22 resultados para Avrig, Romania
This book offers the reader the study and the conclusions obtained from theresearch made in Spain in the frame of the JUST/2009/FRAC/AG/0933 project,“Children’s rights in action. Improving children’s rights in migration acrossEurope. The Romanian case”. A project funded by the Department of FundamentalRights and Citizenship of the European Commission. This research wascarried out in Spain, Italy and Romania between October 2010 and June 2012,performing activities to spread the results obtained until March 2013.
Presentamos un diccionario electrónico de las perífrasis verbales del español y su traducción al rumano. Dicha herramienta incluye, además, una completa descripción de cada una de las perífrasis del español, que contiene su clasificación desde un punto de vista semántico, su definición, sus posibles paráfrasis y sinónimos. Además, para cada conjunto verbal se incluye información sobre sus posibles restricciones: variedad de predicados con los que se combinan los auxiliares, variedad de tiempos verbales con los que se pueden conjugar los auxiliares, tipos de sujetos y posibles construcciones recursivas de perífrasis. La descripción se ha hecho aplicando la metodología empirista a partir del estudio de corpus.
BACKGROUND: Studies in bipolar disorder (BD) to date are limited in their ability to provide a whole-disease perspective--their scope has generally been confined to a single disease phase and/or a specific treatment. Moreover, most clinical trials have focused on the manic phase of disease, and not on depression, which is associated with the greatest disease burden. There are few longitudinal studies covering both types of patients with BD (I and II) and the whole course of the disease, regardless of patients' symptomatology. Therefore, the Wide AmbispectiVE study of the clinical management and burden of Bipolar Disorder (WAVE-bd) (NCT01062607) aims to provide reliable information on the management of patients with BD in daily clinical practice. It also seeks to determine factors influencing clinical outcomes and resource use in relation to the management of BD. METHODS: WAVE-bd is a multinational, multicentre, non-interventional, longitudinal study. Approximately 3000 patients diagnosed with BD type I or II with at least one mood event in the preceding 12 months were recruited at centres in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine and Venezuela. Site selection methodology aimed to provide a balanced cross-section of patients cared for by different types of providers of medical aid (e.g. academic hospitals, private practices) in each country. Target recruitment percentages were derived either from scientific publications or from expert panels in each participating country. The minimum follow-up period will be 12 months, with a maximum of 27 months, taking into account the retrospective and the prospective parts of the study. Data on demographics, diagnosis, medical history, clinical management, clinical and functional outcomes (CGI-BP and FAST scales), adherence to treatment (DAI-10 scale and Medication Possession Ratio), quality of life (EQ-5D scale), healthcare resources, and caregiver burden (BAS scale) will be collected. Descriptive analysis with common statistics will be performed. DISCUSSION: This study will provide detailed descriptions of the management of BD in different countries, particularly in terms of clinical outcomes and resources used. Thus, it should provide psychiatrists with reliable and up-to-date information about those factors associated with different management patterns of BD. TRIAL REGISTRATION NO: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01062607.
Tras unha presentación da Base de datos sobre refranes del calendario y meteorológicos en la Romania (BADARE) e do progresivo baleirado nela de diversos atlas lingüísticos da Romania, preséntanse tres mostras da variación diatópica deste tipo de refráns no espazo iberorromance: (1) coa implicación do arco da vella, (2) dos roibéns e (3) das imaxes de ceo ovellado e afíns. Cómpre destacar o grande interese dos materiais contidos nos atlas románicos, que se poden complementar cos doutras obras vinculadas á lingua e ao territorio: repertorios paremiográficos, monografías dialectais, achegas diversas. Aínda que non parece factible un grande atlas paremiolóxico romance nin sequera de segunda xeración, pois os refráns (meteorolóxicos o de outros tipos) son nos atlas de primeira xeración unha propina ocasional, coidamos que mediante a base de datos BADARE se poden administrar eses materiais de xeito que faciliten o estudo da paremioloxía románica ligada ao territorio.
Este artigo reúne refráns románicos que aconsellan cómo abrigarse nas diferentes estacións do ano. Distribuídos por meses (e corentenas), datas (fixas e móbiles) e outros espazos de tempo, constitúen unha mostra da cultura popular compartida no conxunto da Romania europea. Coma noutros tipos de paremias, cabe destaca-lo papel da rima e a atracción recíproca de certos tipos léxicos (coma saio e maio)
Past research in using ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in interpersonal communication showed that age plays an important role. There is a general assumption that the elderly are left behind regarding the adoption and the use of ICTs. Furthermore, elders tend to use ICTs mainly for instrumental purposes and the use is rather non-sophisticated. When elders are using ICTs to maintain their social network, similar patterns could be found: They start using internet, or intensify its use, when their children move abroad while they might decrease using the tool if the motivation ends. In this research we explore elders' incentives to go online and use internet services to communicate; the type of agencies they use to communicate with children and grandchildren abroad; and the situations that make them stop using the ICTs or even reject internet mediated communications. We base our discussion on the empirical evidence the two authors gathered in different cities and countries: Barcelona, Romania, Toronto, Los Angeles, Montevideo and Lima, through semi-structured interviews and observation, with people aged 60 years old and over. The results show that the ability for using ICT tools in an autonomous way is a better explanation than age. In this, we distinguish between assisted users and autonomous users. We found that oldest seniors and those seniors who are less socially active are more likely to be assisted users than those who are socially or professionally active. For them communication with their children and grandchildren abroad follows no agency or it is mediated by significant others from their local social network, who are able to use ICTs and select specific information to share, in the second step, with the elder. For some younger participants the use of ICTs is rather situational and imposed by their children or grandchildren, who installed the tool in the first place and assisted them in using it. Finally, other elders describe a proficient and independent use of ICTs so they use the devices and services the way they want to.We discuss the implications of the patterns in using ICTs, for elders' social life and their relationships with children and grandchildren. First, we emphasis the fact that those elders rejecting the ICTs or being unskilled in using them to communicate might be left out from their family circle, particularly when children are abroad -they would experience more isolation. Second, we underline the fact that when children and grandchildren are the ones that control the ICTs used by their parents and grandparents, they are controlling also the information flow and this will redefine the power relations between elders and their younger relatives.