309 resultados para Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 1617-1682
Obtención y publicación web de magnitudes físicas procedentes de todo tipo de dispositivos, como teléfonos móviles, para mejorar la gestión y desarrollo de las ciudades desde una perspectiva sostenible.
The aim of the paper is to describe some of the challenges faced by schools, or by formal education in general, as a consequence of today"s mobilecentric society (henceforth MCS), the term we will use to denote the new, networked learning ecology that has arisen from the massive penetration of digital media in everyday life. After revisiting some of the ideas of McLuhan and Vygotsky in the light of this new technological scenario, we describe five traits of the MCS and the challenges illustrated through educational practices that we believe schools will face if they wish to preserve their function of individualization and socialization. We believe that despite the emergence of the MCS, the main function of the school is still to provide the"box of tools" (a set of psychological instruments, such as reading, writing, mathematical notation, digital literacy, etc.) that enables people to develop their learning skills and life projects and to become part of communities and groups. However, the complexity and mobility of the new learning environments means that the position held by schools needs to be reevaluated in the face of the informal learning paths and experiences both online and offline to which learners now have access. We also need to reevaluate the meaning of the school itself as an institution and the model of learner it should be training
This study tested the effects of a training program intending to foster social understanding or the capacity which enables them to understand themselves and others in terms of intentions, beliefs, desires, and emotions in children at preschool age. A number of studies have shown that in the context of shared narratives, children are particularly likely to engage in talk about inner states
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la evolución de los niveles de eficiencia técnica de los principales sectores de la industria manufacturera europea durante el periodo 1987-1996. Para ello se ha aplicado un análisis envolvente de datos (DEA) con la información obtenida de la base de datos BACH de 1996. Los resultados muestran que la eficiencia media de la industria disminuye en este período. Además, no encontra-mos una evidencia clara de que haya habido convergencia en la eficiencia entre las empresas europeas. No obstante, nuestro análisis revela una relación estrecha del ciclo económico con los niveles de eficiencia y con su dispersión.
Background: Noroviruses are one of the principal biological agents associated with the consumption of contaminated food. The objective of this study was to analyse the size and epidemiological characteristics of foodborne outbreaks of gastroenteritis in Catalonia, a region in the northeast of Spain. Methods: In all reported outbreaks of gastroenteritis associated with food consumption, faecal samples of persons affected were analysed for bacteria and viruses and selectively for parasites. Study variables included the setting, the number of people exposed, age, sex, clinical signs and hospital admissions. The study was carried out from October 2004 to October 2005. Results: Of the 181 outbreaks reported during the study period, 72 were caused by Salmonella and 30 by norovirus (NoV); the incidence rates were 14.5 and 9.9 per 100,000 person-years, respectively. In 50% of the NoV outbreaks and 27% of the bacterial outbreaks (p = 0.03) the number of persons affected was ≥10; 66.7% of NoV outbreaks occurred in restaurants; no differences in the attack rates were observed according to the etiology. Hospitalizations were more common (p = 0.03) in bacterial outbreaks (8.6%) than in NoV outbreaks (0.15%). Secondary cases accounted for 4% of cases in NoV outbreaks compared with 0.3% of cases in bacterial outbreaks (p < 0.001) Conclusion: Norovirus outbreaks were larger but less frequent than bacterial outbreaks, suggesting that underreporting is greater for NoV outbreaks. Food handlers should receive training on the transmission of infections in diverse situations. Very strict control measures on handwashing and environmental disinfection should be adopted in closed or partially-closed institutions.
Many studies have shown that IQs have been increasing over the last half century. These increases have come to be known as «the Flynn effect». The «Flynn effect» represents a difference on ability-level between groups of the same age but different cohort. The ability-level differentiation hypothesis represents a difference on the relevance of cognitive factors between groups of high and low ability. Hence, it should be possible to imitate the ability-level differentiation effect by comparing groups of the same age but different cohort. The indifferentiation hypothesis represents no differences on the relevance of cognitive abilities in all age groups within the same cohort. The aim of the present study is to test the relationships between these phenomena. For this purpose we analyzed the American standardisation samples of the WISC, WISC-R and WISC-III. Results support the link between the Flynn effect and the differentiation hypothesis. Also, reported evidence replicate previous findings supporting the indifferentiation hypothesis. Implications for the assessment of the intelligence are discussed.
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una serie de indicacores de la gestión del agua en área regada por los canales del Urgell (Lleida), en el ámbito de la cuenca del río Corb de 36350 ha. De la recopilación de 33 evaluaciones de riego al nivel de parcela se observa que en los suelos asentados sobre gravas se da una muy baja eficiencia de aplicación (EA), del 32% de media, mientras que en los suelos sobre lutitas es del 80% de media; pudiéndose dar como cifra promedio de la zona un 43%.
