89 resultados para Gross pollutant


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The Republic of Haiti is the prime international remittances recipient country in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region relative to its gross domestic product (GDP). The downside of this observation may be that this country is also the first exporter of skilled workers in the world by population size. The present research uses a zero-altered negative binomial (with logit inflation) to model households' international migration decision process, and endogenous regressors' Amemiya Generalized Least Squares method (instrumental variable Tobit, IV-Tobit) to account for selectivity and endogeneity issues in assessing the impact of remittances on labor market outcomes. Results are in line with what has been found so far in this literature in terms of a decline of labor supply in the presence of remittances. However, the impact of international remittances does not seem to be important in determining recipient households' labor participation behavior, particularly for women.


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Capital taxation is currently under debate, basically due to problems of administrative control and proper assessment of the levied assets. We analyze both problems focusing on a capital tax, the annual wealth tax (WT), which is only applied in five OECD countries, being Spain one of them. We concentrate our analysis on top 1% adult population, which permits us to describe the evolution of wealth concentration in Spain along 1983-2001. On average top 1% holds about 18% of total wealth, which rises to 19% when tax incompliance and under-assessment is corrected for housing, the main asset. The evolution suggests wealth concentration has risen. Regarding WT, we analyze whether it helps to reduce wealth inequality or, on the contrary, it reinforces vertical inequity (due to especial concessions) and horizontal inequity (due to the de iure and to de facto different treatment of assets). We analyze in detail housing and equity shares. By means of a time series analysis, we relate the reported values with reasonable price indicators and proxies of the propensity to save. We infer net tax compliance is extremely low, which includes both what we commonly understand by (gross) tax compliance and the degree of under-assessment due to fiscal legislation (for housing). That is especially true for housing, whose level of net tax compliance is well below 50%. Hence, we corroborate the difficulties in taxing capital, and so cast doubts on the current role of the WT in Spain in reducing wealth inequality.


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Proyecto de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en la University of California, Davis, Estados Unidos, entre octubre y desembre del 2007. Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) tipo C causa enteritis necrotizante en humanos y enterotoxemias en animales domésticos. Esta bacteria produce beta toxina (CPB), alfa toxina (CPA) y perfringolisina (PFO) durante la fase logarítimca de crecimiento. En nuestro estudio se evaluó la relación entre CPB y la virulencia del aislamiento CN3685 de Cl. perfringens tipo C en un modelo caprino con inoculación intraduodenal. De manera similar a la infección natural por C. perfringens tipo C, el cultivo vegetativo del tipo salvaje de CN3685 provocó dolor abdominal, diarrea hemorrágica, enteritis necrotizante, colitis, edema pulmonar, hidropericardio y muerte en 2 cabritos, a las 24 horas postinoculación. Por otro lado, mediante tecnología Targe Tron® se prepararon mutantes isogénicos carentes de toxina CPB, los cuales fueron inoculados siguiendo el modelo anteriormente descrito. Los resultados mostraron que estos mutantes carecían de todo tipo de virulencia, ya que no se observaron signos clínicos durante las primeras 24 h postinoculación ni tampoco lesiones macroscópicas ni histopatológicas. Posteriormente se desarrolló un modelo experimental similar a los anteriores, en los que se había repuesto la capacidad de producción de CPB en los mutantes. Los dos animales inoculados con estos mutantes complementarios presentaron signos clínicos y lesiones similares a las observadas en el caso del tipo salvaje. Estos resultados muestran que la toxina CPB es necesaria y suficiente para inducir la enfermedad causada por CN3685. Esto a su vez, demuestra la importancia de este tipo de toxina en la patogénesis de C. perfringems tìpo C.


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Un dels problemes associats a la remeiació de contaminants hidròfobs és la seva poca disponibilitat. Es considera que un contaminant està disponible quan roman a la fase líquida del medi, ja sigui solubilitzat o en forma d’emulsió. Els surfactants són substàncies anfifíliques que promouen la transferència de compostos hidròfobs de la fase sòlida a la líquida. En aquest estudi s’escull el pirè com a representant dels hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics i tres surfactants no iònics: un àmpliament citat a la bibliografia científica (Tween 80) i dos comercials (Gold Crew, BS-400). L’estudi es fa amb tres mescles d’argila i sorra amb diferents proporcions. La concentració micel·lar crítica (CMC) s’assoleix abans en sòls amb poc contingut en argila. L’eficiència dels surfactants està estretament relacionada amb la proporció d’argila i sorra. A concentracions molt per sobre de la CMC no s’observa una relació entre l’eficiència i la quantitat d’argila. El Tween 80 ha donat millors resultats que el Gold Crew i el BS-400, sense que aquest darrer no hagi presentat desadsorció de pirè.


