26 resultados para Eichmann, Adolf - oikeudenkäynti


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A detailed in situ spectroellipsometric analysis of the nucleation and growth of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a:Si:H) is presented. Photoelectronic quality a‐Si:H films are deposited by plasma‐enhanced chemical vapor deposition on smooth metal (NiCr alloy) and crystalline silicon (c‐Si) substrates. The deposition of a‐Si:H is analyzed from the first monolayer up to a final thickness of 1.2 μm. In order to perform an improved analysis, real time ellipsometric trajectories are recorded, using fixed preparation conditions, at various photon energies ranging from 2.2 to 3.6 eV. The advantage of using such a spectroscopic experimental procedure is underlined. New insights into the nucleation and growth mechanisms of a‐Si:H are obtained. The nucleation mechanism on metal and c‐Si substrates is very accurately described assuming a columnar microstructural development during the early stage of the growth. Then, as a consequence of the incomplete coalescence of the initial nuclei, a surface roughness at the 10-15 Å scale is identified during the further growth of a‐Si:H on both substrates. The bulk a‐Si:H grows homogeneously beneath the surface roughness. Finally, an increase of the surface roughness is evidenced during the long term growth of a‐Si:H. However, the nature of the substrate influenced the film growth. In particular, the film thickness involved in the nucleation‐coalescence phase is found lower in the case of c‐Si (67±8 Å) as compared to NiCr (118±22 Å). Likewise films deposited on c‐Si present a smaller surface roughness even if thick samples are considered (>1 μm). More generally, the present study illustrates the capability of in situ spectroellipsometry to precisely analyze fundamental processes in thin‐film growth, but also to monitor the preparation of complex structures on a few monolayers scale.


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Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a‐Si:H) thin films have been obtained from pure SiH4 rf discharges by using the square wave modulation (SQWM) method. Film properties have been studied by means of spectroellipsometry, thermal desorption spectrometry, photothermal deflection spectroscopy and electrical conductivity measurements, as a function of the modulation frequency of the rf power amplitude (0.2-4000 Hz). The films deposited at frequencies about 1 kHz show the best structural and optoelectronic characteristics. Based upon the experimental results, a qualitative model is presented, which points up the importance of plasma negative ions in the deposition of a‐Si:H from SQWM rf discharges through their influence on powder particle formation.


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Debido a su acumdación en las salmueras de las cubetas de deposición evaporítica, el Br se concentra progresivamente en los ultimos precipitados de los cloruros. La relación Br/Cl ha sido utilizada (BOEKE y EITEL, 1923; D'ANS y KÜHN, 1944) para determinar variaciones en la concentración de la salmuera durante la deposición evaporítica. Para la determinación cuantitativa del Br y CL en varias muestras recogidas en la explotación de Sallent, se ha utilizado la fluorescencia de rayos X.


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La participación ciudadana en procesos de transformación del espacio público se incluye cada vez con más fuerza en la gestión de las ciudades, como forma de construcción de urbes y ciudadanía con consecuencias positivas en varios niveles. Pero la complejidad de este tipo de experiencias -donde ciudadanía, Administración y profesionales implicados deben trabajar a favor de una mejora substancial- retrasa y a veces paraliza este tipo de procesos, que requieren un cambio de cultura profesional y cívica. En este artículo no se plantean modelos ni fórmulas, sino que se reflexiona sobre seis aspectos transversales a este tipo de experiencias participativas: la ciudadanía como protagonista; la participación como oportunidad de adaptación de la urbe al ciudadano; la emergencia de la creatividad en los procesos; la relación entre participación y representación-generación de identidad; el concepto de apropiación del espacio público, y finalmente la necesidad de permeabilidad por parte de los agentes implicados.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la evolución diagenética de los minerales carbonatados de las eolianitas del Pleistoceno de Mallorca. Se ha puesto de relieve un control de la composición original y un control climático en la tendencia mineralógica de las eolianitas. Para la determinación cuantitativa se ha utilizado el método de Chung.


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In this paper we describe a new Mueller matrix (MM) microscope that generalizes and makes quantitative the polarized light microscopy technique. In this instrument all the elements of the MU are simultaneously determined from the analysis in the frequency domain of the time-dependent intensity of the light beam at every pixel of the camera. The variations in intensity are created by the two compensators continuously rotating at different angular frequencies. A typical measurement is completed in a little over one minute and it can be applied to any visible wavelength. Some examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the instrument.


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As the frontispiece of Book One of Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited, the phrase ‘Et in Arcadia ego’ announces the author’s intention of making the classical Arcadian theme a key reference in a text that speaks of nostalgia for a joyful past in times marked by sadness and pain. However, an interpretation may be approached from several directions even within the classical tradition. Thus, without ignoring philological or artistic aspects of the topic, this article focuses on a close study of the author’s most original message: the notion that a youthful Arcadian experience confers on young men and women a ‘residue of happiness’ able to sustain their future development and assist them in dealing with the challenges of personal tragedy.


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Although Thomas Mann’s novel The Magic Mountain has been the object of innumerable studies, this paper suggests that so far none of these has given truly close attention to the significance of the classical references in this novel with regard to the search for a true humanism. This is probably owing to the generally held belief that the influence of the classical tradition is relatively inconsequential in relation to the ample conjunction of philosophical ideas on which the novel is based. This article takes a differing view and, through a close analysis and comment of the explicit and implicit classical notions in the text, concludes that these ideas are also a valuable key to a greater comprehension of the ideological design of the main character, Hans Castorp, and to a certain degree they also help to continue to reflect on the most enigmatic and controversial episode of the novel: the young protagonist’s descent to the plain from the magical mountain (Zauberberg) in order to take part in the great tragedy of World War I, alien as is any war to the prevalent but ultimately futile desire that love (Liebe) should in the end prevail in the life of humans.


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The fundamental debt of E. O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author’s hypothesis, O’Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader’s right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O’Neill’s work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author’s article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O’Neill’s drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.


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Se detalla un método nuevo para la preparación de agregados orientados de arcilla para sus análisis por Difracción de Rayos X. Se trata de emplear un extensor para obtener un grosor constante de material, que por su delgadez seca rápidamente, economizándose tiempo y espacio en el laboratorio, obteniéndose además mejores resultados que con el método convencional.