43 resultados para Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521.
La Universitat de Deusto al seu campus de San Sebastià pretén amb aquest projecte gestionar centralitzadament els espais amb cobertura WIFI corresponents a ubicacions concretes i localitzades. Per a això s'acollirà al programa 'Accés a Internet i mobilitat amb WI-FI' promogut per la SPRI (Societat per a la Promoció i Reconversió Industrial), que ofereix subvencions per a la instal·lació de xarxes sense fil amb tecnologia WI-FI ubicades dins de la Comunitat Autònoma de País Basc.
El nostre projecte, tracta de desenvolupar una aplicació que ha de proporcionar diverses utilitats de gestió per a un restaurant. Es gestionaran les reserves a través d'Internet, també es farà la gestió d'usuaris registrats i campanyes de publicitat per e-mail dirigides als mateixos. L'aplicació haurà de mantenir la base de dades dels clients registrats. El restaurant els hi farà arribar informació periòdica a traves de llistes de correu i campanyes puntuals que l'aplicació haurà de gestionar.La part privada de l'aplicació, ha de tractar l'accés de personal autoritzat. El personal autoritzat podrà fer el manteniment de diverses parts: els clients, les reserves, els menús, places disponibles,... També ha de permetre la gestió dels continguts de les llistes de correu i les campanyes de publicitat.La nostra aplicació, sobre la plataforma JEE, segueix el disseny en capes, concretament en les capes de presentació, negoci i dades. A la capa de presentació, s'han utilitzat les tecnologies de JSP, HTML i CSS intentant aconseguir una interfície gràfica que sigui entenedora i fàcil d'usar. Desitgem fer servir el patró Model Vista Controlador, per tal de separar la interfície d'usuari de la lògica de negoci, a tal efecte s'ha utilitzat el "framework" STRUTS. A la capa de negoci és on estarà el gruix de l'aplicació que s'executarà sobre un servidor d'aplicacions, que en el nostre cas serà el GlassFish.La capa de dades, fa servir el SGBD MySQL. Per interactuar amb la base de dades, s'ha fet servir el "framework", Hibernate, que ens permet tractar les taules de la base de dades com si fossin objectes Java ordinaris.
El treball pretén donar unes pautes generals de com actuar en una zona cremada després d’un incendi, tant pel que es refereix als treballs d’urgència, com el que fa referència als treballs destinats a la restauració, concretament, estudia el cas de l’incendi que va patir el massís del Montgrí el setembre de 2004, tenint en compte que aquesta zona forma part dels espais PEIN de Catalunya, es troba proposada com a zona ZEPA per la Xarxa Natura 2000 i es preveu la seva integració en un nou Parc Natural
We show that the motive of the quotient of a scheme by a finite group coincides with the invariant submotive.
During cell proliferation, growth must occur to maintain homeostatic cell size. Here we show that E2F1 is capable of inducing growth by regulating mTORC1 activity. The activation of cell growth and mTORC1 by E2F1 is dependent on both E2F1's ability to bind DNA and to regulate gene transcription, demonstrating that a gene induction expression program is required in this process. Unlike E2F1, E2F3 is unable to activate mTORC1, suggesting that growth activity could be restricted to individual E2F members. The effect of E2F1 on the activation of mTORC1 does not depend on Akt. Furthermore, over-expression of TSC2 does not interfere with the effect of E2F1, indicating that the E2F1-induced signal pathway can compensate for the inhibitory effect of TSC2 on Rheb. Immunolocalization studies demonstrate that E2F1 induces the translocation of mTORC1 to the late endosome vesicles, in a mechanism dependent of leucine. E2F1 and leucine, or insulin, together affect the activation of S6K stronger than alone suggesting that they are complementary in activating the signal pathway. From these studies, E2F1 emerges as a key protein that integrates cell division and growth, both of which are essential for cell proliferation.
A prior long-term and complex evaluation of the already available data on the geophysical prospecting during the first season work carried out at 2006, at the archaeological site of Tchinguiz Tepe of Termez, took place to decide the strategy to follow during the campaign of 2007. This previous evaluation of the information, on one hand, leaded to the decision to increase the geophysical prospecting at Tchinguiz Tepe, on the other hand, to decide the exact location of areas where the archaeological interventions.would carry out. The main objective at the beginning of this new season was to crosscheck the reliabilityof the measurements and, at the same time, to establish the unknown up to the present archaeologicaland chronological sequence of Tchinguiz Tepe. Meanwhile, the geophysical prospecting also wasextended to the outskirts of the city were the localisation of an unknown up to now Buddhist Monasterywas possible.
