76 resultados para Animal feeding.


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Twenty Audouin´s gulls, Larus audouinii, breeding in the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean) were radio-tracked in 1998 to study their foraging behaviour and activity patterns. Some detrimental effects of tagging on the breeding success of the birds were detected, especially when both members of the pair were tagged. The results were actually constrained by the low number of locations due to natural breeding failure and failure in tag emission, as well as the adverse effect of tagging. However, through a combination of aircraft surveys at sea and a fixed station for automatic tracking of the presence of the birds at the colony, novel individual-based information of home ranges and activity patterns was obtained. Trawler fishing activity seemed to influence both the foraging range and habitat use: while trawlers operated, gulls overlapped their fishing grounds with vessels, probably to scavenge on discards. Very few locations were obtained during a trawling moratorium period, although they were all recorded in coastal bays and terrestrial habitats. During the trawling activity period, gulls ranged over a minimum convex polygon area of 2900 km2. Gulls were tracked up to 40 km from the colony, but some individuals were observed beyond 150 km while still breeding. Arrivals and departures from the colony were in accordance with the trawling timetable. However, most birds also showed some nocturnal foraging activity, probably linked to active fishing of clupeoids (following diel migrations) or to the exploitation of purse-seine fishing activity. Foraging trips lasted on average 15 hours: males performed significantly shorter trips than females, which spent more time outside the colony. The proportion of nocturnal time involved in the foraging trips was the same for males and females, but whilst all males initiated their trips both during the day and at night, some females only initiated their trips during the day. Hatching success was found to be related to foraging effort by males. Gulls spent on average ca. 38% of their time budget outside the nesting territory, representing the time devoted mainly to flying, foraging and other activities.


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The response of the common carp to diets with varying amounts of digestible starch, provided either as pea meal (LP, HP, 30 and 46% peas, respectively) or as cereal (LW, HW, 30 and 46% wheat, respectively), was studied and compared with the response to a carbohydrate-free protein-rich diet (CF). Here we focused on the utilisation of dietary carbohydrates by examining the relationship between dietary starch intake, hepatic hexokinase activities, circulating insulin and muscle insulin receptor system. Plasma glucose concentration and hepatic high Km hexokinase (glucokinase, GK) activity were not affected by the content of digestible starch, but 6 h after feeding enzyme activity was higher in the fish fed carbohydrate diets. Similarly, low Km hexokinase (HK) activity was also higher in the fish 24 h after feeding. Fat gain and protein retention were significantly improved by increased digestible starch intake, especially in the HP group, which in turn, presented the highest plasma insulin levels. Glycogen stores were moderately increased by the ingestion of digestible starch. The number of insulin receptors was greater in the CF group than in fish on carbohydrates, except the HP group. Our results confirmed that the common carp uses dietary carbohydrates efficiently, especially when there are provided by peas. This efficiency might be related to the enhanced response of postprandial insulin observed in the HP group.


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We investigated trophic ecology variation among colonies as well as sex- and age-related differences in the diet of the southern giant petrel Macronectes giganteus, a long-lived seabird that is sexually dimorphic in size. We measured stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) in blood samples collected during breeding at Bird Island (South Georgia, Antarctica) in 1998 and at 2 colonies in the Argentinean area of Patagonia in 2000 and 2001. Individuals from South Georgia showed lower δ13C and δ15N values than those in Patagonia, as expected from the more pelagic location and the short length of the Antarctic food web. Males and females showed significant differences in the isotopic signatures at both localities. These differences agree with the sexual differences in diet found in previous studies, which showed that both sexes rely mainly on penguin and seal carrion, but females also feed extensively on marine prey, such as fish, squid and crustaceans. However, males from Patagonia showed significantly higher δ15N and δ13C values than females did, and the reverse trend was observed at South Georgia. This opposite trend is probably related to the different trophic level of carrion between locations: whereas penguins and pinnipeds in Patagonia rely mainly on fish and cephalopods, in South Georgia they rely mainly on krill. Stable isotope values of male and female chicks in Patagonia did not differ; both attained high values, similar to adult males and higher than adult females, suggesting that parents do not provision their single offspring differently in relation to sex; however, they seem to provide offspring with a higher proportion of carrion, probably of higher quality, and more abundant food, than they consume themselves. Stable isotopes at South Georgia were not affected by age of adults. We have provided new information on intraspecific segregation in the diet in a seabird species and have also underlined the importance of considering food web structure when studying intraspecific variability in trophic ecology.


