28 resultados para Expert testiony


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Les pràctiques desenvolupades a l¿EAP (Equip Assessorament Psicopedagògic) m¿han permès un apropament a les activitats que realitzen fora i dintre dels Centres Escolars i mes concretament la intervenció que es fa mitjançant les USEE (Unitats de Suport a l¿Educació Especial. Aquestes Unitats tenen com a finalitat afavorir la inclusió dels alumnes amb Necessitats Especials (NEE) amb dictamen. Mitjançant aquest treball podrem analitzar com la proposta de uns criteris clars i ben definits permet millorar la distribució d¿aquest alumnat i a la vegada aprofitar millor els recursos de suport dels Centres Educatius. De la mateixa manera aquesta proposta de criteris pot servir d¿oportunitat per establir nous escenaris de cooperació entre les unitats de suport i el sistema docent de l¿aula ordinària.


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Theory of compositional data analysis is often focused on the composition only. However in practical applications we often treat a composition together with covariableswith some other scale. This contribution systematically gathers and develop statistical tools for this situation. For instance, for the graphical display of the dependenceof a composition with a categorical variable, a colored set of ternary diagrams mightbe a good idea for a first look at the data, but it will fast hide important aspects ifthe composition has many parts, or it takes extreme values. On the other hand colored scatterplots of ilr components could not be very instructive for the analyst, if theconventional, black-box ilr is used.Thinking on terms of the Euclidean structure of the simplex, we suggest to set upappropriate projections, which on one side show the compositional geometry and on theother side are still comprehensible by a non-expert analyst, readable for all locations andscales of the data. This is e.g. done by defining special balance displays with carefully-selected axes. Following this idea, we need to systematically ask how to display, explore,describe, and test the relation to complementary or explanatory data of categorical, real,ratio or again compositional scales.This contribution shows that it is sufficient to use some basic concepts and very fewadvanced tools from multivariate statistics (principal covariances, multivariate linearmodels, trellis or parallel plots, etc.) to build appropriate procedures for all these combinations of scales. This has some fundamental implications in their software implementation, and how might they be taught to analysts not already experts in multivariateanalysis


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Consumer reviews, opinions and shared experiences in the use of a product is a powerful source of information about consumer preferences that can be used in recommender systems. Despite the importance and value of such information, there is no comprehensive mechanism that formalizes the opinions selection and retrieval process and the utilization of retrieved opinions due to the difficulty of extracting information from text data. In this paper, a new recommender system that is built on consumer product reviews is proposed. A prioritizing mechanism is developed for the system. The proposed approach is illustrated using the case study of a recommender system for digital cameras


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Supervisory systems evolution makes the obtaining of significant information from processes more important in the way that the supervision systems' particular tasks are simplified. So, having signal treatment tools capable of obtaining elaborate information from the process data is important. In this paper, a tool that obtains qualitative data about the trends and oscillation of signals is presented. An application of this tool is presented as well. In this case, the tool, implemented in a computer-aided control systems design (CACSD) environment, is used in order to give to an expert system for fault detection in a laboratory plant


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Process supervision is the activity focused on monitoring the process operation in order to deduce conditions to maintain the normality including when faults are present Depending on the number/distribution/heterogeneity of variables, behaviour situations, sub-processes, etc. from processes, human operators and engineers do not easily manipulate the information. This leads to the necessity of automation of supervision activities. Nevertheless, the difficulty to deal with the information complicates the design and development of software applications. We present an approach called "integrated supervision systems". It proposes multiple supervisors coordination to supervise multiple sub-processes whose interactions permit one to supervise the global process


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Peccata Mundi arrenca de la iniciativa del director de R+D+I de l'empresa Mas Parés, Jaume Juher, i l’artista plàstic Jaume Xifra, que l’any 2004 van decidir sumar a l’amistat que els uneix un objectiu: convergir en un sol projecte els reptes professionals que es plantejaven individualment des de cadascuna de les seves disciplines: l’art i la investigació gastronòmica. Posteriorment, a l'any 2005, s'incorporen al projecte els experts que constitueixen actualment el nucli central de treball: Josep Bel, expert en anàlisi sensorial i aplicació d'aromes; David Juher, matemàtic i professor de la UdG; Xavier de Palau, músic electrònic; Clara Perxachs, investigadora de la cultura del menjar; i Toni Botella, cuiner. A l'experiència gastronòmico-artística Peccata Mundi el participant tasta un seguit de plats i vins i valora les seves percepcions contestant un qüestionari. Les dades d'aquest qüestionari s'utilitzen, a través d'unes transformacions regides per criteris neurològics, matemàtics, antropològics, etc., per produir unes dades numèriques que seran l'entrada a una aplicació que les farà servir per generar un vídeo amb música d'una durada aproximadament de 2 minuts. Aquest vídeo, que consta d'imatges fractals en moviment i d'una música de fons, generada també utilitzant funcions de comportament caòtic, és el retrat audiovisual de l'experiència sensorial del participant. El projecte consisteix a implementar tota la logística informàtica de l’experiència sensorial Peccata Mundi: dissenyar les aplicacions d'entrada de dades, tractament de la base de dades, processament de les dades del qüestionari, generació del vídeo i la música i producció de l'arxiu audiovisual que finalment el participant s'emporta gravat en suport DVD


