63 resultados para Geology, Stratigraphic -- Paleozoic


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Se analizan brevemente los conceptos de facies usados en Estratigrafía añadiendo a las síntesis recientes realizadas (sobre todo la de TEICHERT 1958) algunos nuevos conceptos de uso común.


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In recent years, contradictory reports about whether or not an unconformity exists at the base of the Upper Ordovician succession of the Pyrenees have been made. In the Cerdanya area (Central Pyrenees), good outcrop evidence for this unconformity is displayed at the base of the Rabassa conglomerates. In this area, the Upper Ordovician rocks overlie a tilted Cambro-Ordovician sequence, displaying an angular unconformity and indicating a break in the stratigraphic series. Moreover, the existence of such an unconformity is supported by the distribution of Variscan minor structures, suggesting that the Cambro-Ordovician and the Upper Ordovician strata initially had different orientations before the main Variscan folding.


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Some clay levels of the garumnian facies, which surface in the southern sector of the Tremp Basin present a principal mineralogy of expansive type. The oedometer essays show that such materials present a very high grade of potencial expansivity. The swelling pressure presents values higher than 390 KN/m2. In the majority of the areas wherw this kind of clays surface the hydric erosion phenomena and the mass movements often appear to be very common and intense. The geomorphological role of the expansive clays is discussed as the triggering factor, associated to the development of these denudative processes


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The aim of this workshop is to present the main methods of subsoil studies (namely mechanical and geophysical methods) to the Earth Sciences professorate. These methods frequently involve the use of specific material. The different methods are usually taught in the classroom where there is no real contact between the students and the equipment. Several activities, all of them taking place in surrounding areas of the university campus of Girona, will provide the assistants to the workshop with the opportunity of making measurements with different equipment. These activities will be made in the field so as to contribute to the resolution of a problem which will have been previously proposed. The problems presented are situations, most of them real, when subsoil investigation techniques are usually used. These cases have been employed as teaching-learning strategies with university and second grade students in the area of Girona. Finally, some examples of exercises involving the treatment of data obtained through subsoil investigation techniques are also presented to complement the workshop


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The Paleozoic stratigraphic succession in the Catalonian Coastal Ranges spans the interval from Cambrian(?) to Carboniferous, with only one break, separating the pre-Carboniferous part of the sequence from the Carboniferous. The oldest rocks exposed form a sequence of schists, fine grained sandstones, gneisses (laminar pre-Hercynian intrusions), marbles, orto- and para-amphibolites and calcsilicate rocks. comparison with other localities iuggests an Early Cambrian age (or perhaps in part older). Upwards the sequence becomes more monotonous andconsists only of schists (or slates where themetamorphic grade is lower) and thin fine-grained sandstone layers (Cambrian-Ordovician). Still higher in the sequence, an altemation of greywackes and slates is found, with interlayered mud-supported conglomerates at its lower part and acid volcanic rocks which occur throughout the whole sequence. This part of the sequence has provided the oldest faunas known in the Catalonian Coastal Ranges, which indicate the Caradoc. Finally, in its uppermost part, the Ordovician sequence contains some thin limestone layers that contain Ashgill faunas. The Silurian, from Llandovery to Lower Ludlow, consists of black graptolitic shales with dolerite sills, whilst the upper Ludlow, Pridolian and Devonian consist of nodular limestones and marls withpelagic and hemipelagic faunas. The youngest Devonian faunas found correspond in general to the Emsian. The existence of a gap at this point of the sequence suggests the possibility that part of the Devonian could have been eroded. The Carboniferous is characterized by a thick culm sequence (Visean to Westphalian?), resting on thin chert and limestone layers (Tournaisian and Visean). A comparison with neighbouring areas shows a similarity regarding succession and facies with other Paleozoic massifs around the Western Mediterranean.


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In the Catalonian Coastal Ranges, Paleozoic sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks crop out in severa1 areas, intruded by late tectonic Hercynian granitoids and separated by Mesozoic and Tertiary cover sediments. Large structures are often difficult to recognize, although a general east-west trend can be observed on the geological map. Deformation was accompanied by the development of cleavages and regional metamorphism. Green-schist facies rocks are prominent throughout the Ranges, while amphibolite facies are restricted to small areas. In low-grade areas, the main deformation phase generated south-facing folds with an axial plane cleavage (slaty cleavage in metapelitic rocks). The intersection lineation (Ss/Sl) and the axes of minor folds trend cast-west, as do all mapable structures. Late deformations generated coarse crenulations, small chevrons and kink-bands, all intersecting the slaty cleavage at high angles. In medium- to high-grade areas no major folds have been observed. In these areas, the main foliation is a schistosity and is often folded, giving centimetric to decimetric, nearly isoclinal intrafolial folds. In schists, these folds aremuchmore common than inother lithologies, and can be associated with a crenulation cleavage. All these planar structures in high-grade rocks are roughly parallel. The late Hercynian deformational events, which gave rise to the crenulations and small chevrons, also produced large (often kilometric) open folds which fold the slaty cleavage and schistosity. As aconsequence, alternating belts with opposite dip (north and south) of the main foliation were formed. With respect to the Hercynian orogenic belt, the Paleozoic outcrops of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges are located within the northern branch of the Ibero-Armorican arc, and have a relatively frontal position within the belt. The Carboniferous of the Priorat-Prades area, together with other outcrops in the Castellón Province, the Montalbán massif (Iberian Chain) and the Cantabrian zone (specially the Pisuerga-Carrión Province) probably form part of a wide area of foreland Carboniferous deposition placed at the core of the arc.


