232 resultados para Iberian Peninsule
Neandertals and the Middle Paleolithic persisted in the Iberian Peninsula south of the Ebro drainage system for several millennia beyond their assimilation/replacement elsewhere in Europe. As only modern humans are associated with the later stages of the Aurignacian, the duration of this persistence pattern can be assessed via the dating of diagnostic occurrences of such stages.
Los autores describen y comentan cuatro especies de mixomicetes: Arcyria oerstedtii Rost., Comatricha alta Preuss, Physarum decipiens Curtís, Stemonitis virginiensis Rex, poco mencionadas en el catálogo micològico de la Península Ibérica y Baleares.
El Cretácico inferior continental de la Cordillera Ibérica Central está representado en dos subcuencas de sedimentación: las Cubetas de Aguilón y Oliete. Los estudios realizados sobre estos materiales han permitido definir nuevas unidades litoestratigráficas, cuya caracterización bioestratigráfica se realiza a partir de su contenido en carofitas. La identificación de discontinuidades significativas permiten definir tres secuencias de depósito que abarca en el intervalo temporal Valanguniense y/o Hauteriviense-Barremiense inferior y que son correlacionables con las S.D.K1.2 y/o K1.3, K1.4 YK1.5 y/o K1.6 definidas en Salas et al. (1991) y Salas y Casas (1993) para la Cuenca del Maestrazgo. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que el registro estratigráfico de la zona central de la Cordillera Ibérica tiene una entidad similar al de los márgenes de las Cuencas del Maestrazgo, Aliaga- Peñagolosa y Cameros.
Presentem en aquest treball una revalorització d' aquestjaciment a partir de I'estudi amb criteris actualitzats del material conservat en el Museu Salvador Vilaseca de Reus. Els resultats són contrastats amb les darreres investigacions arqueologiques desenvolupades en el curs inferior de I'Ebre. Per últim, s'analitzen les possibles interpretacions d'aquest conjunt, i les seves implicacions en els inicis de la iberització en aquesta zona.
[cat]El Serrat dels Espinyers constitueix, per si mateix, un punt important en el poc conegut poblament ibéric del Pallars. En el panorama arqueològic català esdevé un cas únic pel que fa a la utiliztzació dels animals en activitats rituals vinculades tant a espais funeraris com domèstics, en particular pel volum i la qualitat de les dades aportades. L'anàlisi de les restes òssies animals i d'altes materials associats han procurart un conjunt de dades que permeten establir hipòtesis sobre els comportaments rituals de la societat ibèrica que va ocupar el jaciment. D'altra banda, es posa en evidència la importància de dos tàxons: els èquids i els gossos, i la seva relació amb l'activitat econòmica que hi va poder tenir lloc. [eng]Serrat dels Espinyers is an important site within the little known Iberian culture settlement of the Pallars area in Catalonia. Regarding the use of animals in ritual activities related to both domestic and funerary spaces, the data provided by this site are unique within the Catalan archaeology. The results obtained in the analysis of animal bones and other associated materials have allowed us to establish new hypotheses about the ritual behavior in Iberian society. Moreover, the importance of two taxa: horses and dogs, has been highlighted, as well as their relationship with the economic activity that could have taken place on the site.
El Triásico Superior del sector central valenciano de la Cordillera Ibérica presenta una facies germánica (Keuper) integrada por dos secuencias evaporíticas separadas por un episodio detrítico principal. Los datos preliminares obtenidos de una investigación palinológica en curso revelan una edad Karniense para todos estos materiales.
Iberia underwent intraplate deformation during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. In eastem Ibena, compression took place during the Palaeogene and early Miocene, giving rise to the Iberian Chain, and extension started during the early Miocene in the coastal areas and the Valencia trough; during early Miocene compression continued in the western Iberian Chain whereas extension had started in the eastern Iberian Chain. From the kinematic data obtained from the major compressional and extensional structures formed dunng the Cenozoic, a simple dynamic model using Bott's (1959) formula is presented. The results show that both extension and compression may have been produced assuming a main horizontal stress-axis approximately N-S, in a similar direction that the convergence between Europe, Ibena and Afnca dunng the Cenozoic.
