28 resultados para Ancient texts and translations


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A la primera part d'aquest assaig apuntem de manera concisa les principals diferències entre la cultura de l'Antic Egipte i la cultura moderna. A la segona part hem recollit tres exemples amb què mirem de mostrar (no pas demostrar) la nostra tesi.


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La idea principal és crear un model d'una xarxa de telecomunicacions gestionable des d'un programari d'informació geogràfica (GIS). Es tracta de dissenyar una xarxa simple de fibra òptica similar a les que es fan per a la connexió directa de clients amb aquesta tecnologia.


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La recerca proposa l’estudi del contingut i abast de les principals disposicions normatives que ordenen la valoració del coneixement de la llengua i el dret propis de Catalunya en la provisió de les places judicials. L’anàlisi de la tramitació parlamentària de les disposicions ha permès posar en context decisions del legislador, oferint instruments d’hermenèutica útils per resoldre debats interpretatius que avui es plantegen en seu doctrinal. La recerca inclou l’estudi dels efectes d’aquests textos normatius, en tant que permeten mesurar-ne la seva eficàcia i s’han de tenir en compte en el debat de les reformes que, eventualment, puguin desplegar-se. Des de la perspectiva d’anàlisi de les polítiques públiques, la recerca descriu les principals mesures formulades i implementades per les diferents Administracions Públiques, i molt especialment per la Generalitat de Catalunya, amb l’objectiu de corregir disfuncions que presenta aquest marc legal i reglamentari. La recerca ha posat en evidència que el règim jurídic que ordena l’aptitud lingüística i el coneixement del dret propi de Catalunya per part del personal judicial es caracteritza per la seva complexitat i falta de coherència. La valoració del coneixement de la llengua i el dret propis de la Comunitat Autònoma s’ha regulat molt tardament. Com a regla general, es valora com un mèrit en la provisió de la plaça, sotmès a més a intenses controvèrsies pel que fa a la determinació dels barems de puntuació concedits. En certs casos, com és el cos de Fiscals substituts, la valoració de la llengua i el dret propis de la Comunitat Autònoma ni tan sols es valora com un mèrit. Simplement no es té en compte. Pel que fa referència als secretaris judicials, la darrera reforma de la L.O. 6/1985 d’1 de juliol, del Poder Judicial, aprovada per L.O. 19/2003 de 23 de desembre, ha introduït el requisit de la capacitació lingüística per cobrir determinades places, per bé que el criteri general és el de la meritació puntuable. Altrament, en el cas del personal judicial depenent de la Generalitat s’ha garantit el requisit d’aptitud lingüística. D’aquesta manera, s’ha optat per assegurar un coneixement adequat i suficient de les dues llengües oficials, tant en l’expressió oral com en l’escrita, per a desenvolupar eficaçment les funcions pròpies del seu lloc de treball.


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Background: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, among other type of sequence variants, constitute key elements in genetic epidemiology and pharmacogenomics. While sequence data about genetic variation is found at databases such as dbSNP, clues about the functional and phenotypic consequences of the variations are generally found in biomedical literature. The identification of the relevant documents and the extraction of the information from them are hampered by the large size of literature databases and the lack of widely accepted standard notation for biomedical entities. Thus, automatic systems for the identification of citations of allelic variants of genes in biomedical texts are required. Results: Our group has previously reported the development of OSIRIS, a system aimed at the retrieval of literature about allelic variants of genes http://ibi.imim.es/osirisform.html. Here we describe the development of a new version of OSIRIS (OSIRISv1.2, http://ibi.imim.es/OSIRISv1.2.html webcite) which incorporates a new entity recognition module and is built on top of a local mirror of the MEDLINE collection and HgenetInfoDB: a database that collects data on human gene sequence variations. The new entity recognition module is based on a pattern-based search algorithm for the identification of variation terms in the texts and their mapping to dbSNP identifiers. The performance of OSIRISv1.2 was evaluated on a manually annotated corpus, resulting in 99% precision, 82% recall, and an F-score of 0.89. As an example, the application of the system for collecting literature citations for the allelic variants of genes related to the diseases intracranial aneurysm and breast cancer is presented. Conclusion: OSIRISv1.2 can be used to link literature references to dbSNP database entries with high accuracy, and therefore is suitable for collecting current knowledge on gene sequence variations and supporting the functional annotation of variation databases. The application of OSIRISv1.2 in combination with controlled vocabularies like MeSH provides a way to identify associations of biomedical interest, such as those that relate SNPs with diseases.


