27 resultados para Ford, John, 1586-ca. 1640.


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Aquest text s’emmarca en dos projectes de recerca: a) SEJ2006-15051-C03-01 “El derecho histórico en los pueblos de España: ámbitos público y privado (siglos XII-XXI)”, dirigit per Tomàs de Montagut, catedràtic d’Història del Dret a la UPF; b) HAR2008-03291/HIST “La formación del estado borbónico (1700-1746), dirigit per Joaquim Albareda, catedràtic d’Història Moderna també a la UPF.


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Long-lived states (LLS) are relaxation-favoured eigenstates of J-coupled magnetic nuclei. LLS were measured, along with classical 1H and 15 N relaxation rate constants, in aminoacids of the N-terminal Unique domain of the c-Src kinase (USrc), which is disordered in vitro under physiological conditions. The relaxation rates of LLS are a probe for motions and interactions in biomolecules. LLS of the aliphatic protons of glycines, with lifetimes ca. four times longer than their spin-lattice relaxation times, are reported for the first time in an intrinsically disordered protein domain (IDP). LLS relaxation experiments were integrated with 2D spectroscopy methods, further adapting them for studies on proteins.


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During John Lake's visit to Barcelona to take part in a seminar organized by the Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació (Department of Library and Information Science) at the University of Barcelona (UB)1 EPI sought an interview to further explore some of the themes addressed in the seminar, drawing on his extensive experience in the world of public libraries.


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Ca(2+) import into the lumen of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) by the secretory pathway calcium ATPase1 (SPCA1) is required for the sorting of secretory cargo. How is Ca(2+) retained in the lumen of the Golgi, and what is its role in cargo sorting? We show here that a soluble, lumenal Golgi resident protein, Cab45, is required for SPCA1-dependent Ca(2+) import into the TGN; it binds secretory cargo in a Ca(2+)-dependent reaction and is required for its sorting at the TGN.


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En aquest treball es presenten les dades referents a la Cova Colomera (Sant Esteve de la Sarga, Pallars Jussà) durant el Neolític cardial final. A partir de diferents sondejos duts a terme des de l'any 2005, s'ha pogut observar la varietat d'usos i funcionalitats del jaciment en moments potencialment sincrònics. Per una banda,una zona on predominen les estructures de caire domètic (fogars, fosses i forats de pal)que ens mostren les dades entorn a l'hàbitat al jaciment; i per altra banda, un gran sector de la cavitat dedicat a l'estabulació dels ramats amb sediments de tipus fumier i probablement també a l'emmagatzematge. Tot això succeix en unes datacions d'entre 6180 +/- 40 i 6020 +/- 510BP. Aquestes dades es contextualitzen amb les d'altres jaciments de la zona pirinenca, un àmbit que sempre ha estat definit en la bibliografia com un espai de pas entre diferents biòtops ecològics, de les plantes fèrtils a les pastures de l'estiu.


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GdBaCo2O5+x (GBCO) was evaluated as a cathode for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. A porous layer of GBCO was deposited on an anode-supported fuel cell consisting of a 15m thick electrolyte of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) prepared by dense screen-printing anda Ni–YSZ cermet as an anode (Ni–YSZ/YSZ/GBCO). Values of power density of 150 mW cm−2 at 700◦C and ca. 250 mW cm−2 at 800◦C are reported for this standard configuration using 5% of H2 in nitrogen as fuel. An intermediate porous layer of YSZ was introduced between the electrolyte and the cathode improving the performance of the cell. Values for power density of 300 mW cm−2 at 700◦C and ca. 500 mW cm−2 at 800◦C in this configuration were achieved.


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One of the founders of numismatics in Modern Age was the archbishop of Tarragona and renowned jurist Antonio Agustín. He was educated during the mid-sixteenth century mainly in Italy, particularly in Bologna and Padua. His role in the development of antiquarian studies – and interest in collecting – ran parallel to the development of numismatics in the Cinquecento. His interest in realia , i.e., the materials and documents perceived as primary evidence of history understood in a global sense, make him a pioneer in setting the trends and methodologies which would be later employed by Bernard de Montfaucon. The period Antonio Agustín spent in Bologna, at the Reale Collegio di Spagna, between 1539 and 1544, afforded him the opportunity to enter a very cultivated circle where the admiration and study of the Antique was well established since the mid-fifteenth century. The cultural effervescence taking place in Bologna was encouraged by the court of Giovanni II Bentivoglio and the University alike. Artists also contributed to the development of antiquarian knowledge, and the painter Amico Aspertini (ca. 1475-1552) exemplifies this. It is clear that Antonio Agustín certainly benefited from the scholarly environment in Bologna during the first half of the Cinquecento, which had been firmly anchored since the fertile Quattrocento. Although the documentary evidence is scarce, and it is difficult to pinpoint the details, it is undeniable that Antonio Agustín was heavily influenced by his Bolognese experience.


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This article focuses on the study of the treatment of eroticism in some of the poetic compositions from Francesc Fontanella (1622-1682/3). The paper studies fiften literary epistles whisch Fontanella dedicated to the nuns of the convent of Els Àngels and Jerusalem of Barcelona during the 1640s. It is divided into two parts; to first, the compositions under study are identified and presented briefly, and some issues related to the transmission of these textes are clarified. The second part discusses in detail all erotic references present in text. This analysis, on one hand, allows to present an interpretation of the meaning of the whole story contained in the letters. Moreover, it allows to present a characterization of the erotic vision of Fontanella. This is done by comparing this vision with the usual one at the time of baroque, as well as by analyzing the rhetorical strategies and the representation strategies that the author uses in the treatment of eroticism


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Aquest article es proposa explorar la possibilitat d'apropar a la concepció del liberalisme polític metafilosòfic de John Rawls des del punt de vista pragmatista de Richard Rorty. La proposta està motivada per les similituds que es poden observar entre elles respecte de la finalitat i la sortida d'una concepció política. El resultat final de l'article és ambigua: d'una banda, no sembla tan descabellat afirmar que la teoria de Rawls es pot llegir sense més dificultats des d'una perspectiva pragmàtica, d'altra banda, hi ha alguns aspectes importants en els quals un liberalisme polític de Rawls segueix sent incompatible amb una concepció política de Rorty


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In Dewey, philosophy and education are inseparable. It is often forgotten that Dewey’s conception of school and education has only been possible because he conceived thought in terms of lived experience, of constantly tested experience, of incessant research; in other words, of 'continuous search' of 'effective means of action'. In addition, according to Dewey, true education is an education in democracy, and that means investing in an education that deals with thought. The service to democratic progress is done precisely through an education in reasonability and taking into account the experience


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