592 resultados para Ferrer, Matías


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Les ferides cròniques, especialment les de lenta curació, suposen una carga important pels pacients i pels sistemes de salut. És imprescindible investigar en nous tractaments que redueixin el temps de curació d‟aquestes ferides. L‟objectiu d‟aquest projecte, és avaluar l‟eficàcia dels factors de creixement, obtinguts de plasma ric en plaquetes, en la curació o millora de les ferides cròniques. El projecte s‟ha dissenyat com un estudi d‟una sèrie de casos que compara el tractament convencional amb el tractament amb factors de creixement. La variable resultats és la curació o la disminució del àrea de l‟úlcera. El projecte pretén avaluar uns quants pacients consecutius atesos en l‟ unitat de ferides cròniques del nostre hospital. Els subjectes del estudi han de presentar una ferida de més de 3 mesos d‟evolució nul·la o escassa resposta als tractaments habituals. La tècnica de obtenció dels factors de creixement plaquetar no és complexa i es pot realitzar en l‟entorn d‟un hospital de dia. No s‟han comunicat en la literatura efectes secundaris majors de l‟aplicació dels factors de creixement en ferides cròniques.


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The control and prediction of wastewater treatment plants poses an important goal: to avoid breaking the environmental balance by always keeping the system in stable operating conditions. It is known that qualitative information — coming from microscopic examinations and subjective remarks — has a deep influence on the activated sludge process. In particular, on the total amount of effluent suspended solids, one of the measures of overall plant performance. The search for an input–output model of this variable and the prediction of sudden increases (bulking episodes) is thus a central concern to ensure the fulfillment of current discharge limitations. Unfortunately, the strong interrelationbetween variables, their heterogeneity and the very high amount of missing information makes the use of traditional techniques difficult, or even impossible. Through the combined use of several methods — rough set theory and artificial neural networks, mainly — reasonable prediction models are found, which also serve to show the different importance of variables and provide insight into the process dynamics


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XVII Convocatòria d’ajuts a accions de cooperació - 2009GRECDH – UPC. Improving Energy Access In Rural sub- Saharan Africa. O-006/09. Informe


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Human capital endowment is one of the main factors influencing the level of development of a region. This paper analyses whether remoteness from economic activity has a negative effect on human capital accumulation and, consequently, on economic development. Making use of microdata this research proves that remoteness from economic activity has contributed to explain the divergences in the level of education observed across Spanish provinces over the last 50 years. The effect is significant even when controlling for the improvement of education supply. Nonetheless, the accessibility effect has been petering out since the 1960s due to the decreasing barriers to mobility.


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We present a georeferenced photomosaic of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37°18’N). The photomosaic was generated from digital photographs acquired using the ARGO II seafloor imaging system during the 1996 LUSTRE cruise, which surveyed a ~1 km2 zone and provided a coverage of ~20% of the seafloor. The photomosaic has a pixel resolution of 15 mm and encloses the areas with known active hydrothermal venting. The final mosaic is generated after an optimization that includes the automatic detection of the same benthic features across different images (feature-matching), followed by a global alignment of images based on the vehicle navigation. We also provide software to construct mosaics from large sets of images for which georeferencing information exists (location, attitude, and altitude per image), to visualize them, and to extract data. Georeferencing information can be provided by the raw navigation data (collected during the survey) or result from the optimization obtained from imatge matching. Mosaics based solely on navigation can be readily generated by any user but the optimization and global alignment of the mosaic requires a case-by-case approach for which no universally software is available. The Lucky Strike photomosaics (optimized and navigated-only) are publicly available through the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS, http://www.marine-geo.org). The mosaic-generating and viewing software is available through the Computer Vision and Robotics Group Web page at the University of Girona (http://eia.udg.es/_rafa/mosaicviewer.html)


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The relief of the seafloor is an important source of data for many scientists. In this paper we present an optical system to deal with underwater 3D reconstruction. This system is formed by three cameras that take images synchronously in a constant frame rate scheme. We use the images taken by these cameras to compute dense 3D reconstructions. We use Bundle Adjustment to estimate the motion ofthe trinocular rig. Given the path followed by the system, we get a dense map of the observed scene by registering the different dense local reconstructions in a unique and bigger one


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We present an approach for creating image mosaics using navigation data consisting on 3D position estimates provided by sensors such as LBL available in deep water surveys. A central issue with acoustic 3D positioning is that the accuracy is far too low compositing the images within reasonable accuracy


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La normalización de la información es imprescindible para transferirla, almacenarla y recuperarla. Afecta a todos los aspectos de su uso, y no sólo a los profesionales de su tratamiento. Este artículo aborda los aspectos más relevantes de la práctica profesional en este campo. Describe la solución implantada para nombres de autores españoles: IraLIS. Concluye insistiendo en la necesidad de que los autores científicos españoles se conciencien de que estas acciones mejoran la visibilidad de sus trabajos.