27 resultados para GPS Cinematico GNSS
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és fer un estudi dels diferents tipus de sistemes de posicionament global que hi ha en el mercat, elegir un mòdul receptor assequible per poder analitzar-lo i veure si disposa de les característiques adequades per integrar-lo en un robot autònom d’exploració del projecte Sant Bernardo. S’hauran de fer les anàlisis de la precisió del mòdul en les diferents direccions cardinals, es a dir Nord, Sud, Est, Oest i altura i veure la diferència d’error que hi ha en cada una, veure si la precisió varia molt en diferents situacions, com en cel obert, en sotabosc, costat i interior edificis. A més a més s’haurà de mirar la repetibilitat, la diferencia d’error amb diferentnombre de satèl•lits connectats i si disposa de suficient velocitat de processat per a podar corregir la posició del robot en moviment. Un cop analitzades les característiques del mòdul receptor elegit, es decidirà si aquest ésadequat per fer les correccions de posició del robot, o s’haurà d’adquirir un mòdul de característiques superiors i per tant molt més car per a dura a terme adequadament la correcció de la posició
El projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament d'un algorisme que millori el posicionament final d'un sistema que adquireix les dades d'una antena de GPS estàndard. Aquest sistema en certs moments té pèrdua total de senyal GPS o rep senyal amb pertorbacions, derivant en un mal posicionament. Nosaltres hem proposat una solució que utilitza les coordenades del GPS, el filtre Kalman per resoldre els problemes de pertorbacions de senyal, bases de dades digitals geogràfiques per garantir la circulació del vehicle per sobre la carretera, i finalment combina la informació temporal de posicions anteriors i la de les bases de dades per posicionar el vehicle quan hi ha pèrdua total de senyal. Els experiments realitzats ens indiquen que s'obté una millora del posicionement.
Desenvolupament d'un sistema consistent en un software per la recopilació de dades GPS per a Windows Mobile, un servidor de comunicacions, un server web i una plana web de consulta de les posicions en temps real de les PDA's.
El projecte denominat "Gestor de mapes i GPS" és una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils Android que utilitza l'API v.1 de Google Maps.
Desarrollo de una plataforma que permite la medición de parámetros climáticos ambientales característicos de una estación meteorológica tales como presión atmosférica, temperatura, luminosidad, precipitación y viento. Ésta tiene capacidad de poder integrarse y/o anexionarse para su uso a distintos tipos de sensores por cualquiera de las plataformas de comunicación que incorpora: bluetooth, Wi-Fi (IEE 802.11), bus I2C, o Ethernet. Igualmente, tiene la posibilidad de movilidad con indicación del posicionamiento por GPS y de aplicación adicional para uso en control domótico.
This paper addresses the estimation of the code-phase(pseudorange) and the carrier-phase of the direct signal received from a direct-sequence spread-spectrum satellite transmitter. Thesignal is received by an antenna array in a scenario with interferenceand multipath propagation. These two effects are generallythe limiting error sources in most high-precision positioning applications.A new estimator of the code- and carrier-phases is derivedby using a simplified signal model and the maximum likelihood(ML) principle. The simplified model consists essentially ofgathering all signals, except for the direct one, in a component withunknown spatial correlation. The estimator exploits the knowledgeof the direction-of-arrival of the direct signal and is much simplerthan other estimators derived under more detailed signal models.Moreover, we present an iterative algorithm, that is adequate for apractical implementation and explores an interesting link betweenthe ML estimator and a hybrid beamformer. The mean squarederror and bias of the new estimator are computed for a numberof scenarios and compared with those of other methods. The presentedestimator and the hybrid beamforming outperform the existingtechniques of comparable complexity and attains, in manysituations, the Cramér–Rao lower bound of the problem at hand.
In this letter, we obtain the Maximum LikelihoodEstimator of position in the framework of Global NavigationSatellite Systems. This theoretical result is the basis of a completelydifferent approach to the positioning problem, in contrastto the conventional two-steps position estimation, consistingof estimating the synchronization parameters of the in-viewsatellites and then performing a position estimation with thatinformation. To the authors’ knowledge, this is a novel approachwhich copes with signal fading and it mitigates multipath andjamming interferences. Besides, the concept of Position–basedSynchronization is introduced, which states that synchronizationparameters can be recovered from a user position estimation. Weprovide computer simulation results showing the robustness ofthe proposed approach in fading multipath channels. The RootMean Square Error performance of the proposed algorithm iscompared to those achieved with state-of-the-art synchronizationtechniques. A Sequential Monte–Carlo based method is used todeal with the multivariate optimization problem resulting fromthe ML solution in an iterative way.
