351 resultados para Quijano, Alonso


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Background During the 2009 influenza pandemic, a change in the type of patients most often affected by influenza was observed. The objective of this study was to assess the role of individual and social determinants in hospitalizations due to influenza A (H1N1) 2009 infection. Methods We studied hospitalized patients (cases) and outpatients (controls) with confirmed influenza A (H1N1) 2009 infection. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect data. Variables that might be related to the hospitalization of influenza cases were compared by estimation of the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) and the variables entered into binomial logistic regression models. Results Hospitalization due to pandemic A (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus infections was associated with non-Caucasian ethnicity (OR: 2.18, 95% CI 1.17 − 4.08), overcrowding (OR: 2.84, 95% CI 1.20 − 6.72), comorbidity and the lack of previous preventive information (OR: 2.69, 95% CI: 1.50 − 4.83). Secondary or higher education was associated with a lower risk of hospitalization (OR 0.56, 95% CI: 0.36 − 0.87) Conclusions In addition to individual factors such as comorbidity, other factors such as educational level, ethnicity or overcrowding were associated with hospitalization due to A (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus infections.


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HDM, Help Desk Manager és una aplicació android que permet crear i gestionar les incidències que es presenten en una empresa.


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We report on the study of nonequilibrium ordering in the reaction-diffusion lattice gas. It is a kinetic model that relaxes towards steady states under the simultaneous competition of a thermally activated creation-annihilation $(reaction$) process at temperature T, and a diffusion process driven by a heat bath at temperature T?T. The phase diagram as one varies T and T, the system dimension d, the relative priori probabilities for the two processes, and their dynamical rates is investigated. We compare mean-field theory, new Monte Carlo data, and known exact results for some limiting cases. In particular, no evidence of Landau critical behavior is found numerically when d=2 for Metropolis rates but Onsager critical points and a variety of first-order phase transitions.


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Different compounds have been reported as biomarkers of a smoking habit, but, to date, there is no appropriate biomarker for tobacco-related exposure because the proposed chemicals seem to be nonspecific or they are only appropriate for short-term exposure. Moreover, conventional sampling methodologies require an invasive method because blood or urine samples are required. The use of a microtrap system coupled to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis has been found to be very effective for the noninvasive analysis of volatile organic compounds in breath samples. The levels of benzene, 2,5-dimethylfuran, toluene, o-xylene, and m- p-xylene have been analyzed in breath samples obtained from 204 volunteers (100 smokers, 104 nonsmokers; 147 females, 57 males; ages 16 to 53 years). 2,5-Dimethylfuran was always below the limit of detection (0.005 ppbv) in the nonsmoker population and always detected in smokers independently of the smoking habits. Benzene was only an effective biomarker for medium and heavy smokers, and its level was affected by smoking habits. Regarding the levels of xylenes and toluene, they were only different in heavy smokers and after short-term exposure. The results obtained suggest that 2,5-dimethylfuran is a specific breath biomarker of smoking status independently of the smoking habits (e.g., short- and long-term exposure, light and heavy consumption), and so this compound might be useful as a biomarker of smoking exposure


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El Sentido de la Vida (SV) es una variable que recientemente ha cobrado un gran interés clínico, de manera especial en aquellos pacientes que se encuentran en situación terminal como consecuencia de una enfermedad mortal, como puede ser el cáncer. Este estudio se trata de una revisión bibliográfica en la que se revisan las diferentes definiciones sobre el SV, se investiga cual de todas las escalas que cuantifican el SV es la más completa y mejor se adapta a la práctica clínica y, por último, se analiza si "Pérdida del Sentido de la Vida" podría proponerse como etiqueta diagnóstica NANDA


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This last decade, main Spanish urban areas have received large amounts of international immigrants, modifying (sub)urban dynamics. The paper specifically explores the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (RMB), where, between 1998 and 2009, foreign nationality residents rose from 1.8 to 14.9% of total population.Research focuses on the impact of foreign immigration on three specific dynamics: population growth and distribution/segregation of both Spanish and foreign populations within the metropolitan area; their respective residential mobility patterns; and consequences on their age and sex structure. Results show that there are remarkable differences between the two populations: foreign immigrants have preferably settled in the core city"s least affluent neighbourhoods and, in a second phase, in inner ring municipalities, while the Spanish population continues to move to suburban municipalities


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El present projecte té la finalitat de fer un estudi sobre les diferents tipologies d'energies renovables i les possibilitats de la seva implantació a la comarca de la Segarra.


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The object of this project is to schedule a ctitious European basketball competition with many teams situated a long distances. The schedule must be fair, feasible and economical, which means that the total distance trav- eled by every team must be the minimal possible. First, we de ne the sport competition terminology and study di erent competition systems, focusing on the NBA and the Euroleague systems. Then we de ne concepts of graph theory and spherical distance that will be needed. Next we propose a com- petition system, explaining where will be allocated the teams and how will be the scheduling. Then there is a description of the programs that have been implemented, and, nally, the complete schedule is displayed, and some possible improvements are mentioned.


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Els treballs del present projecte contemplen el disseny i la instal lació de 5.250 m de pantalles flexibles antiallaus tipus Umbrelli, per tal de protegir la carretera C-28 dels efectes de les allaus. En concret les estructures es situaran a l’alçada del Pk 39 de la C-28, a uns 2 km, aproximadament del nucli de Baqueira, terme municipal del Naut Aran a la comarca de la Vall d’Aran. Amb la instal lació d’aquestes pantalles es pretén assegurar 40 hectàrees aproximadament del possible desencadenament d’allaus al vessant conegut com les Pales de Ruda.


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En el trabajo se presentan las transformaciones que han acaecido en la organización espacial del territorio gallego en función de su proceso de industrialización. Para ello el análisis se centra principalmente en observar como se ha producido el cambio de una economía de base agraria muy aferrada a una más diversificada, donde la actividad industrial está jugando un papel importante para comprender la nueva articulación axial.


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En este trabajo intentamos comprobar, entre otros factores, la configuración de medios innovadores a escala local, donde se forma una red de empresas, se aplica un saber tradicional, una cultura y un capital social que se adapta perfectamente a los mercados internacionales más competitivos. Concretamente, el municipio objeto de estudio, A Estrada (Pontevedra), presenta un desarrollo económico apoyado en la fabricación de muebles.