546 resultados para Aprenentatge -- Treball en equip -- Congressos


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La introducción de dispositivos tecnológicos como PDAs, móviles o portátiles, en la educación ofrece nuevas oportunidades para el aprendizaje. El uso apropiado de estas herramientas abre la posibilidad a un abanico de escenarios educativos colaborativos que no serían posibles sin la tecnología. Sin embargo, uno de los problemas principales que dificulta la adopción de estos dispositivos en entornos educativos reales es el comprender cómo aplicarlos de forma adecuada y beneficiosa para cubrir los objetivos de aprendizaje esperados. Para ello es necesario establecer vínculos entre educadores y tecnólogos para que este tipo de escenarios se puedan llevar a cabo. Por un lado, los educadores tienen conocimientos sobre prácticas educativas y, por otro lado, los tecnólogos pueden aportar con sus conocimientos acerca de las oportunidades que las tecnologías ofrecen. 4SPPIces es un modelo conceptual que tiene como objetivo establecer este puente entre las dos comunidades. Concretamente, se trata de un modelo que propone 4 factores interrelacionados que deben considerarse en el diseño de experiencias educativas colaborativas que combinen actividades dentro y fuera del aula: (1) el método pedagógico (Pedagiocal Method), (2) los participantes (Participants), (3) el espacio (Space) y (4) el historial (History). El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar una aplicación web para que educadores y tecnólogos colaboren en el diseño de escenarios basados en este modelo. Concretamente, este trabajo presenta el proceso de desarrollo de la aplicación así como algunas pruebas con usuarios para analizar la usabilidad y utilidad del sistema.


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Actualment una de les preguntes que es fan els docents, és com donar resposta a la diversitat dels alumnes. És per aquest motiu que aquesta recerca vol portar a la pràctica la metodologia de l’aprenentatge cooperatiu, amb l’objectiu de facilitar a l’aula estratègies per atendre a la diversitat dels alumnes. Més concretament, el treball està format per dos grans apartats; en primer lloc, hi han reflectides aportacions respecte a la definició, característiques i principis bàsics de l’atenció a la diversitat i l’educació inclusiva. I, en segon lloc, la part pràctica, representa l’aplicació i l’avaluació de la metodologia de l’aprenentatge cooperatiu, en un grup d’alumnes de primer cicle inicial de l’escola Sant Joan de Berga. La metodologia de l’aprenentatge cooperatiu que volem implementar a l’aula es basa en el Programa CA/AC elaborat per el GRAD (Grup de Recerca en Atenció a la Diversitat) de la Universitat de Vic, on la seva finalitat és introduir a l’aula una estructura cooperativa de l’aprenentatge a partir d’un seguit de fases i estratègies, per tal de millorar la cohesió i la participació del grup classe.


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La plataforma ACME (Avaluació Continuada i Millora de l’Ensenyament) va ser creada l’any 1998 per un grup de professors del departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada. L’ACME es va concebre com una plataforma d’e-learning, és a dir, un sistema que mitjançant l’ús d’Internet afavorís l’aprenentatge, permeten la interactivitat entre l’alumne i el professor. La creació de la plataforma ACME tenia com a objectiu reduir el fracàs dels alumnes en les assignatures de matemàtiques, però degut a l’èxit que va suposar en aquestes, es va decidir incorporar la metodologia de treball ACME a altres disciplines com la programació, les bases de dades, la química, l’economia, etc. de manera que actualment es poden desenvolupar activitats ACME en moltes disciplines. Actualment l’ACME s’utilitza com a complement a les classes presencials, on el professor exposa de manera magistral els conceptes i resol algun exercici a mode d’exemple, per a que després l’alumne, utilitzant la plataforma ACME, intenti resoldre els exercicis proposats pel professor.L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és desenvolupar l’anàlisi, disseny i implementació de les modificacions necessàries a incorporar a la plataforma ACME per tal de millorar el gestor de grups, els exercicis Excel i finalment permetre el treball en grup. El projecte consta de tres parts: millorar les interfícies del professor i de l’alumne, la millora del exercicis Excel i la resolució d’exercicis en grup


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En este estudio se analiza el impacto de la interactividad de un entorno virtual, el fomento del aprendizaje colaborativo de un grupo conformado por diez y seis (N=16) estudiantes del segundo semestre del programa de Ingeniería Industrial de la universidad Santiago de Cali. Se planteó como objetivo, establecer un foro virtual con una actividad de aprendizaje colaborativo, basada en un problema a resolver como tarea conjunta.La experiencia se desarrolló mediante un diseño de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo, enfocado en recolectar y analizar información que permitió comprender y valorar el impacto de la interactividad en el aprendizaje colaborativo de los estudiantes. Con el estudio, se apertura un espacio de discusión en torno al impacto real de las interacciones en el fomento del aprendizaje, durante la realización de tareas colaborativas de los estudiantes, utilizando el foro virtual como herramienta de apoyo.


