35 resultados para Crosscutting logistics


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This paper explores the integration process that firms follow to implementSupply Chain Management (SCM) and the main barriers and benefits relatedto this strategy. This study has been inspired in the SCM literature,especially in the logistics integration model by Stevens [1]. Due to theexploratory nature of this paper and the need to obtain an in depthknowledge of the SCM development in the Spanish grocery sector, we used thecase study methodology. A multiple case study analysis based on interviewswith leading manufacturers and retailers was conducted.The results of this analysis suggest that firms seem to follow the integration process proposed by Stevens, integrating internally first, andthen, extending this integration to other supply chain members. The casesalso show that Spanish manufacturers, in general, seem to have a higherlevel of SCM development than Spanish retailers. Regarding the benefitsthat SCM can bring, most of the companies identify the general objectivesof cost and stock reductions and service improvements. However, withrespect to the barriers found in its implementation, retailers andmanufacturers are not coincident: manufacturers seem to see more barrierswith respect to aspects related to the other party, such as distrust and alack of culture of sharing information, while retailers find as mainbarriers the need of a know-how , the company culture and the historyand habits.


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In today s highly competitive and global marketplace the pressure onorganizations to find new ways to create and deliver value to customersgrows ever stronger. In the last two decades, logistics and supply chainhas moved to the center stage. There has been a growing recognition thatit is through an effective management of the logistics function and thesupply chain that the goal of cost reduction and service enhancement canbe achieved. The key to success in Supply Chain Management (SCM) requireheavy emphasis on integration of activities, cooperation, coordination andinformation sharing throughout the entire supply chain, from suppliers tocustomers. To be able to respond to the challenge of integration there isthe need of sophisticated decision support systems based on powerfulmathematical models and solution techniques, together with the advancesin information and communication technologies. The industry and the academiahave become increasingly interested in SCM to be able to respond to theproblems and issues posed by the changes in the logistics and supply chain.We present a brief discussion on the important issues in SCM. We then arguethat metaheuristics can play an important role in solving complex supplychain related problems derived by the importance of designing and managingthe entire supply chain as a single entity. We will focus specially on theIterated Local Search, Tabu Search and Scatter Search as the ones, but notlimited to, with great potential to be used on solving the SCM relatedproblems. We will present briefly some successful applications.


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The problems arising in the logistics of commercial distribution are complexand involve several players and decision levels. One important decision isrelated with the design of the routes to distribute the products, in anefficient and inexpensive way.This article explores three different distribution strategies: the firststrategy corresponds to the classical vehicle routing problem; the second isa master route strategy with daily adaptations and the third is a strategythat takes into account the cross-functional planning through amulti-objective model with two objectives. All strategies are analyzed ina multi-period scenario. A metaheuristic based on the Iteratetd Local Search,is used to solve the models related with each strategy. A computationalexperiment is performed to evaluate the three strategies with respect to thetwo objectives. The cross functional planning strategy leads to solutions thatput in practice the coordination between functional areas and better meetbusiness objectives.


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This paper analyses the interaction of two topics: Supply Chain Management (SCM) andInternet. Merging these two fields is a key area of concern for contemporary managers andresearchers. They have realized that Internet can enhance SCM by making real timeinformation available and enabling collaboration between trading partners. The aim of thispaper is to define e-SCM, analyze how research in this area has evolved during the period1995-2003 and identify some lines of further research. To do that a literature review inprestigious academic journals in Operations Management and Logistics has beenconducted.


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In this paper we develop two models for an inventory system in which the distributormanages the inventory at the retailers location. These type of systems correspondto the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) systems described ib the literature. Thesesystems are very common in many different types of industries, such as retailingand manufacturing, although assuming different characteristics.The objective of our model is to minimize total inventory cost for the distributorin a multi-period multi-retailer setting. The inventory system includes holdingand stock-out costs and we study the case whre an additional fixed setup cost ischarged per delivery.We construct a numerical experiment to analyze the model bahavior and observe theimpact of the characteristics of the model on the solutions.


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The need for integration in the supply chain management leads us to considerthe coordination of two logistic planning functions: transportation andinventory. The coordination of these activities can be an extremely importantsource of competitive advantage in the supply chain management. The battle forcost reduction can pass through the equilibrium of transportation versusinventory managing costs. In this work, we study the specific case of aninventory-routing problem for a week planning period with different types ofdemand. A heuristic methodology, based on the Iterated Local Search, isproposed to solve the Multi-Period Inventory Routing Problem with stochasticand deterministic demand.