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The GMO Risk Assessment and Communication of Evidence (GRACE; www.grace-fp7.eu) project is funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme. A key objective of GRACE is to conduct 90-day animal feeding trials, animal studies with an extended time frame as well as analytical, in vitro and in silico studies on genetically modified (GM) maize in order to comparatively evaluate their use in GM plant risk assessment. In the present study, the results of two 90-day feeding trials with two different GM maize MON810 varieties, their near-isogenic non-GM varieties and four additional conventional maize varieties are presented. The feeding trials were performed by taking into account the guidance for such studies published by the EFSA Scientific Committee in 2011 and the OECD Test Guideline 408. The results obtained show that the MON810 maize at a level of up to 33 % in the diet did not induce adverse effects in male and female Wistar Han RCC rats after subchronic exposure, independently of the two different genetic backgrounds of the event


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The high cost of feed ingredients, the use of non-renewable sources of phosphate and the dramatic increase in the environmental load resulting from the excessive land application of manure are major challenges for the livestock industry. Precision feeding is proposed as an essential approach to improve the utilization of dietary nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients and thus reduce feeding costs and nutrient excretion. Precision feeding requires accurate knowledge of the nutritional value of feedstuffs and animal nutrient requirements, the formulation of diets in accordance with environmental constraints, and the gradual adjustment of the dietary nutrient supply to match the requirements of the animals. After the nutritional potential of feed ingredients has been precisely determined and has been improved by the addition of enzymes (e.g. phytases) or feed treatments, the addition of environmental objectives to the traditional feed formulation algorithms can promote the sustainability of the swine industry by reducing nutrient excretion in swine operations with small increases in feeding costs. Increasing the number of feeding phases can also contribute to significant reductions in nutrient excretion and feeding costs. However, the use of precision feeding techniques in which pigs are fed individually with daily tailored diets can further improve the efficiency with which pigs utilize dietary nutrients. Precision feeding involves the use of feeding techniques that allow the provision of the right amount of feed with the right composition at the right time to each pig in the herd. Using this approach, it has been estimated that feeding costs can be reduced by more than 4.6%, and nitrogen and phosphorus excretion can both be reduced by more than 38%. Moreover, the integration of precision feeding techniques into large-group production systems can provide real-time off-farm monitoring of feed and animals for optimal slaughter and production strategies, thus improving the environmental sustainability of pork production, animal well-being and meat-product quality.


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Des de la publicació de la Llei de Benestar Animal RD 1135/ 2002, de 31 d’octubre que regula els tres aspectes clau de la producció porcina‐ sistemes d’estabulació i construccions permeses; formació obligatòria dels ramaders i maneig dels animals‐ totes les granges de nova construcció han estat projectades seguint els seus preceptes. Mentre que les granges existents han hagut d’adaptar‐hi les seves instal∙lacions sota amenaça de tancament si no es complien els requisits. L’objectiu d’aquest treball ha estat l’elaboració de l’estudi tècnic‐ econòmic per a l’adaptació a la Llei de Benestar Animal d’una explotació porcina de la comarca d’Osona. Després d’avaluar la situació inicial de les instal∙lacions, establir les línies de previsió de creixement i analitzar els avantatges i inconvenients de cada sistema i model, s’opta pel sistema d’alimentació electrònic model Nedap en grup dinàmic de truges sobre sòl amb jaç de palla. Una decisió no massa extesa en granges del sud d’Europa on se sol preferir l’slat de formigó i/o superfície pavimentada, però imprescindible perquè aquesta explotació pogués aconseguir una millor gestió de les dejeccions ramaderes i assegurar una millora agronòmica de les terres de conreu. El treball conclou amb el seguiment del desenvolupament de l’alternativa escollida i una valoració dels canvis derivats de l’adaptació al Benestar Animal després del primer any i mig en ús. Les millores obtingudes en termes de maneig, funcionament de la granja, salut dels animals i índex productius són remarcables. D’una banda, cal destacar el fet de tenir un nombre de coixeres molt menor respecte les granges amb superfície dura, així com la facilitat i rapidesa en els parts degut al benestar. De l’altra,la reducció del volum de purí, l’increment de la fracció sòlida i la disponibilitat de compost per al camp. Per això, no és exagerat observar el jaç amb palla com una de les solucions més adequades i equilibrades per aquesta explotació que combina boví, porcí i terra per a la producció de cultius.