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We describe an algorithm that computes explicit models of hyperelliptic Shimura curves attached to an indefinite quaternion algebra over Q and Atkin-Lehner quotients of them. It exploits Cerednik-Drinfeld’s nonarchimedean uniformisation of Shimura curves, a formula of Gross and Zagier for the endomorphism ring of Heegner points over Artinian rings and the connection between Ribet’s bimodules and the specialization of Heegner points, as introduced in [21]. As an application, we provide a list of equations of Shimura curves and quotients of them obtained by our algorithm that had been conjectured by Kurihara.


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Els fongs de podridura blanca (WRF - de l'anglès: White-rot fungi) són de gran interès en l'àmbit de la bioremediació per la seva capacitat de degradar la lignina. La lacasa, un dels enzims extracel·lulars que aquests fongs excreten per degradar la lignina, pot ser utilitzada per degradar els contamiants presents en una matriu donada. Trametes versicolor ha estat estudiat per la seva capacitat de produïr aquest enzim en rersidus agrícoles com a substrats. Un primer triatge basat en la producció de CO2, la mesura de l'activitat lacasa i la quantificació de l'ergosterol han permés seleccionar els substrats on es donava un major poder oxidatiu dels cultius inoculats amb T. versicolor. Els posteriors experiments de colonització de sòls, on es monitoritzava l'activitat lacasa i l'ergosterol, han mostrat que T. vesicolor és capaç de colonitzar sòls i que té una major activitat lacasa en condicions no estèrils. També h'ha provat, mitjançant el test ND24, que T. versicolor és capaç de degradar un contaminant emergent, el naproxè, en sòls estèrils i no estèrils esmenats amb residus agrícoles.


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La determinació de compostos orgànics contaminants en aigües residuals d’origen urbà i industrial és un tema que ha suscitat un creixent interès, tant des del punt de vista del problema mediambiental que es deriva de l’abocament d’aquestes aigües al medi aquàtic públic com des de la perspectiva de reutilització de les aigües tractades en processos industrials. La majoria d’aquests contaminants no s’eliminen completament en plantes de tractament d’aigües convencionals, pel que s’han de controlar. Aquest fet implica desenvolupar nous processos de tractament que permetin millorar l'eficiència de l'eliminació de les plantes de tractament convencionals. Per tal d'investigar la presència d'aquests compostos contaminants a baixes concentracions és necessari desenvolupar nous mètodes analítics altament sensibles. En el nostre projecte s'han desenvolupat diferents mètodes analítics per determinar compostos orgànics contaminants en aigües residuals provinents de plantes de tractament d'aigües industrials, urbanes i plantes potabilitzadores, utilizant principalment la microextracció en fase sòlida (SPME) seguida de la cromatografia de gasos acoblada a un espectròmetre de masses (GC-MS). S'ha estudiat la presència de diferents famílies de compostos en aquestes aigües, com són: ftalats, amines alifàtiques primàries i nitrosamines. A més a més, s'han desenvolupat mètodes analítics per determinar amines alifàtiques primàries en llots actius provinents de diferents tipus de plantes de tractament d'aigües i plantes potabilitzadores.


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Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) is a novel, potentially less invasive alternative to laparoscopic surgery. However, the problems of transluminal access and closure represent significant obstacles to its successful introduction in humans. Objective: to evaluate the feasibility and safety of a novel device designed for transluminal access and closure in a survival porcine model. Subjects: Four adult female Yorkshire pigs were used in the study. Interventions: While under general anesthesia, the animals were prepared with multiple tap water enemas followed by instillation of an antibiotic suspension and povidone-iodine lavage. At a distance of 15 to 20 cm from the anus, the prototype device (LSI Solutions, Victor, NY, USA) deployed a circumscribing purse-string suture around the planned incision site and subsequently used a blade mechanism to create a 2.5-cm linear incision. The transcolonic incision was then closed by cinching and securing the purse-string suture with a titanium knot by use of a separate hand-activated suture-locking device. Main Outcome Measurements: The animals were monitored daily for signs of peritonitis and sepsis and were survived for 14 days. The peritoneal cavity was examined for peritonitis, and the colonic incision site was examined for wound dehiscence, pericolic abscess formation, and gross adhesions. Tissue samples from both incisional and random peritoneal sites were obtained for histologic examination. Results: Transcolonic incision and closure were successful in all 4 animals. The device performed in a rapid and reproducible fashion. All animals recovered without septic complications. At necropsy, there was no evidence of peritonitis, abscesses, or wound dehiscence. Salpingocolonic and colovesicular adhesions were noted in 3 of 4 animals. Histologic examination revealed microabscesses at the incision site in all animals. Conclusions: The prototype incision and closure device represents a promising solution to the problems of transluminal access for NOTES. The presence of incision-related adhesions and microabscesses signal the need for further refinement in aseptic technique. 


