22 resultados para Chu nets


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This paper analyzes the relationship between spatial density of economic activity and interregional differences in the productivity of industrial labour in Spain during the period 1860-1999. In the spirit of Ciccone and Hall (1996) and Ciccone (2002), we analyze the evolution of this relationship over the long term in Spain. Using data on the period 1860-1999 we show the existence of an agglomeration effect linking the density of economic activity with labour productivity in the industry. This effect was present since the beginning of the industrialization process in the middle of the 19th century but has been decreasing over time. The estimated elasticity of labour productivity with respect to employment density was close to 8% in the subperiod 1860-1900, reduces to a value of around 7% in the subperiod 1914-1930, to 4% in the subperiod 1965-1979 and becomes insignificant in the final subperiod 1985-1999. At the end of the period analyzed there is no evidence of the existence of net agglomeration effects in the industry. This result could be explained by an important increase in the congestion effects in large industrial metropolitan areas that would have compensated the centripetal or agglomeration forces at work. Furthermore, this result is also consistent with the evidence of a dispersion of industrial activity in Spain during the last decades.


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This paper analyzes the relationship between spatial density of economic activity and interregional differences in the productivity of industrial labour in Spain during the period 1860-1999. In the spirit of Ciccone and Hall (1996) and Ciccone (2002), we analyze the evolution of this relationship over the long term in Spain. Using data on the period 1860-1999 we show the existence of an agglomeration effect linking the density of economic activity with labour productivity in the industry. This effect was present since the beginning of the industrialization process in the middle of the 19th century but has been decreasing over time. The estimated elasticity of labour productivity with respect to employment density was close to 8% in the subperiod 1860-1900, reduces to a value of around 7% in the subperiod 1914-1930, to 4% in the subperiod 1965-1979 and becomes insignificant in the final subperiod 1985-1999. At the end of the period analyzed there is no evidence of the existence of net agglomeration effects in the industry. This result could be explained by an important increase in the congestion effects in large industrial metropolitan areas that would have compensated the centripetal or agglomeration forces at work. Furthermore, this result is also consistent with the evidence of a dispersion of industrial activity in Spain during the last decades.


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Se realizan recuentos ,aislamiento, identificación y determinación de la actividad Nitrogenasa de algas azules en muestras de suelo y agua, durante dos ciclos de cultivo del arroz . Los recuentos se realizan por la técnica del 'Plate Count', utilizando el medio de Chu y los resultados muestran grandes fluctuaciones en las muestras de agua, manteniéndose más altos y uniformes en las muestras de suelo. Después del aislamiento e identificación, llegamos a obtener colonias algales correspondientes en su mayor parte a los géneros Anabaena y Nostoc, las cuales se someten posteriormente a ensayos de reducción del acetileno, para determinar su actividad fijadora de nitrógeno. La especie identificada como N. humifusum, es en nuestras condiciones, la que posee mayor actividad fijadora, además de ser la más común en los dos campos de arroz ensayados.


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The isotopic concentrations of carapace scutes, skin, muscle and blood of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Balearic Archipelago were analysed to investigate the pattern of variation between tissues and to assess the position of this species in the trophic webs of the Algerian Basin. Skin showed higher δ13C values than muscle or carapace scutes and these showed higher values than blood. Conversely, muscle showed higher δ15N values than skin, skin showed higher values than blood and blood showed higher values than carapace scutes. Dead and live sea turtles from the same habitat did not differ in the concentration of stable isotopes. However, some of the tissues of the turtles caught in drifting longlines in the oceanic realm showed higher δ13C values than those from the turtles caught by hand or in trammel nets over the continental shelf, although they did not differ in the δ15N. Comparison of the concentration of stable isotopes in the turtles with that of other species from several areas of the Algerian Basin revealed that they consumed planktonic prey and that the trophic level of the sea turtles was higher than that of carnivorous cnidarians but lower than that of zooplanktophagous fish and crustaceans.


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Possible new ways in the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder and comorbid alcoholism. Azorin JM, Bowden CL, Garay RP, Perugi G, Vieta E, Young AH. Source Department of Psychiatry, CHU Sainte Marguerite, Marseilles, France. Abstract About half of all bipolar patients have an alcohol abuse problem at some point of their lifetime. However, only one randomized, controlled trial of pharmacotherapy (valproate) in this patient population was published as of 2006. Therefore, we reviewed clinical trials in this indication of the last four years (using mood stabilizers, atypical antipsychotics, and other drugs). Priority was given to randomized trials, comparing drugs with placebo or active comparator. Published studies were found through systematic database search (PubMed, Scirus, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Science Direct). In these last four years, the only randomized, clinically relevant study in bipolar patients with comorbid alcoholism is that of Brown and colleagues (2008) showing that quetiapine therapy decreased depressive symptoms in the early weeks of use, without modifying alcohol use. Several other open-label trials have been generally positive and support the efficacy and tolerability of agents from different classes in this patient population. Valproate efficacy to reduce excessive alcohol consumption in bipolar patients was confirmed and new controlled studies revealed its therapeutic benefit to prevent relapse in newly abstinent alcoholics and to improve alcohol hallucinosis. Topiramate deserves to be investigated in bipolar patients with comorbid alcoholism since this compound effectively improves physical health and quality of life of alcohol-dependent individuals. In conclusion, randomized, controlled research is still needed to provide guidelines for possible use of valproate and other agents in patients with a dual diagnosis of bipolar disorder and substance abuse or dependence.


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Resum L’any 1969 es van començar a comercialitzar els sistemes digitals programables coneguts com autòmats programables o PLC’s, utilitzats per controlar qualsevol tipus de procés industrial. Al llarg de tots aquests anys, aquests sistemes i tota la tecnologia en general han evolucionat molt, i només és qüestió de temps que la tecnologia que utilitzem avui en dia quedi obsoleta i substituïda per una de millors característiques i amb més avantatges. Aquest és el motiu de l’elaboració d’aquest treball, que com a objectiu pretén modernitzar un procés de fabricació d’una industria química que ha quedat molt limitat a causa de l’antiguitat de la instal•lació. Per dur a terme aquesta modernització, s’introdueixen sistemes de control amb majors prestacions, s’utilitzen xarxes de comunicacions per facilitar el muntatge elèctric de la instal•lació i un sistema de supervisió i adquisició de dades per poder obtenir un control més estricte del procés de fabricació i de tots els factors que intervenen. El funcionament del procés de fabricació és que a partir d’unes matèries primeres líquides emmagatzemades en dipòsits, es dosifiquin aquestes matèries en l’ordre i la quantitat desitjada dins un o diversos recipients per barrejar-les i aplicar els tractaments que siguin necessaris. Tot aquest procés està controlat per un autòmat programable, i disposa de diferents terminals operadors per poder interactuar amb el sistema. També té implementat un sistema SCADA en diversos ordinadors per aportar una visió general de la planta en temps real, un registre de dades dels paràmetres que es controlen i alhora serveix per enllaçar amb la xarxa d’ordinadors existent. Com annex d’aquest treball, es presenten els esquemes elèctrics i el programa de l’autòmat programable per veure totes les característiques elèctriques dels dispositius i el mètode de funcionament del procés. S’ha aconseguit donar un salt tecnològic i poder gaudir de tots els avantatges que ofereixen les noves tecnologies, que com a resultat s’ha optimitzat i millorat el procés de fabricació. De totes les conclusions, la més destacada és la d’haver dissenyat un sistema de control basat en una estructura descentralitzada molt flexible, que es pot expandir i adaptar fàcilment als possibles canvis.