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The study presented is interdisciplinary names: the presence of place names related with industrial, artisanal or mining activities in rural areas. The main hypothesis refers to this fact; the uniqueness of industrial, mining or craft in a rural area is an important reason to influence their names, a fact that gives archaeological value, remembering economic activities now disappeared. The methodology used for the study has been usually applied in onomastic studies: compilation of names from field work, oral interviews, archival work, revision of ancient documents and revision of works and studies related to the cartography of Osor. The final conclusion is that, as proposed in the hypothesis, in a rural area as the studied, the low presence of industrial, artisanal or mining activities have generated place names that have helped in keeping the memory of economic activities now disappeared


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L’objectiu d’aquest estudi, de caire interpretatiu - qualitatiu, consisteix en l’anàlisi de l’Atenció a la Diversitat a les tres escoles rurals de la ZER Tramuntana. Una recerca que pretén descriure, analitzar i interpretar els principals aspectes d’inclusió de l’alumnat en el grup - classe, la resposta educativa que donen els docents a la diversitat en les aules i els documents normatius que recullen aquests dos aspectes. Professors, alumnes i grup - classe són els actors que nosaltres hem estudiat detalladament, a partir d’entrevistes, tests sociomètrics i l’anàlisi dels documents vigents de les tres escoles de referència d’aquesta ZER que tenen present l’Atenció a la Diversitat. A partir de l’estudi dels tres casos reals, l’escola Puig Segalar de Viladamat, l’escola de Ventalló i l’escola Els Valentins de Vilamacolum, ens centrem en la perspectiva curricular i model inclusiu, per poder donar resposta a la nostra hipòtesi plantejada inicialment: El model d’escola rural afavoreix les estratègies d’Atenció a la Diversitat.


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La transmisión de conocimiento científico constituye una de las necesidades de traducción más importantes; es preciso realizar un estudio sobre la traducción del inglés médico. Este trabajo presenta una traducción inédita de fragmentos de Essentials of Breast Surgery y un análisis de esta jerga mediante un glosario y problemas de traducción.


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En este trabajo se ofrece una panorámica de los estimables fondos incunables de La Casa del Libro (San Juan, Puerto Rico) y se analizan los contenidos de dos impresos barceloneses en lengua catalana de temática religiosa: Vida e transit de Sanct Jheronim (1493) y Gamaliel (c. 1493). El examen de ambos ejemplares confirma su importancia, en especial del segimdo, pues se trata de un ejemplar único en el mundo. También se apuntan diversos aspectos de su dilatada trayectoria y se ofrece una hipótesis sobre su origen.


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[spa]El presente trabajo culmina un proyecto dedicado al estudio de cuatro láminas de plomo con escritura ibérica procedentes del área ilergeta, que habñian sido extraídas de forma irregular de forma irregular a principios de la década de los años 80 del pasado siglo y que acabaron en el Instituto de Estudios Ilerdenses. En 2005 se dio a conocer el plomo de Olriols (Sant Esteve de Llitera), en 2009 los plomos 1 y 2 de Monteró (Camarasa) y ahora finalmente el plomo del Tossal del Mor (Tárrega). Este texto es muy corto, sólo consta de cuatro segmentos, todos posiblemete antropónimos sin ningún morfo añadido. Desde el punto de vista paleográfico, es significativo que por primera vez se documente un signo dual ko complejo en la zona ilergeta. Mientras que del léxico, cabe destacar que en uno de los antroponimos se documenta por primera vez con claridad en una inscripción ibérica el elemento iber. Independientemente de su significado parece plausible su relación con el etnónimo o con el río con los que antiguos griegos y romanos identificaban a los íberos. [eng]This work is the culmination of a project dedicated to the study of four sheets of lead with Iberian writing from the Ilerget area that had been extracted without authorisation in the early 1980s and that found way to the Institut d"Estudis Ilerdencs (Lleida). In 2005, the lead from Olriols (Sant Esteve de Llitera) was presented, as were lead sheets 1 and 2 from Monteró (Camarasa) in 2009 and now finally the lad piece from Tossal del Mor (Tàrrega). The text is very short, with only four segments, all possibly anthroponyms without any added morph. From the palaeographic point of view, it is significant that, for the first time, a complex dual ko sign is documented in the Ilerget area. Regarding the lexis, it is of note that in one of the anthroponyms the element ibeŕ is documented clearly for the first time in an Iberian inscription. Independently of its meaning, it seems plausible to link it to the ethnonym or the river with which the ancient Greeks and Romans identified the Iberians.


