen l’eficàcia dels ISRA. Els pacients inclosos tenen una edat mitjana d’uns 50 anys, la majoria són homes i tenen una funció renal conservada.
Es tracta d’un estudi de cohorts prospectiu històric que pretén comparar l’ús de combinacions de dosis lliures enfront a les combinacions de dosis fixes en el control de la tensió arterial pel que fa a eficàcia i assoliment dels objectius terapèutics per al tractament d’aquesta patologia tan prevalent a les societats desenvolupades, així com comparar l’impacte econòmico-sanitari que comporten una i altra pel que fa a número de visites mèdiques, d’infermeria i número d’analítiques que es requereixen en cada estratègia. L’estudi també pretén analitzar els factors que determinen l’ús d’unes o altres en el tractament de la hipertensió arterial.
La malaltia renal crònica (MRC) inicial s’ha definit com un marcador de risc cardiovascular susceptible d’intervenció terapèutica preventiva. Aquesta relació ha estat poc estudiada al nostre entorn. Objectius: Determinar si la MRC s’associa a un increment de risc de morbiditat i mortalitat al nostre entorn. Disseny: Estudi observacional prospectiu d’una cohort poblacional de Girona de 31.612 individus de 35-74 anys. Resultats: La MRC estadi 3 sense albuminúria no incrementa el risc de malaltia cardiovascular en població general de baix risc cardiovascular. L’albuminúria&20mg/L i els estadis 4-5 de MRC s’associen a un increment de risc de morbiditat cardiovascular i mortalitat global.
Conèixer la qualitat de vida (QV) mitjançant el qüestionari Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLWHFQ) en una població afecta d’insuficiència cardíaca atesa al nivell d’atenció primària mitjançant un estudi descriptiu transversal i observacional. La major part dels pacients són dones d’edat avançada amb disfunció diastòlica, d’etiologia hipertensiva. L’aplicació del MLWHFQ ha presentat puntuacions baixes. S’ha trobat significació estadística amb la classe funcional i el nombre d’ingressos en l’últim any, en malalts amb malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica i insuficiència renal crònica. No s’ha trobat correlació significativa amb la fracció d’ejecció, el tractament, ni amb la causa de la insuficiència cardíaca.
The diagnosis of synovial amyloidosis is based upon synovial biopsy. Synovial fluid (SF) in seven patients with amyloid arthropathy associated with chronic renal failure undergoing haemodialysis were studied. The SF and synovial samples of 10 consecutive patients with seronegative mono- or oligoarthritis served as controls. Six of the seven patients with amyloid positive synovial biopsy specimens showed amyloid in their SF. No amyloid was found in the synovial tissue or fluid of the 10 patients in the control group, the sensitivity being 87.7%. The finding of amyloid in SF was highly reproducible, showing its presence in the same joint on several occasions. The deposits were Congophilia resistant to potassium permanganate pretreatment, and the immunohistochemical analysis proved that they contained beta 2 microglobulin. The high sensitivity and good reproducibility of the method shows that the finding of amyloid in SF is sufficient for the diagnosis of synovial amyloidosis. It is possible to perform immunohis
The clinical picture of 15 patients (10 male, five female) with amyloid arthropathy secondary to chronic renal failure treated with haemodialysis has been studied. The average period of haemodialysis was 10.8 years. Joint symptoms appeared between three and 13 years after starting haemodialysis. No patient had renal amyloidosis. Early symptoms were varied and often overlapped: knee swelling (seven patients), painful and stiff shoulders (seven), and carpal tunnel syndrome (six) were the most prominent. Follow up showed extension to other joints. Joint effusions were generally of the non-inflammatory type. Radiologically, geodes and erosions of variable sizes were seen in the affected joints, which can develop into a destructive arthropathy. Amyloid was found in abdominal fat in three of the 12 patients on whom a needle aspiration was performed. Four of 12 patients showed changes compatible with amyloid infiltration in the echocardiogram. One patient had amyloid in the gastric muscular layer, another in the colon mucus, and two of four in rectal biopsy specimens. Amyloid deposits showed the presence of beta 2 microglobulin in 10 patients. The clinical and radiological picture was similar to the amyloid arthropathy associated with multiple myeloma. These patients can develop systemic amyloidosis.
