22 resultados para Bandello, Matteo, 1485-1561.
A comparative performance analysis of four geolocation methods in terms of their theoretical root mean square positioning errors is provided. Comparison is established in two different ways: strict and average. In the strict type, methods are examined for a particular geometric configuration of base stations(BSs) with respect to mobile position, which determines a givennoise profile affecting the respective time-of-arrival (TOA) or timedifference-of-arrival (TDOA) estimates. In the average type, methodsare evaluated in terms of the expected covariance matrix ofthe position error over an ensemble of random geometries, so thatcomparison is geometry independent. Exact semianalytical equationsand associated lower bounds (depending solely on the noiseprofile) are obtained for the average covariance matrix of the positionerror in terms of the so-called information matrix specific toeach geolocation method. Statistical channel models inferred fromfield trials are used to define realistic prior probabilities for therandom geometries. A final evaluation provides extensive resultsrelating the expected position error to channel model parametersand the number of base stations.
Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352
Este artículo intenta analizar y sistematizar la huella del mito clásico en algunos autores del siglo XVI, cuyo aparato crítico es una herramienta importante para determinar el grado de continuación de elementos griegos y latinos en la novela pastoril, y establecer de esta manera un balance de la utilización mítica de este género de la literatura española.
Introduction. The purpose of the present contribution is to perform a detailed anatomic and virtual reality three-dimensional stereoscopic study in order to test the effectiveness of the extended endoscopic endonasal approaches for selected anterior and posterior circulation aneurysms. Methods. The study was divided in two main steps: (1) simulation step, using a dedicated Virtual Reality System (Dextroscope, Volume Interactions); (2) dissection step, in which the feasibility to reach specific vascular territory via the nose was verified in the anatomical laboratory. Results. Good visualization and proximal and distal vascular control of the main midline anterior and posterior circulation territory were achieved during the simulation step as well as in the dissection step (anterior communicating complex, internal carotid, ophthalmic, superior hypophyseal, posterior cerebral and posterior communicating, basilar, superior cerebellar, anterior inferior cerebellar, vertebral, and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries). Conclusion. The present contribution is intended as strictly anatomic study in which we highlighted some specific anterior and posterior circulation aneurysms that can be reached via the nose. For clinical applications of these approaches, some relevant complications, mainly related to the endonasal route, such as proximal and distal vascular control, major arterial bleeding, postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak, and olfactory disturbances must be considered
Gertakizun baten antolaketa paradigmatikoa da in situ bizi izandako lurraldeirudien eraikuntza-prozesuan. Parte-hartzaileen imaginario kolektiboan finkatzeko helburuaz antolatutako gertakizunak direla eta, fabrikatutako lurralde-irudiek – turistikoak zein bestelakoak– sustapen turistikorako alternatiba bitxia planteatzen dute, gertakizunaren kudeaketa-estrategian bertan dagoena. Izan ere, gertakizunak, berez, lurraldearen sustapenerako estrategia garrantzitsua adierazten du; are gehiago, irudien katalizatzaile ere bihur daiteke, eta bere osotasunean hiri-marka bat finkatzeko gai diren imaginarioak sor ditzake. Artikulu honetan, identitate-posizionamenduari eta lurralde-sustapenari dagokienean, gertakizun baten antolaketak eskeintzen dituen aukerak ezagutarazten dira.
We describe the multigram synthesis and in vivo efficacy studies of a donepezil‒huprine hybrid that has been found to display a promising in vitro multitarget profile of interest for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Its synthesis features as the key step a novel multigram preparative chromatographic resolution of intermediate racemic huprine Y by chiral HPLC. Administration of this compound to transgenic CL4176 and CL2006 Caenorhabditis elegans strains expressing human Aβ42, here used as simplified animal models of AD, led to a significant protection from the toxicity induced by Aβ42. However, this protective effect was not accompanied, in CL2006 worms, by a reduction of amyloid deposits. Oral administration for 3 months to transgenic APPSL mice, a well-established animal model of AD, improved short-term memory, but did not alter brain levels of Aβ peptides nor cortical and hippocampal amyloid plaque load. Despite the clear protective and cognitive effects of AVCRI104P4, the lack of Aβ lowering effect in vivo might be related to its lower in vitro potency toward Aβ aggregation and formation as compared with its higher anticholinesterase activities. Further lead optimization in this series should thus focus on improving the anti-amyloid/anticholinesterase activity ratio.