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The Cerro Quema district, located on the Azuero Peninsula, Panama, is part of a large regional hydrothermal system controlled by regional faults striking broadly E-W, developed within the Río Quema Formation. This formation is composed of volcanic, sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks indicating a submarine depositional environment, corresponding to the fore-arc basin of a CretaceousPaleogene volcanic arc. The structures observed in the area and their tectono-stratigraphic relationship with the surrounding formations suggest a compressive and/or transpressive tectonic regime, at least during Late CretaceousOligocene times. The igneous rocks of the Río Quema Formation plot within the calc-alkaline field with trace and rare earth element (REE) patterns of volcanic arc affinity. This volcanic arc developed on the Caribbean large igneous province during subduction of the Farallon Plate. Mineralization consists of disseminations of pyrite and enargite as well as a stockwork of pyrite and barite with minor sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, hosted by a subaqueous dacitic lava dome of the Río Quema Formation. Gold is present as submicroscopic grains and associated with pyrite as invisible gold. A hydrothermal alteration pattern with a core of advanced argillic alteration (vuggy silica with alunite, dickite, pyrite and enargite) and an outer zone of argillic alteration (kaolinite, smectite and illite) has been observed. Supergene oxidation overprinted the hydrothermal alteration resulting in a thick cap of residual silica and iron oxides. The ore minerals, the alteration pattern and the tectono-volcanic environment of Cerro Quema are consistent with a high sulfidation epithermal system developed in the Azuero peninsula during pre-Oligocene times.


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The Cerro Quema district, located on the Azuero Peninsula, Panama, is part of a large regional hydrothermal system controlled by regional faults striking broadly E-W, developed within the Río Quema Formation. This formation is composed of volcanic, sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks indicating a submarine depositional environment, corresponding to the fore-arc basin of a Cretaceous-Paleogene volcanic arc. The structures observed in the area and their tectono-stratigraphic relationship with the surrounding formations suggest a compressive and/or transpressive tectonic regime, at least during Late Cretaceous-Oligocene times. The igneous rocks of the Río Quema Formation plot within the calc-alkaline field with trace and rare earth element (REE) patterns of volcanic arc affinity. This volcanic arc developed on the Caribbean large igneous province during subduction of the Farallon Plate. Mineralization consists of disseminations of pyrite and enargite as well as a stockwork of pyrite and barite with minor sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, hosted by a subaqueous dacitic lava dome of the Río Quema Formation. Gold is present as submicroscopic grains and associated with pyrite as invisible gold. A hydrothermal alteration pattern with a core of advanced argillic alteration (vuggy silica with alunite, dickite, pyrite and enargite) and an outer zone of argillic alteration (kaolinite, smectite and illite) has been observed. Supergene oxidation overprinted the hydrothermal alteration resulting in a thick cap of residual silica and iron oxides. The ore minerals, the alteration pattern and the tectono-volcanic environment of Cerro Quema are consistent with a high sulfidation epithermal system developed in the Azuero peninsula during pre-Oligocene times.


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Paleozoic rocks in the Catalonian Coastal Ranges are in their largestpart affectedby alow-tovery-low grade Hercynian metamorphism. Amphibolite facies conditions are only found in restricted areas such as the southwestern part of the Guilleries massif where upper amphibolite facies conditions are reached. Metamorphic grade increases from top to bottom of the Paleozoic stratigraphic sequence and the metamorphic peak is diachronous, being progressively older in the lower grade metamorphic zones. The isograd pattern, mineral assemblages, mineral chemistry and preserved reaction textures are consistent with a low pressure metamorphism possibly evolving from a previous Barrovian type event. The metamorphic climax in the high grade zone was reached after the seconddeformational phase. Calculatedpeak P-Tconditions are 620-640 OC and around 3.5 Kb . A latter episode of decompression from the maximum conditions to 1-2 Kb, with an associated temperature decrease to 530-550 OC, is recognized. The intrusion of late Hercynian granitoids produced contact metamorphic aureoles where the pyroxene-hornfels facies is locally reached.


