61 resultados para Birkhoff Coordinates


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In this paper we examine the problem of compositional data from a different startingpoint. Chemical compositional data, as used in provenance studies on archaeologicalmaterials, will be approached from the measurement theory. The results will show, in avery intuitive way that chemical data can only be treated by using the approachdeveloped for compositional data. It will be shown that compositional data analysis is aparticular case in projective geometry, when the projective coordinates are in thepositive orthant, and they have the properties of logarithmic interval metrics. Moreover,it will be shown that this approach can be extended to a very large number ofapplications, including shape analysis. This will be exemplified with a case study inarchitecture of Early Christian churches dated back to the 5th-7th centuries AD


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The use of orthonormal coordinates in the simplex and, particularly, balance coordinates, has suggested the use of a dendrogram for the exploratory analysis of compositional data. The dendrogram is based on a sequential binary partition of a compositional vector into groups of parts. At each step of a partition, one group of parts isdivided into two new groups, and a balancing axis in the simplex between both groupsis defined. The set of balancing axes constitutes an orthonormal basis, and the projections of the sample on them are orthogonal coordinates. They can be represented in adendrogram-like graph showing: (a) the way of grouping parts of the compositional vector; (b) the explanatory role of each subcomposition generated in the partition process;(c) the decomposition of the total variance into balance components associated witheach binary partition; (d) a box-plot of each balance. This representation is useful tohelp the interpretation of balance coordinates; to identify which are the most explanatory coordinates; and to describe the whole sample in a single diagram independentlyof the number of parts of the sample


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”compositions” is a new R-package for the analysis of compositional and positive data.It contains four classes corresponding to the four different types of compositional andpositive geometry (including the Aitchison geometry). It provides means for computation,plotting and high-level multivariate statistical analysis in all four geometries.These geometries are treated in an fully analogous way, based on the principle of workingin coordinates, and the object-oriented programming paradigm of R. In this way,called functions automatically select the most appropriate type of analysis as a functionof the geometry. The graphical capabilities include ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons,various compositional plots (boxplots, barplots, piecharts) and extensive graphical toolsfor principal components. Afterwards, ortion and proportion lines, straight lines andellipses in all geometries can be added to plots. The package is accompanied by ahands-on-introduction, documentation for every function, demos of the graphical capabilitiesand plenty of usage examples. It allows direct and parallel computation inall four vector spaces and provides the beginner with a copy-and-paste style of dataanalysis, while letting advanced users keep the functionality and customizability theydemand of R, as well as all necessary tools to add own analysis routines. A completeexample is included in the appendix


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In dam inspection tasks, an underwater robot has to grab images while surveying the wall meanwhile maintaining a certain distance and relative orientation. This paper proposes the use of an MSIS (mechanically scanned imaging sonar) for relative positioning of a robot with respect to the wall. An imaging sonar gathers polar image scans from which depth images (range & bearing) are generated. Depth scans are first processed to extract a line corresponding to the wall (with the Hough transform), which is then tracked by means of an EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) using a static motion model and an implicit measurement equation associating the sensed points to the candidate line. The line estimate is referenced to the robot fixed frame and represented in polar coordinates (rho&thetas) which directly corresponds to the actual distance and relative orientation of the robot with respect to the wall. The proposed system has been tested in simulation as well as in water tank conditions


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In image segmentation, clustering algorithms are very popular because they are intuitive and, some of them, easy to implement. For instance, the k-means is one of the most used in the literature, and many authors successfully compare their new proposal with the results achieved by the k-means. However, it is well known that clustering image segmentation has many problems. For instance, the number of regions of the image has to be known a priori, as well as different initial seed placement (initial clusters) could produce different segmentation results. Most of these algorithms could be slightly improved by considering the coordinates of the image as features in the clustering process (to take spatial region information into account). In this paper we propose a significant improvement of clustering algorithms for image segmentation. The method is qualitatively and quantitative evaluated over a set of synthetic and real images, and compared with classical clustering approaches. Results demonstrate the validity of this new approach


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Evolution of compositions in time, space, temperature or other covariates is frequentin practice. For instance, the radioactive decomposition of a sample changes its composition with time. Some of the involved isotopes decompose into other isotopes of thesample, thus producing a transfer of mass from some components to other ones, butpreserving the total mass present in the system. This evolution is traditionally modelledas a system of ordinary di erential equations of the mass of each component. However,this kind of evolution can be decomposed into a compositional change, expressed interms of simplicial derivatives, and a mass evolution (constant in this example). A rst result is that the simplicial system of di erential equations is non-linear, despiteof some subcompositions behaving linearly.The goal is to study the characteristics of such simplicial systems of di erential equa-tions such as linearity and stability. This is performed extracting the compositional differential equations from the mass equations. Then, simplicial derivatives are expressedin coordinates of the simplex, thus reducing the problem to the standard theory ofsystems of di erential equations, including stability. The characterisation of stabilityof these non-linear systems relays on the linearisation of the system of di erential equations at the stationary point, if any. The eigenvelues of the linearised matrix and theassociated behaviour of the orbits are the main tools. For a three component system,these orbits can be plotted both in coordinates of the simplex or in a ternary diagram.A characterisation of processes with transfer of mass in closed systems in terms of stability is thus concluded. Two examples are presented for illustration, one of them is aradioactive decay


