226 resultados para Facio, José Antonio


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Diagnosis of community acquired legionella pneumonia (CALP) is currently performed by means of laboratory techniques which may delay diagnosis several hours. To determine whether ANN can categorize CALP and non-legionella community-acquired pneumonia (NLCAP) and be standard for use by clinicians, we prospectively studied 203 patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) diagnosed by laboratory tests. Twenty one clinical and analytical variables were recorded to train a neural net with two classes (LCAP or NLCAP class). In this paper we deal with the problem of diagnosis, feature selection, and ranking of the features as a function of their classification importance, and the design of a classifier the criteria of maximizing the ROC (Receiving operating characteristics) area, which gives a good trade-off between true positives and false negatives. In order to guarantee the validity of the statistics; the train-validation-test databases were rotated by the jackknife technique, and a multistarting procedure was done in order to make the system insensitive to local maxima.


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Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding regulatory RNAs that control gene expression usually producing translational repression and gene silencing. High-throughput sequencing technologies have revealed heterogeneity at length and sequence level for the majority of mature miRNAs (IsomiRs). Most isomiRs can be explained by variability in either Dicer1 or Drosha cleavage during miRNA biogenesis at 5" or 3" of the miRNA (trimming variants). Although isomiRs have been described in different tissues and organisms, their functional validation as modulators of gene expression remains elusive. Here we have characterized the expression and function of a highly abundant miR-101 5"-trimming variant (5"-isomiR-101). Results The analysis of small RNA sequencing data in several human tissues and cell lines indicates that 5"-isomiR-101 is ubiquitously detected and a highly abundant, especially in the brain. 5"- isomiR-101 was found in Ago-2 immunocomplexes and complementary approaches showed that 5"-isomiR-101 interacted with different members of the silencing (RISC) complex. In addition, 5"-isomiR-101 decreased the expression of five validated miR-101 targets, suggesting that it is a functional variant. Both the binding to RISC members and the degree of silencing were less efficient for 5"-isomiR-101 compared with miR-101. For some targets, both miR-101 and 5"-isomiR-101 significantly decreased protein expression with no changes in the respective mRNA levels. Although a high number of overlapping predicted targets suggest similar targeted biological pathways, a correlation analysis of the expression profiles of miR-101 variants and predicted mRNA targets in human brains at different ages, suggest specific functions for miR-101- and 5"-isomiR-101. Conclusions These results suggest that isomiRs are functional variants and further indicate that for a given miRNA, the different isomiRs may contribute to the overall effect as quantitative and qualitative fine-tuners of gene expression.


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A partir del análisis del modo fundamental de las ondas Rayleigh generadas por tres terremotos situados en las Azores, Sicilia y el Mar Negro se obtiene la variación regional del coeficiente de atenuación en el escudo europeo para un intervalo de periodos de 15-80 s. El método de análisis ha consistido en comparar los espectros de amplitudes observados con los calculados teóricamente. Para el calculo de estos últimos se ha utilizado un nuevo método consistente en calcular la función global de la fuente a partir de un proceso de mínimos cuadrados. Los resultados son los siguientes.


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The oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein expressed by neurons and oligodendrocytes in the CNS. Attempts have been made to identify the functions of the myelin-associated inhibitory proteins (MAIPs) after axonal lesion or in neurodegeneration. However, the developmental roles of some of these proteins and their receptors remain elusive. Recent studies indicate that NgR1 and the recently discovered receptor PirB restrict cortical synaptic plasticity. However, the putative factors that trigger these effects are unknown. Since Nogo-A is mostly associated with the endoplasmic reticulum and MAG appears late during development, the putative participation of OMgp should be considered. Here we examine the pattern of development of OMgp immunoreactive elements during mouse telencephalic development. OMgp immunoreactivity in the developing cortex follows the establishment of the thalamo-cortical barrel-field. At cellular level, we located OMgp neuronal membranes in dendrites and axons as well as in brain synaptosome fractions and axon varicosities. Lastly, the analysis of the barrel-field in OMgp-deficient mice revealed that although thalamo-cortical connections were formed, their targeting in layer IV was altered and numerous axons ectopically invaded layer II-III. Our data support the idea that early-expressed MAIPs play an active role during development and point to OMgp participating in thalamo-cortical connections.


