24 resultados para Burden of proof
Tanto el asma ocupacional como la neumonitis por hipersensibilidad, como es el pulmón del cuidador de aves, son patologías respiratorias que se pueden prevenir o disminuir su aparición mediante la evitación de la fuente antigénica. Para poder actuar de forma preventiva es de utilidad el disponer de ensayos rápidos que sean capaces de estimar la presencia de alérgeno de forma inmediata. En el marco de este proyecto de dos años de duración tenemos por objeto el desarrollar y estandarizar dos métodos rápidos, inmunocromatográficos, para la determinación de alérgenos de soja y de proteínas séricas de paloma. Alérgenos que han sido seleccionados por su importancia en el medio como agentes causales de asma y neumonitis por hipersensibilidad, respectivamente. También tenemos por objeto determinar la carga de alérgeno de soja en la fracción de partículas menores de 10 micrómetros (PM10) en los alrededores del puerto de Barcelona y comprarla con los niveles en los filtros de partículas suspendidas totales (TSP). Como pasos previos al desarrollo de los ensayos rápidos se han producido anticuerpos específicos frente al extracto de cáscara de soja de bajo peso molecular y frente al suero de paloma, se ha desarrollado un ELISA tipo sándwich para cada alérgeno y parte de los anticuerpos se ha conjugado con oro coloidal. El ensayo inmunocromatográfico para la soja presenta un límite de detección de 6.25ng/ml y ha sido validado mediante el análisis de 119 muestras ambientales, presentando una elevada especificidad y sensibilidad. El ensayo inmunocromatográfico para la determinación de antígenos séricos de paloma requiere ser validado. Mediante un métodos de ELISA de inhibición se han determinado los niveles de alérgeno de soja en filtros PM10 y TSP. A pesar de la buena correlación entre los niveles de alérgeno en ambos filtros, se observó una amplia variación en la proporción PM10/TSP entre días.
Malaria in pregnancy forms a substantial part of the worldwide burden of malaria, with an estimated annual death toll of up to 200,000 infants, as well as increased maternal morbidity and mortality. Studies of genetic susceptibility to malaria have so far focused on infant malaria, with only a few studies investigating the genetic basis of placental malaria, focusing only on a limited number of candidate genes. The aim of this study therefore was to identify novel host genetic factors involved in placental malaria infection. To this end we carried out a nested case-control study on 180 Mozambican pregnant women with placental malaria infection, and 180 controls within an intervention trial of malaria prevention. We genotyped 880 SNPs in a set of 64 functionally related genes involved in glycosylation and innate immunity. A SNP located in the gene FUT9, rs3811070, was significantly associated with placental malaria infection (OR = 2.31, permutation p-value = 0.028). Haplotypic analysis revealed a similarly strong association of a common haplotype of four SNPs including rs3811070. FUT9 codes for a fucosyl-transferase that is catalyzing the last step in the biosynthesis of the Lewis-x antigen, which forms part of the Lewis blood group-related antigens. These results therefore suggest an involvement of this antigen in the pathogenesis of placental malaria infection.
We study a decentralized matching model in a large exchange economy,in which trade takes place through non--cooperative bargaining in coalitionsof finite size. Under essentially the same conditions of core equivalence, we show that the strategic equilibrium outcomes of our model coincide with theWalrasian allocations of the economy. Our method of proof exploits equivalenceresults between the core and Walrasian equilibria. Our model relaxes differentiability and convexity of preferences thereby covering the caseof indivisible goods.
We revisit the debt overhang question. We first use non-parametric techniques to isolate a panel of countries on the downward sloping section of a debt Laffer curve. In particular, overhang countries are ones where a threshold level of debt is reached in sample, beyond which (initial) debt ends up lowering (subsequent)growth. On average, significantly negative coefficients appear when debt face value reaches 60 percent of GDP or 200 percent of exports, and when its present value reaches 40 percent of GDP or 140 percent of exports. Second, we depart from reduced form growth regressions and perform direct tests of the theory on the thus selected sample of overhang countries. In the spirit of event studies, we ask whether, as overhang level of debt is reached: (i)investment falls precipitously as it should when it becomes optimal to default, (ii) economic policy deteriorates observably, as it should when debt contracts become unable to elicit effort on the part of the debtor, and (iii) the terms of borrowing worsen noticeably, as they should when it becomes optimal for creditors to pre-empt default and exact punitive interest rates. We find a systematic response of investment, particularly when property rights are weakly enforced, some worsening of the policy environment, and a fall in interest rates. This easing of borrowing conditions happens because lending by the private sector virtually disappears in overhang situations, and multilateral agencies step in with concessional rates. Thus, while debt relief is likely to improve economic policy (and especially investment) in overhang countries, it is doubtful that it would ease their terms of borrowing, or the burden of debt.