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We present a KAM theory for some dissipative systems (geometrically, these are conformally symplectic systems, i.e. systems that transform a symplectic form into a multiple of itself). For systems with n degrees of freedom depending on n parameters we show that it is possible to find solutions with n-dimensional (Diophantine) frequencies by adjusting the parameters. We do not assume that the system is close to integrable, but we use an a-posteriori format. Our unknowns are a parameterization of the solution and a parameter. We show that if there is a sufficiently approximate solution of the invariance equation, which also satisfies some explicit non–degeneracy conditions, then there is a true solution nearby. We present results both in Sobolev norms and in analytic norms. The a–posteriori format has several consequences: A) smooth dependence on the parameters, including the singular limit of zero dissipation; B) estimates on the measure of parameters covered by quasi–periodic solutions; C) convergence of perturbative expansions in analytic systems; D) bootstrap of regularity (i.e., that all tori which are smooth enough are analytic if the map is analytic); E) a numerically efficient criterion for the break–down of the quasi–periodic solutions. The proof is based on an iterative quadratically convergent method and on suitable estimates on the (analytical and Sobolev) norms of the approximate solution. The iterative step takes advantage of some geometric identities, which give a very useful coordinate system in the neighborhood of invariant (or approximately invariant) tori. This system of coordinates has several other uses: A) it shows that for dissipative conformally symplectic systems the quasi–periodic solutions are attractors, B) it leads to efficient algorithms, which have been implemented elsewhere. Details of the proof are given mainly for maps, but we also explain the slight modifications needed for flows and we devote the appendix to present explicit algorithms for flows.


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Partint de les definicions usuals de Mesures de Semblança Quàntica (MSQ), es considera la dependència d'aquestes mesures respecte de la superposició molecular. Pel cas particular en qnè els sistemes comparats siguin una molècula i un Àtom i que les mesures es calculin amb l'aproximació EASA, les MSQ esdevenen funcions de les tres coordenades de l'espai. Mantenint fixa una de les tres coordenades, es pot representar fàcilment la variació del valor de semblança en un pla determinat, i obtenir els anomenats mapes de semblança. En aquest article, es comparen els mapes de semblança obtinguts amb diferents MSQ per a sistemes senzills


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Several eco-toxicological studies have shown that insectivorous mammals, due to theirfeeding habits, easily accumulate high amounts of pollutants in relation to other mammal species. To assess the bio-accumulation levels of toxic metals and their in°uenceon essential metals, we quantified the concentration of 19 elements (Ca, K, Fe, B, P,S, Na, Al, Zn, Ba, Rb, Sr, Cu, Mn, Hg, Cd, Mo, Cr and Pb) in bones of 105 greaterwhite-toothed shrews (Crocidura russula) from a polluted (Ebro Delta) and a control(Medas Islands) area. Since chemical contents of a bio-indicator are mainly compositional data, conventional statistical analyses currently used in eco-toxicology can givemisleading results. Therefore, to improve the interpretation of the data obtained, weused statistical techniques for compositional data analysis to define groups of metalsand to evaluate the relationships between them, from an inter-population viewpoint.Hypothesis testing on the adequate balance-coordinates allow us to confirm intuitionbased hypothesis and some previous results. The main statistical goal was to test equalmeans of balance-coordinates for the two defined populations. After checking normality,one-way ANOVA or Mann-Whitney tests were carried out for the inter-group balances


