257 resultados para signal theory
We present a new phenomenological approach to nucleation, based on the combination of the extended modified liquid drop model and dynamical nucleation theory. The new model proposes a new cluster definition, which properly includes the effect of fluctuations, and it is consistent both thermodynamically and kinetically. The model is able to predict successfully the free energy of formation of the critical nucleus, using only macroscopic thermodynamic properties. It also accounts for the spinodal and provides excellent agreement with the result of recent simulations.
We present a model in which particles (or individuals of a biological population) disperse with a rest time between consecutive motions (or migrations) which may take several possible values from a discrete set. Particles (or individuals) may also react (or reproduce). We derive a new equation for the effective rest time T˜ of the random walk. Application to the neolithic transition in Europe makes it possible to derive more realistic theoretical values for its wavefront speed than those following from the single-delayed framework presented previously [J. Fort and V. Méndez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 867 (1999)]. The new results are consistent with the archaeological observations of this important historical process
Topological order has proven a useful concept to describe quantum phase transitions which are not captured by the Ginzburg-Landau type of symmetry-breaking order. However, lacking a local order parameter, topological order is hard to detect. One way to detect it is via direct observation of anyonic properties of excitations which are usually discussed in the thermodynamic limit, but so far has not been realized in macroscopic quantum Hall samples. Here we consider a system of few interacting bosons subjected to the lowest Landau level by a gauge potential, and theoretically investigate vortex excitations in order to identify topological properties of different ground states. Our investigation demonstrates that even in surprisingly small systems anyonic properties are able to characterize the topological order. In addition, focusing on a system in the Laughlin state, we study the robustness of its anyonic behavior in the presence of tunable finite-range interactions acting as a perturbation. A clear signal of a transition to a different state is reflected by the system's anyonic properties.
Studies on the potential benefits of conveying biofeedback stimulus using a musical signal have appeared in recent years with the intent of harnessing the strong effects that music listening may have on subjects. While results are encouraging, the fundamental question has yet to be addressed, of how combined music and biofeedback compares to the already established use of either of these elements separately. This experiment, involving young adults (N = 24), compared the effectiveness at modulating participants' states of physiological arousal of each of the following conditions: A) listening to pre-recorded music, B) sonification biofeedback of the heart rate, and C) an algorithmically modulated musical feedback signal conveying the subject's heart rate. Our hypothesis was that each of the conditions (A), (B) and (C) would differ from the other two in the extent to which it enables participants to increase and decrease their state of physiological arousal, with (C) being more effective than (B), and both more than (A). Several physiological measures and qualitative responses were recorded and analyzed. Results show that using musical biofeedback allowed participants to modulate their state of physiological arousal at least equally well as sonification biofeedback, and much better than just listening to music, as reflected in their heart rate measurements, controlling for respiration-rate. Our findings indicate that the known effects of music in modulating arousal can therefore be beneficially harnessed when designing a biofeedback protocol.
We report on the study of nonequilibrium ordering in the reaction-diffusion lattice gas. It is a kinetic model that relaxes towards steady states under the simultaneous competition of a thermally activated creation-annihilation $(reaction$) process at temperature T, and a diffusion process driven by a heat bath at temperature T?T. The phase diagram as one varies T and T, the system dimension d, the relative priori probabilities for the two processes, and their dynamical rates is investigated. We compare mean-field theory, new Monte Carlo data, and known exact results for some limiting cases. In particular, no evidence of Landau critical behavior is found numerically when d=2 for Metropolis rates but Onsager critical points and a variety of first-order phase transitions.
A peculiar type of synchronization has been found when two Van der PolDuffing oscillators, evolving in different chaotic attractors, are coupled. As the coupling increases, the frequencies of the two oscillators remain different, while a synchronized modulation of the amplitudes of a signal of each system develops, and a null Lyapunov exponent of the uncoupled systems becomes negative and gradually larger in absolute value. This phenomenon is characterized by an appropriate correlation function between the returns of the signals, and interpreted in terms of the mutual excitation of new frequencies in the oscillators power spectra. This form of synchronization also occurs in other systems, but it shows up mixed with or screened by other forms of synchronization, as illustrated in this paper by means of the examples of the dynamic behavior observed for three other different models of chaotic oscillators.
Closing talk of the Open Access Week 2011 at the UOC, by Josep Jover. Why do altruistic strategies beat selfish ones in the spheres of both free software and the #15m movement? The #15m movement, like software but unlike tangible goods, cannot be owned. It can be used (by joining it) by an indeterminate number of people without depriving anyone else of the chance to do the same. And that turns everything on its head: how universities manage information and what their mission is in this new society. In the immediate future, universities will be valued not for the information they harbour, which will always be richer and more extensive beyond their walls, but rather for their capacity to create critical masses, whether of knowledge research, skill-building, or networks of peers... universities must implement the new model or risk becoming obsolete.