Les empreses sempre han buscat com optimitzar el màxim els seus recursos i ser més eficients a la hora de realitzar les tasques que li han estat encomanades. És per aquest motiu que constantment les empreses realitzen estudis i valoracions de com poder millorar dia a dia. Aquest fet no és diferenciador a l’empresa Serralleria i Alumini Vilaró (S.A.V), que dia a dia estudia com optimitzar els seus processos o de vegades introduir-ne de nous per tal d’expandir la seva oferta de serveis. L’empresa és dedica a la fabricació de peces metàl•liques el procés ja sigui només de tall i mecanitzat, plegat, soldadura, acabats en inoxidable, pintura i fins i tot embalatge pel que fa a la part productiva, respecte a la part d’oficina tècnica també ofereix serveis de desenvolupament de productes segons especificacions del client i reenginyeria de qualsevol producte, analitzant la part que és vol millorar. En l’actualitat l’empresa ha detectat una mancança que creu que es podria solucionar, el problema és que l’empresa disposa de varies màquines de tall, entre les quals hi ha una màquina de tall làser i el problema principal és que la càrrega de les planxes del calaix de magatzem a la bancada de la màquina es realitza o bé manualment o a través d’un gripper sostingut al pont grua, depenent del pes de la planxa a transportar. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és fer el disseny d’una màquina que permeti automatitzar el procés de transportar la planxa metàl•lica del calaix de magatzem dipositat sobre una taula mòbil a la bancada de la màquina de tall. El disseny que pretenem fer és complet començant per fer un disseny estructural de la màquina més els seus respectius càlculs, moviments que volem aconseguir, tria de components ( motors, sensors ...), elaboració d’un pressupost per poder fer una estimació i finalment la elaboració del programa de control de tota la màquina més la interacció amb la màquina a través d’una pantalla tàctil. Es a dir, el que pretenem és realitzar un projecte que puguem fabricar en la realitat utilitzant tota la informació continguda dins del mateix
Evidence on trends in prevalence of disease and disability can clarify whether countries are experiencing a compression or expansion of morbidity. An expansion of morbidity as indicated by disease have appeared in Europe and other developed regions. It is likely that better treatment, preventive measures and increases in education levels have contributed to the declines in mortality and increments in life expectancy. This paper examines whether there has been an expansion of morbidity in Catalonia (Spain). It uses trends in mortality and morbidity from major causes of death and links of these with survival to provide estimates of life expectancy with and without diseases and functioning loss. We use a repeated cross-sectional health survey carried out in 1994 and 2011 for measures of morbidity; mortality information comes from the Spanish National Statistics Institute. Our findings show that at age 65 the percentage of life with disease increased from 52% to 70% for men, and from 56% to 72% for women; the expectation of life unable to function increased from 24% to 30% for men and 40% to 47% for women between 1994 and 2011. These changes were attributable to increases in the prevalences of diseases and moderate functional limitation. Overall, we find an expansion of morbidity along the period. Increasing survival among people with diseases can lead to a higher prevalence of diseases in the older population. Higher prevalence of health problems can lead to greater pressure on the health care system and a growing burden of disease for individuals.