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Trophic ecology and movements are critical issues for understanding the role of marine predators in food webs and for facing the challenges of their conservation. Seabird foraging ecology has been increasingly studied, but small elusive species, such as those forming the"little shearwater" complex, remain poorly known. We present the first study on the movements and feeding ecology of the Barolo shearwater Puffinus baroli baroli in a colony from the Azores archipelago (NE Atlantic), combining global location-sensing units, stable isotope analyses of feathers (δ13C and δ15N), stomach flushings and data from maximum depth gauges. During the chick-rearing period, parents visited their nests most nights, foraged mainly south of the colony and fed at lower trophic levels than during the non-breeding period. Squid was the most diverse prey (6 families and at least 10 different taxa), but species composition varied considerably between years. Two squid families, Onychoteuthidae and Argonautidae, and the fish family Phycidae accounted for 82.3% of ingested prey by number. On average, maximum dive depths per foraging trip reached 14.8 m (range: 7.9 to 23.1 m). After the breeding period, birds dispersed offshore in all directions and up to 2500 km from the breeding colony, and fed at higher trophic levels. Overall, our results indicate that the Barolo shearwater is a non-migratory shearwater feeding at the lowest trophic level among Macaronesian seabirds, showing both diurnal and nocturnal activity and feeding deeper in the water column, principally on small schooling squid and fish. These traits contrast with those of 3 other Azorean Procellariiformes (Cory"s shearwater Calonectris diomedea, the Madeiran storm-petrel Oceanodroma castro and Monteiro"s storm-petrel O. monteiroi), indicating ecological segregation within the Azorean seabird community.


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In birds, parents adjust their feeding behaviour according to breeding duties, which ultimately may lead to seasonal adjustments in nutritional physiology and hematology over the breeding season. Although avian physiology has been widely investigated in captivity, few studies have integrated individual changes in feeding and physiological ecology throughout the breeding season in wild birds. To study relationships between feeding ecology and nutritional ecophysiology in Cory"s shearwater Calonectris diomedea, we weighed and took blood samples from 28 males and 19 females during the pre-laying, egg-laying, incubation, hatching and chick-rearing periods of the breeding season. In addition, we fitted 6 birds with geolocators to track their foraging movements throughout the reproductive period. Thus, we examined individual changes in (1) nutritional condition (biochemistry metabolites); (2) oxygen carrying capacity (hematology); and (3) feeding areas and foraging effort (stable isotopes and foraging movements). Geolocators revealed a latitudinal shift in main feeding areas towards more southern and more neritic waters throughout the breeding season, which is consistent with the steady increase in δ13C signatures in the blood. Geolocators also showed a decrease in foraging effort from egg-laying to hatching, reflecting the activity decrease associated with incubation duties. Plasma metabolites, body mass and oxygen carrying capacity were associated with temporal changes in nutritional state and foraging effort in relation to recovery after migration, egg formation, fasting shifts during incubation and chick provisioning. This study shows that combining physiological and ecological approaches can help us understand the influence of breeding duties on feeding ecology and nutritional physiology in wild birds.


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El Centro de Tecnología de la Carne fue responsable de tres de los objetivos fundamentales de este proyecto. Los experimentos consistieron en el sacrificio de dos lotes de cerdos que se diferenciaban en su genotipo halotano y en la línea paterna, que fueron sometidos a distintos tratamientos ante-mortem (transporte y espera largos versus transporte y espera cortos). En el primer lote, se compararon animales libres del gen con heterocigotos que procedían de una línea paterna Pietrain o una línea híbrida Large White x Pietrain. En el segundo lote, se comparó la descendencia heterocigota (Nn) de un macho Pietrain positivo al halotano (nn) con la descendencia libre del gen (NN) de dos machos Pietrain también libres del gen. Las hembras utilizadas en ambos lotes fueron las mismas, todas ellas libres del gen halotano


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El objetivo principal del proyecto era estudiar el efecto de tranquilizantes naturales sobre el bienestar de los animales y la calidad de la carne desde un punto de vista tecnológico y sensorial. Este objetivo se desglosaba en dos: OBJETIVO 1 – Evaluar la eficacia de tranquilizantes naturales (Magnesio, triptófano) en la disminución del nivel de estrés en cerdos de tres genotipos diferentes respecto del gen Hal, homocigotos dominantes NN, o portadores (Nn y nn) en el período anterior al sacrificio. OBJETIVO 2 – Estudiar el efecto de los tranquilizantes en la calidad tecnológica y sensorial de la carne (pH, capacidad de retención de agua, color, textura, olor sexual, …). Para ello se planteaban dos experimentos, el primero utilizando animales extremos, libres del gen, NN, y Hal +, nn, y el segundo con animales libres, NN, y portadores, Nn.


