55 resultados para Automatic device
In this work we propose a new automatic methodology for computing accurate digital elevation models (DEMs) in urban environments from low baseline stereo pairs that shall be available in the future from a new kind of earth observation satellite. This setting makes both views of the scene similarly, thus avoiding occlusions and illumination changes, which are the main disadvantages of the commonly accepted large-baseline configuration. There still remain two crucial technological challenges: (i) precisely estimating DEMs with strong discontinuities and (ii) providing a statistically proven result, automatically. The first one is solved here by a piecewise affine representation that is well adapted to man-made landscapes, whereas the application of computational Gestalt theory introduces reliability and automation. In fact this theory allows us to reduce the number of parameters to be adjusted, and tocontrol the number of false detections. This leads to the selection of a suitable segmentation into affine regions (whenever possible) by a novel and completely automatic perceptual grouping method. It also allows us to discriminate e.g. vegetation-dominated regions, where such an affine model does not apply anda more classical correlation technique should be preferred. In addition we propose here an extension of the classical ”quantized” Gestalt theory to continuous measurements, thus combining its reliability with the precision of variational robust estimation and fine interpolation methods that are necessary in the low baseline case. Such an extension is very general and will be useful for many other applications as well.
El objetivo de PANACEA es engranar diferentes herramientas avanzadas para construir una fábrica de Recursos Lingüísticos (RL), una línea de producción que automatice los pasos implicados en la adquisición, producción, actualización y mantenimiento de los RL que la Traducción Automática y otras tecnologías lingüísticas, necesitan.
Automatic classification of makams from symbolic data is a rarely studied topic. In this paper, first a review of an n-gram based approach is presented using various representations of the symbolic data. While a high degree of precision can be obtained, confusion happens mainly for makams using (almost) the same scale and pitch hierarchy but differ in overall melodic progression, seyir. To further improve the system, first n-gram based classification is tested for various sections of the piece to take into account a feature of the seyir that melodic progression starts in a certain region of the scale. In a second test, a hierarchical classification structure is designed which uses n-grams and seyir features in different levels to further improve the system.
The objective of PANACEA is to build a factory of LRs that automates the stages involved in the acquisition, production, updating and maintenance of LRs required by MT systems and by other applications based on language technologies, and simplifies eventual issues regarding intellectual property rights. This automation will cut down the cost, time and human effort significantly. These reductions of costs and time are the only way to guarantee the continuous supply of LRs that MT and other language technologies will be demanding in the multilingual Europe.
Language Resources are a critical component for Natural Language Processing applications. Throughout the years many resources were manually created for the same task, but with different granularity and coverage information. To create richer resources for a broad range of potential reuses, nformation from all resources has to be joined into one. The hight cost of comparing and merging different resources by hand has been a bottleneck for merging existing resources. With the objective of reducing human intervention, we present a new method for automating merging resources. We have addressed the merging of two verbs subcategorization frame (SCF) lexica for Spanish. The results achieved, a new lexicon with enriched information and conflicting information signalled, reinforce our idea that this approach can be applied for other task of NLP.
This article reports on the results of the research done towards the fully automatically merging of lexical resources. Our main goal is to show the generality of the proposed approach, which have been previously applied to merge Spanish Subcategorization Frames lexica. In this work we extend and apply the same technique to perform the merging of morphosyntactic lexica encoded in LMF. The experiments showed that the technique is general enough to obtain good results in these two different tasks which is an important step towards performing the merging of lexical resources fully automatically.
The work we present here addresses cue-based noun classification in English and Spanish. Its main objective is to automatically acquire lexical semantic information by classifying nouns into previously known noun lexical classes. This is achieved by using particular aspects of linguistic contexts as cues that identify a specific lexical class. Here we concentrate on the task of identifying such cues and the theoretical background that allows for an assessment of the complexity of the task. The results show that, despite of the a-priori complexity of the task, cue-based classification is a useful tool in the automatic acquisition of lexical semantic classes.
Automatic creation of polarity lexicons is a crucial issue to be solved in order to reduce time andefforts in the first steps of Sentiment Analysis. In this paper we present a methodology based onlinguistic cues that allows us to automatically discover, extract and label subjective adjectivesthat should be collected in a domain-based polarity lexicon. For this purpose, we designed abootstrapping algorithm that, from a small set of seed polar adjectives, is capable to iterativelyidentify, extract and annotate positive and negative adjectives. Additionally, the methodautomatically creates lists of highly subjective elements that change their prior polarity evenwithin the same domain. The algorithm proposed reached a precision of 97.5% for positiveadjectives and 71.4% for negative ones in the semantic orientation identification task.