Background: Declining physical activity is associated with a rising burden of global disease. There is little evidence about effective ways to increase adherence to physical activity. Therefore, interventions are needed that produce sustained increases in adherence to physical activity and are cost-effective. The purpose is to assess the effectiveness of a primary care physical activity intervention in increasing adherence to physical activity in the general population seen in primary care. Method and design: Randomized controlled trial with systematic random sampling. A total of 424 subjects of both sexes will participate; all will be over the age of 18 with a low level of physical activity (according to the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ), self-employed and from 9 Primary Healthcare Centres (PHC). They will volunteer to participate in a physical activity programme during 3 months (24 sessions; 2 sessions a week, 60 minutes per session). Participants from each PHC will be randomly allocated to an intervention (IG) and control group (CG). The following parameters will be assessed pre and post intervention in both groups: (1) health-related quality of life (SF-12), (2) physical activity stage of change (Prochaska's stages of change), (3) level of physical activity (IPAQ-short version), (4) change in perception of health (vignettes from the Cooperative World Organization of National Colleges, Academies, and Academic Associations of Family Physicians, COOP/WONCA), (5) level of social support for the physical activity practice (Social Support for Physical Activity Scale, SSPAS), and (6) control based on analysis (HDL, LDL and glycated haemoglobin).Participants' frequency of visits to the PHC will be registered over the six months before and after the programme. There will be a follow up in a face to face interview three, six and twelve months after the programme, with the reduced version of IPAQ, SF-12, SSPAS, and Prochaska's stages. Discussion: The pilot study showed the effectiveness of an enhanced low-cost, evidence-based intervention in increased physical activity and improved social support. If successful in demonstrating long-term improvements, this randomised controlled trial will be the first sustainable physical activity intervention based in primary care in our country to demonstrate longterm adherence to physical activity. Trial Registration: A service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Developed by the National Library of Medicine. ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT00714831.
The movement for open access to science seeks to achieve unrestricted and free access to academic publications on the Internet. To this end, two mechanisms have been established: the gold road, in which scientific journals are openly accessible, and the green road, in which publications are self-archived in repositories. The publication of the Finch Report in 2012, advocating exclusively the adoption of the gold road, generated a debate as to whether either of the two options should be prioritized. The recommendations of the Finch Report stirred controversy among academicians specialized in open access issues, who felt that the role played by repositories was not adequately considered and because the green road places the burden of publishing costs basically on authors. The Finch Report"s conclusions are compatible with the characteristics of science communication in the UK and they could surely also be applied to the (few) countries with a powerful publishing industry and substantial research funding. In Spain, both the current national legislation and the existing rules at universities largely advocate the green road. This is directly related to the structure of scientific communication in Spain, where many journals have little commercial significance, the system of charging a fee to authors has not been adopted, and there is a good repository infrastructure. As for open access policies, the performance of the scientific communication system in each country should be carefully analyzed to determine the most suitable open access strategy. [Int Microbiol 2013; 16(3):199-203]
Les empreses sempre han buscat com optimitzar el màxim els seus recursos i ser més eficients a la hora de realitzar les tasques que li han estat encomanades. És per aquest motiu que constantment les empreses realitzen estudis i valoracions de com poder millorar dia a dia. Aquest fet no és diferenciador a l’empresa Serralleria i Alumini Vilaró (S.A.V), que dia a dia estudia com optimitzar els seus processos o de vegades introduir-ne de nous per tal d’expandir la seva oferta de serveis. L’empresa és dedica a la fabricació de peces metàl•liques el procés ja sigui només de tall i mecanitzat, plegat, soldadura, acabats en inoxidable, pintura i fins i tot embalatge pel que fa a la part productiva, respecte a la part d’oficina tècnica també ofereix serveis de desenvolupament de productes segons especificacions del client i reenginyeria de qualsevol producte, analitzant la part que és vol millorar. En l’actualitat l’empresa ha detectat una mancança que creu que es podria solucionar, el problema és que l’empresa disposa de varies màquines de tall, entre les quals hi ha una màquina de tall làser i el problema principal és que la càrrega de les planxes del calaix de magatzem a la bancada de la màquina es realitza o bé manualment o a través d’un gripper sostingut al pont grua, depenent del pes de la planxa a transportar. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és fer el disseny d’una màquina que permeti automatitzar el procés de transportar la planxa metàl•lica del calaix de magatzem dipositat sobre una taula mòbil a la bancada de la màquina de tall. El disseny que pretenem fer és complet començant per fer un disseny estructural de la màquina més els seus respectius càlculs, moviments que volem aconseguir, tria de components ( motors, sensors ...), elaboració d’un pressupost per poder fer una estimació i finalment la elaboració del programa de control de tota la màquina més la interacció amb la màquina a través d’una pantalla tàctil. Es a dir, el que pretenem és realitzar un projecte que puguem fabricar en la realitat utilitzant tota la informació continguda dins del mateix