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Analysis of stratigraphic terminology and classification, shows that time-related stratigraphic units, which by definition have a global extent, are the concern of international cornrnissions and committees of the intemational Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) . In contrast, lithostratigraphic, and other closely related units, are regional in extent and are catalogued in the International Stratigraphic Lexicon (ISL), the last volume of which, was published in 1987. Tlie intemational Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) is currently attempting to revitalize the publication of ISL, given that the information contained in published volumes has never been updated, and that there has been a significant increase in stratigraphic research in recent decades. The proliferation of named units in the South Pyrenean and Ebro Basin Paleogene is evaluated to illustrate the extent of the problem. Moreover, new approaches to stratigraphic analysis have led to the naming of genetic units according to similar guidelines followed in the naming of descnptive or lithostratigraphic units. This has led to considerable confusion. The proposal to revitalize the ISL is accepted as part of the solution, that should also include the publication of critica1 catalogues, and the creation of norms for genetic unit terminology.


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The Guilleries are a small and mountainous area located in the north-westem part of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges where metamorphic and igneous Paleozoic rocks are exposed. After the main hercynian folding this area was affected by a brittle deformation that is mainly manifested by the intrusion of a very large number of dykes of granodiorite and the development of a complex joint system. Trends of dykes indicate that their intrusion was related to a SE-NW extension, whose estimated value is 40% on an average. This extension seems to stand, although without any associated igneous event, with the development of NE-SW directed joints which make the main set. Five families more were developed later, onegently-dipping and fou upright; the latter trending roughly SE-NW, ENE-WSW, ESE-WNW and N-S. AU the joint sets appear in the metasedimentary Paleozoic rocks and in the hercynian intrusive bodies. Concerning the ages, joints that belong to the NE-SW and SE-NW directed sets and also those slightly dipping have been attributed to the late-hercynian times and all the other are considered to be later


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Several marine deposits in the southern Costa Brava shoreline have been studied. They appear at different heights above and below the present sea level. Three groups are defined in relation to their origin: conglomerate levels at the bottom of the cliffs, not-cementedemerged beaches and cemented submerged beaches. The age of the emerged beaches has been accurately determined by means of the ceramic content and radiocarbon dating. Chronological succession of the deposits and their stratigraphic and paleontological characteristics allow to define a sequence of the sea level changes during the latest stages of the versiliane transgression in the studied area


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El análisis estratigráfico y estructural de los conglomerados finieocenos y oligocenos de La Pobla de Segur (Formación de Collegats) localizados en los Pirineos centrales, ha permitido correlacionar diferentes episodios de sedimentación y de estructuración tectónica. Los materiales que constituyen el relleno de la cuenca intramontañosa de La Pobla de Segur (facies de abanico aluvial y deltaico, con intercalaciones lacustres subordinadas) reposan discordantemente sobre un substrato Mesozoico previamente deformado y estan organizados en una serie de cuñas clásticas que alcanzan un espesor acumulativo mínimo de 3500 m. El reconocimiento de superficies de discontinuidad, cartografiables a lo largo de toda la cuenca, ha permitido la definición de 5 alogrupos (Pessonada, Ermita, Pallaresa, Senterada y Antist) que a su vez pueden subdividirse en aloformaciones o secuencias. Las relaciones estructurales entre el suhstrato y los depósitos aluviales han permitido establecer la cronologia de la deformación compresiva tardía que afectó a este sector de la cadena sur-pirenaica y precisar el orígen claramente tectónico de las discontinuidades que constituyen los límites de los alogrupos.


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La sucesión estratigráfica de los depósitos continentales de la ' cuenca de Ager corresponde a sedimentos lacustres (Fm Massana), depósitos fluviales y de llanura de inundación (Fm. Figuerola), sedimentos lacustres (Fm. Milla) y una sucesión de materiales palustres, lacustres, fluviales, de lagunas evaponticas y aun mareales (Complejo de Perauba). Todos esos materiales fueron depositados en los diferentes medios sedimentarios citados que se desarrollaron en esa zona entre el Maastrichtiense y el Paleógeno inferior. En concreto, el tránsito entre el Cretácico y el Terciario (m)se produjo en uno de esos medios sedimentarios. Anteriormente se habia correlacionado ese límite con un nivel litoestratigráfico concreto (carbonatos de la Fm. Milla), pero actualmente se conoce que ese evento se produce en el tercio superior de la unidad tem'gena de la Fm. Figuerola. Los datos de paleomagnetismo sugieren que los dinosaunos y las carófitas cretácicas empezaron a desaparacer, en esta zona, unos dos millones de años antes que sucediera el evento asociado al límite K/T.