35 resultados para ChIp-chip
Aquest projecte presenta la implementació d'un disseny, i la seva posterior síntesi en una FPGA, d'una arquitectura de tipus wormhole packet switching per a una infraestructura de NetWork-On-Chip amb una topologia 2D-Mesh. Agafant un router circuit switching com a punt de partida, s'han especificat els mòduls en Verilog per tal d'obtenir l'arquitectura wormhole desitjada. Dissenyar la màquina de control per governar els flits que conformen els paquets dins la NoC,i afegir les cues a la sortida del router (outuput queuing) són els punts principals d'aquest treball. A més, com a punt final s'han comparat ambdues arquitectures de router en termes de costos en àrea i en memòria i se n’han obtingut diverses conclusions i resultats experimentals.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Department for Feed and Food Hygiene del National Veterinary Institute, Noruega, entre novembre i desembre del 2006. Els grans de cereal poden estar contaminats amb diferents espècies de Fusarium capaces de produir metabolits secundaris altament tòxics com trichotecenes, fumonisines o moniliformines. La correcta identificació d’aquestes espècies és de gran importància per l’assegurament del risc en l’àmbit de la salut humana i animal. La identificació de Fusarium en base a la seva morfologia requereix coneixements taxonòmics i temps; la majoria dels mètodes moleculars permeten la identificació d’una única espècie diana. Per contra, la tecnologia de microarray ofereix l’anàlisi paral•lel d’un alt nombre de DNA dianes. En aquest treball, s’ha desenvolupat un array per a la identificació de les principals espècies de Fusarium toxigèniques del Nord i Sud d’Europa. S’ha ampliat un array ja existent, per a la detecció de les espècies de Fusarium productores de trichothecene i moniliformina (predominants al Nord d’Europa), amb l’addició de 18 sondes de DNA que permeten identificar les espècies toxigèniques més abundants al Sud d’Europa, les qual produeixen majoritàriament fumonisines. Les sondes de captura han estat dissenyades en base al factor d’elongació translació- 1 alpha (TEF-1alpha). L’anàlisi de les mostres es realitza mitjançant una única PCR que permet amplificar part del TEF-1alpha seguida de la hibridació al xip de Fusarium. Els resultats es visualitzen mitjançant un mètode de detecció colorimètric. El xip de Fusarium desenvolupat pot esdevenir una eina útil i de gran interès per a l’anàlisi de cereals presents en la cadena alimentària.
Los procesadores multi-core y el multi-threading por hardware permiten aumentar el rendimiento de las aplicaciones. Por un lado, los procesadores multi-core combinan 2 o más procesadores en un mismo chip. Por otro lado, el multi-threading por hardware es una técnica que incrementa la utilización de los recursos del procesador. Este trabajo presenta un análisis de rendimiento de los resultados obtenidos en dos aplicaciones, multiplicación de matrices densas y transformada rápida de Fourier. Ambas aplicaciones se han ejecutado en arquitecturas multi-core que explotan el paralelismo a nivel de thread pero con un modelo de multi-threading diferente. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la importancia de entender y saber analizar el efecto del multi-core y multi-threading en el rendimiento.
Aquest projecte es basa en l'estudi, disseny i avaluació d'antenes per a aplicacions RFID a la banda UHF. Les etiquetes RFID estan compostes per un xip i una antena que han de presentar una bona adaptació per a aconseguir màxima transferència de potència. Els dos objectius principals en els diferents fases de disseny de cada antena han estat optimitzar les seves dimensions, i incrementar l'ample de banda.
Computer chips implementation technologies evolving to obtain more performance are increasing the probability of transient faults. As this probability grows and on-chip solutions are expensive or tend to degrade processor performance, the efforts to deal with these transient faults in higher levels (such as the operating system or even at the application level) are increasing. Mostly, these efforts are trying to avoid silent data corruptions using hardware, software and hybrid based techniques to add redundancy to detect the errors generated by the transient faults. This work presents our proposal to improve the robustness of applications with source code based transformation adding redundancy. Also, our proposal takes account of the tradeoff between the improved robustness and the overhead generated by the added redundancy.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of California a Irvine, EEUU, entre juliol del 2007 i gener del 2008. Els termoparells són actualment els sensors de temperatura més populars i més utilitzats per a un ampli rang d’aplicacions: industrials, domèstiques, etc. Aconseguir miniaturar els dispositius fins a dimensions extremadament petites obra un ampli rang de noves aplicacions per aquests dispositius, per exemple, en el camp de la tecnologia lab-on-a-chip. En aquesta investigació, el concepte de termoparell, és a dir, dos cables de diferent metall connectats per un extrem s’ha extrapolat a l’escala nanomètrica, utilitzant nanowires com a element de construcció. Aquests nanowires s’han sintetitzat a través d’un nou procediment desenvolupat en el grup d’investigació de la Universitat de California, Irvine, que ha permès treballar amb nanowires de diferents dimensions (control independent de l’alçada i amplada) i un major grau d’èxit en la fabricació d’aquests termometres. El mètode també permet dipositar aquestes nanoestructures sobre substractes no conductors de manera controlable, simplificant notablement tot el procés de fabricació. L’obtenció d’aquests dispositius ha permès demostrar que, a part de ser bons sensors de temperatura a nivell macroscòpic (fonts de calor ambientals), també permet la determinació de temperatura a nivell microscòpic (fonts de calor focalitzada, com és el cas de feixos làser). Per a la seva caracterització ha estat necessari l’ús de tecnologia puntera (làsers, amplificadors, microscopis de forces atòmiques) i inclòs el disseny de nous dispositius. Aquests nanotermoparells presenten propietats extraordinàries, com una gran sensitivitat, gran velocitat de resposta a estímuls tèrmics, i un comportament estable vers l’ús i el temps.
