744 resultados para Sant Andreu (Barcelona, Catalonia)
En un moment en que Catalunya i, sobretot, la regió metropolitana de Barcelona, experimenta un procés d'ocupació del territori sense precedents, es especialment important avançar en l'estudi dels possibles connectors existents, el seu reconeixement i la seva delimitació en el planejament territorial, El 13 de juliol de 2004 es va signar i fer públic el Manifest de Sant Celoni pel reconeixement de les vies verdes del Vallès. En aquest manifest es demana, entre altres mesures, el reconeixement i la delimitació en el planejament territorial de 7 grans vies verdes: Obac-Olorda, Sant Llorenç-Collserola, Farell-Marina, Gallifa-Gallecs, Tagamanent-Cellecs, Calma-Corredor, Montseny-Montnegre. Totes aquestes vies exerceixen funcions de connexió ecològica i paisatgística entre les serralades Litoral i Prelitoral i, juntament amb altres espais menys urbanitzats que hi ha al peu de la serralada Prelitoral, integren el sistema d'espais oberts del Vallès. Aquesta ponència presenta, en primer lloc, el marc conceptual on s'inscriu el concepte via verda. En segon lloc, explica els principals antecedents en relació amb les vies verdes del Vallès que apareixen en el Manifest de Sant Celoni, i, finalment l’encaix de les vies verdes del Vallès en el planejament territorial de la regió metropolitana de Barcelona, així com les principals línies estratègiques que es podrien seguir per convertir-les en una realitat
The mercantile company was the basic form of enterprise in pre-industrial Catalonia. The aim of this paper is to study the formation and development of the mercantile companies in Barcelona whose end was the wholesale and retail sale of textiles in the botigues de teles (textile retail shops) throughout the eighteenth century. These firms were officially registered before a notary and their deeds reveal how these establishments were administered and managed.The study covers a sample of 121 mercantile companies, and the articles and documentation that were put into effect by 32 notaries who were active in Barcelona in the 18th century have been consulted in their entirety. From an initial selection of documentation, a total of 228 deeds registering companies have been found, 107 of which (47%) relate to the creation of companies whose various activities were centred in taverns, textile manufacturing, braiding.... While the 121 companies, which make up our sample and which account for 53% of the deeds registered with the notaries mentioned above, focused exclusively on the management of textile retail shops located in the commercial heart of the city. Thus one point of interest that the documentation reveals is that the majority of the mercantile companies registered by Barcelona notaries throughout the 18th century were establishments which traded in textiles. The first part of the article focuses on the structural characteristics of these enterprises, the number and socio-professional status of the partners and the extent of each partner s involvement in the administration and management. The second part of the article examines the capital investment made by each partner, their rights and obligations agreed on, the sharing out of profits and possible losses and the duration of the companies. The final aim of the paper is to highlight the evolution of these companies through one specific case.
In this paper we measure the degree of income related inequality in mental health as measured by the GHQ instrument and general health as measured by the EQOL-5D instrument for the Catalan population. We find that income is the main contributor to inequality, although the share of inequality in mental health that can be explained by income is much greater than the corresponding share of inequality in general health. We also find that the variation in demographic structure reduces income related inequality in mental health but increases income related inequality in general health. The regional variations in both instruments for health are striking, with the Barcelona districts faring relatively bad with respect to the rest of geographical areas and Lleida being the health region where, all else held equal, the population reports the greatest level of health. A big share of inequality in the two health measures, but specially mental health, is due to the favourable position in both health and income of those who enjoy an indefinite contract with respect to the rest of individuals. We also find that risky working conditions affect both health measures and are able to explain an important share of socio-economic inequality.