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Los países industrializados afrontan ahora las consecuencias de varias décadas de gestión inadecuada de sus residuos tóxicos y peligrosos. En las últimas décadas el volumen de residuos generados ha aumentado en progresión geométrica provocando un riesgo toxicológico para el hombre a través de su interacción con el medio fisico. El vertido incontrolado de todo tipo de residuos ha sido una práctica creciente en muchas localidades. Importantes volUmenes de residuos industriales y de otros tipos (urbanos, agncolas, etc.) han sido enterrados en vertederos, muchos de los cuales carecen de las barreras geológicas naturales o artificiles, y los fluidos tóxicos que se producen por lixiviación pueden migrar hacia el exterior y contaminar las aguas subterráneas. El problema se agrava cuando una vez colmatado el vertedero se cubre de tierra y se pierde la información relativa a las prácticas de vertido practicadas en el pasado.


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This paper presents a number of considerations on the recreational/tourism function offorests and some regulations that should be present in the planning of the public use of forestspace. We are going to examine studies on frequency of use, the features that condition theuse of forests and the criteria that should be present on planning of recreational use of forests


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In the present work the behavior of a model acquaintance of market is analyzed with an only one, in that is considered that the parameters that tie the variables that it incorporates the pattern come expressed through uncertain magnitudes. The objective of the study consists on the analysis of the balance from the hypotheses of established uncertainties


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Éxito y fracaso escolar conviven diariamente en la escuela. Uno es oportunidad parael otro y viceversa. Combinando la teoría de las fortalezas del carácter, identidad narrativa,teoría de la autodeterminación y otros constructos con metodologías audiovisuales, el programainvita a jóvenes a descubrir sus recursos personales y reescribir su biografía a partir deellos, de modo de finalmente proyectarlos hacia el futuro en un Proyecto de Vida positivo yrealista. Para lograrlo, los alumnos son invitados a auto-observarse, observar a sus compañerosy a entrevistar a sus familiares, aprovechando siempre las representaciones visuales. Estanueva versión de la propia vida queda plasmada en un relato digital, una secuencia de imágenesque retrata la propia vida pasada, presente y futura, sincronizada con un guion que dacuenta del proceso de convertirse en Persona con Fortalezas del Carácter. Se discuten las dificultades,las oportunidades y los desafíos de su implementación en escuelas en Barcelona,Castelldefels y Viladecans.


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The conversion of cellular prion protein (PrPc), a GPI-anchored protein, into a protease-K-resistant and infective form (generally termed PrPsc) is mainly responsible for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs), characterized by neuronal degeneration and progressive loss of basic brain functions. Although PrPc is expressed by a wide range of tissues throughout the body, the complete repertoire of its functions has not been fully determined. Recent studies have confirmed its participation in basic physiological processes such as cell proliferation and the regulation of cellular homeostasis. Other studies indicate that PrPc interacts with several molecules to activate signaling cascades with a high number of cellular effects. To determine PrPc functions, transgenic mouse models have been generated in the last decade. In particular, mice lacking specific domains of the PrPc protein have revealed the contribution of these domains to neurodegenerative processes. A dual role of PrPc has been shown, since most authors report protective roles for this protein while others describe pro-apoptotic functions. In this review, we summarize new findings on PrPc functions, especially those related to neural degeneration and cell signaling.


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We have studied the motor abilities and associative learning capabilities of adult mice placed in different enriched environments. Three-month-old animals were maintained for a month alone (AL), alone in a physically enriched environment (PHY), and, finally, in groups in the absence (SO) or presence (SOPHY) of an enriched environment. The animals' capabilities were subsequently checked in the rotarod test, and for classical and instrumental learning. The PHY and SOPHY groups presented better performances in the rotarod test and in the acquisition of the instrumental learning task. In contrast, no significant differences between groups were observed for classical eyeblink conditioning. The four groups presented similar increases in the strength of field EPSPs (fEPSPs) evoked at the hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapse across classical conditioning sessions, with no significant differences between groups. These trained animals were pulse-injected with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to determine hippocampal neurogenesis. No significant differences were found in the number of NeuN/BrdU double-labeled neurons. We repeated the same BrdU study in one-month-old mice raised for an additional month in the above-mentioned four different environments. These animals were not submitted to rotarod or conditioned tests. Non-trained PHY and SOPHY groups presented more neurogenesis than the other two groups. Thus, neurogenesis seems to be related to physical enrichment at early ages, but not to learning acquisition in adult mice.


