22 resultados para Dead reckoning
Reliable estimates of the post-release mortality probability of marine turtles after incidental by-catch are essential for assessing the impact of longline fishing on these species.Large numbers of loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta from rookeries in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean have been by-caught annually in the southwestern Mediterranean Sea since the 1980s, but nothing is known about their post-release mortality probability under natural conditions. Pop-up archival transmitting tags were attached to 26 loggerhead turtles following incidental capture by Spanish longliners. Hooks were not removed, and 40 cm of line was left in place. The post-release mortality probability during the 90 d following release ranged from 0.308 to 0.365, and was independent of hook location. When the post-release mortality probability was combined with previously reported estimates of the mortality probability before hauling, the aggregated by-catch mortality probability ranged from 0.321 to 0.378. Assuming a total annual by-catch of 10656 loggerhead turtles by the Spanish longline fleet operating in the southwestern Mediterranean, by-catch results in 3421 to 4028 turtle deaths annually. This range is equivalent to 8.5−10.1% of the approximately 40000 turtles inhabiting the fishing grounds used by Spanish longliners, most of them from rookeries in the northwestern Atlantic. As a consequence, the accumulated mortality during the oceanic stage is expected to be larger for those loggerhead turtles of Atlantic origin that spend several years in the Mediterranean Sea than for turtles of the same cohort that remain in the Atlantic. For this reason, the Mediterranean can be considered a dead end for loggerhead turtle populations nesting in the Atlantic, although the actual demographic relevance of by-catch mortality of loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean remains unknown.
La finca de la Muntanya d’Alinyà és l’única zona del món on es poden observar les quatre espècies de voltors europeus: voltor comú (Gyps fulvus), voltor negre (Aegypius monachus), aufrany (Neophron percnopterus) i trencalòs (Gypaetus barbatus). Davant el problema de l’abandonament del poble i de l’envelliment de la població es planteja una alternativa de futur vers a una economia no tant basada en la ramaderia i l’agricultura, que són les activitats agropecuàries tradicionals a la zona. La recent intervenció de la Fundació Territori i Paisatge ha determinat, en gran part, el futur d’aquestes aus a Alinyà. Per una altra banda, les normatives vigents eren molt restrictives, fins fa ben poc, sobre l’aprofitament per part dels voltors de les restes d’animals morts provinents de la ramaderia. Ara neix una nova perspectiva de futur de tipus turístic.
In soccer, dead-ball moves are those in which the ball is returned to play from a stationary position following an interruption of play. The aim of this study was to analyse the effectiveness of one such dead-ball move, namely corner kicks, and to identify the key variables that determine the success of a shot or header following a corner, thereby enabling a model of successful corner kicks to be proposed. We recorded 554 corner kicks performed during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and carried out a univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis of the data. The results indicated that corners were of limited effectiveness in terms of the success of subsequent shots or headers. The analysis also revealed a series of variables that were significantly related to one another, and this enabled us to propose an explanatory model. Although this model had limited explanatory power, it nonetheless helps to understand the execution of corner kicks in practical terms.
One of the five burials excavated in 1984 at the necropolis of Coll del Moro in Gandesa (Terra Alta-Tarragona) bore evidence of primary cremations. The tomb, a tumulus, yielded a cremation burial with a pottery urn and other vessels as funerary offerings. The chamber of the grave also contained bronze jewellery, basically bracelets. It is interesting to notice that the dead were cremated in the same place where the tomb was built. The complexity of the burial rite and the magnitude of some of the tumuli indicated a social structure consolidated with different grades of authority. We date these burials in the late Hallstatt but there is already evidence of commercial trade with punic people who arrived at the east coast in the second half of the seventh century BC and, from there, reached inland sites on the Ebro river and its afluents.