Background: Drug dosing errors are common in renal-impaired patients. Appropriate dosing adjustment and drug selection is important to ensure patients" safety and to avoid adverse drug effects and poor outcomes. There are few studies on this issue in community pharmacies. The aims of this study were, firstly, to determine the prevalence of dosing inadequacy as a consequence of renal impairment in patients over 65 taking 3 or more drug products who were being attended in community pharmacies and, secondly, to evaluate the effectiveness of the community pharmacist"s intervention in improving dosing inadequacy in these patients when compared with usual care. Methods: The study was carried out in 40 Spanish community pharmacies. The study had two phases: the first, with an observational, multicentre, cross sectional design, served to determine the dosing inadequacy, the drug-related problems per patient and to obtain the control group. The second phase, with a controlled study with historical control group, was the intervention phase. When dosing adjustments were needed, the pharmacists made recommendations to the physicians. A comparison was made between the control and the intervention group regarding the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy and the mean number of drug-related problems per patient. Results: The mean of the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy was 17.5% [95% CI 14.6-21.5] in phase 1 and 15.5% [95% CI 14.5-16.6] in phase 2. The mean number of drug-related problems per patient was 0.7 [95% CI 0.5-0.8] in phase 1 and 0.50 [95% CI 0.4-0.6] in phase 2. The difference in the prevalence of dosing inadequacy between the control and intervention group before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.73% [95% CI (−6.0) - 7.5] and after the pharmacists" intervention it was 13.5% [95% CI 8.0 - 19.5] (p < 0.001) while the difference in the mean of drug-related problems per patient before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.05 [95% CI( -0.2) - 0.3] and following the intervention it was 0.5 [95% CI 0.3 - 0.7] (p < 0.001). Conclusion: A drug dosing adjustment service for elderly patients with renal impairment in community pharmacies can increase the proportion of adequate drug dosing, and improve the drug-related problems per patient. Collaborative practice with physicians can improve these results.
The clinical picture of 15 patients (10 male, five female) with amyloid arthropathy secondary to chronic renal failure treated with haemodialysis has been studied. The average period of haemodialysis was 10.8 years. Joint symptoms appeared between three and 13 years after starting haemodialysis. No patient had renal amyloidosis. Early symptoms were varied and often overlapped: knee swelling (seven patients), painful and stiff shoulders (seven), and carpal tunnel syndrome (six) were the most prominent. Follow up showed extension to other joints. Joint effusions were generally of the non-inflammatory type. Radiologically, geodes and erosions of variable sizes were seen in the affected joints, which can develop into a destructive arthropathy. Amyloid was found in abdominal fat in three of the 12 patients on whom a needle aspiration was performed. Four of 12 patients showed changes compatible with amyloid infiltration in the echocardiogram. One patient had amyloid in the gastric muscular layer, another in the colon mucus, and two of four in rectal biopsy specimens. Amyloid deposits showed the presence of beta 2 microglobulin in 10 patients. The clinical and radiological picture was similar to the amyloid arthropathy associated with multiple myeloma. These patients can develop systemic amyloidosis.