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This research project is an attempt to give arguments in favour of using cooperative learning activities in FL classrooms as an effective approach to learning. The arguments offered are presented from two different perspectives: the first one is based on the empirical study of three students working together to achieve a common goal. The second one is a compilation of the trainee teacher's experiences during her practicum periods in a high school regarding group work. This part is illustrated by some examples that emphasize that cooperative learning can facilitate learning, promote socialisation and increase students' self-esteem


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This dissertation aims at fostering the professional development of the EFL teacher. This document compiles two small scale empirical studies carried out during the practicum periods of the TED's course. The first one is based on the role of the teacher's talk in the EFL classroom and the second one focuses on students’ small group talk, analysing the impact of cooperative learning in the EFL classroom by examining students' conversation. The following section gathers the teacher's personal reflections upon the process of professionalization. The paper concludes with a summary of the major findings and further professional improvement proposals


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Aquest estudi presenta els diferents àmbits d’actuació que composen el Programa CA/AC així com l’explicació de les etapes d’implementació d’aquest programa en la seva modalitat B. Aquesta modalitat ha estat aplicada en diversos centres escolars pertanyents als Berritzegunes (Serveis Educatius) de la província de Guipúscoa durant el curs 2010/11. A partir d’aquesta pràctica, s’ha realitzat l’anàlisi quantitativa de les diferents actuacions dels àmbits A i B de manera que se’n poden analitzar a partir de gràfics, quines han estat les freqüències i el grau d’aplicació de les dinàmiques i de les estructures cooperatives que conformen el programa aplicat.


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LAMS (Learning Activity Management System), com a projecte de programari lliure basat en tecnologies web, va ser alliberat a la comunitat d'usuaris i desenvolupadors el Febrer del 2005, des d'aquesta data fins avui s'han produït una sèrie d'avenços i innovacions que ha permès fer extensiu l'ús d'aquest entorn a persones amb pocs coneixements de programació i relacionades amb la pedagogia i el disseny instruccional. La investigació portada a terme ha permès a un grup d'investigadors de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) aprofundir en el disseny instruccional de seqüències didàctiques amb LAMS potenciant dos aspectes clau, el treball col·laboratiu virtual i també la personalització de l'aprenentatge per part de l'estudiant. Durant la recerca es va elaborar una guia de disseny instruccional per implementar activitats didàctiques amb LAMS que tinguin les dos característiques anteriorment descrites, i va servir com a referència per portar a terme una prova pilot amb estudiants de la universitat per tal de valorar el seu grau de satisfacció amb el procés d'aprenentatge mitjançant l'ús de l'entorn virtual LAMS. L'estudi revela un elevat grau de satisfacció en quant als dos factors examinats, d'una banda, els estudiants consideren que les activitats proporcionades afavoreixen la construcció de coneixement col·lectiu i, d'altra banda, també consideren que és molt positiu que es pugui personalitzar l'aprenentatge mitjançant l'elecció de les activitats a fer per adquirir una competència específica.


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The EVS4CSCL project starts in the context of a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning environment (CSCL). Previous UOC projects created a CSCL generic platform (CLPL) to facilitate the development of CSCL applications. A discussion forum (DF) was the first application developed over the framework. This discussion forum was different from other products on the marketplace because of its focus on the learning process. The DF carried out the specification and elaboration phases from the discussion learning process but there was a lack in the consensus phase. The consensus phase in a learning environment is not something to be achieved but tested. Common tests are done by Electronic Voting System (EVS) tools, but consensus test is not an assessment test. We are not evaluating our students by their answers but by their discussion activity. Our educational EVS would be used as a discussion catalyst proposing a discussion about the results after an initial query or it would be used after a discussion period in order to manifest how the discussion changed the students mind (consensus). It should be also used by the teacher as a quick way to know where the student needs some reinforcement. That is important in a distance-learning environment where there is no direct contact between the teacher and the student and it is difficult to detect the learning lacks. In an educational environment, assessment it is a must and the EVS will provide direct assessment by peer usefulness evaluation, teacher marks on every query created and indirect assessment from statistics regarding the user activity.


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CSCL applications are complex distributed systems that posespecial requirements towards achieving success in educationalsettings. Flexible and efficient design of collaborative activitiesby educators is a key precondition in order to provide CSCL tailorable systems, capable of adapting to the needs of eachparticular learning environment. Furthermore, some parts ofthose CSCL systems should be reused as often as possible inorder to reduce development costs. In addition, it may be necessary to employ special hardware devices, computational resources that reside in other organizations, or even exceed thepossibilities of one specific organization. Therefore, theproposal of this paper is twofold: collecting collaborativelearning designs (scripting) provided by educators, based onwell-known best practices (collaborative learning flow patterns) in a standard way (IMS-LD) in order to guide the tailoring of CSCL systems by selecting and integrating reusable CSCL software units; and, implementing those units in the form of grid services offered by third party providers. More specifically, this paper outlines a grid-based CSCL system having these features and illustrates its potential scope and applicability by means of a sample collaborative learning scenario.