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La preocupación por el bienestar animal es creciente en toda Europa, tanto por parte del consumidor como por parte del poder legislativo. La información que se facilite a los consumidores sobre los sistemas de producción y un etiquetado adecuado de las condiciones de producción de los productos de origen animal pueden constituir dos elementos esenciales de la cadena alimentaria europea en los próximos años. Es en este contexto que la Comisión Europea financia desde el año 2004 un proyecto europeo integrado, conocido con el acrónimo de “Welfare Quality®”. Uno de los objetivos principales del proyecto es obtener un sistema de valoración del bienestar de los animales de abasto que sea aplicable en granjas y mataderos, y que pueda convertirse en un sistema estandarizado para toda Europa. Además, el sistema de valoración, debe proporcionar información sobre el bienestar de los animales de una forma sencilla y entendible por el público y, a su vez, identificar de forma inequívoca los productos procedentes de estos estándares de bienestar animal. El sistema de valoración utilizado priorizará las medidas basadas en los propios animales sobre aquellas basadas en el ambiente o el manejo de estos. La inclusión de parámetros en el protocolo final de valoración del bienestar del porcino en el matadero depende de factores tales como su validez como indicador del bienestar animal, la facilidad con la que pueda ser valorado por distintos observadores en distintos entornos y condiciones con un error mínimo, que precise de poco tiempo para ser valorada y que combinada con otras medidas dé un resultado final óptimo. A modo de ejemplo, se presentan algunos de los parámetros que serán incluidos en el sistema de valoración del bienestar del porcino en matadero, tales como la valoración del miedo, resbalones, caídas, cojeras, presencia de heridas o índice de mortalidad y eficiencia del aturdimiento previo al sacrificio. Para más información se puede consultar la dirección www.welfarequality.net.


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La nutrició animal a la Unió Europea (UE) ha estat afectada per vàries crisis, com la de les vaques boges (encefalopatia bovina espongiforme) (BSE), les hormones a la carn, la contaminació per les dioxines, els Organismes Genèticament Modificats (GMO) i l’ús d’antibiòtics com a promotors de creixement (AMGP). Des dels anys 70, la producció animal a la UE ha estat encaminada a buscar regulacions legals per a millorar la seva seguretat i eficàcia. Si més no, durant els últims cinc anys, casos com la BSE i d’altres han col·locat al sector en primera línia de les notícies, la qual cosa ha trencat la confiança dels consumidors en el consum de carn. Aquesta presentació intentarà explicar per què i com la UE està tractant aquests temes i què és el que el sector està fent per recobrar la confiança dels consumidors. La intenció és respondre a algunes qüestions que preocupen al sector, com per exemple: La producció animal europea, és menys segura que les altres? Per què les regulacions legals són més exigents per a nutrició animal que per als humans? El sector s’està preguntant si aquesta crisi pot produir un nou model europeu de producció animal. Finalment, l’actual sistema de ramaderia s’haurà de discutir: quantitat o qualitat.


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La distribución de alimentos líquidos al ganado porcino es un sistema alternativo en el cual el alimento se prepara y distribuye a través de un equipo totalmente informatizado y automatizado. Además de materias primas y piensos permite también el uso de co-productos líquidos de la industria agroalimentaria o productos fermentados. Su utilización evita el coste de su transformación o eliminación permitiendo rebajar el coste de producción del cerdo porque su precio es altamente competitivo. La aplicación de alimentos líquidos fermentados tiene efectos benéficos sobre el epitelio intestinal, la microflora digestiva y el estado sanitario de los lechones, reduciendo la morbilidad y aumentando los resultados de crecimiento. Este sistema de alimentación facilita igualmente la aplicación de programas multifase ajustando diariamente el aporte a las necesidades en nutrientes del cerdo reduciendo la excreción (N, P, metales pesados) y con ello, el riesgo de contaminación medioambiental. The distribution of liquid diets for swine is an alternative system where feed is prepared and distributed by an automatic computerized device. In addition to feedstuffs and complementary dry feed, this system allows the use of fresh or fermented agri-food liquid by-products. These products are cheaper and its use as feed avoids the cost of its transformation or elimination, reducing the environmental load and the cost per kg of pig meat. The fermented liquid feed protects the intestinal epithelium, helps to control digestive microflora and animal health improving piglet growth performance after weaning. This feeding device also helps implementation of multiphase feeding programs, adjusting nutrient supplies to requirements daily, and consequently reducing the nutrient excretion (N, P, heavy metals) and the risk of environmental pollution.