The diagnosis of synovial amyloidosis is based upon synovial biopsy. Synovial fluid (SF) in seven patients with amyloid arthropathy associated with chronic renal failure undergoing haemodialysis were studied. The SF and synovial samples of 10 consecutive patients with seronegative mono- or oligoarthritis served as controls. Six of the seven patients with amyloid positive synovial biopsy specimens showed amyloid in their SF. No amyloid was found in the synovial tissue or fluid of the 10 patients in the control group, the sensitivity being 87.7%. The finding of amyloid in SF was highly reproducible, showing its presence in the same joint on several occasions. The deposits were Congophilia resistant to potassium permanganate pretreatment, and the immunohistochemical analysis proved that they contained beta 2 microglobulin. The high sensitivity and good reproducibility of the method shows that the finding of amyloid in SF is sufficient for the diagnosis of synovial amyloidosis. It is possible to perform immunohis
Seven patients (five male and two female) with chronic renal failure (CRF) treated by periodical haemodialysis presented with swelling and effusion of more than three months' duration in knees (four bilateral), shoulders (two, one of them bilateral), elbow (one), and ankle (one). Four had a carpal tunnel syndrome both clinically and electromyographically (three bilateral). All patients had hyperparathyroidism secondary to their CRF, which was not due to amyloidosis in any of them. The dialysis duration period varied from five to 14 years, with an average of 8.6 years. Amyloid deposits (Congo red positive areas with green birefringence under polarising microscopy) were shown in six of the seven synovial biopsy specimens of the knee, in five of the sediments of the synovial fluids, and in specimens removed during carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. No amyloid was found in the biopsy specimen of abdominal fat of six of the patients. The finding of amyloid only in the synovial membrane and fluid, and carpal tunnel, its absence in abdominal fat, and the lack of other manifestations of generalised amyloidosis (cardiomyopathy, malabsorption syndrome, macroglossia, etc.) and of Bence Jones myeloma (protein immunoelectrophoresis normal) raises the possibility that this is a form of amyloidosis which is peculiar to CRF treated by periodical haemodialysis.
Fonaments: La hipertensió és una malaltia crònica amb alta prevalença al món. Els estils de vidasaludables es relacionen directament amb aquesta patologia pel que el rol de la infermeria és clauen el desenvolupament d'eines i intervencions per millorar l'autocontrol dels pacients hipertensosmitjançant l'educació sanitària.Objectiu: És valorar l'eficàcia de les intervencions en consultes d'infermera per a l'autocontrol dela tensió arterial en pacients amb hipertensió arterial respecte al seguiment habitual d'aquestspacients en consultes mèdiques.Mètode: S'estudiaran a 34 adults hipertensos mitjançant un assaig clínic aleatoritzat en dos grupsde 17 pacients hipertensos. El grup experimental serà objecte d'unes intervencions educativessobre la hipertensió i la repercussió dels estils de vida pel control d'aquesta patologia per partd'infermeria, a més a més, d'un control rutinari mèdic. Mentre que el grup control solamentassistirà als controls rutinaris mèdics sobre la hipertensió i no rebrà intervencions infermeres. Enl'avaluació de les dades es tindran en compte les variables de la mesura de la tensió arterial, ladieta, l'exercici físic i el seguiment del tractament, a més de diferents variablessociodemogràfiques com són l'edat, el gènere i el nivell socioeconòmic. Les dades s'analitzaranmitjançant Chi Cuadrat per a les variables qualitatives, la Correlació de Pearson i la de Spearmanper a les variables quantitatives i, finalment, la T de Student per a la comparació de la mitja de lesdues mostres independents.Conclusió: Amb l'assaig clínic es pretés demostrar que les intervencions d’infermeria en consultesmilloren l'autocontrol dels pacients amb hipertensió arterial, és a dir, són eficaces.
