323 resultados para Ievleva, Elena
Este estudio está basado en el muestreo de campo y posterior análisis de 24 parcelas de hayedo seleccionadas mediante una estratificación de su área de distribución basada en la clasificación CLATERES de la Ecorregión Catalano-Aragonesa. En cada parcela se han evaluado 3 parámetros fisiográficos, 15 climáticos y 18 edáficos, a partir de los cuales se han establecido sus valores paramétricos centrales y marginales que permiten definir los hábitats fisiográfico, climático y edáfico de las masas de Fagus sylvatica L. en Cataluña. Los hayedos catalanes se presentan sobre substratos litológicos muy diversos (plutonitas, vulcanitas, metamorfitas y sedimentitas, tanto ácidas como básicas), con texturas predominantes francas, franco-arenosas o franco-limosas. Los suelos, según FAO, son mayoritariamente cambisoles. A pesar de que la capacidad de retención de agua de sus suelos es escasa, la sequía fisiológica es reducida. Los humus predominantemente pertenecen a los tipos mull forestal y mull cálcico. Además, se presentan una serie de parámetros selvícolas ( Densidad de pies y densidad de chirpiales, Area basimétrica, Altura Total dominante, Índices de Hart-Becking, Índice de Calidad de Estación y Edad de la masa) que al correlacionarlos con los ecológicos nos ha permitido comprobar que los mejores hayedos se encuentran en las localizaciones más térmicas, en las que incluso se podría producir sequía fisiológica si no fuera por que existen suficientes precipitaciones estivales.
Adverse childhood experiences have been described as one of the major environmental risk factors for depressive disorder. Likewise, the deleterious impact of early traumatic experiences on depression seems to be moderated by individual genetic variability. Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) seem to modulate the effect of childhood adversity on adult depression, although inconsistencies across studies have been found. Moreover, the GxE interaction concerning the different types of childhood adversity remains poorly understood. The aim of this study is to analyse the putative interaction between the 5-HTT gene (5-HTTLPR polymorphism), BDNF gene (Val66Met polymorphism) and childhood adversity in accounting for adult depressive symptoms.
Background: Alcohol-related expectancies are especially relevant in relation to alcohol consumption during adolescence. The main aim of this study was to adapt and translate into Spanish (Castilian) the Expectancy Questionnaire (EQ), and to study its psychometric properties in adolescents. Method: The sample was composed of 514 adolescents (57.20% female, mean age = 15.21; SD = .63) who completed the EQ and the alcohol consumption questionnaire AIS-UJI. Results: Confi rmatory factor analysis indicated that an eight-factor model, grouped into two general factors of positive and negative expectancies, had acceptable fi t indices. Cronbach’s alphas ranged from .75 to .96. Finally, the structural equation model showed that positive expectancies were positively related to alcohol use, whereas negative expectancies were negatively related to drinking. Conclusions: Results showed that the Spanish version of the EQ for adolescents is a valid and reliable questionnaire to measure expectancies about alcohol effects.
Este artículo presenta los primeros datos del desarrollo de la versión española para adolescentes, entre 12 y 17 años, del NEO PI-R (JS NEO). Noventa y dos de los 240 ítems fueron modificados con el fin de adaptar el vocabulario de los mismos a este grupo de edad. Las propiedades psicométricas del JS NEO han sido investigadas en una muestra de 2.505 adolescentes. Los resultados muestran cómo la estructura factorial encontrada con el NEO PI-R para adultos se replica en la versión junior. Las fiabilidades de consistencia interna y estabilidad temporal de las escalas fueron adecuadas en la mayor parte de los casos. Además, la correlación entre las escalas de las versiones para adultos (NEO PI-R) y adolescentes (JS NEO) muestran que la versión para adolescentes presenta una validez de constructo adecuada.
