30 resultados para 5-liter, Buesseler et al., 2000
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Spermiogenesis in the proteocephalidean cestode Barsonella lafoni de Chambrier et al., 2009 shows typical characteristics of the type I spermiogenesis. These include the formation of distal cytoplasmic protrusions forming the differentiation zones, lined by cortical microtubules and containing two centrioles. An electron-dense material is present in the apical region of the differentiation zone during the early stages of spermiogenesis. Each centriole is associated to a striated rootlet, being separated by an intercentriolar body. Two free and unequal flagella originate from the centrioles and develop on the lateral sides of the differentiation zone. A median cytoplasmic process is formed between the flagella. Later these flagella rotate, become parallel to the median cytoplasmic process and finally fuse proximodistally with the latter. It is interesting to note that both flagellar growth and rotation are asynchronous. Later, the nucleus enlarges and penetrates into the spermatid body. Finally, the ring of arching membranes is strangled and the young spermatozoon is detached from the residual cytoplasm. The mature spermatozoon presents two axonemes of the 9 +"1" trepaxonematan pattern, crested body, parallel nucleus and cortical microtubules, and glycogen granules. Thus, it corresponds to the type II spermatozoon, described in almost all Proteocephalidea. The anterior extremity of the gamete is characterized by the presence of an apical cone surrounded by the lateral projections of the crested body. An arc formed by some thick and parallel cortical microtubules appears at the level of the centriole. They surround the centriole and later the first axoneme. This arc of electron-dense microtubules disorganizes when the second axoneme appears, and then two parallel rows of thin cortical microtubules are observed. The posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits some cortical microtubules. This type of posterior extremity has never been described in proteocephalidean cestodes. The ultrastructural features of the spermatozoon/spermiogenesis of the Proteocephalidea species are analyzed and compared.
La reconstrucció de les pautes de consum d"aliments durant el bronze final i la primera edat de ferro, tant si són de caire domèstic com si no, passa per un anàlisi exhaustiu de les diferents dades arqueològiques. En primer lloc, tenim els espais destinats al consum. Les circumstàncies pròpies del registre arqueològic a Catalunya durant aquests períodes fa que, depèn del territori, aquest nivell d"anàlisi sigui més o menys evident. Així, en territoris on existeix una tradició arquitectònica en pedra i, fins i tot, dissenys urbanístics ben definits (entorn del Segre i l"Ebre), aquest problema resulta relativament fàcil de tractar en funció de la conservació de la resta d"elements i la particularitat de les estructures analitzades. Això ha permès caracteritzar certes pràctiques.de consum diferenciades del que podria ser propi d"un àmbit domèstic en jaciments com Barranc de Gàfols (habitacions 1 y 2), la Moleta del Remei (habitació 7), Tossal Redó (habitació 1), San Cristóbal (habitació 2), Sant Jaume Mas d"en Serrà (habitacions 3 i 4), l"edifici de Turó del Calvari de Vilalba dels Arcs o Genó (habitació 2) (Lucas 1989; López Cachero 1998; Sanmartí et al. 2000; Fatás 2004-05; Garcia 2005; Sardà 2008). Aquesta situació contrasta amb el que passa a la resta del litoral català on les estructures negatives són pràcticament l"única evidència del poblament existent i on resulta molt complicat, fins i tot, la documentació de qualsevol espai habitacional que ens permeti avançar en aquesta direcció.
Do mediterranean genera not included in Tachet et al. 2002 have mediterranean trait characteristics? Multiple-trait databases are increasingly used in community ecology in different regions of the world. In Europe, Tachet et al.(2002) compiled an aquatic macroinvertebrate database for 473 taxa using information on 11 biological traits described by 63 categories. However, less studied regions, at the time of the compilation of the database, such as the mediterranean Basin, can harbour exclusive genera, which were not included in Tachet"s database. In a large-scale study across the mediterranean Basin, we found 44 genera that were not included in Tachet"s database (NEW genera). Our main aim was to compile trait information for these NEW genera and assess whether these genera had specific traits that could explain their exclusivity to the Mediterranean region. We compared the trait characteristics of NEW genera to those of genera only found in Mediterranean or temperate regions that were included in the Tachet"s database (MED and TEM genera, respectively). We found that NEW genera had more mediterranean characteristics than TEM genera and that some trait categories of NEW genera were even more mediterranean-like than the traits of MED genera (e.g., diapause). Therefore, our results suggest that the specific biological traits of these NEW genera allow them to cope successfully and exclusively with the harsh environmental conditions of the mediterranean climate rivers, which could partially explain their absence in Tachet"s database. Other explanations, such as the limited dispersal ability of these NEW genera to reach and colonize temperate Europe or the rarity of these NEW genera, should also be considered. We provide biological traits of the NEW genera to be used in future studies on the mediterranean river ecology.