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The main objective of this paper aims at developing a methodology that takes into account the human factor extracted from the data base used by the recommender systems, and which allow to resolve the specific problems of prediction and recommendation. In this work, we propose to extract the user's human values scale from the data base of the users, to improve their suitability in open environments, such as the recommender systems. For this purpose, the methodology is applied with the data of the user after interacting with the system. The methodology is exemplified with a case study


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En els darrers temps, tan a nivell doctrinal com legislatiu, han augmentat progressivament els esforços encaminats a dotar de la deguda protecció processal la víctima d'un delicte. Sens dubte, la situació ha millorat notòriament d'uns anys ençà. No obstant, la proliferació de textos legals relatius a la matèria potser acabi provocant l'efecte contrari al que inicialment es tenia en ment. En altres paraules, el desconcert que pot causar a una víctima que les seves possibilitats d'intervenció siguin variables d'un procés a un altre no afavoreix gens ni mica el dret que té a una tutela judicial efectiva. En aquest treball es posa de relleu la situació prenent com a punt de referència dues de les reformes processals més recents que han incidit en matèria d'atenció a la víctima: les Lleis 8/2002 i 38/2002 sobre judicis ràpids i de modificació del procediment abreujat i la Llei 5/2000, reguladora dels processos de menors. Aparentment, els judicis de menors tenen poc a veure amb els d'adults, però, precisament per aquesta distància entre ells, resulta significatiu l'acostament que es podria produir en l'àmbit de la protecció de la víctima. Un dels objectius d'aquest treball és justament demostrar els aspectes en els quals es podrien unificar les normes referents a la matèria. Un cop aconseguit en aquests processos, no sembla que hi hagi cap obstacle que impedeixi postular la unificació pretesa en aquesta investigació de forma general. Una qüestió diferent és que en alguns punts no sigui possible dur a terme la unitat esmentada de forma immediata i resulti necessària una reforma legal. Ara bé, tan sols atenent a la legislació vigent, existeix l'opció de fer un gran pas en la direcció apuntada. Només cal canviar la manera com s'està practicant l'acte d'oferiment d'accions en l'actualitat. Això vol dir que no es limiti a la simple comunicació d'un escrit de difícil comprensió per algú no expert en dret, que la víctima firma sense entendre’n la transcendència. La importància d'aquest acte en relació a la tutela efectiva del perjudicat per un delicte, permet desenvolupar el contingut previst a la legislació processal per adequar-lo a les necessitats del seu destinatari. És aquí on s'obre un ampli ventall de possibilitats, que poden arribar a l'extrem de convertir l'acte de l'oferiment d'accions gairebé en una informació completa de totes les oportunitats d'actuació que tindrà una víctima en un procés i el que implica cadascuna d'elles. L'Administració Autonòmica hi pot jugar un paper important. Tenint en compte que les recents reformes processals han previst fer recaure en l'actuació de la Policia Judicial bona part de la pretesa major atenció a la víctima, ja que s'imposa de forma preceptiva que sigui aquesta autoritat la que ofereixi sempre en primer terme les accions a la víctima, seria molt oportú que la Policia Autonòmica fes ús d'un formulari d'oferiment d'accions adaptat a les necessitats de la víctima d'acord amb el que s'apunta en aquesta obra. De fet, a fi efecte que sigui d'utilitat, l'objectiu últim d'aquest treball és establir les bases que serveixin per a l'elaboració del model de formulari postulat.


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The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy has been impoverished by the loss of Dr. Francesc Abel Fabre, S.J. (1933–2011), one of the founders of bioethics and a long-time member of the Editorial Advisory Board. 2011 brought the death of Dr. Francesc Abel Fabre, S.J., at the age of 78. He was the pioneer of European bioethics. Dr. Abel learned the discipline at Georgetown University, working side by side with the founder and first director of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, André Hellegers, as bioethics itself was coming into existence. He went from this experience to establish the Institute Borja of Bioethics in Catalonia in 1976, the first center of bioethics in Spain and in Europe. Through his scholarship and teaching, he established an influential dialogue in bioethics, as well as ethics committees in hospitals and in research centers. In 1986 he joined in founding the European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics, an organization in which he was involved and participated for the last 25 years. He contributed crucially to bioethics across the world, especially through the International Study Group on Bioethics (1980–1994). He was widely recognized as an outstanding bioethics expert in Latin America.


