30 resultados para Acidificazione, Arpacticoidi, meiofauna, Ischia, vent
El projecte s’ha centrar en l’estudi dels següents punts:- Coneixement genèric i teòric sobre estructures reticulars metàl•liques- Aprendre i entendre les bases geomètriques: forma, dimensions i curvatura- Estudiar el seu comportament estructural: estabilitat global i pandeig de lesbarres de constitució- Cercar l’estructura òptima, buscant l’equilibri entre geometria i estabilitat- Comprovació de la seva fiabilitat estructural, davant de l’asimetria de càrreguesi l’acció del vent- Aplicació pràctica: protecció de la coberta de l’església de St. Julià existent aVallfogona del Ripollès
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el estudio de la relación que el bombardino tiene con las formaciones más importantes de viento metal. Para ello he creído necesario, antes de profundizar en este tema, dar a conocer su historia y evolución. Mi intención con este proyecto es contribuir al enriquecimiento del patrimonio de este maravilloso instrumento, que poco a poco, va ganando el respeto que se merece.
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. L’objectiu pròpiament dit d'aquest treball de recerca era que l'alumne desenvolupés una tasca d'identificació en el temps d'un fenomen meteorològic, i que posteriorment l'analitzés, estadísticament d'una banda (per a observar el comportament del mateix) i per comparació amb un treball anterior, d'una altra. La recerca, per tant, es fonamentava en dos punts: la caracterització actual i l'observació de l'evolució del fenomen de l’efecte Föhn (que al Pallars Sobirà és conegut com Fogony ) en un registre temporal ampli, cosa que a més a més podia ser útil per a determinar indicis de canvi climàtic. El treball ha permès avançar en el coneixement del fenomen al Pallars Sobirà, i s'han obtingut una sèrie de noves dades que actualitzen i corregeixen el paradigma del fenomen, ja que el treball anterior sobre el que es pretenia establir comparacions no feia una caracterització adequada.
Els llacs i embassaments es comporten com oscil·ladors multi modals forçats pel vent. Els modes propers als de l'agent forçant són seleccionats d'entre tot l'espectre possible, com a modes d'oscil·lació de la massa d'aigua. En general els modes predominants són els modes baixos, és a dir els modes amb pocs nodes. Això passa especialment als llacs que es poden considerar formats per dues capes. No obstant, als embassaments mediterranis l'estratificació és quasi continua degut sobretot a l'extracció d'aigua i es poden aproximar per sistemes formats per moltes capes. En aquests casos l'espectre possible d'ones internes és fa molt més gran. Als embassaments de Sau i Béznar el vent té una periodicitat de 24 hores i força modes alts d'oscil·lació. Concretament, a l'embassament de Sau hi hem detectat modes amb 2 i 3 nodes verticals i 2 nodes horitzontals (V2H2 i V3H2) i a l'embassament de Béznar modes de fins a 5 nodes verticals i un node horitzontal (V5H1). Hem fet simulacions numèriques per veure l'estructura oscil·latòria en aquests modes de vibració
The probability for a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) to be geoeffective is assumed to be higher the closer the CME launch site is located to the solar central meridian. However, events far from the central meridian may produce severe geomagnetic storms, like the case in April 2000. In this work, we study the possible geoeffectiveness of full halo CMEs with the source region situated at solar limb. For this task, we select all limb full halo (LFH) CMEs that occurred during solar cycle 23, and we search for signatures of geoeffectiveness between 1 and 5 days after the first appearance of each CME in the LASCO C2 field of view. When signatures of geomagnetic activity are observed in the selected time window, interplanetary data are carefully analyzed in order to look for the cause of the geomagnetic disturbance. Finally, a possible association between geoeffective interplanetary signatures and every LFH CME in solar cycle 23 is checked in order to decide on the CME's geoeffectiveness. After a detailed analysis of solar, interplanetary, and geomagnetic data, we conclude that of the 25 investigated events, there are only four geoeffective LFH CMEs, all coming from the west limb. The geoeffectiveness of these events seems to be moderate, turning to intense in two of them as a result of cumulative effects from previous mass ejections. We conclude that ejections from solar locations close to the west limb should be considered in space weather, at least as sources of moderate disturbances.