Spermiogenesis in the proteocephalidean cestode Barsonella lafoni de Chambrier et al., 2009 shows typical characteristics of the type I spermiogenesis. These include the formation of distal cytoplasmic protrusions forming the differentiation zones, lined by cortical microtubules and containing two centrioles. An electron-dense material is present in the apical region of the differentiation zone during the early stages of spermiogenesis. Each centriole is associated to a striated rootlet, being separated by an intercentriolar body. Two free and unequal flagella originate from the centrioles and develop on the lateral sides of the differentiation zone. A median cytoplasmic process is formed between the flagella. Later these flagella rotate, become parallel to the median cytoplasmic process and finally fuse proximodistally with the latter. It is interesting to note that both flagellar growth and rotation are asynchronous. Later, the nucleus enlarges and penetrates into the spermatid body. Finally, the ring of arching membranes is strangled and the young spermatozoon is detached from the residual cytoplasm. The mature spermatozoon presents two axonemes of the 9 +"1" trepaxonematan pattern, crested body, parallel nucleus and cortical microtubules, and glycogen granules. Thus, it corresponds to the type II spermatozoon, described in almost all Proteocephalidea. The anterior extremity of the gamete is characterized by the presence of an apical cone surrounded by the lateral projections of the crested body. An arc formed by some thick and parallel cortical microtubules appears at the level of the centriole. They surround the centriole and later the first axoneme. This arc of electron-dense microtubules disorganizes when the second axoneme appears, and then two parallel rows of thin cortical microtubules are observed. The posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits some cortical microtubules. This type of posterior extremity has never been described in proteocephalidean cestodes. The ultrastructural features of the spermatozoon/spermiogenesis of the Proteocephalidea species are analyzed and compared.
The ultrastructural organization of the spermatozoon of the digenean Hypocreadium caputvadum (Lepocreadioidea: Lepocreadiidae) is described. Live digeneans were collected from Balistes capriscus (Teleostei: Balistidae) from the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). The mature spermatozoon of H. caputvadum shows several ultrastructural characters such as two axonemes of different lengths exhibiting the classical 9 +"1" trepaxonematan pattern, a nucleus, two mitochondria, granules of glycogen, external ornamentation of the plasma membrane and two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules. Moreover, in the anterior extremity, the second axoneme is partly surrounded by a discontinuous and submembranous layer of electron-dense material. Our study provides new data on the spermatozoon of H. caputvadum in order to improve the understanding of phylogenetic relationships in the Digenea, particularly in the superfamily Lepocreadioidea. In this context, the electron-dense material surrounding one of the axonemes in the anterior spermatozoon extremity constitutes the unique distinguishing ultrastructural character of lepocreadioideans, and it is present in spermatozoa of lepocreadiids, aephnidiogenids and gyliauchenids.
The ultrastructural organization of the spermatozoon of the digenean Hypocreadium caputvadum (Lepocreadioidea: Lepocreadiidae) is described. Live digeneans were collected from Balistes capriscus (Teleostei: Balistidae) from the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). The mature spermatozoon of H. caputvadum shows several ultrastructural characters such as two axonemes of different lengths exhibiting the classical 9 +"1" trepaxonematan pattern, a nucleus, two mitochondria, granules of glycogen, external ornamentation of the plasma membrane and two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules. Moreover, in the anterior extremity, the second axoneme is partly surrounded by a discontinuous and submembranous layer of electron-dense material. Our study provides new data on the spermatozoon of H. caputvadum in order to improve the understanding of phylogenetic relationships in the Digenea, particularly in the superfamily Lepocreadioidea. In this context, the electron-dense material surrounding one of the axonemes in the anterior spermatozoon extremity constitutes the unique distinguishing ultrastructural character of lepocreadioideans, and it is present in spermatozoa of lepocreadiids, aephnidiogenids and gyliauchenids.
A Reply to the Comment by K. E. Nagaev