30 resultados para Building, Communication, ICT, Protocol, Smart-Medium Enterprise
The innovative subject Introduction to ICT combines a general Introductory Course to the University with elements around the Information and Communication Technologies sector (including the ICT engineer competence profile, market aspects, etc.)This new course has been developed and implemented in three degree programmes offered by the Polytechnic School at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. The course team consists of thirteen teachers,including business professionals, librarians, computer technicians, institutional representatives as well as an educationalist responsible for advising on methodology and study techniques. The subject was designed for a high number of students (260). At the end of the course, we collected quantitative and qualitativeinformation about the students satisfaction. The findings show the positive vision that they had about the topics worked during the subject. This paper describes the course, its implementation and evaluation and, of course, the details of the findings that we collected about students' satisfaction.
Aplicatiu per gestionar la informaci administrativa, tcnica i comptable per una empresa constructora
Les tendencies del mercat actual i futur obliguen a les empreses a ser cada vegada ms competitives. Tota empresa que desitgi competir en el mercat actual ha de considerar la informaci com un dels seus principals actius. Per aquesta ra, s necessari que lempresa disposi dels sistemes dinformaci adequats per ser gestionada. En les pimes ( petites i mitjanes empreses ), i en la majoria dels casos, la seva informaci es troba repartida en diversos aplicatius informtifcs. Aix comporta principalment una duplicitat de dades, costos de manteniment i possibles errades en la informaci. Dins del sector de les pimes, es troben empreses contructores dun volum petit o mig, les quals enmagatzemen molta informaci tcnica i de planificaci per desemvolupar els seus projectes. Aquesta necessitat els hi suposa, tenir un aplicatiu eficient per la gesti i seguiment de la producci de les seves tasques i per altra banda laplicatiu necessari com qualsevol pime a nivell administratiu i comptable. Lobjectiu principal daquest treball s generar un aplicatiu que integri la informaci administrativa, comptable i tcnica per una empresa constructora. Amb lassoliment daquest objectiu lempresa constructora guanya temps en lentrada i accs a les dades, evita la seva duplicitat i redueix el seu manteniment. En resum, redueix els costos de lempresa i augmenta la seva seguretat en la informaci. Un el mercat, existeixen aplicatius anomenats ERP ( Enterprise resource planning o sistemes de planificaci de recursos ) els quals la seva gran virtud es la integraci de les dades. Aprofitant aquests aplicatius i seleccionant-ne el ms adequat, sha generat la part de gesti i planificaci necessria per lempresa constructora integrant-la i personalitzant-la en els processos existents de laplicaci ( comptabilitat, ventes, compres, recursos humans, magatzems, etc ) Entre les conclusions ms rellevants obtingudes en aquest treball, voldriem destacar la millora i reducci dentrada, accs i manteniment de la informaci, lhistric que proporciona leina i per tan la millora de la gesto i planificaci de lempresa.
The advances of the semiconductor industry enable microelectromechanical systems sensors, signal conditioning logic and network access to be integrated into a smart sensor node. In this framework, a mixed-mode interface circuit for monolithically integrated gas sensor arrays was developed with high-level design techniques. This interface system includes analog electronics for inspection of up to four sensor arrays and digital logic for smart control and data communication. Although different design methodologies were used in the conception of the complete circuit, high-level synthesis tools and methodologies were crucial in speeding up the whole design cycle, enhancing reusability for future applications and producing a flexible and robust component.