Les comarques de la Catalunya Central conformen una de les àrees cerealístiques més importants de Catalunya, de fet la més important en secà, ja que el clima d’un tipus més subhumit permet produccions regulars i més elevades que en algunes de les comarques veïnes. En aquestes comarques la ramaderia és també, com a molts indrets de la Catalunya interior, força important i on el porquí té un pes molt elevat. La fertilització de base orgànica complementada quan i on escaigui amb fertilitzants minerals pot ésser la millor solució agronòmica, ambiental i econòmica. Perquè això sigui així cal primer un bon coneixement del comportament d’aquests fertilitzants orgànics en aquests sistemes agraris situats en climes menys àrids que els de la Catalunya de Ponent, i a més cal que aquesta informació arribi a tècnics, pagesos i diversos operadors que hi ha al territori. Per això l’objectiu de l’estudi d’aquesta publicació és omplir un buit d’informació que existia mitjançant la col·laboració amb la Universitat de Lleida amb la posada en marxa d’una sèrie de camps experimentals distribuïts al llarg de tota la zona, on les diferents variables: tipus de fems, moment d’aplicació, etc. eren assajades. Al mateix temps es va posar en marxa tot un seguit de treballs amb col·laboració directa amb els pagesos i ramaders, on se’ls orientava en la millor pràctica de fertilització agronòmica, ambiental i econòmica; tot això amb la idea de fer una taca d’oli, que aquests agricultors, capdavanters en molts casos, estenguessin entre els seus veïns propers aquest concepte. Tot això conforma el que s’anomena Pla de Millora de la Fertilització de la Catalunya Central. La finalitat era doncs oferir, sobre unes sòlides bases experimentals, un consell d’adobat robust que el poguessin assumir els diferents prescriptors en fertilització que d’aquesta manera es van posar sobre el territori. Acabada aquesta primera fase és moment de fer balanç, resumir les actuacions i posar-les en un format assequible i que sigui fàcilment disponible. Això és el que fa aquesta publicació. Aquests treballs del Pla de fertilització van néixer amb vocació d’adaptar-se a les canviants situacions social i econòmica i a l’avenç del coneixement que representen. Ara s’ha donat continuïtat a aquests treballs per part del DAAM, tenint en compte el grau de coneixement assolit i donant continuïtat a alguns dels camps experimentals bàsics, amb l’enfocament de fer sostenible el sistema agrícola i ramader que hi ha a la comarca i que és la base de la seva economia. Ajustant-se al marc abans esmentat, amb la col·laboració de tots els agents participants anteriors es busca en aquesta nova fase incrementar els coneixements bàsics, omplint els buits existents, mantenir els prescriptors en fertilització sobre el territori i incrementar l’eficiència en l’ús dels recursos esmerçats. Fruit d’aquesta experiència i d’altres en diferents indrets de Catalunya, el DAAM està potenciant aquest model d’adquisició de coneixement i transferint-lo al sector mitjançant l’anomenada Xarxa de Plans de fertilització, que hores d’ara cobreix una part molt significativa de Catalunya i que es vol potenciar.
Historical data about ancient avalanches are scarce in the Pyrenees. Dendrochronology can provide new data about past avalanches and their return period, but up to now little research has been carried out with this purpose. The Aludex project aims to obtain information about the frequency and extent of extreme avalanches, using a dendrochronological and a nivo-meteorological approach. In this paper, we present the results of a dendrochronological study of the Canal del Roc Roig avalanche path which was affected by two extreme avalanches in February 1996. This first dendrochronological study has permitted us to assess the tree-ring signals due to avalanche events in 53 out of 132 dated trees. The trees presented a variety of responses to the 1996 avalanche events. It is shown that the type of tree-ring signal depends on tree age. The methodology has proved successful in detecting the 1996 and 1972 documented avalanche events, and provided outstanding evidence of undocumented past events such as one in 1930.
Avalanche hazard maps of high accuracy are difficult to produce. For land-use planning and management purposes, a good knowledge of extreme run-out zones and frequencies of avalanches is required. In the present work, vegetation recognition (especially focused on Pinus uncinata trees) and dendrochronological techniques are used to characterize avalanches that have occurred in historical times, helping to determine both the extent of large or extreme avalanches and their occurrence in time. Vegetation was studied at the Canal del Roc Roig (eastern Pyrenees, Spain) avalanche path. The avalanches descending this path affect the railway that reaches the Vall de Núria resort and the run-up to the opposite slope. During winter 1996, two important avalanches affecting this path were well documented. These are compared with the results of the vegetation study, consisting of an inventory of flora, the recording of vegetation damages along eight transverse profiles at different altitudes on the path and a dendrochronological sampling campaign. The data obtained contributed to a characterization of the predominant snow accumulation in the starting zone, the 1996 avalanches and the range of frequencies of large avalanches. Also, traces of avalanches that increase the path mapped in the avalanche paths map published by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya in 2000 were identified, improving the initial existing information.