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This paper addresses some of the challenges inherent in finding and showing a gendered voice in translation. The starting point is my own experience as a feminist translator of both feminist and non-feminist texts. Textual practices like translating necessarily interact with current theoretical debates. In turn, theoretical writing on feminism enriches and informs one’s translating activity. This interplay between theoretical models and textual practices was particularly made evident to me as I rendered Essentially speaking, by Diana Fuss, into Catalan. In this article I intend to transcend anecdotes of translating individual texts and consider how translating equals rewriting oneself; it involves rethinking writing practices. I will specifically address the rethinking of (1) one’s identity when translating ‘like’ a feminist, (2) performativity in gender and in translation, and (3) agency and (In)visibility.


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International texts recognise the buyer's right to the repair or replacement if the goods do not conform with the contract, and at the same time, establish exceptions to their application and certain rules of protection for the seller (Art. 46 CISG, Art. 7.2.3 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Art.9:102 PECL and Arts. 4:202 y 4:204 (1) PEL S). This approach is a result of a compromise between civil law systems and the common law and it has been widely extended to the regulation of consumer sales over the last decade (Art. 3.3 of the Directive 1999/44/CE, Art. III.-3:302 DCFR, Art. 26 of the proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights). These norms regulate the different ways of requiring the fulfilment of a contractual obligation from a new paradigm which has little to do with a need to protect the weak consumer which governed the origins of consumer policy in the European Community. Now the idea of the consumer who shall behave economically efficiently prevails in Art. 3.3 of the Directive 1999/44/CE, a norm which is clearly influenced by the international texts and whose transposing into the national legislation of Member States has created important problems for traditional dogmas. In this sense there are still some unclear issues, such as the possibility of replacing in sales of goods of specific nature or second-hand goods, some aspects on the exercise of repair and replacement, and, even, their use as primary remedies rather than a reduction in price or a rescission of the contract. With regard to this, in England the possibility of offering the consumer free choice between these measures if the goods do not conform with the contract has been raised. This is far from the principle of pacta sunt servanda and is clearly contrary to the economic approach of the proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights. Up to now Spain has limited itself to implementing Art. 3.3 Directive 1999/44/CE into its legal system in almost literal terms and the case law on the issue has completely turned out to be insufficient. By contrast with Germany, the Spanish legislator has not extended the application of the rules of repair and replacement of Directive 1999/44/CE to nonconsumer sales, even though two draft bill proposals along these lines presented by the General Commission for Codifying (“Comisión General de Codificación”), the last one being in January, 2009


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The purpose of this paper is to show the perceptions of the academic staff of classical languages (ancient Greek and Latin) concerning use of online activities during their courses. The study was carried out in three countries: Greece (three major Universities), Spain (University of Barcelona) and the United States (University of California, Berkeley) with the participation of thirty-three academic instructors. Depending on the level of use and acceptance of the ICT and following G. Moore¿s classification, we separated the participating academics in three groups: the conservatives, the mainstream and the early adopters. The fact that the smallest group is the third clearly shows the necessity for teachers¿ preparation and training before introducing innovative projects in the classroom. Since the starting point for the application of innovation in the classroom is the teacher, policy makers should focus on helping them become conscious of changes in teaching methods and include their opinion during the design of innovative projects.


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The purpose of this paper is to show the perceptions of the academic staff of classical languages (ancient Greek and Latin) concerning use of online activities during their courses. The study was carried out in three countries: Greece (three major Universities), Spain (University of Barcelona) and the United States (University of California, Berkeley) with the participation of thirty-three academic instructors. Depending on the level of use and acceptance of the ICT and following G. Moore¿s classification, we separated the participating academics in three groups: the conservatives, the mainstream and the early adopters. The fact that the smallest group is the third clearly shows the necessity for teachers¿ preparation and training before introducing innovative projects in the classroom. Since the starting point for the application of innovation in the classroom is the teacher, policy makers should focus on helping them become conscious of changes in teaching methods and include their opinion during the design of innovative projects.