Este artículo es una aproximación a los métodos utilizados para analizar, cuantificar y valorar los cambios en los usos y cubiertas del suelo en estos dos valles que forman parte del espacio natural protegido de la Alta Garrotxa. La dinámica vivida en este territorio es un claro ejemplo de los procesos acaecidos a lo largo del siglo XX en buena parte de las áreas de montaña mediterránea. Una dinámica caracterizada fundamentalmentepor un incremento de la superficie forestal en detrimento del espacio agrario. Así mismo se proponen pautas metodológicas para su adecuada cartografía, así como para determinar las áreas potencialmente recuperables de espacio agrario con el objetivo de mantener la diversidad paisajística, biológica y el patrimonio cultural con la ayuda de los SIG y la Ecología del Paisaje
Descripció de les roques dels Clots de Sant Julià (Forallac, Baix Empordà) i anàlisi arqueològica de les pedreres dels Clots
The behaviour of 21 natural springs in a granític massif is studied in this survey. Geomorphological features of the zone are described as well as water circulation and rising 25 parametres of each of them are analysed ans conclusions are withdrawn regarding geological conditions of rising, course, chemism and potability
Descripció del sistema càrstic de Sant Martí de Llémena
In this paper we make a litostratigraphical study on the Miocene of the 'Vallés occidental' (Barcelona, Spain) which embraces a part of the 'Depresion Media' of the intermediary tectonic grave between the 'Cadena Litoral' and 'Prelitoral' of the 'Sistema Mediterráneo'. At the same time we undertake an analysis of the bassin
A series of circumstances which converge in a little valley in the province of Girona, result in a peculiar type of morphogenetic evolution and a quite singular mechanical instability of its buttons. Very recent tectonic movements as well as dissolution phenomena of its subsoil due to pressurized underground water have played an important role in the morphogenesis. Such conditions have resulted in a fast morphological evolution which a progressive lowering of the valley floor as well as peculiar morphological features which favour the existence of numerous pits caused by sudden collapses distributed in altitude and time
The origin and the primary features of the erosive earth pillar-like formations that develop in the Riera de Gaià (Barcelona) and in the Bernal de Yátor (Granada) are described. They are dynamic formations typical of areas subjected to strong water erosion
The area known as 'prats de Sant Sebastià' is in Caldes de Malavella. It is part of the wetlands located in the south-eastern end of the Selva Basin. Several areas with unusually high conductivity (EC up to 24,500 uS/cm) have been identified in this place. This fact allows highly specialised and comparatively rare botanical species to grow in this area. These saline soils follow a north-south line-up. The geophysical data, obtained with a field conductivemeter (EM 31), show that this superficial line-up continues in the subsoil. In addition to this, the conductivity cartography, made for an electromagnetic exploration depth of 6 meters, shows that the width of the region where these salinity anomalies take place increases in depth. When included in the hidrogeological context of this sector of the Selva Basin, these data bring new elements for the study of the genesis and working of these marshy environments.The model that future research will have to confirm, maintains that the groundwater discharges coming from the underlying hydrogeothermal aquifer are a conditioning factor of the aforementioned phenomenon. This ascending flow of highly mineralised waters (TDS of about 3,500 mg/l) can produce and keep stable the soil salinity
Estudi de les estructures i característiques petrològiques de les aplites que es localitzen al litoral entre el Cap Roig i el Far de Sant Sebastià (Llafranc, Girona)
Es descriuen les diferents menes de roques utilitzades en la construcció de la Porta Ferrada de Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Les dades litològiques obtingudes permeten localitzar de manera aproximada les pedreres d'on procedeixen els carreus que la conformen. A més, la posició de les diferents varietats de roques dins el conjunt del monument permet arribar a distingir les parts que corresponen a l'edifici original d'aquelles que s'hi han afegit posteriorment
The main volcanic edifice of the Crosa de Sant Dalmai is the largest in the catalonian volcanic area. The crater is 1.300 m long and 74 m deep. At present it is protected by the "Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural" of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Descripció de la seqüència estratigràfica i dels registres paleoambientals dels sediments holocens de Sant Julià de Boada