Avalanche hazard maps of high accuracy are difficult to produce. For land-use planning and management purposes, a good knowledge of extreme run-out zones and frequencies of avalanches is required. In the present work, vegetation recognition (especially focused on Pinus uncinata trees) and dendrochronological techniques are used to characterize avalanches that have occurred in historical times, helping to determine both the extent of large or extreme avalanches and their occurrence in time. Vegetation was studied at the Canal del Roc Roig (eastern Pyrenees, Spain) avalanche path. The avalanches descending this path affect the railway that reaches the Vall de Núria resort and the run-up to the opposite slope. During winter 1996, two important avalanches affecting this path were well documented. These are compared with the results of the vegetation study, consisting of an inventory of flora, the recording of vegetation damages along eight transverse profiles at different altitudes on the path and a dendrochronological sampling campaign. The data obtained contributed to a characterization of the predominant snow accumulation in the starting zone, the 1996 avalanches and the range of frequencies of large avalanches. Also, traces of avalanches that increase the path mapped in the avalanche paths map published by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya in 2000 were identified, improving the initial existing information.
Background While growing in natural environments yeasts can be affected by osmotic stress provoked by high glucose concentrations. The response to this adverse condition requires the HOG pathway and involves transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms initiated by the phosphorylation of this protein, its translocation to the nucleus and activation of transcription factors. One of the genes induced to respond to this injury is YHR087W. It encodes for a protein structurally similar to the N-terminal region of human SBDS whose expression is also induced under other forms of stress and whose deletion determines growth defects at high glucose concentrations. Results In this work we show that YHR087W expression is regulated by several transcription factors depending on the particular stress condition, and Hot1p is particularly relevant for the induction at high glucose concentrations. In this situation, Hot1p, together to Sko1p, binds to YHR087W promoter in a Hog1p-dependent manner. Several evidences obtained indicate Yhr087wp"s role in translation. Firstly, and according to TAP purification experiments, it interacts with proteins involved in translation initiation. Besides, its deletion mutant shows growth defects in the presence of translation inhibitors and displays a slightly slower translation recovery after applying high glucose stress than the wild type strain. Analyses of the association of mRNAs to polysome fractions reveals a lower translation in the mutant strain of the mRNAs corresponding to genes GPD1, HSP78 and HSP104. Conclusions The data demonstrates that expression of Yhr087wp under high glucose concentration is controlled by Hot1p and Sko1p transcription factors, which bind to its promoter. Yhr087wp has a role in translation, maybe in the control of the synthesis of several stress response proteins, which could explain the lower levels of some of these proteins found in previous proteomic analyses and the growth defects of the deletion strain. Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae; High glucose osmotic stress; Gene YHR087W; Gene expression; Translation; Hot1p; Hog1p; Polysomes
Pregunta de revisión: ¿El tratamiento de doble tarea con la incorporación del sistema de realidad virtual BioTrack favorece el equilibrio en los pacientes que han sufrido un traumatismo craneoencefálico? Objetivo: Determinar si el trabajo de doble tarea cognitivo-motor con la incorporación de realidad virtual favorece el equilibrio de los pacientes con traumatismo craneoencefálico. Metodología: se realizará un diseño de tipo experimental, aleatorio controlado y prospectivo. Se planteará un proyecto de 36 sesiones dividido en seis meses basado en trabajo de doble tarea cognitivo-motor con realidad virtual. Consta de un tratamiento combinado de ejercicios para el equilibrio con el soporte de realidad virtual BioTrack. Al mismo tiempo se trabajará la memoria y la atención para el trabajo cognitivo. Se compara con el grupo control que solo realiza ejercicios con BioTrack. La medida principal es el equilibrio medido con la berg balance scale y la influencia del trabajo cognitivo.
Mephedrone is a drug of abuse marketed as 'bath salts'. There are discrepancies concerning its long-term effects. We have investigated the neurotoxicity of mephedrone in mice following different exposition schedules. Schedule 1: four doses of 50 mg/kg. Schedule 2: four doses of 25 mg/kg. Schedule 3: three daily doses of 25 mg/kg, for two consecutive days. All schedules induced, in some animals, an aggressive behavior and hyperthermia as well as a decrease in weight gain. Mephedrone (schedule 1) induced dopaminergic and serotoninergic neurotoxicity that persisted 7 days after exposition. At a lower dose (schedule 2) only a transient dopaminergic injury was found. In the weekend consumption pattern (schedule 3), mephedrone induced dopamine and serotonin transporter loss that was accompanied by a decrease in tyrosine hydroxylase and tryptophan hydroxylase 2 expression one week after exposition. Also, mephedrone induced a depressive-like behavior, as well as a reduction in striatal D2 density, suggesting higher susceptibility to addictive drugs. In cultured cortical neurons, mephedrone induced a concentration-dependent cytotoxic effect. Using repeated doses for 2 days in an elevated ambient temperature we evidenced a loss of frontal cortex dopaminergic and hippocampal serotoninergic neuronal markers that suggest injuries at nerve endings.