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Adversarial relationships have long dominated business relationships,but Supply Chain Management (SCM) entails a new perspective. SCM requiresa movement away from arms-length relationships toward partnership stylerelations. SCM involves integration, co-ordination and collaborationacross organisations and throughout the supply chain. It means that SCMrequires internal (intraorganisational) and external (interorganisational)integration. This paper analyses the relationship between internal andexternal integration processes, their effect on firms performance andtheir contribution to the achievement of a competitive advantage.Performance improvements are analysed through costs, stock out and leadtime reductions. And, the achievement of a better competitive positionis measured by comparing the firm s performance with its competitors performance. To analyse this, an empirical study has been conducted inthe Spanish grocery sector.


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Aware of the importance of developing new alternatives to improve the performance of the companies, our purpose in this paper is to develop a medium term production planning model that deals with the concepts of Partnership and Reverse Logistics. Our model takes advantage of the synergies of integration, developing a model for global production planning that generates the optimal production and purchasing schedule for all the companies integrating a logistic chain. In a second part of the paper we incorporate products returns to the first model proposed, and analyze the implications they have over this model. We use some examples with different configurations of supply chains varying the number of production plants, distribution centers and recovery plants. To solve the model we have combined optimization and simulation procedures.


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Aplicación en entorno web para facilitar la planificación, control y gestión de operaciones logísticas de descarga en un almacén regulador que gestione diferentes clientes con varios orígenes y destinos. Permite el acceso concurrente de varios usuarios previamente autorizados con diferentes niveles de acceso a datos y actualizaciones. Su utilización y actualización de los datos permite mantener un control on-line de la actividad y dar visibilidad a los clientes. Los datos almacenados se convierten en una fuente única, compartida y exportable para posteriores usos en análisis de datos y procesos de mejora. Incorpora informes de actividad y de indicadores de calidad.


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Com a resultat de les politiques i estratègies de col·laboració entre la universitat de Vic i de l’hospital i de la voluntat de realitzar activitats formatives conjuntes , s’estableix un línia de treball orientada a l’estudi i anàlisi de la situació logística interna actual del laboratori d’anàlisis clíniques de l’Hospital General de Vic. El treball es centra en el procés intern del laboratori i l’abast de l’estudi es troba limitat a les àrees especifiques d’hematologia i coagulació i bioquímica. D’aquestes dues àrees el treball realitza un estudi exhaustiu del seu procés intern, identifica les seves activitats i la seva metodologia de treball amb l’objectiu d’elaborar el Value Stream Map de cadascuna de les àrees. Les àrees de Microbiologia, Banc de Sang i Urgències resten fora d’aquest estudi exhaustiu tot i que són presents en el treball per la inevitable interacció que tenen en la globalitat del procés. El treball es centra bàsicament en els processos automatitzats tot i que els processos que es duen a terme en el laboratori són tant automatitzats com manuals. També es limita al sistema productiu intern del laboratori tot i la interacció que té aquest sistema intern amb altres centres productius del sistema com ara són els centres d’atenció primària, els diversos hospitals i centres d’atenció sociosanitària. El laboratori es troba immers en el moment de l’elaboració d’aquest treball en un situació de canvi i millora del seus processos interns que consisteixen principalment en la substitució de part la maquinària actual que obliguen a la definició d’un nou layout i d’una nova distribució de la producció a cada màquina. A nivell extern també s’estan produint millores en el sistema informàtic de gestió que afecten a part del seu procés. L’objectiu del treball és donar visibilitat total al procés de logística interna actual del laboratori, identificant clarament com són i quina seqüència tenen els processos logístics interns i els mètodes de treball actuals, tant de recursos màquina com recursos persona, per poder identificar sota una perspectiva de generació de valor, aquells punts concrets de la logística interna que poden ser millorats en quant a eficiència i productivitat amb l’objectiu que un cop identificats es puguin emprendre accions i/o projectes de millora. El treball finalitza amb un anàlisis final del procés logística interna des d’una òptica Lean. Per fer-ho, identifica aquelles activitats que no aporten valor al procés o MUDA i les classifica en set categories i es realitzen diverses propostes de millora com són la implantació d’un flux continu , anivellat i basat en un concepte pull , identifica activitats que poden ser estandarditzades i/o simplificades i proposa modificacions en les infraestructures físiques per donar major visibilitat al procés. L’aspecte humà del procés es planteja des d’un punt de vist de metodologia, formació, comunicació i aplicació de les 5S.


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[cat] Espanya és un dels principals mercats de productes pesquers d’Europa i del món. El consum de productes pesquers ha estat tradicionalment molt important a Espanya, el 2005 es varen consumir 36,7 kg per persona (MAPA, diversos anys). Malgrat això, el mercat i cóm interactuen els diversos nivells de la cadena de comercialització han gaudit de poca atenció. En aquest estudi, utilitzant dades setmanals, s’analitza per als dotze principals productes pesquers, l’elasticitat en la transmissió de preus al llarg de la cadena de comercialització a Espanya (llotja, mercat central i detallista). Finalment s’investiga la presència d’assimetria en la transmissió de preus entre aquests nivells de mercat. Els resultats obtinguts tenen importants implicacions a l’hora d’analitzar la demanda, poder de mercat i marges al llarg del mercat per als productes pesquers.