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Newly generated olfactory receptor axons grow from the peripheral to the central nervous system aided by olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs). Thus, OEC transplantation has emerged as a promising therapy for spinal cord injuries and for other neural diseases. However, these cells do not present a uniform population, but, instead, a functionally heterogeneous population that exhibits a variety of responses including adhesion, repulsion and crossover during cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Some studies report that the migratory properties of OECs are compromised by inhibitory molecules and potentiated by chemical gradients. Here, we demonstrated that rodent OECs express all the components of the Nogo Receptor complex and that their migration is blocked by Myelin. Next, we used cell tracking and traction force microscopy to analyze OEC migration and its mechanical properties over Myelin. Our data relate the absence of traction force of OEC with lower migratory capacity, which correlates with changes in the F-Actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion distribution. Lastly, OEC traction force and migratory capacity is enhanced after cell incubation with the Nogo Receptor inhibitor NEP1-40.


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Funcionamiento del sistema desechable de recogida Pleur-evac®. Se trata de un sistema compacto de recogida de drenaje con sello de agua de manejo fácil construido sobre la base del sistema convencional de montaje de drenaje de aspiración de tres botellas. Este sistema se basa en el utilizado en 1876 por Gotthard Bülau para el tratamiento de empiemas y que ha dado nombre a los sistemas de recogida...


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Covert spatial attention produces biases in perceptual and neural responses in the absence of overt orienting movements. The neural mechanism that gives rise to these effects is poorly understood. Here we report the relation between fixational eye movements, namely eye vergence, and covert attention. Visual stimuli modulate the angle of eye vergence as a function of their ability to capture attention. This illustrates the relation between eye vergence and bottom-up attention. In visual and auditory cue/no-cue paradigms, the angle of vergence is greater in the cue condition than in the no-cue condition. This shows a top-down attention component. In conclusion, observations reveal a close link between covert attention and modulation in eye vergence during eye fixation. Our study suggests a basis for the use of eye vergence as a tool for measuring attention and may provide new insights into attention and perceptual disorders.


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L’objectiu del projecte és crear un videojoc de plataformes d’scroll automàtic en 2D basat en la música. Això vol dir que tots els elements de l’escenari i els moviments que haurà de fer el jugador per a passar-se’l estaran íntegrament lligats a la banda sonora de la pantalla. A més, el joc ha de ser compatible per als dispositius Android


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Políticas de interrelación de la facultad de Bellas Artes de Barcelona y la empresa privada. Difusión de evidencias y competencias profesionales para nuestros estudiantes en una sociedad contemporánea Resulta de extrema importancia el componente crítico y autocrítico en el discurso que desde las artes se pueda ir generando respecto a la sociedad que nos toca vivir. Es evidente que en la construcción de toda sociedad avanzada, el pensamiento y por tanto las artes, deben aportar un elemento de difusión de ideas que puedan aportar un valor añadido a la configuración de nuestras ciudades como aglutinantes de nuestra sociedad. Los medios de comunicación son herramientas clave para ese propósito. Es por tanto necesario conectar el arte con los medios y por ende al estudiante de arte con esos mecanismos de difusión, mediante publicaciones y exposiciones de esas ideas artísticas que recogen el verdadero pulso creativo de una sociedad emergente, representada por su juventud dentro de las universidades. En la búsqueda de nuevos mecanismos que dotasen a nuestra docencia de un componente de experiencia basada en la propia praxis de aquello concerniente a la puesta en escena de los resultados creativos, fruto de la producción artística de nuestros alumnos, nos movilizamos en el Departamento de Escultura de nuestra Facultad y particularmente desde la Comisión de Publicaciones y Exposiciones, para buscar empresas, revistas, editoriales, fundaciones, etc. al margen de los congresos relacionados con el tema, que nos permitieran poner en común dichos resultados, además de poder publicar artículos de los docentes que explicasen esas experiencias.