En la actualidad estamos sufriendo una situacin de crisis econmica de dimensiones desproporcionadas e inusuales, la cual est obligando a todas las empresas a globalizar en mayor medida el mbito de actuacin de sus negocios, por lo que muchas empresas que trabajaban exclusivamente en el mbito local o nacional han tenido que expandirse hacia el exterior. Este hecho, aadido a la fortsima competencia existente en el mercado, obligar a todas estas empresas a tener que controlar en mayor medida la actividad productiva, y a hacerlo utilizando tecnologas que faciliten el flujo de la informacin dentro de la empresa, hagan que la distancia no sea un problema para la transmisin de esa informacin, y con las que todos los usuarios manejen los mismos datos. El sector de la construccin es uno de los ms castigados por la citada crisis, y probablemente uno de los ms retrasados en lo que respecta a utilizacin de Tecnologas de la Informacin y la Comunicacin. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el diseo e implementacin de una web dinmica como herramienta para medir la eficiencia en el control de la actividad productiva de una empresa constructora. La manera de medir esta eficiencia ser mediante la comparacin mensual de los costes previstos para las diferentes obras que deba ejecutar la empresa (los cuales podemos llamar estndar) y los que se vayan produciendo realmente. La herramienta diseada podra ir aumentando su utilidad si, aadiendo mdulos mediante la ampliacin de la base de datos y diseando las pertinentes nuevas pginas web para el sitio, se usa tambin para otros menesteres adems del control de la actividad productiva por comparacin entre costes previstos y reales. Es decir, que se podra llegar a gestionar la informacin de todas las actividades de la empresa (compras, recursos humanos, contabilidad, gestin de calidad, etc.). Por lo tanto, una web dinmica como la expuesta en el trabajo podra servir como semilla para el desarrollo de un ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).
Spectrum is an essential resource for the provision of mobile services. In order to control and delimit its use, governmental agencies set up regulatory policies. Unfortunately, such policies have led to a deficiency of spectrum as only few frequency bands are left unlicensed, and these are used for the majority of new emerging wireless applications. One promising way to alleviate the spectrum shortage problem is adopting a spectrum sharing paradigm in which frequency bands are used opportunistically. Cognitive radio is the key technology to enable this shift of paradigm.Cognitive radio networks are self-organized systems in which devices cooperate to use those spectrum ranges that are not occupied by licensed users. They carry out spectrum sensing in order to detect vacant channels that can be used for communication. Even though spectrum sensing is an active area of research, an important issue remains unsolved: the secure authentication of sensing reports. Not providing security enables the input of false data in the system thus empowering false results. This paper presents a distributed protocol based on wireless physical layer security, symmetric cryptography and one-way functions that allows determining a final sensing decision from multiple sources in a quick and secure way, as well as it preserves users privacy.
Broadcast transmission mode in ad hoc networks is critical to manage multihop routing or providing medium accesscontrol (MAC)-layer fairness. In this paper, it is shown that ahigher capacity to exchange information among neighbors may beobtained through a physical-MAC cross-layer design of the broadcastprotocol exploiting signal separation principles. Coherentdetection and separation of contending nodes is possible throughtraining sequences which are selected at random from a reducedset. Guidelines for the design of this set are derived for a lowimpact on the network performance and the receiver complexity.
The application of adaptive antenna techniques to fixed-architecture base stations has been shown to offer wide-ranging benefits, including interference rejection capabilities or increased coverage and spectral efficiency.Unfortunately, the actual implementation ofthese techniques to mobile communication scenarios has traditionally been set back by two fundamental reasons. On one hand, the lack of flexibility of current transceiver architectures does not allow for the introduction of advanced add-on functionalities. On the other hand, theoften oversimplified models for the spatiotemporal characteristics of the radio communications channel generally give rise toperformance predictions that are, in practice, too optimistic. The advent of software radio architectures represents a big step toward theintroduction of advanced receive/transmitcapabilities. Thanks to their inherent flexibilityand robustness, software radio architecturesare the appropriate enabling technology for theimplementation of array processing techniques.Moreover, given the exponential progression ofcommunication standards in coexistence andtheir constant evolution, software reconfigurabilitywill probably soon become the only costefficientalternative for the transceiverupgrade. This article analyzes the requirementsfor the introduction of software radio techniquesand array processing architectures inmultistandard scenarios. It basically summarizesthe conclusions and results obtained withinthe ACTS project SUNBEAM,1 proposingalgorithms and analyzing the feasibility ofimplementation of innovative and softwarereconfigurablearray processing architectures inmultistandard settings.
