338 resultados para Cartògrafs -- Girona -- S. XIX
En el presente trabajo se describen.16 especies de Euthyneura procedentes del Plioceno ael Empordh. Girona. Para ello se ha tenido en cuenta tanto el material nuevo como el procedente de las colecciones ya existentes, Cuando el numero dc individuos lo ha permitido, la descripcion ha sido acompañada por los siguientes datos numericos: valor maximo (M), minimo (m), media (x). desviación tipica (S). varianza (s2). intervalos media y varianza. asi como elcoeficiente de correlación (r).
The appearance of the Banco de Barcelona involved the formation of an investment compact network between its directors. In this work we studied how this investment network grew within a larger one, the one formed by the major investors in Catalonia during the period 1815-1866, as well as the role played by the top executives of the Bank inside it. Our findings indicate that some of the directors of the Bank held a central position in the main Catalan investors" network. This important role guaranteed reliable information on the progress of businesses. This information not only favored the operations of the institution, but also allowed its directors to take investment decisions inside the network. Moreover, the Bank interconnects individuals who were associated with different investors" sectors, which made the institution coalesced around an investing core with different important influences and connections.
El estudio de la población en América Latina es un tema central en la historiografÃa de la región, sin embargo, las distintas estimaciones existentes muestran importantes discrepancias para los siglos XIX y XX. A partir del contraste de distintas bases de datos, la principal contribución del artÃculo consiste en ofrecer nuevas series de población homogéneas para el conjunto de paÃses de América Latina, junto a una detallada explicación de la obtención de los datos, asà como un análisis de las discrepancias que las distintas fuentes muestran. Los paÃses que aborda este trabajo son Argentina, Brasil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Ecuador, HaitÃ, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela; a lo que se agrega la suma de todos ellos para obtener la población latinoamericana. Estas nuevas series pueden resultar de gran utilidad para reinterpretar la historia económica de América Latina en el largo plazo. The analysis of population levels in Latin America plays an important role in the regional historiography. The estimated series appeared until now offers huge discrepancies, therefore, we believe essential to provide homogeneous series for the 19th and the 20th centuries. In our work we shed new light on this issue, from an exhaustive study of the existing Latin American historical sources for the region. Along with a detailed explanation of the data collection, we also provide an analysis of the discrepancies and the accuracy of sources. The study offers data from 21 countries in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Ecuador, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. This new evidence can be a crucial information to revisit Latin American Economic History in the long run.
Com és que Jacint Verdaguer fou reconegut com a poeta nacional al Rosselló? Com és que Canigó tingué una recepció tan favorable de part rossellonesa? Què féu que els rossellonesos anomenessin Jacint Verdaguer el seu Mistral? És un mèrit indiscutible de Verdaguer haver provocat amb el poema Canigó el renaixement català al Rosselló i el desvetllament literari de la nostra llengua allà (Torrent, 1993: 195 i 202-203); tanmateix, abans que fos aixà l’èxit d’aquesta empresa no havia pas de semblar ben assegurat.
Mediante la interpretación de una campaña de sondeos eléctricos se caracterizan las resistividades del Neogeno de la depresión de La Selva asà como su potencia. En general estas resistividades están comprendidas entre 10 y 30 0hm.m caracterÃsticos, en general, de formaciones predominantemente arcillosas. La presencia de materiales arcósicos y de basaltos en el Plioceno se caracteriza por resistividades superiores. El mapa de isobatas del basamento resistivo paleozoico muestra la irregularidad del fondo de la cubeta, destacando zonas deprimidas con potencias de sedimentos neógenos de más de 300 m separadas por umbrales en 1os que el basamento está a muy poca profundidad.
Solucions a adoptar per construir sobre un terreny d' argiles expansives
Sobre la poesia juvenil de clar to satÃric, de Jacint Verdaguer i que va escriure al seminari
Article que tracte el problema del plurilingüisme literari a partir d'un poema del trobador Cerverà de Girona
The geoambiental and landscape description of the beach-dune system of Cala Borró, (Cap Ras), placed in the town of Colera (Alt Empordà ), is carried out. The dunar system, developed with orientation and N-S, links three beach pockets following the topographic slopes of the torrential basins. We find coalescence of dunes in the upper zones, which were possibly an object of reafforestation in the 19thC. to avoid erosion
La tematologÃa comparatista entre teorÃa y práctica. La novela de adulterio en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, publicada por Arco/Libros en 2001, es el resultado de la investigación que Cristina Naupert llevó a cabo para la obtención de su doctorado en literatura comparada; un trabajo que defendió con el mismo tÃtulo en 1999 en la Universidad Complutense. Tanto sus artÃculos como sus libros posteriores han seguido este mismo ámbito de estudio en clara consonancia con su formación y sus investigaciones, que se han centrado en el ámbito de la tematologÃa y la literatura comparada, tanto en su vertiente teórica como pragmática.
Myeloid malignancies (MMs) are a heterogeneous group of hematologic malignancies presenting different incidence, prognosis and survival.1–3 Changing classifications (FAB 1994, WHO 2001 and WHO 2008) and few available epidemiological data complicate incidence comparisons.4,5 Taking this into account, the aims of the present study were: a) to calculate the incidence rates and trends of MMs in the Province of Girona, northeastern Spain, between 1994 and 2008 according to the WHO 2001 classification; and b) to predict the number of MMs cases in Spain during 2013. Data were extracted from the population-based Girona Cancer Registry (GCR) located in the north-east of Catalonia, Spain, and covering a population of 731,864 inhabitants (2008 census). Cases were registered according to the rules of the European Network for Cancer Registries and the Manual for Coding and Reporting Haematological Malignancies (HAEMACARE project). To ensure the complete coverage of MMs in the GCR, and especially myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), a retrospective search was performed. The ICD-O-2 (1990) codes were converted into their corresponding ICD-O-3 (2000) codes, including MDS, polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET) as malignant diseases. Results of crude rate (CR) and European standardized incidence rate (ASRE) were expressed per 100,000 inhabitants/year
Study techniques in out of school secondary education in the province of Girona. It is important to provide students with different ways to study so they can find the most appropriate method for them. Our research focuses on the study techniques used in secondary education by those students attending classes out of school time. In order to conduct this research, we have developed a general questionnaire after reviewing the existing literature on the topic. Some of the results obtained with this study are the following: adolescents attach great importance to learn study techniques, being summaries, diagrams and underlining the most well-known strategies for them, and mind maps and teamwork the least popular ones; they prefer dynamic teaching and learning methodologies, such as making interactive discussions; tutoring is the most valued element. Based on the results obtained with the study, we have developed some proposals to facilitate the work of the teacher when teaching study techniques and helping students to improve their academic performance
The following article is divided into five sections, each one with a specific objective. The first section briefly presents the student mobility experiences obtained basically through the fieldwork practice course in social education studies at the University of Girona. The second section delves more deeply to explore the value of the exchange and the student mobility experience over one semester of intensive fieldwork practice. The third section presents data about the students who have participated in this experience inall ten of the graduating classes. The fourth part offers an assessment of the experience and reports which aspects are considered essential to a good student mobility experience. Finally, various actions to be taken to improve these educational experiences within the social education studies at the University of Girona are specified