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Collage is a pattern-based visual design authoring tool for the creation of collaborative learning scripts computationally modelled with IMS Learning Design (LD). The pattern-based visual approach aims to provide teachers with design ideas that are based on broadly accepted practices. Besides, it seeks hiding the LD notation so that teachers can easily create their own designs. The use of visual representations supports both the understanding of the design ideas and the usability of the authoring tool. This paper presents a multicase study comprising three different cases that evaluate the approach from different perspectives. The first case includes workshops where teachers use Collage. A second case implies the design of a scenario proposed by a third-party using related approaches. The third case analyzes a situation where students follow a design created with Collage. The cross-case analysis provides a global understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the pattern-based visual design approach.


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This paper describes a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) case study in engineering education carried out within the context of a network management course. The case study shows that the use of two computing tools developed by the authors and based on Free- and Open-Source Software (FOSS) provide significant educational benefits over traditional engineering pedagogical approaches in terms of both concepts and engineering competencies acquisition. First, the Collage authoring tool guides and supports the course teacher in the process of authoring computer-interpretable representations (using the IMS Learning Design standard notation) of effective collaborative pedagogical designs. Besides, the Gridcole system supports the enactment of that design by guiding the students throughout the prescribed sequence of learning activities. The paper introduces the goals and context of the case study, elaborates onhow Collage and Gridcole were employed, describes the applied evaluation methodology, anddiscusses the most significant findings derived from the case study.


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Two important challenges that teachers are currently facing are the sharing and the collaborative authoring of their learning design solutions, such as didactical units and learning materials. On the one hand, there are tools that can be used for the creation of design solutions and only some of them facilitate the co-edition. However, they do not incorporate mechanisms that support the sharing of the designs between teachers. On the other hand, there are tools that serve as repositories of educational resources but they do not enable the authoring of the designs. In this paper we present LdShake, a web tool whose novelty is focused on the combined support for the social sharing and co-edition of learning design solutions within communities of teachers. Teachers can create and share learning designs with other teachers using different access rights so that they can read, comment or co-edit the designs. Therefore, each design solution is associated to a group of teachers able to work on its definition, and another group that can only see the design. The tool is generic in that it allows the creation of designs based on any pedagogical approach. However, it can be particularized in instances providing pre-formatted designs structured according to a specific didactic method (such as Problem-Based Learning, PBL). A particularized LdShake instance has been used in the context of Human Biology studies where teams of teachers are required to work together in the design of PBL solutions. A controlled user study, that compares the use of a generic LdShake and a Moodle system, configured to enable the creation and sharing of designs, has been also carried out. The combined results of the real and controlled studies show that the social structure, and the commenting, co-edition and publishing features of LdShake provide a useful, effective and usable approach for facilitating teachers' teamwork.


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Designs of CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning)activities should be flexible, effective and customizable toparticular learning situations. On the other hand, structureddesigns aim to create favourable conditions for learning. Thus,this paper proposes the collection of representative and broadlyaccepted (best practices) structuring techniques in collaborative learning. With the aim of establishing a conceptual common ground among collaborative learning practitioners and softwaredevelopers, and reusing the expertise that best practicesrepresent, the paper also proposes the formulation of these techniques as patterns: the so-called CLFPs (CollaborativeLearning Flow Patterns). To formalize these patterns, we havechosen the educational modelling language IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD). IMS-LD has the capability to specify many of the collaborative characteristics of the CLFPs. Nevertheless, the language bears limited capability for describing the services that mediate interactions within a learning activity and the specification of temporal or rotated roles. This analysis isdiscussed in the paper, as well as our approaches towards thedevelopment of a system capable of integrating tools using IMSLDscripts and a CLFP-based Learning Design authoring tool.


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When applying a Collaborative Learning Flow Pattern (CLFP) to structure sequences of activities in real contexts, one of the tasks is to organize groups of students according to the constraints imposed by the pattern. Sometimes,unexpected events occurring at runtime force this pre-defined distribution to be changed. In such situations, an adjustment of the group structures to be adapted to the new context is needed. If the collaborative pattern is complex, this group redefinitionmight be difficult and time consuming to be carried out in real time. In this context, technology can help on notifying the teacher which incompatibilitiesbetween the actual context and the constraints imposed by the pattern. This chapter presents a flexible solution for supporting teachers in the group organization profiting from the intrinsic constraints defined by a CLFPs codified in IMS Learning Design. A prototype of a web-based tool for the TAPPS and Jigsaw CLFPs and the preliminary results of a controlled user study are alsopresented as a first step towards flexible technological systems to support grouping tasks in this context.