The International Pluridisciplinary Archaeological Expedition in Bactria (IPAEB) was created in 2006.The name underlines the international character of the team (which includes Uzbeks, Spanish, French, British and Greek members), the presence of specialists from various fields apart from archaeology and the fame of Bactria1.
This year the development of our project can be divided into two main clearly different parts, on one hand the laboratory work, where the sampled ceramic individuals has been prepared and analyzed and the elaboration of the data obtained during the excavation of 2007 has been finished and, on the other hand, the field work developed at the archaeological site during this specific year (2008).In the mark of the analytical work a significant number of ceramic individuals (144) from the different stratigraphical units from various areas of the excavation of Termez and Tchinguiz Tepe sampled duringthe new and previous field works has been archaeometrically characterized. This specific material includedindividuals dated into the Hellenistic and Sassanian period, which has been confirmed by C14dating upon organic samples.At the same time, in the mark of the field work of 2008 the archaeological record, already started tobe under study during the excavation of 2007, has been completed and two new archaeological recordshave been registered on of which is located in the area of Tchinguiz Tepe. For the archeological studythe information of the previous geophysical prospecting has been indisputably taken into considerationand the same methodology has been applied to crosscheck the latter archaeological results.
Gammarus aequicauda and Sphaeroma hookeri are the most abundant macroinvertebrates on Ruppia cirrhosa (1275 and 1290 individuals.m-2) and Potamogeton pectinatus (140 and 680 individuals. m-2) in Tancada lagoon, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon in the Ebro Delta (NE Spain). Consumption and assimilation efficiencies were calculated from bell jar experiments. Gammarus grazing effects are higher than Sphaeroma on both Ruppia cirrhosa and Potamogeton pectinatus. Green Ruppia leaves lost 0.3 mg per mg Gammarus per day, while Potamogeton leaves lost 0.2 mg per mg Gammarus per day. Decomposing Ruppia leaves lost 0.35-0.54 mg per mg Gammarus per day. Losses of weight by both Ruppia and Potamogeton due to Sphaeroma feeding were less than half those by Gammarus. Assimilation efficiencies are higher for Gammarus (44-78% feeding on Ruppia 2% feeding on Potamogeton) than for Sphaeroma (26-48%) feeding on Ruppia). These assimilation efficiencies were higher than those reported by other authors working at higher latitudes perhaps because of the higher temperature under which the experiments were carried out.
A prior long-term and complex evaluation of the already available data on the geophysical prospecting during the first season work carried out at 2006, at the archaeological site of Tchinguiz Tepe of Termez, took place to decide the strategy to follow during the campaign of 2007. This previous evaluation of the information, on one hand, leaded to the decision to increase the geophysical prospecting at Tchinguiz Tepe, on the other hand, to decide the exact location of areas where the archaeological interventions.would carry out. The main objective at the beginning of this new season was to crosscheck the reliabilityof the measurements and, at the same time, to establish the unknown up to the present archaeologicaland chronological sequence of Tchinguiz Tepe. Meanwhile, the geophysical prospecting also wasextended to the outskirts of the city were the localisation of an unknown up to now Buddhist Monasterywas possible.
The International Pluridisciplinary Archaeological Expedition in Bactria (IPAEB) was created in 2006.The name underlines the international character of the team (which includes Uzbeks, Spanish, French, British and Greek members), the presence of specialists from various fields apart from archaeology and the fame of Bactria1.
This year the development of our project can be divided into two main clearly different parts, on one hand the laboratory work, where the sampled ceramic individuals has been prepared and analyzed and the elaboration of the data obtained during the excavation of 2007 has been finished and, on the other hand, the field work developed at the archaeological site during this specific year (2008).In the mark of the analytical work a significant number of ceramic individuals (144) from the different stratigraphical units from various areas of the excavation of Termez and Tchinguiz Tepe sampled duringthe new and previous field works has been archaeometrically characterized. This specific material includedindividuals dated into the Hellenistic and Sassanian period, which has been confirmed by C14dating upon organic samples.At the same time, in the mark of the field work of 2008 the archaeological record, already started tobe under study during the excavation of 2007, has been completed and two new archaeological recordshave been registered on of which is located in the area of Tchinguiz Tepe. For the archeological studythe information of the previous geophysical prospecting has been indisputably taken into considerationand the same methodology has been applied to crosscheck the latter archaeological results.
