31 resultados para Flocculated sedimentation
Mientras que muchos paleontologos reconocen o aceptan direcciones preferentes en los procesos de sucesión y de evolución, los biólogos y ecólogos que estudian organismos actuales, al enfrentarse con un gran número de posibilidades de cambio, suelen ser mhs escépticos. En mi opinion, la diferente actitud tiene que ver conla escala de los fenómenos, pero también con la asimetria de los cambios naturales. Una disponibilidad de energia alta e imprevisible determina discontinuidades y permite a los organismos hacer historia; un régimen de energia previsiblemente degradada a través de una organización, permite a la vida escribir historia La dinámica de las poblaciones planctónicas es un ejemplo ideal de la operación alternada de los regimenes energéticos. La productividad y las formas biológicas dependen de cómo la energiadisponible realiza trabajo en la matriz fisica del ecosistema. La sucesión solo se puede reconocer en régimen de degradación de energia; pero ello es solamente la mitad de la historia. Las secuencias o ciclos sedimentarios se pueden comparar con este modelo de plancton También aqui aparecen discontinuidades que empiezan con la deposición de materiales gniesos en un ambiente de alta energia y pasan gradualmente a materiales más finos, cada vez con mayor influencia de la vida en su composicion y segregación. La evolucion tiene un componente que procede de su adherencia necesaria a la sucesión. Las especies evolucionan colonizando distintos ambientes, uno tras otro, pero en todos y cada uno de ellos, están sometidos a presiones paralelas, dependientes de la sucesióii. Otras poblaciones de caracteristicas más oportunistas y generales saltan continuamente entre ambientes de gran energia, donde su evolución puede ser rápida, pero deja naturalmente pocos indicios. El registro fósil solo nos cuenta la mitad de la historia y la evolución nos parece tener direccion, simplemente como consecuencia de la asimetria fundamental en los cambios de los ecosistemas.
This work deals with the elaboration of flood hazard maps. These maps reflect the areas prone to floods based on the effects of Hurricane Mitch in the Municipality of Jucuarán of El Salvador. Stream channels located in the coastal range in the SE of El Salvador flow into the Pacific Ocean and generate alluvial fans. Communities often inhabit these fans can be affected by floods. The geomorphology of these stream basins is associated with small areas, steep slopes, well developed regolite and extensive deforestation. These features play a key role in the generation of flash-floods. This zone lacks comprehensive rainfall data and gauging stations. The most detailed topographic maps are on a scale of 1:25 000. Given that the scale was not sufficiently detailed, we used aerial photographs enlarged to the scale of 1:8000. The effects of Hurricane Mitch mapped on these photographs were regarded as the reference event. Flood maps have a dual purpose (1) community emergency plans, (2) regional land use planning carried out by local authorities. The geomorphological method is based on mapping the geomorphological evidence (alluvial fans, preferential stream channels, erosion and sedimentation, man-made terraces). Following the interpretation of the photographs this information was validated on the field and complemented by eyewitness reports such as the height of water and flow typology. In addition, community workshops were organized to obtain information about the evolution and the impact of the phenomena. The superimposition of this information enables us to obtain a comprehensive geomorphological map. Another aim of the study was the calculation of the peak discharge using the Manning and the paleohydraulic methods and estimates based on geomorphologic criterion. The results were compared with those obtained using the rational method. Significant differences in the order of magnitude of the calculated discharges were noted. The rational method underestimated the results owing to short and discontinuous periods of rainfall data with the result that probabilistic equations cannot be applied. The Manning method yields a wide range of results because of its dependence on the roughness coefficient. The paleohydraulic method yielded higher values than the rational and Manning methods. However, it should be pointed out that it is possible that bigger boulders could have been moved had they existed. These discharge values are lower than those obtained by the geomorphological estimates, i.e. much closer to reality. The flood hazard maps were derived from the comprehensive geomorphological map. Three categories of hazard were established (very high, high and moderate) using flood energy, water height and velocity flow deduced from geomorphological and eyewitness reports.