En este trabajo se presentan resultados de indicadores de eficiencia productiva y económica en el uso del agua de riego en el área regable de los Canales de Urgell (Lleida). Se ha realizado un estudio de costes, ingresos, márgenes brutos y beneficios de los principales cultivos de la zona: trigo, maíz, alfalfa, manzana var. Golden, pera var. Conference y pera var. Blanquilla, todos ellos mediante riego por superficie. La recogida de datos proviene de la realización de entrevistas a 24 agricultores de la zona de estudio. Los resultados muestran que los frutales presentan mayores índices de eficiencia productiva, entre 1,9 y 6,6 kg/m3 de agua aplicada, respecto a los cultivos extensivos, que presentan un índice entre 0,7 y 1,8 kg/m3. En cuanto a los índices de eficiencia económica, también se han obtenido valores más elevados en el caso de los frutales, entre 0,4 y 1,7 €/m3, frente a 0,06 – 0,20 €/m3 en extensivos para el ratio Margen bruto / agua aplicada, y entre 0,3 y 1,3 €/m3 para el ratio Beneficio / agua aplicada en frutales, frente a 0,04 – 0,16 de los extensivos.
Las primeras obras historiográficas castellanas que relatan la “Conquista” de América ofrecen una de las mejores vías para comprender los discursos, religiosos y políticos, en torno a la sexualidad europea a fines de la Edad Media, especialmente relevante si analizamos las representaciones de la sodomía y del homoerotismo. A partir de textos de Bernal Díaz del Castillo, Bernardino de Sahagún, Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Bartolomé de Las Casas, en este artículo se reflexiona sobre las significaciones de Sodoma (como geografía cultural e ideológica) en el contexto ibérico posterior a la “Reconquista”.
Les comarques de la Catalunya Central conformen una de les àrees cerealístiques més importants de Catalunya, de fet la més important en secà, ja que el clima d’un tipus més subhumit permet produccions regulars i més elevades que en algunes de les comarques veïnes. En aquestes comarques la ramaderia és també, com a molts indrets de la Catalunya interior, força important i on el porquí té un pes molt elevat. La fertilització de base orgànica complementada quan i on escaigui amb fertilitzants minerals pot ésser la millor solució agronòmica, ambiental i econòmica. Perquè això sigui així cal primer un bon coneixement del comportament d’aquests fertilitzants orgànics en aquests sistemes agraris situats en climes menys àrids que els de la Catalunya de Ponent, i a més cal que aquesta informació arribi a tècnics, pagesos i diversos operadors que hi ha al territori. Per això l’objectiu de l’estudi d’aquesta publicació és omplir un buit d’informació que existia mitjançant la col·laboració amb la Universitat de Lleida amb la posada en marxa d’una sèrie de camps experimentals distribuïts al llarg de tota la zona, on les diferents variables: tipus de fems, moment d’aplicació, etc. eren assajades. Al mateix temps es va posar en marxa tot un seguit de treballs amb col·laboració directa amb els pagesos i ramaders, on se’ls orientava en la millor pràctica de fertilització agronòmica, ambiental i econòmica; tot això amb la idea de fer una taca d’oli, que aquests agricultors, capdavanters en molts casos, estenguessin entre els seus veïns propers aquest concepte. Tot això conforma el que s’anomena Pla de Millora de la Fertilització de la Catalunya Central. La finalitat era doncs oferir, sobre unes sòlides bases experimentals, un consell d’adobat robust que el poguessin assumir els diferents prescriptors en fertilització que d’aquesta manera es van posar sobre el territori. Acabada aquesta primera fase és moment de fer balanç, resumir les actuacions i posar-les en un format assequible i que sigui fàcilment disponible. Això és el que fa aquesta publicació. Aquests treballs del Pla de fertilització van néixer amb vocació d’adaptar-se a les canviants situacions social i econòmica i a l’avenç del coneixement que representen. Ara s’ha donat continuïtat a aquests treballs per part del DAAM, tenint en compte el grau de coneixement assolit i donant continuïtat a alguns dels camps experimentals bàsics, amb l’enfocament de fer sostenible el sistema agrícola i ramader que hi ha a la comarca i que és la base de la seva economia. Ajustant-se al marc abans esmentat, amb la col·laboració de tots els agents participants anteriors es busca en aquesta nova fase incrementar els coneixements bàsics, omplint els buits existents, mantenir els prescriptors en fertilització sobre el territori i incrementar l’eficiència en l’ús dels recursos esmerçats. Fruit d’aquesta experiència i d’altres en diferents indrets de Catalunya, el DAAM està potenciant aquest model d’adquisició de coneixement i transferint-lo al sector mitjançant l’anomenada Xarxa de Plans de fertilització, que hores d’ara cobreix una part molt significativa de Catalunya i que es vol potenciar.