Background: Providing support for research is one of the key issues in the ongoing attempts to improve Primary Care. However, when patient care takes up a significant part of a GP's time, conducting research is difficult. In this study we examine the working conditions and profile of GPs who publish in three leading medical journals and propose possible remedial policy actions. Findings: The authors of all articles published in 2006 and 2007 in three international Family Medicine journals - Annals of Family Medicine, Family Practice, and Journal of Family Practice - were contacted by E-mail. They were asked to complete a questionnaire investigating the following variables: availability of specific time for research, time devoted to research, number of patients attended, and university affiliation. Only GPs were included in the study. Three hundred and ten relevant articles published between 2006 and 2007 were identified and the authors contacted using a survey tool. 124 researchers responded to our questionnaire; 45% of respondents who were not GPs were excluded. On average GPs spent 2.52 days per week and 6.9 hours per day on patient care, seeing 45 patients per week. Seventy-five per cent of GPs had specific time assigned to research, on average 13 hours per week; 79% were affiliated to a university and 69% held teaching positions. Conclusions: Most GPs who publish original articles in leading journals have time specifically assigned to research as part of their normal working schedule. They see a relatively small number of patients. Improving the working conditions of family physicians who intend to investigate is likely to lead to better research results.
Aquest treball consisteix en analitzar la viabilitat d'una aplicació gestora de curses via GPS per a dispositius Android i, en cas afirmatiu, desenvolupar-ne un prototip. Per tal d'aconseguir-ho, es passa per una sèrie de fases d'estudi de l'aplicació i d'aprenentatge en la implementació.
The Pyrenean mountain range is a slowly deforming belt with continuous and moderate seismic activity. To quantify its deformation field, we present the velocity field estimated from a GPS survey of the Pyrenees spanning 18 yr. The PotSis and ResPyr networks, including a total of 85 GPS sites, were installed and first measured in 1992 and 1995 1997, respectively, and remeasured in 2008 and 2010. We obtain a deformation field with velocities less than 1 mm yr−1 across the range. The estimated velocities for individual stations do not differ significantly from zero with 95 per cent confidence. Even so, we estimate a maximum extensional horizontal strain rate of 2.0 ± 1.7 nanostrain per year in a N S direction in the western part of the range. We do not interpret the vertical displacements due to their large uncertainties. In order to compare the horizontal strain rates with the seismic activity, we analyse a set of 194 focal mechanisms using three methods: (i) the 'r' factor relating their P and T axes, (ii) the stress tensors obtained by fault slip inversion and (iii) the strain-rate tensors. Stress and strain-rate tensors are estimated for: (i) the whole data set, (ii) the eastern and western parts of the range separately, and (iii) eight zones, which are defined based on the seismicity and the tectonic patterns of the Pyrenees. Each of these analyses reveals a lateral variation of the deformation style from compression and extension in the east to extension and strike-slip in the west of the range. Although the horizontal components of the strain-rate tensors estimated from the seismic data are slightly smaller in magnitude than those computed from the GPS velocity field, they are consistent within the 2σ uncertainties. Furthermore, the orientations of their principal axes agree with the mapped active faults.
In this paper, we report a preliminary analysis of the impact of Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R) data on ionospheric monitoring over the oceans. The focus will be on a single polar Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) mission exploiting GNSS-R as well as Navigation (GNSS-N) and Occultation (GNSS-O) total electron content (TEC) measurements. In order to assess impact of the data, we have simulated GNSS-R/O/N TEC data as would be measured from the LEO and from International Geodesic Service (IGS) ground stations, with an electron density (ED) field generated using a climatic ionospheric model. We have also developed a new tomographic approach inspired by the physics of the hydrogen atom and used it to effectively retrieve the ED field from the simulated TEC data near the orbital plane. The tomographic inversion results demonstrate the significant impact of GNSS-R: three-dimensional ionospheric ED fields are retrieved over the oceans quite accurately, even as, in the spirit of this initial study, the simulation and inversion approaches avoided intensive computation and sophisticated algorithmic elements (such as spatio-temporal smoothing). We conclude that GNSS-R data over the oceans can contribute significantly to a Global/GNSS Ionospheric Observation System (GIOS). Index Terms Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R), ionosphere, Low Earth Orbiter (LEO), tomography.