930 resultados para Equips esportius-Aspectes sociològics


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Throughout history, nuclear weapons have been considered to be the ultimate weapons. This understanding largely detached them from the portfolio of conventional military means and assigned them a symbolic meaning that influenced the identity and norms creation of nations. In most countries today, the development of nuclear weapons is considered morally prohibitive, incompatible with a country’s identity and international outlook. In some states, however, these negative norms are overridden by a positive set of norms, causing nuclear weapons to become either symbols of invulnerability to perceived threats or the regalia of major power status. Main purpose of this paper is to explore on the conditions that cause most states to develop a moral aversion to nuclear weapons, yet effectively lead to their glorification in others. Many studies on the normative understanding of nuclear weapons consider the existence of a negative normative predisposition, often referred to as ‘nuclear taboo’, as a major factor in preventing their acquisition and use. Other studies acknowledge the existence of a nuclear taboo inhibiting the use of nuclear weapons, but point to the existence of the opposing effect of norms, frequently referred to as the ‘nuclear myth’, when it comes to the acquisition of nuclear weapons. This myth emerges when certain symbolic meanings are attached to nuclear weapons, such as a state’s identity, self-image, and its desired position in the international system. With 180 odd countries in the world abstaining from the acquisition of nuclear weapons and 8 countries in possession of them (with two further countries assumed to have pursued their acquisition), one might consider the dominance of the nuclear taboo over the nuclear myth to be the rule. The core question is thus why and how this relationship reversed in the case of defectors.


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Two claims pervade the literature on the political economy of market reforms: that economic crises cause reforms; and that crises matter because they bring into question the validity of the economic model held to be responsible for them. Economic crises are said to spur a process of learning that is conducive to the abandonment of failing models and to the adoption of successful models. But although these claims have become the conventional wisdom, they have been hardly tested empirically due to the lack of agreement on what constitutes a crisis and to difficulties in measuring learning from them. I propose a model of rational learning from experience and apply it to the decision to open the economy. Using data from 1964 through 1990, I show that learning from the 1982 debt crisis was relevant to the first wave of adoption of an export promotion strategy, but learning was conditional on the high variability of economic outcomes in countries that opened up to trade. Learning was also symbolic in that the sheer number of other countries that liberalized was a more important driver of others’ decisions to follow suit.


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Recent years have seen a striking proliferation of the term ‘global’ in public and political discourse. The popularity of the term is a manifestation of the fact that there is a widespread notion that contemporary social reality is ‘global’. The acknowledgment of this notion has important political implications and raises questions about the role played by the idea of the ‘global’ in policy making. These questions, in turn, expose even more fundamental issues about whether the term ‘global’ indicates a difference in kind, even an ontological shift, and, if so, how to approach it. This paper argues that the notion of ‘global’, in other words the ‘global dimension’, is a significant aspect of contemporary politics that needs to be investigated. The paper argues that in the globalization discourse of International Studies ‘global’ is ‘naturalized’, which means that it is taken for granted and assumed to be self-evident. The term ‘global’ is used mainly in a descriptive way and subsumed under the rubric of ‘globalization’. ‘Global’ tends to be equated with transnational and/or world-wide; hence, it addresses quantitative differences in degree but not (alleged) differences in kind. In order to advance our understanding of contemporary politics, ‘global’ needs to be taken seriously. This means, firstly, to understand and to conceptualize ‘global’ as a social category; and, secondly, to uncover ‘global’ as a ‘naturalized’ concept in the Political and International Studies strand of the globalization discourse in order to rescue it for innovative new approaches in the investigation of contemporary politics. In order to do so, the paper suggests adopting a strong linguistic approach starting with the analysis of the word ‘global’. Based on insights from post-structuralism as well as cognitive and general constructivist perspectives it argues that a frame-based corpus linguistic analysis offers the possibility of investigating the collective/social meaning(s) of global in order to operationalize them for the analysis of the ‘global dimension’ of contemporary politics.