This paper presents the qualitative data collection process aimed at the study of the impactsocial relations and networks have on educational paths of immigrant students. In theframework of a R & D longitudinal study funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation(2012-2014), the research team tracked the path of 87 immigrant students, from whom only 17successfully achieved the transition through the first and second year of Post-16 Education.A vast range of literature notes that relationships are an important part of migration process andsocial integration analysis, as well as school history in terms of success or failure. Through thefieldwork researchers collect the personal networks of all immigrant students from 3 highschools who were at that time attending last course of compulsory school. The network structureinfluences their social capital and therefore determines the resources, goods and types of supportindividuals can access. All these aspects are influential elements in the configuration anddevelopment of academic trajectories of immigrant students.At the end of the second year of Post-16 Education (two years later), the study captures personalnetworks of these students again, analyses and discusses their evolution and influence on theirpaths through qualitative interviews. Such interviews facilitated the discussion of theirrelationships while providing interesting narratives that are presented in the text. In order to do so, the biographical interpretive narrative method of interviewing is implemented.
Este artículo presenta las características, el procedimiento y la utilidad práctica del análisis de datos cualitativos en el proceso de investigación. Se trata de una tarea enormemente compleja para «dar sentido» a datos muy ricos y densos de significados en los estudios de carácter cualitativo. El trabajo describe cómo aplicar una herramienta informática, el ATLAS.ti, a este procedimiento analítico para su mayor sistematicidad, así como la mejor explotación y optimización de los resultados obtenidos. Se opta por un enfoque metodológico y con valor orientativo sobre el desarrollo autónomo de las tareas comunes del análisis de datos, como son la codificación y la categorización, la construcción de redes semánticas para la generación teórica, y la obtención de resultados parciales para plasmar en los informes de investigación.
This paper presents the qualitative data collection process aimed at the study of the impactsocial relations and networks have on educational paths of immigrant students. In theframework of a R & D longitudinal study funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation(2012-2014), the research team tracked the path of 87 immigrant students, from whom only 17successfully achieved the transition through the first and second year of Post-16 Education.A vast range of literature notes that relationships are an important part of migration process andsocial integration analysis, as well as school history in terms of success or failure. Through thefieldwork researchers collect the personal networks of all immigrant students from 3 highschools who were at that time attending last course of compulsory school. The network structureinfluences their social capital and therefore determines the resources, goods and types of supportindividuals can access. All these aspects are influential elements in the configuration anddevelopment of academic trajectories of immigrant students.At the end of the second year of Post-16 Education (two years later), the study captures personalnetworks of these students again, analyses and discusses their evolution and influence on theirpaths through qualitative interviews. Such interviews facilitated the discussion of theirrelationships while providing interesting narratives that are presented in the text. In order to do so, the biographical interpretive narrative method of interviewing is implemented.
Objectives: General population studies have shown associations between copy number variation (CNV) of the LPA gene Kringle-IV type-2 (KIV-2) coding region, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs6415084 in LPA and coronary heart disease (CHD). Because risk factors for HIV-infected patients may differ from the general population, we aimed to assess whether these potential associations also occur in HIV-infected patients. Methods: A unicenter, retrospective, case-control (1:3) study. Eighteen HIV-patients with confirmed diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were adjusted for age, gender, and time since HIV diagnosis to 54 HIV-patients without CHD. After gDNA extraction from frozen blood, both CNV and SNP genotyping were performed using real-time quantitative PCR. All genetic and non-genetic variables for AMI were assessed in a logistic regression analysis. Results: Our results did not confirm any association in terms of lipoprotein(a) LPA structural genetic variants when comparing KIV-2 CNV (p = 0.67) and SNP genotypes (p = 0.44) between AMI cases and controls. However, traditional risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and CD4(+) T cell count showed association (p < 0.05) with CHD. Conclusion: Although significant associations of AMI with diabetes, hypertension and CD4(+) T cell count in HIV-patients were found, this study could not confirm the feasibility neither of KIV-2 CNV nor rs6415084 in LPA as genetic markers of CHD in HIV-infected patients.Highlights:● Individuals with HIV infection are at higher risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) than the non-infected population.● Our results showed no evidence of LPA structural genetic variants associated with CHD in HIV-1-infected patients.● Associations were found between diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, CD4(+) T cell count, and CHD.● The clinical usefulness of these biomarkers to predict CHD in HIV-1-infected population remains unproven.● Further studies are needed to assess the contribution of common genetic variations to CHD in HIV-infected individuals.
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