Online learning provides the opportunity to work on academic tasks at any time at the same time as doing other activities, such as using in web 2.0 tools. This study identifies factors that contribute to success in online learning from the students¿ perspective and their relationship with time patterns. A survey of learning outputs was used to find relationships between students¿ satisfaction, knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer with time for working on academic tasks. In this study, 199 students from a university in Mexico completed the survey. Findings suggest that knowledge transfer has a significant association with the number of hours online per day, hours spent on social networks and the use made of e-learning during working hours. Learner satisfaction has a strong relationship with the time in years a learner has been using the Internet and the number of hours devoted to the course per week. The findings of this research will be helpful for faculty and instructional designers for implementing learning strategies.
Objective: To evaluate the agreement between multislice CT (MSCT) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) to assess the in-stent lumen diameters and lumen areas of left main coronary artery (LMCA) stents. Design: Prospective, observational single centre study. Setting: A single tertiary referral centre. Patients: Consecutive patients with LMCA stenting excluding patients with atrial fibrillation and chronic renal failure. Interventions: MSCT and IVUS imaging at 9-12 months follow-up were performed for all patients. Main outcome measures: Agreement between MSCT and IVUS minimum luminal area (MLA) and minimum luminal diameter (MLD). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was plotted to find the MSCT cut-off point to diagnose binary restenosis equivalent to 6 mm2 by IVUS. Results: 52 patients were analysed. Passing-Bablok regression analysis obtained a β coefficient of 0.786 (0.586 to 1.071) for MLA and 1.250 (0.936 to 1.667) for MLD, ruling out proportional bias. The α coefficient was −3.588 (−8.686 to −0.178) for MLA and −1.713 (−3.583 to −0.257) for MLD, indicating an underestimation trend of MSCT. The ROC curve identified an MLA ≤4.7 mm2 as the best threshold to assess in-stent restenosis by MSCT. Conclusions: Agreement between MSCT and IVUS to assess in-stent MLA and MLD for LMCA stenting is good. An MLA of 4.7 mm2 by MSCT is the best threshold to assess binary restenosis. MSCT imaging can be considered in selected patients to assess LMCA in-stent restenosis
The performance of natural extracts obtained from underutilized and residual vegetal and macroalgal biomass processed with food-grade green solvents was compared with that of commercial antioxidants. Selected extracts were obtained from two terrestrial sources: winery byproducts concentrate (WBC) and chestnut burs hydrothermally fractionated extract (CBAE), and from two underutilized seaweeds: Sargassum muticum extracts, either extracted with ethanol (SmEE) or after alginate extraction and hydrothermal fractionation (SmAE) and from Ulva lactuca processed by mild acid extraction and membrane concentration (UlAE). These extracts showed in vitro antioxidant properties comparable to commercial antioxidants and were safe for topical use based on the absence of skin-irritant effects at 0.1% on reconstructed human tissues. The stability of several cosmetic model emulsions was assessed during accelerated oxidation assays. The incorporation of natural extracts produced from renewable underutilized resources at 0.4-0.5% in an oil-in-water emulsions reduced lipid oxidation during storage.
The effect of different food matrices on the metabolism and excretion of polyphenols is uncertain. The objective of the study was to evaluate the possible effect of milk on the excretion of (2)-epicatechin metabolites from cocoa powder after its ingestion with and without milk. Twenty-one volunteers received the following three test meals each in a randomised cross-over design with a 1-week interval between meals: (1) 250 ml whole milk as a control; (2) 40 g cocoa powder dissolved in 250 ml whole milk (CC-M); (3) 40 g cocoa powder dissolved in 250 ml water (CC-W). Urine was collected before consumption and during the 0-6, 6-12 and 12-24 h periods after consumption. (2)-Epicatechin metabolite excretion was measured using liquid chromatography-MS. One (2)-epicatechin glucuronide and three (2)-epicatechin sulfates were detected in urine excreted after the intake of the two cocoa beverages (CC-M and CC-W). The results show that milk does not significantly affect the total amount of metabolites excreted in urine. However, differences in metabolite excretion profiles were observed; there were changes in the glucuronide and sulfate excretion rates, and the sulfation position between the period of excretion and the matrix. The matrix in which polyphenols are consumed can affect their metabolism and excretion, and this may affect their biological activity. Thus, more studies are needed to evaluate the effect of these different metabolite profiles on the body.