El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer cuáles son los portadores de coste de las explotaciones ganaderas porcinas intensivas y su valoración. Para ello en primer lugar hemos descrito el proceso productivo para poder determinar los portadores de coste y finalmente la valoración de los mismos así como la producción en curso. Al tratarse de seres biológicos una de las problemáticas que se plantea para la valoración es la existencia de animales fallecidos durante el proceso productivo. A partir de este aspecto proponemos un sistema de valoración de los portadores de coste. Para comprobar que este modelo es factible, desarrollamos en el último apartado una aplicación práctica a los datos de una explotación ganadera porcina. En la elaboración del producto, en cada una de sus fases de transformación, se obtendrán los portadores de coste del proceso de producción y, eslabón a eslabón, se irá completando de forma minuciosa todo el proceso de valoración.
Determining migratory strategies of seabirds is still a major challenge due to their relative inaccessibility. Small geolocators are improving this knowledge, but not all birds can be tracked. Stable isotope ratios in feathers can help us to understand migration, but we still have insufficient baseline knowledge for linking feather signatures to movements amongst distinct water masses. To understand the migration strategies of kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla and the link between stable isotopes in feathers and the areas in which these were grown, we tracked 6 kittiwakes from Hornøya, Norway, with light level geolocators over 1 yr. Then we analysed the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in their 1st and 7th primary feathers as well as in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th primaries of 12 birds found freshly dead in the same breeding colony. After breeding, all tracked birds moved east of the Svalbard Archipelago and subsequently migrated to the Labrador Sea. Thereafter, birds showed individual variation in migration strategies: 3 travelled to the NE Atlantic, whereas the others remained in the Labrador Sea until the end of the wintering period. Changes in stable isotope signatures from the 1st to the 10th primary feathers corresponded well to the sequence of movements during migration and the area in which we inferred that each feather was grown. Thus, by combining information on moult patterns and tracking data, we demonstrate that stable isotope analysis of feathers can be used to trace migratory movements of seabirds.
Understanding the factors controlling fine root respiration (FRR) at different temporal scales will help to improve our knowledge about the spatial and temporal variability of soil respiration (SR) and to improve future predictions of CO2 effluxes to the atmosphere. Here we present a comparative study of how FRR respond to variability in soil temperature and moisture in two widely spread species, Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Holm-oaks (HO; Quercus ilex L.). Those two species show contrasting water use strategies during the extreme summer-drought conditions that characterize the Mediterranean climate. The study was carried out on a mixed Mediterranean forest where Scots pines affected by drought induced die-back are slowly being replaced by the more drought resistant HO. FRR was measured in spring and early fall 2013 in excised roots freshly removed from the soil and collected under HO and under Scots pines at three different health stages: dead (D), defoliated (DP) and non-defoliated (NDP). Variations in soil temperature, soil water content and daily mean assimilation per tree were also recorded to evaluate FRR sensibility to abiotic and biotic environmental variations. Our results show that values of FRR were substantially lower under HO (1.26 ± 0.16 microgram CO2 /groot·min) than under living pines (1.89 ± 0.19 microgram CO2 /groot·min) which disagrees with the similar rates of soil respiration previously observed under both canopies and suggest that FRR contribution to total SR varies under different tree species. The similarity of FRR rates under HO and DP furthermore confirms other previous studies suggesting a recent Holm-oak root colonization of the gaps under dead trees. A linear mixed effect model approach indicated that seasonal variations in FRR were best explained by soil temperature (p<0.05) while soil moisture was not exerting any direct control over FRR, despite the low soil moisture values during the summer sampling. Plant assimilation rates were positively related to FRR explaining part of the observed variability (p<0.01). However the positive relations of FRR with plant assimilation occurred mainly during spring, when both soil moisture and plant assimilation rates were higher. Our results finally suggest that plants might be able to maintain relatively high rates of FRR during the sub-optimal abiotic and biotic summer conditions probably thanks to their capacity to re-mobilize carbon reserves and their capacity to passively move water from moister layers to upper layers with lower water potentials (where the FR were collected) by hydraulic lift.