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Hydrogeological research usually includes some statistical studies devised to elucidate mean background state, characterise relationships among different hydrochemical parameters, and show the influence of human activities. These goals are achieved either by means of a statistical approach or by mixing modelsbetween end-members. Compositional data analysis has proved to be effective with the first approach, but there is no commonly accepted solution to the end-member problem in a compositional framework.We present here a possible solution based on factor analysis of compositions illustrated with a case study.We find two factors on the compositional bi-plot fitting two non-centered orthogonal axes to the most representative variables. Each one of these axes defines a subcomposition, grouping those variables thatlay nearest to it. With each subcomposition a log-contrast is computed and rewritten as an equilibrium equation. These two factors can be interpreted as the isometric log-ratio coordinates (ilr) of three hiddencomponents, that can be plotted in a ternary diagram. These hidden components might be interpreted as end-members.We have analysed 14 molarities in 31 sampling stations all along the Llobregat River and its tributaries, with a monthly measure during two years. We have obtained a bi-plot with a 57% of explained totalvariance, from which we have extracted two factors: factor G, reflecting geological background enhanced by potash mining; and factor A, essentially controlled by urban and/or farming wastewater. Graphicalrepresentation of these two factors allows us to identify three extreme samples, corresponding to pristine waters, potash mining influence and urban sewage influence. To confirm this, we have available analysisof diffused and widespread point sources identified in the area: springs, potash mining lixiviates, sewage, and fertilisers. Each one of these sources shows a clear link with one of the extreme samples, exceptfertilisers due to the heterogeneity of their composition.This approach is a useful tool to distinguish end-members, and characterise them, an issue generally difficult to solve. It is worth note that the end-member composition cannot be fully estimated but only characterised through log-ratio relationships among components. Moreover, the influence of each endmember in a given sample must be evaluated in relative terms of the other samples. These limitations areintrinsic to the relative nature of compositional data


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El projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament d'un algorisme que millori el posicionament final d'un sistema que adquireix les dades d'una antena de GPS estàndard. Aquest sistema en certs moments té pèrdua total de senyal GPS o rep senyal amb pertorbacions, derivant en un mal posicionament. Nosaltres hem proposat una solució que utilitza les coordenades del GPS, el filtre Kalman per resoldre els problemes de pertorbacions de senyal, bases de dades digitals geogràfiques per garantir la circulació del vehicle per sobre la carretera, i finalment combina la informació temporal de posicions anteriors i la de les bases de dades per posicionar el vehicle quan hi ha pèrdua total de senyal. Els experiments realitzats ens indiquen que s'obté una millora del posicionement.


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An analytic method to evaluate nuclear contributions to electrical properties of polyatomic molecules is presented. Such contributions control changes induced by an electric field on equilibrium geometry (nuclear relaxation contribution) and vibrational motion (vibrational contribution) of a molecular system. Expressions to compute the nuclear contributions have been derived from a power series expansion of the potential energy. These contributions to the electrical properties are given in terms of energy derivatives with respect to normal coordinates, electric field intensity or both. Only one calculation of such derivatives at the field-free equilibrium geometry is required. To show the useful efficiency of the analytical evaluation of electrical properties (the so-called AEEP method), results for calculations on water and pyridine at the SCF/TZ2P and the MP2/TZ2P levels of theory are reported. The results obtained are compared with previous theoretical calculations and with experimental values


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In the finite field (FF) treatment of vibrational polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities, the field-free Eckart conditions must be enforced in order to prevent molecular reorientation during geometry optimization. These conditions are implemented for the first time. Our procedure facilities identification of field-induced internal coordinates that make the major contribution to the vibrational properties. Using only two of these coordinates, quantitative accuracy for nuclear relaxation polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities is achieved in π-conjugated systems. From these two coordinates a single most efficient natural conjugation coordinate (NCC) can be extracted. The limitations of this one coordinate approach are discussed. It is shown that the Eckart conditions can lead to an isotope effect that is comparable to the isotope effect on zero-point vibrational averaging, but with a different mass-dependence


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We present a method for analyzing the curvature (second derivatives) of the conical intersection hyperline at an optimized critical point. Our method uses the projected Hessians of the degenerate states after elimination of the two branching space coordinates, and is equivalent to a frequency calculation on a single Born-Oppenheimer potential-energy surface. Based on the projected Hessians, we develop an equation for the energy as a function of a set of curvilinear coordinates where the degeneracy is preserved to second order (i.e., the conical intersection hyperline). The curvature of the potential-energy surface in these coordinates is the curvature of the conical intersection hyperline itself, and thus determines whether one has a minimum or saddle point on the hyperline. The equation used to classify optimized conical intersection points depends in a simple way on the first- and second-order degeneracy splittings calculated at these points. As an example, for fulvene, we show that the two optimized conical intersection points of C2v symmetry are saddle points on the intersection hyperline. Accordingly, there are further intersection points of lower energy, and one of C2 symmetry - presented here for the first time - is found to be the global minimum in the intersection space


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A set of connections among several nuclear and electronic indexes of reactivity in the framework of the conceptual Density Functional Theory by using an expansion ofthe energy functional in terms of the total number of electrons and the normal coordinates within a canonical ensemble was derived. The relations obtained provided explicit links between important quantities related to the chemical reactivity of a system. This paper particularly demonstrates that the derivative of the electronic energy with respect to the external potential of a system in its equilibrium geometry was equal to the negative of the nuclear repulsion derivative with respect to the external potential