Technological limitations and power constraints are resulting in high-performance parallel computing architectures that are based on large numbers of high-core-count processors. Commercially available processors are now at 8 and 16 cores and experimental platforms, such as the many-core Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer (SCC) platform, provide much higher core counts. These trends are presenting new sets of challenges to HPC applications including programming complexity and the need for extreme energy efficiency.In this work, we first investigate the power behavior of scientific PGAS application kernels on the SCC platform, and explore opportunities and challenges for power management within the PGAS framework. Results obtained via empirical evaluation of Unified Parallel C (UPC) applications on the SCC platform under different constraints, show that, for specific operations, the potential for energy savings in PGAS is large; and power/performance trade-offs can be effectively managed using a cross-layerapproach. We investigate cross-layer power management using PGAS language extensions and runtime mechanisms that manipulate power/performance tradeoffs. Specifically, we present the design, implementation and evaluation of such a middleware for application-aware cross-layer power management of UPC applications on the SCC platform. Finally, based on our observations, we provide a set of recommendations and insights that can be used to support similar power management for PGAS applications on other many-core platforms.
Nanomotors are nanoscale devices capable of converting energy into movement and forces. Among them, self-propelled nanomotors offer considerable promise for developing new and novel bioanalytical and biosensing strategies based on the direct isolation of target biomolecules or changes in their movement in the presence of target analytes. The mainachievements of this project consists on the development of receptor-functionalized nanomotors that offer direct and rapid target detection, isolation and transport from raw biological samples without preparatory and washing steps. For example, microtube engines functionalized with aptamer, antibody, lectin and enzymes receptors were used for the direct isolation of analytes of biomedical interest, including proteins and whole cells, among others. A target protein was also isolated from a complex sample by using an antigen-functionalized microengine navigating into the reservoirs of a lab-on-a-chip device. The new nanomotorbased target biomarkers detection strategy not only offers highly sensitive, rapid, simple and low cost alternative for the isolation and transport of target molecules, but also represents a new dimension of analytical information based on motion. The recognition events can be easily visualized by optical microscope (without any sophisticated analytical instrument) to reveal the target presence and concentration. The use of artificial nanomachines has shown not only to be useful for (bio)recognition and (bio)transport but also for detection of environmental contamination and remediation. In this context, micromotors modified with superhydrophobic layer demonstrated that effectively interacted, captured, transported and removed oil droplets from oil contaminated samples. Finally, a unique micromotor-based strategy for water-quality testing, that mimics live-fish water-quality testing, based on changes in the propulsion behavior of artificial biocatalytic microswimmers in the presence of aquatic pollutants was also developed. The attractive features of the new micromachine-based target isolation and signal transduction protocols developed in this project offer numerous potential applications in biomedical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and forensic analysis.
Background: Analyzing social differences in the health of adolescents is a challenge. The accuracy of adolescent's report on familial socio-economic position is unknown. The aims of the study were to examine the validity of measuring occupational social class and family level of education reported by adolescents aged 12 to 18, and the relationship between social position and self-reported health.Methods: A sample of 1453 Spanish adolescents 12 to 18 years old from urban and rural areas completed a self-administered questionnaire including the Child Health and Illness Profile-Adolescent Edition (CHIP-AE), and data on parental occupational social class (OSC) and level of education (LE). The responsible person for a sub-sample of teenagers (n = 91) were interviewed by phone. Kappa coefficients were estimated to analyze agreement between adolescents and proxy-respondents, and logistic regression models were adjusted to analyze factors associated with missing answers and disagreements. Effect size (ES) was calculated to analyze the relationship between OSC, LE and the CHIP-AE domain scores.Results: Missing answers were higher for father's (24.2%) and mother's (45.7%) occupational status than for parental education (8.4%, and 8.1% respectively), and belonging to a non-standard family was associated with more incomplete reporting of social position (OR = 4,98; 95%CI = 1,3–18,8) as was agreement between a parent and the adolescent. There were significant social class gradients, most notably for aspects of health related to resilience to threats to illness.ConclusionAdolescents can acceptably self-report on family occupation and level of education. Social class gradients are present in important aspects of health in adolescents.