El Triásico Superior del sector central valenciano de la Cordillera Ibérica presenta una facies germánica (Keuper) integrada por dos secuencias evaporíticas separadas por un episodio detrítico principal. Los datos preliminares obtenidos de una investigación palinológica en curso revelan una edad Karniense para todos estos materiales.
The richness and rarity of an insect community were analysed in a Mediterranean temporary pond located in NE of the Iberian Peninsula. The aquatic community was sampled weekly over 7 periods of flooding during y years (1996-1999). Distribution of rare species (with scarce presence at regional or peninsular levels, is detailed. The richness of the Espolla pond has been compared with that of other aquatic environments. The number of rare species of insects (8 taxa: 5 Corixidae, 1 Limnephilidae and 2 Chironomidae) and the insect richness (82 taxa) contrast with the traditional attribution of a low richness and rarity to the temporary aquatic environments
Triops cancriformis, Chirocephalus diaphanus, Branchipus schaefferi and Tanymastix stagnalis are recorded in several new localities of Iberian Peninsula. A literature review of the previous localities is done. It is described the characteristics of the habitats in those that the four species have been located. This paper extends the geographic and altitudinal distribution range of T. stagnalis in the Iberian Peninsula. A reduction of T. cancriformis populations has been detected in rice fields where they were abundant. A significant number oflocalities are inside or near protected areas, so it is important a sensitivity in the management of these areas for the conservation of temporary waters. A better knowledge of the distribution of these species is the basis for a necessary and efficient species and habitat protection
A floristic characterization of the Alt Empordà plain (N.E. Iberian Peninsula) is presented, including an appraisal of its recent evolution and present state. Eight different environments, correlated with lithological and edaphological features, are stablished on the basis of their floristic composition. The results will be of use in the management of the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park, which falls in its entirety within the study area
Interpretación de las estampillas ibero-romanas sobre mortero de Caminreal como textos no equivalentes entre sí, y de la palabra ibérica abiner como un antropónimo, y no como una traducción del vocablo latino servus.
El artículo analiza los distintos usos y funciones de la escritura ibérica en el ámbito doméstico, lo que permite desarrollar determinadas consideraciones a propósito del nivel de literacy atribuible a la sociedad ibérica, especialmente en época romana.
The aim of this study is to provide an effective and quick reference guide based on the most useful European formulae recently published for subadult age estimation. All of these formulae derive from studies on postnatal growth of the scapula, innominate, femur, and tibia, based on modern skeletal data (173 ♂, 173 ♀) from five documented collections from Spain, Portugal, and Britain. The formulae were calculated from Inverse Regression. For this reason, these formulae are especially useful for modern samples from Western Europe and in particular on 20th century human remains from the Iberian Peninsula. Eleven formulae were selected as the most useful because they can be applied to individuals from within a wide age range and in individuals of unknown sex. Due to their high reliability and because they derive from documented European skeletal samples, we recommend these formulae be used on individuals of Caucasoid ancestry from Western Europe.
Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology studies depend critically on the accuracy and reliability of age-estimation techniques. In this study we have evaluated two age-estimation methods for adults based on the pubic symphysis (Suchey-Brooks) and the auricular surface (Buckberry-Chamberlain) in a current sample of 139 individuals (67 women and 72 men) from Madrid in order to verify the accuracy of both methods applied to a sample of innominate bones from the central Iberian Peninsula. Based on the overall results of this study, the Buckberry-Chamberlain method seems to be the method that provides better estimates in terms of accuracy (percentage of hits) and absolute difference to the chronological age taking into account the total sample. The percentage of hits and mean absolute difference of the Buckberry-Chamberlain and Suchey-Brooks methods are 97.3% and 11.24 years, and 85.7% and 14.38 years, respectively. However, this apparently greater applicability of the Buckberry-Chamberlain method is mainly due to the broad age ranges provided. Results indicated that Suchey-Brooks method is more appropriate for populations with a majority of young individuals, whereas Buckberry-Chamberlain method is recommended for populations with a higher percentage of individuals in the range 60-70 years. These different age estimation methodologies significantly influence the resulting demographic profile, consequently affecting the biological characteristics reconstruction of the samples in which they are applied.