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Multipliers are routinely used for impact evaluation of private projects and public policies at the national and subnational levels. Oosterhaven and Stelder (2002) correctly pointed out the misuse of standard 'gross' multipliers and proposed the concept of 'net' multiplier as a solution to this bad practice. We prove their proposal is not well founded. We do so by showing that supporting theorems are faulty in enunciation and demonstration. The proofs are flawed due to an analytical error but the theorems themselves cannot be salvaged as generic, non-curiosum counterexamples demonstrate. We also provide a general analytical framework for multipliers and, using it, we show that standard 'gross' multipliers are all that is needed within the interindustry model since they follow the causal logic of the economic model, are well defined and independent of exogenous shocks, and are interpretable as predictors for change.


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In this paper we present a simple theory-based measure of the variations in aggregate economic efficiency: the gap between the marginal product of labor and the household s consumption/leisure tradeoff. We show that this indicator corresponds to the inverse of the markup of price over social marginal cost, and give some evidence in support of this interpretation. We then show that, with some auxilliary assumptions our gap variable may be used to measure the efficiency costs of business fluctuations. We find that the latter costs are modest on average. However, to the extent the flexible price equilibrium is distorted, the gross efficiency losses from recessions and gains from booms may be large. Indeed, we find that the major recessions involved large efficiency losses. These results hold for reasonable parameterizations of the Frisch elasticity of labor supply, the coefficient of relative risk aversion, and steady state distortions.


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This paper analyzes the behavior of international capital flows by foreigners and domestic agents, especially during financial crises. We show that gross capital flows by foreigners and domestic agents are very large and volatile, especially relative to net capital flows. This is because when foreigners invest in a country domestic agents tend to invest abroad and vice versa. Gross capital flows are also pro-cyclical. During expansions, foreigners tend to bring in more capital and domestic agents tend to invest more abroad. During crises, there is retrenchment, i.e. a reduction in capital inflows by foreigners and an increase in capital inflows by domestic agents. This is especially true during severe crises and during systemic crises. The evidence can shed light on the nature of shocks driving international capital flows. It seems to favor shocks that affect foreigners and domestic agents asymmetrically -e.g. sovereign risk and asymmetric information- over productivity shocks.


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Most US credit card holders revolve high-interest debt, often combined with substantial (i) asset accumulation by retirement, and (ii) low-rate liquid assets. Hyperbolic discounting can resolve only the former puzzle (Laibson et al., 2003). Bertaut and Haliassos (2002) proposed an 'accountant-shopper'framework for the latter. The current paper builds, solves, and simulates a fully-specified accountant-shopper model, to show that this framework canactually generate both types of co-existence, as well as target credit card utilization rates consistent with Gross and Souleles (2002). The benchmark model is compared to setups without self-control problems, with alternative mechanisms, and with impatient but fully rational shoppers.


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Most US credit card holders revolve high-interest debt, often combined with substantial (i) asset accumulation by retirement, and (ii) low-rate liquid assets. Hyperbolic discounting can resolve only the former puzzle (Laibson et al., 2003). Bertaut and Haliassos (2002) proposed an 'accountant-shopper'framework for the latter. The current paper builds, solves, and simulates a fully-specified accountant-shopper model, to show that this framework canactually generate both types of co-existence, as well as target credit card utilization rates consistent with Gross and Souleles (2002). The benchmark model is compared to setups without self-control problems, with alternative mechanisms, and with impatient but fully rational shoppers.


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Two main approaches are commonly used to empirically evaluate linear factor pricingmodels: regression and SDF methods, with centred and uncentred versions of the latter.We show that unlike standard two-step or iterated GMM procedures, single-step estimatorssuch as continuously updated GMM yield numerically identical values for prices of risk,pricing errors, Jensen s alphas and overidentifying restrictions tests irrespective of the modelvalidity. Therefore, there is arguably a single approach regardless of the factors being tradedor not, or the use of excess or gross returns. We illustrate our results by revisiting Lustigand Verdelhan s (2007) empirical analysis of currency returns.


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Welfare is a rather vague term whose meaning depends on ideology, values andjudgments. Material resources are just means to enhance people s well-being, butgrowth of the Gross Domestic Production is still the standard measure of thesuccess of a society. Fortunately, recent advances in measuring social performanceinclude health, education and other social outcomes. Because what we measureaffects what we do it is hoped that social policies will change. The movementHealth in all policies and its associated Health Impact Assessment methodologywill contribute to it. The task consists of designing transversal policies thatconsider health and other welfare goals, the short term and long-term implicationsand intergenerational redistributions of resources. As long as marginalproductivity on health outside the healthcare system is higher than inside it,efficiency needs cross-sectoral policies. And fairness needs them even more,because in order to reduce social inequalities in health, a wide social and politicalresponse is needed.Unless we reduce the well-documented inefficiencies in our current health caresystems the welfare states will fail to consolidate and the overall economic wellbeingcould be in serious trouble. In this article we sketched some policy solutionssuch as pricing according to net benefits of innovation and public encouragementof radical innovation besides the small type incremental and market-ledinnovation. We proposed an independent agency, the National Institute forWelfare Enhancement to guarantee long term fair and efficient social policies inwhich health plays a central role.