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[cat] Espanya és un dels principals mercats de productes pesquers d’Europa i del món. El consum de productes pesquers ha estat tradicionalment molt important a Espanya, el 2005 es varen consumir 36,7 kg per persona (MAPA, diversos anys). Malgrat això, el mercat i cóm interactuen els diversos nivells de la cadena de comercialització han gaudit de poca atenció. En aquest estudi, utilitzant dades setmanals, s’analitza per als dotze principals productes pesquers, l’elasticitat en la transmissió de preus al llarg de la cadena de comercialització a Espanya (llotja, mercat central i detallista). Finalment s’investiga la presència d’assimetria en la transmissió de preus entre aquests nivells de mercat. Els resultats obtinguts tenen importants implicacions a l’hora d’analitzar la demanda, poder de mercat i marges al llarg del mercat per als productes pesquers.


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Since the begínning ofAdvertising, art has been a source ofinexhaustible inspiration for the advertising creative, who have used or misused it with any limits. With more or less direct references to artists, pieces or art movements, to references to the act ofart creation itself and certain aesthetic categories. Taking into account the various semantic versions that art offers, with multiple connotative lectures, this use has not been much profitable in many occasions, not as much as it could have been. However, in other circumstances, thís use has been vampirizing, only preoccupied for the audience impact ofa well knowll reference, but despising it and reducing it to a mere reclaim. In the case ofGiocconda by Leonardo da Vinci or the Birth ofVenus by Bottícelli are significant examples ofthis use, maybe popular, ofthe art productíon. That is to say that the depository was used as a source ofreferences to enrich the lectures ofthe advertising pieces (for instance, the excellent Citroen Xsara Picasso advertisement with the fordism mass production chain) or ¡ust to allow a higher t1Otoriety (like the Chupa-Chups advertisement where the Mona Lisa heartily sucks one ofthe mythical sweets with a stick). Thanks to a selected advertising pieces, graphical and audiovisual, we will be able to go through this kind ofadvertising creation logistics, from the moment that this one decided to call out these art references that were sleeping dreamingly Oll the fair in a depository until this strictly cultural moment came.


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Gears of the current millennium have been activated by the hit entry into the information society that has generated a whole range of social and educational changes, it is difficult to stay out of their influence, such as: the dizzying presence of new technologies (NNTT) and the entrenchment of a crisis of values. Physical education has been affected by this avalanche of developments that have sparked the birth of original teaching and learning tools that can be applied in the classroom. In this sense, WebQuests have been configured as a unifying and educational activities that allow addressing the treatment of specific thematic area that we are dealing with the work of certain cross¿cutting. But how do you know what product we have before us, what is its effectiveness? What criteria will allow us to classify it as a fit and capable of being applied in our particular educational context? To clarify these and other issues that any teacher could arise before the election of a multimedia educational materials, our particular object of study has a double claim on the one hand, developing two tools: the card catalog and the heading of Valuation of WebQuests and secondly, to apply these tools in order to find out / determine the degree of quality of a sample of WebQuests. In this article sets forth, in summary form, the various stages of what our research has gone since the establishment of a synthesized theoretical basis, via the definition of the basic guidelines for the design of the exhibition and research results and ending with The list of the ideas and proposals arising from thework.


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At the beginning of the 21st century, some Catalan university libraries detected a need stemming from the lack of space and the reconversion of physical libraries within the new European educational panorama. With the same cooperative spirit that characterized previous CBUC (Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia) programs and services, the Consortium set in motion a project to address this need. An initial study was commissioned in 2002, and in 2003 a suitable building (old infantry barracks) was found in Lleida. The official opening took place in 2008. GEPA (Guaranteed Space for the Preservation of Access) facility is a cooperative repository, whose objectives are to store and preserve low use documents, ensuring their future access when needed, to convert room for books into room for library users, and doing it saving both space and money. The paper presents a brief historical introduction about the physical management of collections in libraries, and a short overview about high density library repositories all over the world, as an answer to the pressing problem of lack of spaces. The main goals of the communication are to comment the architectural project and its librarian issues, and to show how the GEPA facility allowed to change the spaces in university libraries in Catalonia. On the one hand, the paper deals with the selection of an old building to be renovated, the determination of the librarian needs, the compact shelving system chosen to store the documents in the building, the relation between physical space and information management, and the logistics involved in the load of low use documents from the libraries into the facility. On the other hand, we will show some examples of physical changes in Catalan libraries after large loads of documents to GEPA.