An important evaporitic sedimentation occurred during the Paleogene (Eocene to lower Oligocene) in the Barberà sector of the southeastern margin of the Tertiary Ebro Basin. This sedimentation took place in shallow lacustrine environments and was controlled by a number of factors: 1) the tectonic structuration of the margin; 2) the high calcium sulphate content in the meteoric waters coming from the marginal reliefs; 3) the semiarid climate; and 4) the development of large alluvial fans along the basin margin, which also conditioned the location of the saline lakes. The evaporites are currently composed of secondary gypsum in surface and anhydrite at depth. There are, however, vestiges of the local presence of sodium sulphates. The evaporite units, with individual thicknesses ranging between 50 and 100 m, are intercalated within various lithostratigraphic formations and exhibit a paleogeographical pattern. The units located closer to the basin margin are characterized by a massive gypsum lithofacies (originally, bioturbated gypsum) bearing chert, and also by meganodular gypsum locally (originally, meganodules of anhydrite) in association with red lutites and clastic intercalations (gypsarenites, sandstones and conglomerates). Chert, which is only linked to the thickest gypsum layers, seems to be an early diagenetic, lacustrine product. Cyclicity in these proximal units indicates the progressive development of lowsalinity, lacustrine bodies on red mud flats. At the top of some cycles, exposure episodes commonly resulted in dissolution, erosion, and the formation of edaphic features. In contrast, the units located in a more distal position with regard to the basin margin are formed by an alternation of banded-nodular gypsum and laminated gypsum layers in association with grey lutites and few clastic intercalations. These distal units formed in saline lakes with a higher ionic concentration. Exposure episodes in these lakes resulted in the formation of synsedimentary anhydrite and sabkha cycles. In some of these units, however, outer rims characterized by a lithofacies association similar to that of the proximal units occur (nodular gypsum, massive gypsum and chert nodules).
The evaporite unit (the Lécera Formation), which was formed at the Triassic¿Liassic boundary in the Aragonian Branch of the Iberian Chain, was studied at the 01 Alacón borehole (Alacón village, Teruel province), where it is mainly constituted by a thick (>e and reflect deeper water settings, whereas in the upper part they correspond to shallower water settings. The evaporite sedimentation mainly occurred in a subsiding coastal basin of the salina or lagoon type. In this setting, the subaqueous precipitation of the carbonate and gypsum lithofacies was followed, in each cycle, by the interstitial growth of anhydrite in exposed conditions. As a whole, the evaporite succession reflects an infilling process. The conversion into anhydrite of the selenitic gypsum -probably also of the rest of depositional gypsum lithofaciesstarted under synsedimentary conditions and followed during shallow to moderate burial diagenesis.
This paper describes petrologic and morphologic characteristics of fossil beaches submerged in the sector of the Costa Brava located between the Pals Beach and Blanes (Girona). These submerged beaches are composed of large-grain sandstone andconglomerate platforms, situated at a depth between 0.5 and 2.5 meters. These platforms are slightly inclinated towards the open sea. These deposits have been formed very recently, and date from Holocene, as noted by the presence of fragments of roman ceramics inside sandstone
Amb la finalitat d’estudiar els ritmes d’acumulació de sediments durant els últims 100 anys, s’han extret tres testimonis de sediments del canyó d’Arenys a profunditats de 1074 m, 1410 m i 1632 m respectivament. Els ritmes de sedimentació basats en els perfils verticals de Pb-210 suggereixen que les tendències actuals sobre el flux i acumulació de sediments poden ser diferents a tendències passades. Durant la dècada dels 70 es va portar a terme una ràpida evolució de la flota pesquera del port d’Arenys de Mar. Aquest fet es pot relacionar amb els canvis en el ritme d’acumulació dels sediments al testimoni extret a 1074 m. Els flancs del canyó submarí són objectiu dels arrossegadors del port d’Arenys de Mar, una activitat que pot fer variar la morfologia del fons marí, la resuspensió de les partícules i pot crear fluxos de terbolesa. Per tant, els resultats suggereixen que l’activitat pesquera d’arrossegament pot afectar als ambients submarins d’una manera més important del que s’havia pensat.
Sabkha and deep burial set tings are the most com mon sites where diagenetic anhydrite forms. In a sabkha setting, displacive facies (iso lated nodules, bed ded nodules, enterolithic levels) of early diagenetic or primary anhydrite are generated (Shearman, 1966; Hardie, 1967). These anhydrite facies are commonly foundat the top of shoal ing cycles representing the evolution from subaqueous depositional conditions at the base (carbonates, lutites) to exposure conditions at the top where in ter stitially-grown gypsum/anhydrite de velops ( sabkha cy cles). In a deep burial setting, gypsum transforms to tally to anhydrite with in creas ing temperature and lithostatic pressure (Murray, 1964). Al though this mineral transformation usually preserves the depositional gypsum facies, a significant textural change is in volved in other cases, resulting in replacive anhydrite with a nodular-mosaic or"chicken-wire" fabric (Warren, 2006). In the two settings, how ever, the size of the individual anhydrite nodules is relatively small, rarely reaching some tens of centimetres across. More over, bedding is preserved or little disturbed, al though minor de formation is caused by the displacive sabkha nodules.
