33 resultados para Globalization of culture


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La meva recerca s'ha centrat a analitzar la manera com els fòrums especialitzats poden ser útils a la difusió de la cultura i en concret als museus del segle XXI i de quina manera se'n beneficien també els ciutadans.


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El món dels mitjans de comunicació experimenta una gran transformació a causa de la introducció de les noves tecnologies de la comunicació i internet. Això obliga a replantejar els plantejaments teòrics del circuit de la cultura, on la divisió de funcionalitats entre els productes, els productors i els consumidors està molt més desdibuixada i barrejada. En aquest context l'estudi del fenomen del podcast, a partir del cas de Catalunya Ràdio, ens ajuda a veure com ha canviat aquest circuit al món de la cultura radiofònica.


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Anàlisi del fenomen cultural creat al voltant de J.R.R. Tolkien, l'autor d'El Senyor dels Anells, tot emprant el model del Circuit de la Cultura (Du Gay et als). La recerca se centra en el Consum: els fans i les fans de Tolkien i de la trilogia cinematogràfica 'The Lord of the Rings': tolkiendili i ringers.


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L'existència dels parlars juvenils ens recorda el fet que totes les formes de cultura, i les identitats mateixes de les persones, van estretament lligades a les maneres de parlar que els són pròpies. El que segueix és doncs una reflexió sobre aquest lligam, aquestes relacions tan estretes entre les cultures i les identitats per una banda, i les maneres de parlar i les llengües per l'altra. La primera part del llibre tracta sobre les diverses identitats de gènere que vaig detectar dins els grups estudiats. El lector es preguntarà potser què és això de les identitats de gènere, i per què són tan importants. Els estudis del gènere tracten sobre el funcionament de la divisió sexual en la nostra societat, és a dir, sobre els diversos papers que homes i dones tenen en el mercat laboral, en la política, en la família, etc. A partir de tots aquests conceptes, a la segona part del llibre procediré a explicar quines identitats i ideologies anaven associades a les diverses formes de parlar (argot juvenil, accent andalús) i a l'ús de les llengües catalana i castellana. I aquí es veurà també perquè és important estudiar les diverses veus que apareixen en la nostra parla.


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L’ article fa un repàs de l’evolució del concepte de districte industrial des de l’ òptica de l’experiència italiana. Partint de la constatació dels canvis que hi ha hagut en les formes d’organització de la producció en els tres darrers decennis, s’exposa l’evolució del model del districte industrial com a paradigma d’ Alfred Marshall, de principis del segle XX, s’ha anat enriquint a mesura que ha madurat l’ experiència districtual, que avui afronta els reptes de la globalització econòmica


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Some of the elements that characterize the globalization of food and agriculture are industrialization and intensification of agriculture and liberalization of agricultural markets, that favours elongation of the food chain and homogenization of food habits (nutrition transition), among other impacts. As a result, the probability of food contamination has increased with the distance and the number of “hands" that may contact the food (critical points); the nutritional quality of food has been reduced because of increased transport and longer periods of time from collection to consumption; and the number of food-related diseases due to changes in eating patterns has increased. In this context, there exist different agencies and regulations intended to ensure food safety at different levels, e.g. at the international level, Codex Alimentarius develops standards and regulations for the marketing of food in a global market. Although governments determine the legal framework, the food industry manages the safety of their products, and thus, develops its own standards for their marketing, such as the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) programs. The participation of the private sector in the creation of regulatory standards strengthens the free trade of food products, favouring mostly large agribusiness companies. These standards are in most cases unattainable for small producers and food safety regulations are favouring removal of the peasantry and increase concentration and control in the food system by industrial actors. Particularly women, who traditionally have been in charge of the artisanal transformation process, can be more affected by these norms than men. In this project I am analysing the impcact of food safety norms over small farms, based on the case of artisanal production made by women in Spain.


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The rise in world trade since 1970 has been accompanied by a rise in the geographic span of control of management and, hence, also a rise in the e ective international mobility of labor services. We study the e ect of such a globalization of the world's labor markets. The world's welfare gains depend positively on the skill-heterogeneity of the world's labor force. We nd that when peoplecan choose between wage work and managerial work, the worldwide labor market raises output by more in the rich and the poor countries, and by less in the middle-income countries. This is because the middle-income countries experience the smallest change in the factor-price ratio, and where the option to choose between wage work and managerial work has the least value in the integratedeconomy. Our theory also establishes that after economic integration, the high skill countries see a disproportionate increase in managerial occupations. Using aggregate data on GDP, openness and occupations from 115 countries, we find evidence for these patterns of occupational choice.


