262 resultados para Termodinâmica computacional


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We analyze the consequences that the choice of the output of the system has in the efficiency of signal detection. It is shown that the output signal and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), used to characterize the phenomenon of stochastic resonance, strongly depend on the form of the output. In particular, the SNR may be enhanced for an adequate output.


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We study the motion of a particle governed by a generalized Langevin equation. We show that, when no fluctuation-dissipation relation holds, the long-time behavior of the particle may be from stationary to superdiffusive, along with subdiffusive and diffusive. When the random force is Gaussian, we derive the exact equations for the joint and marginal probability density functions for the position and velocity of the particle and find their solutions.


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It has been suggested that a solution to the transport equation which includes anisotropic scattering can be approximated by the solution to a telegrapher's equation [A.J. Ishimaru, Appl. Opt. 28, 2210 (1989)]. We show that in one dimension the telegrapher's equation furnishes an exact solution to the transport equation. In two dimensions, we show that, since the solution can become negative, the telegrapher's equation will not furnish a usable approximation. A comparison between simulated data in three dimensions indicates that the solution to the telegrapher's equation is a good approximation to that of the full transport equation at the times at which the diffusion equation furnishes an equally good approximation.


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We propose a method to analytically show the possibility for the appearance of a maximum in the signal-to-noise ratio in nonpotential systems. We apply our results to the FitzHugh-Nagumo model under a periodic external forcing, showing that the model exhibits stochastic resonance. The procedure that we follow is based on the reduction to a one-dimensional dynamics in the adiabatic limit and in the topology of the phase space of the systems under study. Its application to other nonpotential systems is also discussed.


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We propose a generalization of the persistent random walk for dimensions greater than 1. Based on a cubic lattice, the model is suitable for an arbitrary dimension d. We study the continuum limit and obtain the equation satisfied by the probability density function for the position of the random walker. An exact solution is obtained for the projected motion along an axis. This solution, which is written in terms of the free-space solution of the one-dimensional telegraphers equation, may open a new way to address the problem of light propagation through thin slabs.


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We show that a dispersion of monodomain ferromagnetic particles in a solid phase exhibits stochastic resonance when a driven linearly polarized magnetic field is applied. By using an adiabatic approach, we calculate the power spectrum, the distribution of residence times, and the mean first passage time. The behavior of these quantities is similar to the behavior of corresponding quantities in other systems where stochastic resonance has also been observed.


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In this Contribution we show that a suitably defined nonequilibrium entropy of an N-body isolated system is not a constant of the motion, in general, and its variation is bounded, the bounds determined by the thermodynamic entropy, i.e., the equilibrium entropy. We define the nonequilibrium entropy as a convex functional of the set of n-particle reduced distribution functions (n ? N) generalizing the Gibbs fine-grained entropy formula. Additionally, as a consequence of our microscopic analysis we find that this nonequilibrium entropy behaves as a free entropic oscillator. In the approach to the equilibrium regime, we find relaxation equations of the Fokker-Planck type, particularly for the one-particle distribution function.


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The interactions of tiny objects with their environments are dominated by thermal fluctuations. Guided by theory and assisted by new micromanipulation tools, scientists have begun to study such interactions in detail.


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We analyze the emergence of synchronization in a population of moving integrate-and-fire oscillators. Oscillators, while moving on a plane, interact with their nearest neighbor upon firing time. We discover a nonmonotonic dependence of the synchronization time on the velocity of the agents. Moreover, we find that mechanisms that drive synchronization are different for different dynamical regimes. We report the extreme situation where an interplay between the time scales involved in the dynamical processes completely inhibits the achievement of a coherent state. We also provide estimators for the transitions between the different regimes.


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We study a Kuramoto model in which the oscillators are associated with the nodes of a complex network and the interactions include a phase frustration, thus preventing full synchronization. The system organizes into a regime of remote synchronization where pairs of nodes with the same network symmetry are fully synchronized, despite their distance on the graph. We provide analytical arguments to explain this result, and we show how the frustration parameter affects the distribution of phases. An application to brain networks suggests that anatomical symmetry plays a role in neural synchronization by determining correlated functional modules across distant locations.


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Resumen: Gracias a la evolución biológica y cultural el ser humano ha sido capaz de adaptarse al ambiente. Una opción para mejorar las prestaciones humanas podría ser la obtención de un cyborg o ser humano biónico en el cual la parte inorgánica fuese un chip computacional conectado directamente al cerebro. Esta y otras posibilidades se debaten en el presente artículo. Palabras clave: Evolución biológica, selección natural, evolución cultural, cyborg, biónico, inteligencia.


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We conduct a large-scale comparative study on linearly combining superparent-one-dependence estimators (SPODEs), a popular family of seminaive Bayesian classifiers. Altogether, 16 model selection and weighing schemes, 58 benchmark data sets, and various statistical tests are employed. This paper's main contributions are threefold. First, it formally presents each scheme's definition, rationale, and time complexity and hence can serve as a comprehensive reference for researchers interested in ensemble learning. Second, it offers bias-variance analysis for each scheme's classification error performance. Third, it identifies effective schemes that meet various needs in practice. This leads to accurate and fast classification algorithms which have an immediate and significant impact on real-world applications. Another important feature of our study is using a variety of statistical tests to evaluate multiple learning methods across multiple data sets.


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We describe several mechanisms that prevent equipartition of energy in mechanical systems. In certain regimes, we present a quantitative prediction of the relative abundance of orbits exhibiting these mechanisms. This quantitative prediction is confirmed in numerical experiments.