30 resultados para Gilles Vigneault


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We analyze the political support for employment protection legislation.Unlike my previous work on the same topic, this paper pays a lot ofattention to the role of obsolescence in the growth process.In voting in favour of employment protection, incumbent employeestrade off lower living standards (because employment protectionmaintains workers in less productive activities) against longer jobduration. The support for employment protection will then depend onthe value of the latter relative to the cost of the former. Wehighlight two key deeterminants of this trade-off: first, the workers'bargaining power, second, the economy's growth rate-more preciselyits rate of creative destruction.


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In this paper we study the evolution of the labor share in the OECD since 1970. We show it is essentially related to the capital-output ratio; that this relationship is shifted by factors like the price of imported materials or the skill mix; and that discrepancies between the marginal product of labor and the real wage (due to, e.g., product market power, union bargaining, and labor adjustment costs) cause departures from it. We provide estimates of the model with panel data on 14 industries and 14 countries for 1973-93 and use them to compute the evolution of the wage gap in Germany and the US.


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This paper develops a model of job creation and job destruction in agrowing economy with embodied technical progress, that we use toanalyze the political support for employment protection legislationssuch as the ones that are observed in most European countries.We analyze the possibility of Condorcet cycles due to the fact thatworkers about to become unemployed prefer both an increase and areduction in firing costs over the status quo. Despite this problem, we show the existence of local, and sometimes global majority winners.In voting in favour of employment protection, incumbent employeestrade off lower living standards (because employment protectionmaintains workers in less productive activities) against longer job duration. We show that the gains from, and consequently the politicalsupport for employment protection (as defined by maximunjob tenure) are larger, the lower the rate of creative destruction and the largerthe worker's bargaining power. Numerical simulations suggest a hump-shaped response of firing costs to these variables, as well as negative impact of exogeneous turnover on employment protection.


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We analyze the channels by which an ill-functioning labor market changes the preferences of the people for public policy and therefore the decisions that are made. We not only discuss labour market reform but other important aspects of policy making such as the size and structure of government spending. Theclass of mechanisms that we highlight can be summarized as the very existence of unemployment generating political support for "sclerosis". This may help to explain the timid pace of reform, in particular the fact that any recovery sends them at the backfront of the political agenda, and the sometimes violent opposition generated by some measures, as we have seen mostly in France.


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We develop a model to analyse the implications of firing costs on incentivesfor R&D and international specialization. The Key idea is paying the firingcost, the country with a rigid labor market will tend to produce relativelysecure goods, at a late stage of their product life cycle.Under international trade, an international product cycle emerges where,roughly, new goods are first produced in the low firing cost country willspecialize in 'secondary innovations', that is, improvements in existinggoods, while the low firing cost country will more specialize in 'primaryinnovation', that is, invention of new goods.


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In this paper we study the structure of labor market flows in Spain and compare them with France and the US. We characterize a number of empirical regularities and stylized facts. One striking result is that the job finding rate is slightly higher than in France, while the jon loss rate is much higher, putting Spain half-way between France and the US. This suggests that while Spain has borne the full cost of its labor market reforms in terms of job precarity, the benefits in terms of job creation have been quite modest. We hypothesize that this has been due to the reform s credibility being imperfect, which leads toexpectation of reversal.


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In this paper we study the relationship between labor market institutions and monetary policy. We use a simple macroeconomic framework to show how optimal monetary policy rules depend on labor institutions (labor adjustment costs, and nominal and real wage rigitidy) and social preferences regarding inflation, employment, and real wages. We also calibrate our model tocompute how the change in social welfare brought about by giving up monetary policy as a result of joining the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) depends on institutions and preferences. We then use the calibrated model to analyze how EMU affects the incentives for labor market reform, both for reformsthat increase the economy's adjustment potential and for those that affect the long-run unemployment rate.


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Este trabajo de investigación trata de comprender los procesos que han hecho posible el salto del actor estadounidense Bill Murray de la comedia gamberra de género a los discursos de autor -un movimiento cada vez más habitual en el cine contemporáneo. Con dicho fin, se someten las diferentes fases de su filmografía a un análisis que permite cristalizar los puntos en que éstas se comunican. Al vehicularlo con los estudios que autores como Gilles Deleuze, Maurice Blanchot o Giorgio Agamben han dedicado a algunas figuras de la literatura del siglo XX es posible situar la naturaleza de este proceso y dilucidar la finalidad que ha dado lugar a él.


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We study the nonequilibrium behavior of the three-dimensional Gaussian random-field Ising model at T=0 in the presence of a uniform external field using a two-spin-flip dynamics. The deterministic, history-dependent evolution of the system is compared with the one obtained with the standard one-spin-flip dynamics used in previous studies of the model. The change in the dynamics yields a significant suppression of coercivity, but the distribution of avalanches (in number and size) stays remarkably similar, except for the largest ones that are responsible for the jump in the saturation magnetization curve at low disorder in the thermodynamic limit. By performing a finite-size scaling study, we find strong evidence that the change in the dynamics does not modify the universality class of the disorder-induced phase transition.


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The author takes the comment of the recent book of the French historian Gilles Pécout, Il lungo Risorgimento. La nascita dell'Italia contemporanea (1770-1922), as a pretext to make a revision of the historiography and the main arguments of the source of contemporary Italy. He analyses just the political and cultural process of the Risorgimento, as well as the nationalization of the Italian society after the country became independent.


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The author takes the comment of the recent book of the French historian Gilles Pécout, Il lungo Risorgimento. La nascita dell'Italia contemporanea (1770-1922), as a pretext to make a revision of the historiography and the main arguments of the source of contemporary Italy. He analyses just the political and cultural process of the Risorgimento, as well as the nationalization of the Italian society after the country became independent.


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Clarice Lispector començà a publicar als anys quaranta amb la novel·la Perto docoração selvagem (1944). No serà fins a la dècada de 1960, però, que desenvoluparà unrecurs que, encara que menys explotat, ja era present a les ficcions escrites finsaleshores: la depuració, o reducció a la seva mínima expressió, de tot elementpròpiament narratiu. Així, a l’hora que l’argument es minimitzava, la literatura deLispector ampliava la vessant reflexiva i, diríem, filosòfica. És en aquesta segona èpocaquan l’escriptora brasilera s’apropa més a una escriptura desjoïtzada, a una escriptura enquè l’enunciació es deslliga progressivament de la subjectivitat. Es tracta d’un recursforça innovador per a l’època i per a la tradició literària en què se situa Lispector.


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El volum que presentem és el segon de la col.lecció «Bibliothèque de Linguistique Romane» (BiLiRo), que va iniciar la seva singladura el 2002 amb el Trésor étymologique des mots de la Franche-Comté de Colette Dondaine. La col.lecció es publica sota el patrocini de la Société de Linguistique Romane i és dirigida per l"infatigable Gilles Roques.


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[spa]El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la interpretación deleuziana de la filosofía de Spinoza como una vía posible para la crítica del primer proyecto moderno. Para ello partimos de la premisa de que la expresión es un problema insoluble para el cartesianismo, y que el spinozismo intentó explorar este asunto para mostrar la naturaleza paradójica de este concepto. El estudio se centra en dos obras de Deleuze: Spinoza y el problema de la expresión y Spinoza: filosofía práctica.