Leaf litter inputs and retention play an important role in ecosystem functioning in forested streams. We examined colonization of leaves by microbes (bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and fauna in Fuirosos, an intermittent forested Mediterranean stream. Black poplar (Populus nigra) and plane (Platanus acerifolia) leaf packs were placed in the stream for 4 mo. We measured the biomasses and calculated the densities of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, meiofauna, and macroinvertebrates to determine their dynamics and potential interactions throughout the colonization process. Colonization was strongly correlated with hydrological variability (defined mainly by water temperature and discharge). The 1st week of colonization was characterized by hydrological stability and warm water temperatures, and allocation of C from microbial to invertebrate compartments on the leaf packs was rapid. Clumps of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) were retained by the leaf packs, and enhanced rapid colonization by microfauna and meiofaunal collector-gatherers (ostracods and copepods). After 2 wk, an autumnal flood caused a 20-fold increase in water flow. Higher discharge and lower water temperature caused FPOM-related fauna to drift away from the packs and modified the subsequent colonization sequence. Fungi showed the highest biomass, with similar values to those recorded at the beginning of the experiment. After 70 d of postflood colonization, fungi decreased to nearly 40% of the total C in the leaf packs, whereas invertebrates became more abundant and accounted for 60% of the C. Natural flood occurrence in Mediterranean streams could be a key factor in the colonization and processing of organic matter.
Nou museu devant de les piràmides de Giza (El Cairo).Lloc extraordinari i extraordinàriament difícil.Incorpora protecció/ aprofitament del vent del desert, tempestes de sorra i aigua de pluja
The probability for a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) to be geoeffective is assumed to be higher the closer the CME launch site is located to the solar central meridian. However, events far from the central meridian may produce severe geomagnetic storms, like the case in April 2000. In this work, we study the possible geoeffectiveness of full halo CMEs with the source region situated at solar limb. For this task, we select all limb full halo (LFH) CMEs that occurred during solar cycle 23, and we search for signatures of geoeffectiveness between 1 and 5 days after the first appearance of each CME in the LASCO C2 field of view. When signatures of geomagnetic activity are observed in the selected time window, interplanetary data are carefully analyzed in order to look for the cause of the geomagnetic disturbance. Finally, a possible association between geoeffective interplanetary signatures and every LFH CME in solar cycle 23 is checked in order to decide on the CME's geoeffectiveness. After a detailed analysis of solar, interplanetary, and geomagnetic data, we conclude that of the 25 investigated events, there are only four geoeffective LFH CMEs, all coming from the west limb. The geoeffectiveness of these events seems to be moderate, turning to intense in two of them as a result of cumulative effects from previous mass ejections. We conclude that ejections from solar locations close to the west limb should be considered in space weather, at least as sources of moderate disturbances.
Desarrollo de una plataforma que permite la medición de parámetros climáticos ambientales característicos de una estación meteorológica tales como presión atmosférica, temperatura, luminosidad, precipitación y viento. Ésta tiene capacidad de poder integrarse y/o anexionarse para su uso a distintos tipos de sensores por cualquiera de las plataformas de comunicación que incorpora: bluetooth, Wi-Fi (IEE 802.11), bus I2C, o Ethernet. Igualmente, tiene la posibilidad de movilidad con indicación del posicionamiento por GPS y de aplicación adicional para uso en control domótico.