This paper proposes a spatial filtering technique forthe reception of pilot-aided multirate multicode direct-sequencecode division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems such as widebandCDMA (WCDMA). These systems introduce a code-multiplexedpilot sequence that can be used for the estimation of thefilter weights, but the presence of the traffic signal (transmittedat the same time as the pilot sequence) corrupts that estimationand degrades the performance of the filter significantly. This iscaused by the fact that although the traffic and pilot signals areusually designed to be orthogonal, the frequency selectivity of thechannel degrades this orthogonality at hte receiving end. Here,we propose a semi-blind technique that eliminates the self-noisecaused by the code-multiplexing of the pilot. We derive analyticallythe asymptotic performance of both the training-only andthe semi-blind techniques and compare them with the actual simulatedperformance. It is shown, both analytically and via simulation,that high gains can be achieved with respect to training-onlybasedtechniques.
This paper investigates the asymptotic uniform power allocation capacity of frequency nonselective multiple-inputmultiple-output channels with fading correlation at either thetransmitter or the receiver. We consider the asymptotic situation,where the number of inputs and outputs increase without boundat the same rate. A simple uniparametric model for the fadingcorrelation function is proposed and the asymptotic capacity perantenna is derived in closed form. Although the proposed correlationmodel is introduced only for mathematical convenience, itis shown that its shape is very close to an exponentially decayingcorrelation function. The asymptotic expression obtained providesa simple and yet useful way of relating the actual fadingcorrelation to the asymptotic capacity per antenna from a purelyanalytical point of view. For example, the asymptotic expressionsindicate that fading correlation is more harmful when arising atthe side with less antennas. Moreover, fading correlation does notinfluence the rate of growth of the asymptotic capacity per receiveantenna with high Eb /N0.
A particular property of the matched desiredimpulse response receiver is introduced in this paper, namely,the fact that full exploitation of the diversity is obtained withmultiple beamformers when the channel is spatially and timelydispersive. This particularity makes the receiver specially suitablefor mobile and underwater communications. The new structureprovides better performance than conventional and weightedVRAKE receivers, and a diversity gain with no needs of additionalradio frequency equipment. The baseband hardware neededfor this new receiver may be obtained through reconfigurabilityof the RAKE architectures available at the base station. Theproposed receiver is tested through simulations assuming UTRAfrequency-division-duplexing mode.
In this paper, the theory of hidden Markov models (HMM) isapplied to the problem of blind (without training sequences) channel estimationand data detection. Within a HMM framework, the Baum–Welch(BW) identification algorithm is frequently used to find out maximum-likelihood (ML) estimates of the corresponding model. However, such a procedureassumes the model (i.e., the channel response) to be static throughoutthe observation sequence. By means of introducing a parametric model fortime-varying channel responses, a version of the algorithm, which is moreappropriate for mobile channels [time-dependent Baum-Welch (TDBW)] isderived. Aiming to compare algorithm behavior, a set of computer simulationsfor a GSM scenario is provided. Results indicate that, in comparisonto other Baum–Welch (BW) versions of the algorithm, the TDBW approachattains a remarkable enhancement in performance. For that purpose, onlya moderate increase in computational complexity is needed.
The inverse scattering problem concerning the determination of the joint time-delayDoppler-scale reflectivity density characterizing continuous target environments is addressed by recourse to the generalized frame theory. A reconstruction formula,involving the echoes of a frame of outgoing signals and its corresponding reciprocalframe, is developed. A ‘‘realistic’’ situation with respect to the transmission ofa finite number of signals is further considered. In such a case, our reconstruction formula is shown to yield the orthogonal projection of the reflectivity density onto a subspace generated by the transmitted signals.
In this paper, two probabilistic adaptive algorithmsfor jointly detecting active users in a DS-CDMA system arereported. The first one, which is based on the theory of hiddenMarkov models (HMM’s) and the Baum–Wech (BW) algorithm,is proposed within the CDMA scenario and compared withthe second one, which is a previously developed Viterbi-basedalgorithm. Both techniques are completely blind in the sense thatno knowledge of the signatures, channel state information, ortraining sequences is required for any user. Once convergencehas been achieved, an estimate of the signature of each userconvolved with its physical channel response (CR) and estimateddata sequences are provided. This CR estimate can be used toswitch to any decision-directed (DD) adaptation scheme. Performanceof the algorithms is verified via simulations as well as onexperimental data obtained in an underwater acoustics (UWA)environment. In both cases, performance is found to be highlysatisfactory, showing the near–far resistance of the analyzed algorithms.
Aim of this contribution is to illustrate the state of the art of smart antenna research from several perspectives. The bow is drawn from transmitter issues via channel measurements and modeling, receiver signal processing, network aspects, technological challenges towards first smart antenna applications and current status of standardization. Moreover, some future prospects of different disciplines in smart antenna research are given.
This paper provides a systematic approach to theproblem of nondata aided symbol-timing estimation for linearmodulations. The study is performed under the unconditionalmaximum likelihood framework where the carrier-frequencyerror is included as a nuisance parameter in the mathematicalderivation. The second-order moments of the received signal arefound to be the sufficient statistics for the problem at hand and theyallow the provision of a robust performance in the presence of acarrier-frequency error uncertainty. We particularly focus on theexploitation of the cyclostationary property of linear modulations.This enables us to derive simple and closed-form symbol-timingestimators which are found to be based on the well-known squaretiming recovery method by Oerder and Meyr. Finally, we generalizethe OM method to the case of linear modulations withoffset formats. In this case, the square-law nonlinearity is foundto provide not only the symbol-timing but also the carrier-phaseerror.