Lexical Resources are a critical component for Natural Language Processing applications. However, the high cost of comparing and merging different resources has been a bottleneck to have richer resources with a broad range of potential uses for a significant number of languages.With the objective of reducing cost byeliminating human intervention, we present a new method for automating the merging of resources,with special emphasis in what we call the mapping step. This mapping step, which converts the resources into a common format that allows latter the merging, is usually performed with huge manual effort and thus makes the whole process very costly. Thus, we propose a method to perform this mapping fully automatically. To test our method, we have addressed the merging of two verb subcategorization frame lexica for Spanish, The resultsachieved, that almost replicate human work, demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.
In this work we present the results of experimental work on the development of lexical class-based lexica by automatic means. Our purpose is to assess the use of linguistic lexical-class based information as a feature selection methodology for the use of classifiers in quick lexical development. The results show that the approach can help reduce the human effort required in the development of language resources significantly.
Lexical Resources are a critical component for Natural Language Processing applications. However, the high cost of comparing and merging different resources has been a bottleneck to obtain richer resources and a broader range of potential uses for a significant number of languages. With the objective of reducing cost by eliminating human intervention, we present a new method towards the automatic merging of resources. This method includes both, the automatic mapping of resources involved to a common format and merging them, once in this format. This paper presents how we have addressed the merging of two verb subcategorization frame lexica for Spanish, but our method will be extended to cover other types of Lexical Resources. The achieved results, that almost replicate human work, demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.
A model of directed search with a finite number of buyers and sellers is considered, where sellers compete in direct mechanisms. Buyer heterogeneity and Nash equilibrium results in perfect sorting. The restriction to complementary inputs, that the match value function Q is supermodular, in addition coordinates the sellers strategies. In that case, equilibrium implements positive assortative matching, which is efficient and consistent with the stable (cooperative equilibrium) outcome. This provides a non-cooperative and decentralizedsolution for the Assignment Game. Conversely, if buyers are identical, no such coordination is possible, and there is a continuum of equilibria, one of which exhibits price posting, another yields competition in auctions.
This paper studies a balance whose unobservable fulcrum is not necessarilylocated at the middle of its two pans. It presents three differentmodels, showing how this lack of symmetry modifies the observation, theformalism and the interpretation of such a biased measuring device. Itargues that the biased balance can be an interesting source of inspirationfor broadening the representational theory of measurement.
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és el de dissenyar un comprovador semiautomàtic per a un model d’automatisme que controla l’obertura i el tancament d’una porta. Aquest automatisme requereix d’una verificació de qualitat abans de ser introduït al mercat. La seva comprovació manual és lenta. L’objectiu principal del comprovador, és el de reduir aquest temps de test en almenys un 50% i fer més fàcil la detecció dels errors. El comprovador consta d’un suport per a l’automatisme que transmet els seus punts crítics a una placa de control. Conté un microcontrolador PIC16F887 que gestiona totes les entrades i sortides provinents de l’automatisme. També controla una pantalla LCD de 16x2 caràcters, que mostra els passos a seguir del test i si hi ha algun error. Es fa el disseny d’aquesta placa des de el hardware fins al software. Els resultats del projecte són satisfactoris, ja que compleix els objectius marcats i és un sistema que s’utilitza en l’empresa on es fabriquen aquests automatismes de control de portes.
We have designed and built an experimental device, which we called a "thermoelectric bridge." Its primary purpose is simultaneous measurement of the relative Peltier and Seebeck coefficients. The systematic errors for both coefficients are equal with this device and manipulation is not necessary between the measurement of one coefficient and the other. Thus, this device is especially suitable for verifying their linear relation postulated by Lord Kelvin. Also, simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity is described in the text. A sample is made up of the couple nickel¿platinum, taking measurements in the range of ¿20¿60°C and establishing the dependence of each coefficient with temperature, with nearly equal random errors ±0.2%, and systematic errors estimated at ¿0.5%. The aforementioned Kelvin relation is verified in this range from these results, proving that the behavioral deviations are ¿0.3% contained in the uncertainty ±0.5% caused by the propagation of errors