In May 1999, the European Space Agency (ESA) selected the Earth Explorer Opportunity Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission to obtain global and frequent soil moisture and ocean salinity maps. SMOS' single payload is the Microwave Imaging Radiometer by Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS), an L-band two-dimensional aperture synthesis radiometer with multiangular observation capabilities. At L-band, the brightness temperature sensitivity to the sea surface salinity (SSS) is low, approximately 0.5 K/psu at 20/spl deg/C, decreasing to 0.25 K/psu at 0/spl deg/C, comparable to that to the wind speed /spl sim/0.2 K/(m/s) at nadir. However, at a given time, the sea state does not depend only on local winds, but on the local wind history and the presence of waves traveling from far distances. The Wind and Salinity Experiment (WISE) 2000 and 2001 campaigns were sponsored by ESA to determine the impact of oceanographic and atmospheric variables on the L-band brightness temperature at vertical and horizontal polarizations. This paper presents the results of the analysis of three nonstationary sea state conditions: growing and decreasing sea, and the presence of swell. Measured sea surface spectra are compared with the theoretical ones, computed using the instantaneous wind speed. Differences can be minimized using an "effective wind speed" that makes the theoretical spectrum best match the measured one. The impact on the predicted brightness temperatures is then assessed using the small slope approximation/small perturbation method (SSA/SPM).
This paper presents a model of the Stokes emission vector from the ocean surface. The ocean surface is described as an ensemble of facets with Cox and Munk's (1954) Gram-Charlier slope distribution. The study discusses the impact of different up-wind and cross-wind rms slopes, skewness, peakedness, foam cover models and atmospheric effects on the azimuthal variation of the Stokes vector, as well as the limitations of the model. Simulation results compare favorably, both in mean value and azimuthal dependence, with SSM/I data at 53° incidence angle and with JPL's WINDRAD measurements at incidence angles from 30° to 65°, and at wind speeds from 2.5 to 11 m/s.
This paper studies different black, banded siliceous rocks (lidites) from a Paleozoic unstable shelf (Sarrabus, Southeast Sardinia). These lidites were derived from submarine vents as a consequence of hydrothermal-sedimentary processes. The paper examines the sedimentological characteristics of lidites, studies the different types of associated synsedimentary folds and offers criteria for distinguishing lidites which take root in a vent (first type) from those which were glided through a paleoslope (second type).
We use interplanetary transport simulations to compute a database of electron Green's functions, i.e., differential intensities resulting at the spacecraft position from an impulsive injection of energetic (>20 keV) electrons close to the Sun, for a large number of values of two standard interplanetary transport parameters: the scattering mean free path and the solar wind speed. The nominal energy channels of the ACE, STEREO, and Wind spacecraft have been used in the interplanetary transport simulations to conceive a unique tool for the study of near-relativistic electron events observed at 1 AU. In this paper, we quantify the characteristic times of the Green's functions (onset and peak time, rise and decay phase duration) as a function of the interplanetary transport conditions. We use the database to calculate the FWHM of the pitch-angle distributions at different times of the event and under different scattering conditions. This allows us to provide a first quantitative result that can be compared with observations, and to assess the validity of the frequently used term beam-like pitch-angle distribution.
Commission 49 covers research on the solar wind, shocks and particle acceleration, both transient and steady-state, e.g., corotating, structures within the heliosphere, and the termination shock and boundary of the heliosphere. The present triennal report is particularly rich in important results and events. The crossing of the solar wind termination shock by Voyager 2 in 2007 is a highlight and a milestone that will certainly have important consequences for astrophysical processes in general (Section 7). The fiftieth anniversary of the International Geophysical Year (19571958), which is also the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the Space Age, was marked not only by celebrations and a strong Education and Public Outreach Program, but also by efforts in coordinating present observations and in starting new scientific programs, particularly implying developing countries (Section 8). Studies of solar energetic particles (Section 3) and the related radio bursts (Section 4) benefited from new data from a number of spacecraft. The STEREO mission was launched in October 2006 and has obtained new results on 3-D aspects of the inner heliosphere. Meanwhile, solar cycle 24 is expected to become active soon, following what is already the deepest solar minimum of the space age...
La Harmoniemusik: música per a conjunt de vents al llarg dels segles XVIII i XIX és una recerca a través del repertori, gèneres, usos i funcions que tingué el conjunt de vents a la Viena clàssica i la seva influència en la música per a vents del segle XIX. A través de l’explicació del context social i cultural de l’època, entendrem les motivacions i les circumstàncies que van empènyer als compositors a escriure per a Harmoniemusik, així com també les relacions d’aquesta música amb l’òpera, la música militar i la música religiosa.