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El objetivo de estas páginas, que es parte de una investigación más amplia, es el desarrollo de un primer análisis de las relaciones entre la estructura productiva de la economía española y las emisiones de CO2, el más importante de los gases de efecto invernadero, a la atmósfera. Después de exponer la metodología utilizada, que permite la utilización conjunta en análisis expost, como el que nos ocupa, de los multiplicadores de oferta y demanda, se obtienen resultados relevantes que permiten un estudio detallado de las mencionadas relaciones. Posteriormente se determinan los sectores


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L’adaptació de la novel·la “La noia que estimava Tom Gordon”, de Stephen King en guió cinemetogràfic ha servit de punt de partida per estudiar tots els elements implicats en el procés. Aquests inclouen el procediment ha seguir i aspectes tècnics relacionats com com ara l'story board o la banda sonora. En una segona part s’explica com s’ha treballat la novel·la esmentada per tal de convertir-la en guió. Finalment s’adjunta el propi guió.


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El trabajo estudia la estructura mítica en las novelas modernas de iniciación por tres etapas estructurales, que se concretan como: separación-partida, pruebas-margen, regreso-reintegración. Se analizan la continuación y los aspectos actualizados de dicha estructura, y la aplicación de los mitemas fundamentales en tres novelas modernas: The Catcher in the Rye, Tokio Blues, Balzac y la Jóven Costurera China.


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El treball ofereix una visió de conjunt de la recerca duta a terme a Espanya en determinació d’estructures cristal•lines, des dels seus inicis fins 1955, data en la què assoliren un cert grau de consolidació. La perspectiva historiogràfica seguida pretén establir un equilibri entre el tractament de les qüestions tècniques i les relatives a l’organització dels diferents equips de recerca, sense oblidar el context econòmic i polític en que van tenir lloc.


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Document on s'analitza el marc polític existent durant l'organització dels Jocs de Barcelona'92. Consisteix en la transcripció de la conferència impartida en el simposi internacional Jocs Olímpics, Comunicació i intercanvis culturals celebrat l'any 1994.


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El Centro de Tecnología de la Carne fue responsable de tres de los objetivos fundamentales de este proyecto. Los experimentos consistieron en el sacrificio de dos lotes de cerdos que se diferenciaban en su genotipo halotano y en la línea paterna, que fueron sometidos a distintos tratamientos ante-mortem (transporte y espera largos versus transporte y espera cortos). En el primer lote, se compararon animales libres del gen con heterocigotos que procedían de una línea paterna Pietrain o una línea híbrida Large White x Pietrain. En el segundo lote, se comparó la descendencia heterocigota (Nn) de un macho Pietrain positivo al halotano (nn) con la descendencia libre del gen (NN) de dos machos Pietrain también libres del gen. Las hembras utilizadas en ambos lotes fueron las mismas, todas ellas libres del gen halotano


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- Resultats de les noves varietats de triticale per a gra. - Recomanació de varietats de triticale per a gra. - Característiques agronòmiques de les varietats de triticale. - Aspectes a considerar en l’elecció de les varietats de triticale per a gra.


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- Resultats de les noves varietats de pèsol proteaginós de primavera per a gra. - Característiques agronòmiques de les varietats de pèsol proteaginós de primavera. - Aspectes a considerar en l’elecció de les varietats de pèsol proteaginós.


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Aquest Programa vol ser una ajuda per la confecció de correctors microminerals tenin en consideració les necesitats de microminerals dels remugants, els aports microminerals dels ingredients de la ració base, les restriccions legals de inclusió i els nivells tòxics. Els continguts de microminerals procedeixen del NRC (2001), FEDNA, i el Laboratori Mouriscade de Pontevedra. MicromineCal no considera el contingut de Molibdè, doncs les seves necesitats es desconeixen. MicromineCal no té en compte ni la disponibilitat ni les possibles interaccions entre microminerals. Totes les cantitats (g, Kg, mg...) han d'entrar-se en fresc.


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Conscientes de las complejidades que presenta la organización administrativa local y la diversidad que caracteriza a los Ayuntamientos de España, y lejos de querer establecer fórmulas mágicas o generalizar soluciones, con esta Guía se pretende aportar ideas útiles mediante propuestas y algunos ejemplos; con ella se quiere ayudar a promover distintas intervenciones a favor de la accesibilidad en los municipios. En este sentido, esta Guía pretende ser soporte para desarrollar una nueva etapa de intervención municipal en accesibilidad, que vaya más allá de la mera supresión de barreras y se prevenga su creación. Las medidas que se desarrollan son posibles vías para que los gobiernos locales puedan gestionar y promocionar de forma eficaz la accesibilidad en el municipio y así establecer una base sobre la cual todos los ciudadanos puedan desarrollar sus libertades individuales plenamente.