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This paper explores the integration process that firms follow to implementSupply Chain Management (SCM) and the main barriers and benefits relatedto this strategy. This study has been inspired in the SCM literature,especially in the logistics integration model by Stevens [1]. Due to theexploratory nature of this paper and the need to obtain an in depthknowledge of the SCM development in the Spanish grocery sector, we used thecase study methodology. A multiple case study analysis based on interviewswith leading manufacturers and retailers was conducted.The results of this analysis suggest that firms seem to follow the integration process proposed by Stevens, integrating internally first, andthen, extending this integration to other supply chain members. The casesalso show that Spanish manufacturers, in general, seem to have a higherlevel of SCM development than Spanish retailers. Regarding the benefitsthat SCM can bring, most of the companies identify the general objectivesof cost and stock reductions and service improvements. However, withrespect to the barriers found in its implementation, retailers andmanufacturers are not coincident: manufacturers seem to see more barrierswith respect to aspects related to the other party, such as distrust and alack of culture of sharing information, while retailers find as mainbarriers the need of a know-how , the company culture and the historyand habits.


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El procés del projectar conté una lògica de desenvolupament que també queda afectada en la crisi de la raó a partir del romanticisme i la primera revolució industrial. Dissenyar passa a ser l'intent de recuperació momentània d'aquesta lògica, com assaig constant que es plasma en els resultats. Aquest assaig té diversos 'moments' o estadis entre els que el 'moment' de la conceptalització necessita la reflexió amb altres formes de reflexió, com és la narrativitat.


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Estudio sobre el proceso proyectual de diseño y sobre la necesidad de la narratividad en la conceptualización


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Este artículo ofrece un análisis del nihilismo de Nietzsche y su distinción entre nihilismo activo y pasivo, y propone que cada uno de ellos ha dado lugar a una línea distinta de filosofía de la cultura. El artículo concluye con una reflexión sobre la dificultad de ser nihilista.


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Background: Leishmaniasis is a common parasitic disease in Southern Europe, caused by Leishmania infantum. The failures of current treatment with pentavalent antimonials are partially attributable to the emergence of antimony-resistant Leishmania strains. This study analyses the in vitro susceptibility to pentavalent antimony of intracellular amastigotes from a range of L. infantum strains, derived from the same infected animal, during in vitro and in vivo passages and after host treatment with meglumine antimoniate. Results: SbV-IC50 values for strains from two distinct isolates from the same host and one stock after two years of culture in NNN medium and posterior passage to hamster were similar (5.0 ± 0.2; 4.9 ± 0.2 and 4.4 ± 0.1 mgSbV/L, respectively). In contrast, a significant difference (P < 0.01, t test) was observed between the mean SbV-IC50 values in the stocks obtained before and after treatment of hosts with meglumine antimoniate (4.7 ± 0.4 mgSbV/L vs. 7.7 ± 1.5 mgSbV/L). Drug-resistance after drug pressure in experimentally infected dogs increased over repeated drug administration (6.4 ± 0.5 mgSbV/L after first treatment vs. 8.6 ± 1.4 mgSbV/L after the second) (P < 0.01, t test). Conclusions: These results confirm previous observations on strains from Leishmania/HIV co-infected patients and indicate the effect of the increasing use of antimony derivatives for treatment of canine leishmaniasis in endemic areas on the emergence of Leishmania antimony-resistant strains.


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Jordi Casassas, academic coordinator of the GEHCI (Group of Studies on the History of Culture and Intellectuals), offers a brief approach to the history of this research group, which began its activity in 1989. He exposes the main projects of its members and the works published throughout this time.


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Jordi Casassas, academic coordinator of the GEHCI (Group of Studies on the History of Culture and Intellectuals), offers a brief approach to the history of this research group, which began its activity in 1989. He exposes the main projects of its members and the works published throughout this time.


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El treball de fi de grau “La Gestió dels Costos a la regidoria de cultura de l’Ajuntament de Ripoll” ha estat elaborat mitjançant la col·laboració de l’Ajuntament de la vila de Ripoll i el projecte planteja elaborar un estudi que serveixi per a portar un control exhaustiu dels costos a una regidoria en concret d’aquest ajuntament, la regidoria de cultura, que engloba les àrees de cultura i joventut, fires i festes. Per tant, mitjançant aquesta gestió dels costos s’ha pogut determinar quin és el cost per habitant en aquestes tres àrees de la regidoria de cultura i quins ingressos s’han obtingut al llarg del període 2011.