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It has been shown that the accuracy of mammographic abnormality detection methods is strongly dependent on the breast tissue characteristics, where a dense breast drastically reduces detection sensitivity. In addition, breast tissue density is widely accepted to be an important risk indicator for the development of breast cancer. Here, we describe the development of an automatic breast tissue classification methodology, which can be summarized in a number of distinct steps: 1) the segmentation of the breast area into fatty versus dense mammographic tissue; 2) the extraction of morphological and texture features from the segmented breast areas; and 3) the use of a Bayesian combination of a number of classifiers. The evaluation, based on a large number of cases from two different mammographic data sets, shows a strong correlation ( and 0.67 for the two data sets) between automatic and expert-based Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System mammographic density assessment


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This paper introduces how artificial intelligence technologies can be integrated into a known computer aided control system design (CACSD) framework, Matlab/Simulink, using an object oriented approach. The aim is to build a framework to aid supervisory systems analysis, design and implementation. The idea is to take advantage of an existing CACSD framework, Matlab/Simulink, so that engineers can proceed: first to design a control system, and then to design a straightforward supervisory system of the control system in the same framework. Thus, expert systems and qualitative reasoning tools are incorporated into this popular CACSD framework to develop a computer aided supervisory system design (CASSD) framework. Object-variables an introduced into Matlab/Simulink for sharing information between tools


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Background: Choosing an adequate measurement instrument depends on the proposed use of the instrument, the concept to be measured, the measurement properties (e.g. internal consistency, reproducibility, content and construct validity, responsiveness, and interpretability), the requirements, the burden for subjects, and costs of the available instruments. As far as measurement properties are concerned, there are no sufficiently specific standards for the evaluation of measurement properties of instruments to measure health status, and also no explicit criteria for what constitutes good measurement properties. In this paper we describe the protocol for the COSMIN study, the objective of which is to develop a checklist that contains COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments, including explicit criteria for satisfying these standards. We will focus on evaluative health related patient-reported outcomes (HR-PROs), i.e. patient-reported health measurement instruments used in a longitudinal design as an outcome measure, excluding health care related PROs, such as satisfaction with care or adherence. The COSMIN standards will be made available in the form of an easily applicable checklist.Method: An international Delphi study will be performed to reach consensus on which and how measurement properties should be assessed, and on criteria for good measurement properties. Two sources of input will be used for the Delphi study: (1) a systematic review of properties, standards and criteria of measurement properties found in systematic reviews of measurement instruments, and (2) an additional literature search of methodological articles presenting a comprehensive checklist of standards and criteria. The Delphi study will consist of four (written) Delphi rounds, with approximately 30 expert panel members with different backgrounds in clinical medicine, biostatistics, psychology, and epidemiology. The final checklist will subsequently be field-tested by assessing the inter-rater reproducibility of the checklist.Discussion: Since the study will mainly be anonymous, problems that are commonly encountered in face-to-face group meetings, such as the dominance of certain persons in the communication process, will be avoided. By performing a Delphi study and involving many experts, the likelihood that the checklist will have sufficient credibility to be accepted and implemented will increase.


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Objective: The importance of hemodynamics in the etiopathogenesis of intracranial aneurysms (IAs) is widely accepted.Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is being used increasingly for hemodynamic predictions. However, alogn with thecontinuing development and validation of these tools, it is imperative to collect the opinion of the clinicians. Methods: A workshopon CFD was conducted during the European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT) Teaching Course,Lisbon, Portugal. 36 delegates, mostly clinicians, performed supervised CFD analysis for an IA, using the @neuFuse softwaredeveloped within the European project @neurIST. Feedback on the workshop was collected and analyzed. The performancewas assessed on a scale of 1 to 4 and, compared with experts’ performance. Results: Current dilemmas in the management ofunruptured IAs remained the most important motivating factor to attend the workshop and majority of participants showedinterest in participating in a multicentric trial. The participants achieved an average score of 2.52 (range 0–4) which was 63% (range 0–100%) of an expert user. Conclusions: Although participants showed a manifest interest in CFD, there was a clear lack ofawareness concerning the role of hemodynamics in the etiopathogenesis of IAs and the use of CFD in this context. More effortstherefore are required to enhance understanding of the clinicians in the subject.