Background: Drug dosing errors are common in renal-impaired patients. Appropriate dosing adjustment and drug selection is important to ensure patients" safety and to avoid adverse drug effects and poor outcomes. There are few studies on this issue in community pharmacies. The aims of this study were, firstly, to determine the prevalence of dosing inadequacy as a consequence of renal impairment in patients over 65 taking 3 or more drug products who were being attended in community pharmacies and, secondly, to evaluate the effectiveness of the community pharmacist"s intervention in improving dosing inadequacy in these patients when compared with usual care. Methods: The study was carried out in 40 Spanish community pharmacies. The study had two phases: the first, with an observational, multicentre, cross sectional design, served to determine the dosing inadequacy, the drug-related problems per patient and to obtain the control group. The second phase, with a controlled study with historical control group, was the intervention phase. When dosing adjustments were needed, the pharmacists made recommendations to the physicians. A comparison was made between the control and the intervention group regarding the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy and the mean number of drug-related problems per patient. Results: The mean of the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy was 17.5% [95% CI 14.6-21.5] in phase 1 and 15.5% [95% CI 14.5-16.6] in phase 2. The mean number of drug-related problems per patient was 0.7 [95% CI 0.5-0.8] in phase 1 and 0.50 [95% CI 0.4-0.6] in phase 2. The difference in the prevalence of dosing inadequacy between the control and intervention group before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.73% [95% CI (−6.0) - 7.5] and after the pharmacists" intervention it was 13.5% [95% CI 8.0 - 19.5] (p < 0.001) while the difference in the mean of drug-related problems per patient before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.05 [95% CI( -0.2) - 0.3] and following the intervention it was 0.5 [95% CI 0.3 - 0.7] (p < 0.001). Conclusion: A drug dosing adjustment service for elderly patients with renal impairment in community pharmacies can increase the proportion of adequate drug dosing, and improve the drug-related problems per patient. Collaborative practice with physicians can improve these results.
Background: Drug dosing errors are common in renal-impaired patients. Appropriate dosing adjustment and drug selection is important to ensure patients" safety and to avoid adverse drug effects and poor outcomes. There are few studies on this issue in community pharmacies. The aims of this study were, firstly, to determine the prevalence of dosing inadequacy as a consequence of renal impairment in patients over 65 taking 3 or more drug products who were being attended in community pharmacies and, secondly, to evaluate the effectiveness of the community pharmacist"s intervention in improving dosing inadequacy in these patients when compared with usual care. Methods: The study was carried out in 40 Spanish community pharmacies. The study had two phases: the first, with an observational, multicentre, cross sectional design, served to determine the dosing inadequacy, the drug-related problems per patient and to obtain the control group. The second phase, with a controlled study with historical control group, was the intervention phase. When dosing adjustments were needed, the pharmacists made recommendations to the physicians. A comparison was made between the control and the intervention group regarding the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy and the mean number of drug-related problems per patient. Results: The mean of the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy was 17.5% [95% CI 14.6-21.5] in phase 1 and 15.5% [95% CI 14.5-16.6] in phase 2. The mean number of drug-related problems per patient was 0.7 [95% CI 0.5-0.8] in phase 1 and 0.50 [95% CI 0.4-0.6] in phase 2. The difference in the prevalence of dosing inadequacy between the control and intervention group before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.73% [95% CI (−6.0) - 7.5] and after the pharmacists" intervention it was 13.5% [95% CI 8.0 - 19.5] (p < 0.001) while the difference in the mean of drug-related problems per patient before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.05 [95% CI( -0.2) - 0.3] and following the intervention it was 0.5 [95% CI 0.3 - 0.7] (p < 0.001). Conclusion: A drug dosing adjustment service for elderly patients with renal impairment in community pharmacies can increase the proportion of adequate drug dosing, and improve the drug-related problems per patient. Collaborative practice with physicians can improve these results.
Forty-three patients with cirrhosis and ascites, 21 with normal renal function, 10 with a progressive functional renal failure (FRF), and 12 with a steady FRF, were investigated for the presence of endotoxaemia by the Limulus lysate test. Endotoxaemia was found in nine patients with FRF and in none of the 21 with normal renal function (P less than 0-01). A positive Limulus test was almost exclusively associated with a progressive FRF (eight of 10 patients) and all but one of them died. Renal function improved as endotoxaemia disappeared in the survivor. Endotoxaemia was also associated with haemorrhage due to acute erosions of the gastric mucosa, being present in six of the seven patients who had this complication. Intravascular coagulation was not found in any patient. The Limulus test was positive in the ascitic fluid in 18 of 21 patients tested, although only two of them had peritonitis. These results suggest that endotoxaemia may play a critical role in the development of progressive renal failure and haemorrhagic gastritis in cirrhosis, and emphasise the potential risk of procedures involving reinfusion of ascitic fluid.