This line of research of my group intends to establish a Silicon technological platform in the field of photonics allowing the development of a wide set of applications. Particularly, what is still lacking in Silicon Photonics is an efficient and integrable light source such an LED or laser. Nanocrystals in silicon oxide or nitride matrices have been recently demonstrated as competitive materials for both active components (electrically and optically driven light emitters and optical amplifiers) and passive ones (waveguides and modulators). The final goal is the achievement of a complete integration of electronic and optical functions in the same CMOS chip. The first part of this paper will introduce the structural and optical properties of LEDs fabricated from silicon nanostructures. The second will treat the interaction of such nanocrystals with rare-earth elements (Er), which lead to an efficient hybrid system emitting in the third window of optical fibers. I will present the fabrication and assessment of optical waveguide amplifiers at 1.54 ¿m for which we have been able to demonstrate recently optical gain in waveguides made from sputtered silicon suboxide materials.
Resumen: Gracias a la evolución biológica y cultural el ser humano ha sido capaz de adaptarse al ambiente. Una opción para mejorar las prestaciones humanas podría ser la obtención de un cyborg o ser humano biónico en el cual la parte inorgánica fuese un chip computacional conectado directamente al cerebro. Esta y otras posibilidades se debaten en el presente artículo. Palabras clave: Evolución biológica, selección natural, evolución cultural, cyborg, biónico, inteligencia.
H3K4me3 is a histone modification that accumulates at the transcription-start site (TSS) of active genes and is known to be important for transcription activation. The way in which H3K4me3 is regulated at TSS and the actual molecular basis of its contribution to transcription remain largely unanswered. To address these questions, we have analyzed the contribution of dKDM5/LID, the main H3K4me3 demethylase in Drosophila, to the regulation of the pattern of H3K4me3. ChIP-seq results show that, at developmental genes, dKDM5/LID localizes at TSS and regulates H3K4me3. dKDM5/LID target genes are highly transcribed and enriched in active RNApol II and H3K36me3, suggesting a positive contribution to transcription. Expression-profiling show that, though weakly, dKDM5/LID target genes are significantly downregulated upon dKDM5/LID depletion. Furthermore, dKDM5/LID depletion results in decreased RNApol II occupancy, particularly by the promoter-proximal Pol lloser5 form. Our results also show that ASH2, an evolutionarily conserved factor that locates at TSS and is required for H3K4me3, binds and positively regulates dKDM5/LID target genes. However, dKDM5/LID and ASH2 do not bind simultaneously and recognize different chromatin states, enriched in H3K4me3 and not, respectively. These results indicate that, at developmental genes, dKDM5/LID and ASH2 coordinately regulate H3K4me3 at TSS and that this dynamic regulation contributes to transcription.
H3K4me3 is a histone modification that accumulates at the transcription-start site (TSS) of active genes and is known to be important for transcription activation. The way in which H3K4me3 is regulated at TSS and the actual molecular basis of its contribution to transcription remain largely unanswered. To address these questions, we have analyzed the contribution of dKDM5/LID, the main H3K4me3 demethylase in Drosophila, to the regulation of the pattern of H3K4me3. ChIP-seq results show that, at developmental genes, dKDM5/LID localizes at TSS and regulates H3K4me3. dKDM5/LID target genes are highly transcribed and enriched in active RNApol II and H3K36me3, suggesting a positive contribution to transcription. Expression-profiling show that, though weakly, dKDM5/LID target genes are significantly downregulated upon dKDM5/LID depletion. Furthermore, dKDM5/LID depletion results in decreased RNApol II occupancy, particularly by the promoter-proximal Pol lloser5 form. Our results also show that ASH2, an evolutionarily conserved factor that locates at TSS and is required for H3K4me3, binds and positively regulates dKDM5/LID target genes. However, dKDM5/LID and ASH2 do not bind simultaneously and recognize different chromatin states, enriched in H3K4me3 and not, respectively. These results indicate that, at developmental genes, dKDM5/LID and ASH2 coordinately regulate H3K4me3 at TSS and that this dynamic regulation contributes to transcription.
The supply voltage decrease and powerconsumption increase of modern ICs made the requirements for low voltage fluctuation caused by packaging and on-chip parasitic impedances more difficult to achieve. Most of the research works on the area assume that all the nodes of the chip are fed at thesame voltage, in such a way that the main cause of disturbance or fluctuation is the parasitic impedance of packaging. In the paper an approach to analyze the effect of high and fast current demands on the on-chip power supply network. First an approach to model the entire network by considering a homogeneous conductive foil is presented. The modification of the timing parameters of flipflops caused by spatial voltage drops through the IC surface are also investigated.
Aquest projecte inclou una aproximació als conceptes de RFID i targetes contactless centrant-se en l’ampliament usat MIFARE Classic chip. L’objectiu principal es mostrar el seu funcionament i les seves vulnerabilitats, així com alguns exemples pràctics fent una anàlisi de diferents serveis que les utilitzen.