BACKGROUND: Classical disease phenotypes are mainly based on descriptions of symptoms and the hypothesis that a given pattern of symptoms provides a diagnosis. With refined technologies there is growing evidence that disease expression in patients is much more diverse and subtypes need to be defined to allow a better targeted treatment. One of the aims of the Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy Project (MeDALL,FP7) is to re-define the classical phenotypes of IgE-associated allergic diseases from birth to adolescence, by consensus among experts using a systematic review of the literature and identify possible gaps in research for new disease markers. This paper describes the methods to be used for the systematic review of the classical IgE-associated phenotypes applicable in general to other systematic reviews also addressing phenotype definitions based on evidence. METHODS/DESIGN: Eligible papers were identified by PubMed search (complete database through April 2011). This search yielded 12,043 citations. The review includes intervention studies (randomized and clinical controlled trials) and observational studies (cohort studies including birth cohorts, case-control studies) as well as case series. Systematic and non-systematic reviews, guidelines, position papers and editorials are not excluded but dealt with separately. Two independent reviewers in parallel conducted consecutive title and abstract filtering scans. For publications where title and abstract fulfilled the inclusion criteria the full text was assessed. In the final step, two independent reviewers abstracted data using a pre-designed data extraction form with disagreements resolved by discussion among investigators. DISCUSSION: The systematic review protocol described here allows to generate broad,multi-phenotype reviews and consensus phenotype definitions. The in-depth analysis of the existing literature on the classification of IgE-associated allergic diseases through such a systematic review will 1) provide relevant information on the current epidemiologic definitions of allergic diseases, 2) address heterogeneity and interrelationships and 3) identify gaps in knowledge.
Spain is one of the countries with the highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the EU-27. Consequently, mitigation strategies need to be reported and quantified to accomplish the goals and requirements of the Kyoto Protocol. In this study, a first estimation of the carbon (C) mitigation potential of tillage reduction in Mediterranean rainfed Spain is presented. Results from eight studies carried out in Spain under rainfed agriculture to investigate the effects of no-tillage (NT) and reduced tillage (RT) compared with conventional tillage (CT) on soil organic carbon (SOC) were used. For current land surface under conservation tillage, NT and RT are sequestering 0.14 and 0.08 Tg C yr-1, respectively. Those rates represent 1.1% and 0.6% of the total CO2 emissions generated from agricultural activities in Spain during 2006. Alternatively, in a hypothetical scenario where all the arable dryland was under either NT or RT management, SOC sequestration would be 2.18 and 0.72 Tg C yr-1 representing 17.4% and 5.8% of the total 2006 CO2 equivalent emissions generated from the agricultural sector in Spain. This is a significant estimate that would help to achieve GHG emissions targets for the current commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.
This paper aims to explore asynchronous communication in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Thirty virtual forums are analysed in both a quantitative and a qualitative way. Quantitatively, the number of messages written, message threads and original and answer messages are counted. Qualitatively, the content of the notes is analysed, cataloguing these into two different levels: on the one hand, as a set of knowledge building process categories, and on the other hand, following the scaffolds that Knowledge Forum offers. The results show that both an exchange of information and a collaborative work take place. Nevertheless, the construction of knowledge is superficial.
The expansion of broadband speed and coverage over IP technology, which extend over transport and terminal access networks, has increased the demand for applications and content which by being provided over it, uniformly give rise to convergence. These shifts in technologies and enterprise business models are giving rise to the necessity for changing the perspective and scope of the Universal Service and of the regulation frameworks, with this last one based in the same principles as always but varying its application. Several aspects require special and renewed attention, such as the definition of relevant markets and dominant operators, the role of packages, interconnection of IP networks, network neutrality, the use of the spectrum with a vision of value for the citizenship, the application of the competition framework, new forms of licensing, treatment of the risk in the networks, changes in the regulatory authorities, amongst others. These matters are treated from the perspective of the actual trends in the world and its conceptual justification.
The multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change produced by population ageing affects not only the quality of life of elderly people but also of our societies. Some dimensions of population ageing grow and expand over time (e.g. knowledge of the world events, or experience in particular situations), while others decline (e.g. reaction time, physical and psychological strength, or other functional abilities like reduced speed and tiredness). Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help elderly to overcome possible limitations due to ageing. As a particular case, biometrics can allow the development of new algorithms for early detection of cognitive impairments, by processing continuous speech, handwriting or other challenged abilities. Among all possibilities, digital applications (Apps) for mobile phones or tablets can allow the dissemination of such tools. In this article, after presenting and discussing the process of population ageing and its social implications, we explore how ICTs through different Apps can lead to new solutions for facing this major demographic challenge.
Political actors use ICTs in a different manner and in different degrees when it comes to achieving a closer relationship between the public and politicians. Usually, political parties develop ICT strategies only for electoral campaigning and therefore restrain ICT usages to providing information and establishing a few channels of communication. By contrast, local governments make much more use of ICT tools for participatory and deliberative purposes. These differences in usages have not been well explained in the literature because of a lack of a comprehensive explanatory model. This chapter seeks to build the basis for this model, that is, to establish which factors affect and condition different political uses of ICTs and which principles underlie that behaviour. We consider that political actors are intentional and their behaviour is mediated by the political institutions and the socioeconomic context of the country. Also, though, the actors own characteristics, such as the type and size of the organization or the model of e-democracy that the actor upholds, can have an influence in launching ICT initiatives for approaching the public.
Aplicatiu per gestionar la informaci administrativa, tcnica i comptable per una empresa constructora
Les tendencies del mercat actual i futur obliguen a les empreses a ser cada vegada ms competitives. Tota empresa que desitgi competir en el mercat actual ha de considerar la informaci com un dels seus principals actius. Per aquesta ra, s necessari que lempresa disposi dels sistemes dinformaci adequats per ser gestionada. En les pimes ( petites i mitjanes empreses ), i en la majoria dels casos, la seva informaci es troba repartida en diversos aplicatius informtifcs. Aix comporta principalment una duplicitat de dades, costos de manteniment i possibles errades en la informaci. Dins del sector de les pimes, es troben empreses contructores dun volum petit o mig, les quals enmagatzemen molta informaci tcnica i de planificaci per desemvolupar els seus projectes. Aquesta necessitat els hi suposa, tenir un aplicatiu eficient per la gesti i seguiment de la producci de les seves tasques i per altra banda laplicatiu necessari com qualsevol pime a nivell administratiu i comptable. Lobjectiu principal daquest treball s generar un aplicatiu que integri la informaci administrativa, comptable i tcnica per una empresa constructora. Amb lassoliment daquest objectiu lempresa constructora guanya temps en lentrada i accs a les dades, evita la seva duplicitat i redueix el seu manteniment. En resum, redueix els costos de lempresa i augmenta la seva seguretat en la informaci. Un el mercat, existeixen aplicatius anomenats ERP ( Enterprise resource planning o sistemes de planificaci de recursos ) els quals la seva gran virtud es la integraci de les dades. Aprofitant aquests aplicatius i seleccionant-ne el ms adequat, sha generat la part de gesti i planificaci necessria per lempresa constructora integrant-la i personalitzant-la en els processos existents de laplicaci ( comptabilitat, ventes, compres, recursos humans, magatzems, etc ) Entre les conclusions ms rellevants obtingudes en aquest treball, voldriem destacar la millora i reducci dentrada, accs i manteniment de la informaci, lhistric que proporciona leina i per tan la millora de la gesto i planificaci de lempresa.