A summary of the results from the study of benthos of lakes and reservoirs in Spain is provided, with a list of the species found to date. Spanish natural lakes are smaller than European lakes; the largest is Lake Sanabria, of glacial origin, which is 3 Km long and half a kilorneter wide. Many are very small and situated in the mountains; more than 200 hundred have been recorded in Spain, but only in Lake Sanabria and Lake Banyoles have the benthos been studied. Lake Sanabria is a cold oligotrophic, monomictic lake with oxygen always present in the deepest zones. Its fauna is similar to that of other central European lakes, with Mici.opsectra c.orztractu (a chironomid) as the dominan1 species. Lake Banyoles is a karstic, monomictic and multibasin lake; despite the low primary productivity, due to the abundante of sulphate in the water, the allochthonous inflow of organic matter and the inflow of water from bottom springs, the profunda1 environinent is very stressing for benthic fauna. Very low oxygen concentrations and high sulphide content in the water and sediments dueto meromixis mean that only the larva of the dipteran Chaohoi.lcs flai7icans was present in one of the 5 basins of the lake. In other basins, when oxygen is available (no meromixis), the fauna is similar to that of tlie inineralized lakes of the Aegean region and some lakes in central Italia. On the other hand, preliminary data from the Pyrenean lakes and from Sierra Nevada ponds reveal no differences with northern cold lakes. Tlie largest lakes in Spain are the reservoirs. There are nearly 1000 and data are available on 100 of them, including the kargest. In addition to oxygen and sulphide content in the bottom waters, water level fluctuation and high sedimentation rates are disturbance factors that prevented the organization of the community. Allochthonous inputs of organic matter are also an important factor both in the reservoirs and also in the small, oligotrophic lakes like Banyoles and Sanabria. As a result the meiofaunal loop is very important in many of the Spanish water bodies . For this reason the natural lakes and reservoirs of Spain are dominated by Oligochaeta, small crustaceans and the microcarnivore chironomids (such as Procladi~ls, Cladopelma and Mi(,rnc.hil-onnmus) that feed on these meoifaunal elements. The phytophagous chironomids, like Chironomus, are only abundan1 in the shallow areas of mesotrophic and eutrophic reservoirs. This situation makes it difficult to apply the typological system of SAETHER which predicts with some confidence only the benthic communities of Spanish natural lakes above 1500 m in the Pyrenees or the ponds above 2000 m in Sierra Nevada mountains. Higher temperatures (which originate a longer stratification period), the presence of sulphate in the waters of the eastern part of Spain and high inputs of sediments and allochthonous organic matter seem to be the factors that originated the differences between the benthic profunda1 faunas of Spanish lakes and reservoirs and those of the temperate lakes of north and central Europe.
Se han distinguido cuatro complejos sedimentarios del Eoceno superior-Mioceno inferior en los depósitos continentales del margen norte de la cuenca del Ebro...
A very important alluvial fan clastic sedimentation, took place in the NNESSW trending Valles-Penedes graben (northeastem Spain) during Miocene time. Shallow lacustrine and paludine areas developed in distal zones of these alluvial fan complexes during Burdigalian (Early Miocene). At that time both facies development and their distribution were closely controlled by tectonic activity. Fault scarp retreat and back-faulting processes in the southeastem edge of the basin (observed in westem Valles afea), originated an expansive advance of distal alluvial-fan facies in that direction. The decreasing or cessation of the activity of the southeastern margin fault ca~sedi,n Late Burdigalian time (while faults in the northwestern margin were still active) facies redistribution, and gave way to the assymetry of the basin. Finally lacustrine, marine and transitional deposits of late burdigalian and langhian age, were laid down overlapping the southeastem inactive margins.