The accumulation of the widely-used antibacterial and antifungal compound triclosan (TCS) in freshwaters raises concerns about the impact of this harmful chemical on the biofilms that are the dominant life style of microorganisms in aquatic systems. However, investigations to-date rarely go beyond effects at the cellular, physiological or morphological level. The present paper focuses on bacterial biofilms addressing the possible chemical impairment of their functionality, while also examining their substratum stabilization potential as one example of an important ecosystem service. The development of a bacterial assemblage of natural composition – isolated from sediments of the Eden Estuary (Scotland, UK) – on non-cohesive glass beads (,63 mm) and exposed to a range of triclosan concentrations (control, 2 – 100 mg L21) was monitored over time by Magnetic Particle Induction (MagPI). In parallel, bacterial cell numbers, division rate, community composition (DGGE) and EPS (extracellular polymeric substances: carbohydrates and proteins) secretion were determined. While the triclosan exposure did not prevent bacterial settlement, biofilm development was increasingly inhibited by increasing TCS levels. The surface binding capacity (MagPI) of the assemblages was positively correlated to the microbial secreted EPS matrix. The EPS concentrations and composition (quantity and quality) were closely linked to bacterial growth, which was affected by enhanced TCS exposure. Furthermore, TCS induced significant changes in bacterial community composition as well as a significant decrease in bacterial diversity. The impairment of the stabilization potential of bacterial biofilm under even low, environmentally relevant TCS levels is of concern since the resistance of sediments to erosive forces has large implications for the dynamics of sediments and associated pollutant dispersal. In addition, the surface adhesive capacity of the biofilm acts as a sensitive measure of ecosystem effects
L’obra del poeta Lluís Icard és prou coneguda. La va estudiar i editar Joaquim Molas (1962, 1984), Giuseppe Tavani (1988) n’analitzà la versificació, i la seva lírica ha tingut un cert relleu perquè fou un dels poetes que adreçaren versos a la reina viuda Margarida de Prades. En la seva producció també destaca una llarga Consolació amorosa, el primer text literari català que es fa ressò de la teoria mèdica de l’amor hereos tal com es va aplicar a la poesia cortesana (Cabré 2002). En aquest article voldríem proposar en primer lloc una nova identificació del poeta, fins ara incerta: es tractaria de Lluís Icard, donzell, documentat com a batxiller en dret des de 1423 i mort a començament de novembre de 1429. També voldríem resituar les seves cobles (i les d’altres poetes coetanis) per a la reina Margarida, i provar que la 'reina regnant' esmentada a la Consolació és Maria de Castella. Finalment, apuntem altres indicis per a la valoració històrica de la poesia d’Icard
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és estudiar la recepció de l’obra de Bach des de la seva vida fins l’actualitat. Es pretén, d’una banda, esbrinar quins són els motius que van produir que cada època històrica jutjés l’obra de Bach de diferent manera, quins van ser els mitjans de conservació de la seva obra així com quins canvis va patir la seva obra per tal d’encaixar amb cada època. D’altra banda pretén exemplificar aquesta diferència en la posició que cada època va atorgar a l’obra de Bach mitjançant obres de compositors posteriors (Mozart, Schumann, Brahms, Britten i Villa-Lobos) que, cadascuna de manera diferent, contenen alguna reminiscència de Bach. La metodologia utilitzada ha consistit en la seva major part en la recerca bibliogràfica però també en la comparació de versions d’obres musicals en partitures i gravacions. La conclusió principal que es pot extreure d’aquest treball és que cadascú és producte de la seva època amb el seu context particular i per tant, qualsevol interpretació que pugui fer d’una obra musical amb el seu estil compositiu ve fortament determinat per la ideologia del context que l’envolta. És normal, doncs, que el segle XVIII la decadència del pensament religiós comportés un rebuig per l’obra de Bach la qual és majoritàriament de caràcter religiós, mentre que el segle XIX amb l’emergència de la burgesia i els seus valors romàntics s’elevés la figura de Bach com l’heroi del poble alemany.