441 resultados para Cartografia -- Ensenyament universitari
Clinic simulation as a training and knowledge method allows people experiment a real event representation with the aim of acquiring knowledge, abilities and aptitudes. The filming of the staging represents a useful tool to review the decisions taken and the actions they did, with the purpose to highlight the strengths, weaknesses and the areas for improvement. The article describes a study carried out by a group of students in second course of nursing, and it tries to evaluate if there is any influence if somebody is filming you during the clinic simulation, does it make you do more errors or not?
Programa i resums de les comunicacions de HEPCLIL Higher Education Perspectives on CLIL celebrat a la Universitat de Vic els dies 27 i 28 de març de 2014.
En aquest volum es recullen les intervencions fetes en el col·loqui La Romanistique dans tous ses états, que tingué lloc a Béziers del 15 al 17 de maig de 2008. El col·loqui s"articulà al voltant de diverses temà tiques, que anaven des de la historiografia de la lingüÃstica romà nica fins a les propostes actuals de gestió lingüÃstica (didà ctica, protecció de llengües amenaçades), passant per altres temes; tot això, amb el denominador comú de la intenció de fer un estat de la lingüÃstica romà nica en un moment en què, si bé és cultivada en institucions diverses i en un esplet de congressos i altres trobades cientÃfiques, perd terreny en l"ensenyament universitari, on la perspectiva global i comparatista s"està abandonant.
This article reflects the analysis of personal and social competences through the study and analysis of creative tensión in engineering students, using a computer application called Cycloid. The main objective was to compare the students' creative tensión by asigning them the task of being the project leader of a given project: their own university major. The process consisted of evaluating, through special surveys, a group of students to know the current situation of competences, using fuzzy logic analysis. From this self-knowledge, provided by the survey, students can know their strong and weak characteristics regarding their study habits. Results showed that tolerance to stress and to language courses are the weaker points. This application is useful for the design of study strategies that students themselves can do to better face their courses
The aim of this study is to measure the psychometric properties of a Catalan translation of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST), and to analyse the different learning styles used by university students, considering the influence of gender and type of studies. The instrument was administered to 834 students at the University of Girona. The results showed that most students interviewed had a deep approach to learning, although the analysis by gender showed that females tended to use a more strategic approach, while males used a deep approach predominantly. As to whether the type of studies influenced learning styles, a prevalence of deep approach was found among Science and Technology students, while a more strategic approach was found among Humanities and Education students
El present document recull les publicacions indexades a la base de dades Scopus durant el perÃode comprès entre el mesos de maig a setembre de l’any 2014, escrits per autors pertanyents a l’ESAB. Es presenten les dades recollides segons la font on s’ha publicat, els autors que han publicat, i el tipus de document publicat. S’hi inclou un annex amb la llista de totes les referències bibliogrà fiques publicades.
El present document recull les publicacions indexades a la base de dades Scopus durant el perÃode comprès entre el mesos de maig a setembre de l’any 2014, escrits per autors pertanyents a l’EETAC. Es presenten les dades recollides segons la font on s’ha publicat, els autors que han publicat, i el tipus de document publicat. S’hi inclou un annex amb la llista de totes les referències bibliogrà fiques publicades.
Article d'opinió sobre l'ambientalització dels estudis superiors
Infografia que destaca els motius més destacats per publicar els treballs de recerca al dipòsit institucional de la UPC, UPCommons
Infografia sobre ORCID.
Postprint (published version)
Al objeto de garantizar la calidad del aprendizaje de la Electrónica en los estudios de Grado impartidos en la EPSEM, es necesario planificar de manera adecuada las asignaturas impartidas en inglés. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados del análisis realizado a los estudiantes que cursarán estas asignaturas, en el que se ponen de manifiesto las dificultades observadas y las expectativas generadas, motivando la elaboración de material de soporte especÃfico.
En la implementació del CLIL a l’educació superior, apart d’estudis sobre el nivell de l’estudiantat i la disponibilitat del professorat, i de l’elaboració de material educatiu interdisciplinari, el repte actual és aconseguir que s’involucrin activament en CLIL els professors de contingut d’un ventall ampli de disciplines. En aquesta comunicació es presenten les bases d’un model per un sistema CLIL, utilitzant la dinà mica newtoniana. Pot ser un model interessant i plausible en un context universitari cientÃfic i tecnològic, on fins ara el CLIL s’ha implementat només lleugerament.
The European Educational Institutions have the challenge and the commitment to enhance multilingual competence and teaching curricular subjects in a foreign language is seen as one of the most promising alternatives. In that context, professors teaching different engineering subjects at the School of Engineering of the UPC at Manresa (EPSEM) have been involved in projects aiming at analyzing the current linguistic situation and developing some on-line open access materials using CLIL as a strategy. They formed the u-Linguatech Research Group on Multilingual Communication in Science and Technology in order to provide such resources in an effective and efficient way. In this paper, we focus on students’ perception of the improvement of their multilingual competence throughout their Engineering degree, by means of subjects taught in English by non-native speakers. Data about the English level of current students are taken into account. We also describe the use of the above resources to improve the quality of subjects learning related to Chemical Engineering curricula.
The Faculty of Business and Communication recently started an internationalization process that, in two year’s time, will allow all undergraduate students (studying Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, Business and Marketing) to take 25% of their subjects in English using CLIL methodology. Currently, Journalism is the degree course with the greatest percentage of CLIL subjects, for example Current Affairs Workshop, a subject dedicated to analyzing current news using opinion genres. Moreover, because of the lack of other subjects offered in English, ERASMUS students have to take some journalism subjects in order to complete their international passport, and one of the classes they choose is the Current Affairs Workshop. The aim of this paper is to explore how CLIL methodology can be useful for learning journalistic opinion genres (chat-shows, discussions and debates) in a subject where Catalan Communication students –with different levels of English- share their knowledge with European students of other social disciplines. Students work in multidisciplinary groups in which they develop real radio and TV programs, adopting all the roles (moderator, technician, producer and participants), analyzing daily newspapers and other sources to create content, based on current affairs. This paper is based on the participant observation of the lecturers of the subject, who have designed different activities related to journalistic genres, where students can develop their skills according to the role they play in every assignment. Examples of successful lessons will be given, in addition to the results of the course: both positive and negative. Although the objective of the course is to examine professional routines related to opinion genres, and students are not directly graded on their level of English, the Catalan students come to appreciate how they finally overcome their fear of working in a foreign language. This is a basic result of their experience.