The magnetostratigraphic analysis of the middle to late Miocene continental deposits from the Valles-Penedes basin, combined with its well-documented fossil mammal record, provides a well-resoluted chronology for the upper basin infill. It is based on the biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic cross-correlation of 18 sections throughout the alluvial and transitional/shallow marine sequences in the Western Valles area. The biostratigraphic framework consists of 24 mammal localities of upper Aragonian and Vallesian age. Correlation of the studied sections to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS) is based on the distinctive pattern of local magnetozones, as well as the radiometric age of the late Vallesian fauna from the Bicorp Basin (9.6 + 0.3 Ma) and the known relationship of the late Vallesian assemblages with marine beds belonging to the planktonic forarninifera N16 zone. It has led to an absolute dating of the fauna1 events and a precise chronostratigraphy of the Vallesian marnrnal stage in its type area. The Hipparion First Appearance Datum (FAD) defines the lower Vallesian boundary and is dated at 11.1 Ma, at the base of chron C5r. ln. It is in good agreement with radiometric ages from the early Hipparion bearing sites in the Vienna Basin (1 1.1 * 0.5 Ma) and the classic Howenegg locality in Germany (10.8 * 0.3 Ma). It also agrees with the age of the turkish localities of Yailacilar (1 1.6 + 0.25 Ma) and Yenieskihisar-2 (1 1.1 * 0.2 Ma) with absence of Hipparion. Al1 these support the isochrony of the dispersa1 of Hipparion throughout the Mediterranean region. A possible isochrony at a larger geographical scale (Old World, Mesogea) must await more reliable ages of the Hipparion FAD in Asia and Africa. The Cricetulodon FAD that defines the MN9a/MN9b boundary occurs at the middle part of C5n. Assuming an on average constant sedimentation rate, this datum has an age of approximately 10.4 Ma. The earlyllate Vallesian boundary is marked by one of the most distinct fauna1 events of the late Neogene: the dispersa1 of the muridae Progonomys into Europe and North Africa, which coincides with an important macromarnmal turnover. The first extensive appearance of Progonomys in Europe (MN9ÃMN10 boundary) is dated at 9.7 Ma (C4Ar3r), showing a remarkable diachrony with the Himalayan region. F9i d lly, the FAD of Rotundomys bressnnus occurs in the upper part of C4Ar.ln (9.2-9.3 Ma). The Vallesian spans 2.4 Myr, from 11.1 Ma (CSr.ln) to 8.7 Ma (C4An), and correlates to the early Tortonian.
El gran impacte que El Niño - Oscil·lació del Sud (ENSO) té en la nostra societat industrialitzada ha esperonat la comunitat científica d'arreu a entendre quins són els mecanismes físics que el controlen, així com clarificar quina ha estat la seva història. El registre sedimentari de sensors naturals, com els llacs o la mar, ha permès reconstruir la història de l'ENSO. En aquest article, els autors donen una visió sintètica de la història d'aquest fenomen climàtic al llarg dels darrers quatre milions d'anys.
El gran impacte que El Niño - Oscil·lació del Sud (ENSO) té en la nostra societat industrialitzada ha esperonat la comunitat científica d'arreu a entendre quins són els mecanismes físics que el controlen, així com clarificar quina ha estat la seva història. El registre sedimentari de sensors naturals, com els llacs o la mar, ha permès reconstruir la història de l'ENSO. En aquest article, els autors donen una visió sintètica de la història d'aquest fenomen climàtic al llarg dels darrers quatre milions d'anys.
Dissolution studies have become of great significance because, in most cases, drug dissolution is the rate-limiting step in the absorption process. As occurs with solid oral dosage forms, heterogeneous disperse systems (suspensions) could also have some problems with their in vitro dissolution. The objective of this study was to evaluate influence of the excipients on the release of spironolactone from four alcohol free suspensions (pharmaceutical compounding) of spironolactone 5 mg/mL suitable for pediatric use. Also the comparison of the physical and chemical stability of the suspensions stored at 4, 25 and 40 ºC over a 60- day period has been studied. Rheological behavior, particle size, a prediction of long-term physical stability, pH and assay of spironolactone by HPLC were assessed at prefixed times. The dissolution profile of each suspension was determined and compared with that of the commercial tablets. A microbiological study of the best formula was also performed. Chemically, the four spironolactone suspensions were stable for 60 days stored at three temperatures; Suspension IV had optimum pH values and the highest recovery percentage. In terms of physical stability, sedimentation occurred in Suspension IV and flotation of spironolactone in Suspensions I, II and III. Suspension III had the highest viscosity and the slowest drug release. Suspension IV was also microbiologically stable for 60 days. In conclusion, Suspension IV had the best properties and the least suitable form was Suspension III, as its high viscosity made it difficult to achieve homogeneous redispersion, and it had the slowest dissolution profile.