207 resultados para Astronomia nàutica


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Este documento recoge los resultados de un estudio sobre el estado de la investigación astronómica en los centros del sistema español de investigación y desarrollo, en lo referente al trienio 1999-2001. Su objetivo es conocer y dar a conocer la situación real de las actividades investigadoras de una disciplina que se ha desarrollado espectacularmente en los últimos decenios en España ...


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Galactic microquasars are certainly one of the most recent additions to the field of high energy Astrophysics. These new objects are just X-ray binaries with the ability to generate relativistic jets and their interest has been growing during the last decade. Today, they represent primary targets for all space based observatories working in the X-ray and [gamma]-ray domains. Behind such interest, there is hope that their study will assist us to understand some of the analog phenomena observed in distant quasars and active galactic nuclei, wich share with microquasars practically the same scaled-up physics. Microquasars are also believed to be among the different kind of sources responsible for the violent and ever changing appearance of the [gamma]-ray ski. In this paper we review the general situation of the microquasar topic, their identification and study, including comments on the recent observational and theoretical discoveries most relevant in our opinion.


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We analyze the timing of photons observed by the MAGIC telescope during a flare of the active galactic nucleus Mkn 501 for a possible correlation with energy, as suggested by some models of quantum gravity (QG), which predict a vacuum refractive index similar or equal to 1 + (E/M-QGn)(n), n = 1, 2. Parametrizing the delay between gamma-rays of different energies as Delta t = +/-tau E-1 or Delta t = +/-tau E-q(2), we find tau(1) = (0.030 +/- 0.012) s/GeV at the 2.5-sigma level, and tau(q) = (3.71 +/- 2.57) x 10(-6) s/GeV2, respectively. We use these results to establish lower limits M-QG1 > 0.21 X 10(18) GeV and M-QG2 > 0.26 x 10(11) GeV at the 95% C.L. Monte Carlo studies confirm the MAGIC sensitivity to propagation effects at these levels. Thermal plasma effects in the source are negligible, but we cannot exclude the importance of some other source effect.


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Quan alcem els ulls en una nit estel·lada d'estiu, sovint veiem una banda de llum que travessa la volta del cel amb una lluentor blanquinosa ...


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RX J1826.2-1450/LS 5039 has been recently proposed to be a radio emitting high mass X-ray binary. In this paper, we present an analysis of its X-ray timing and spectroscopic properties using different instruments on board the RXTE satellite. The timing analysis indicates the absence of pulsed or periodic emission on time scales of 0.02-2000 s and 2-200 d, respectively. The source spectrum is well represented by a power-law model, plus a Gaussian component describing a strong iron line at 6.6 keV. Significant emission is seen up to 30 keV, and no exponential cut-off at high energy is required. We also study the radio properties of the system according to the GBI-NASA Monitoring Program. RX J1826.2-1450/LS 5039 continues to display moderate radio variability with a clearly non-thermal spectral index. No strong radio outbursts have been detected after several months.


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Les binaries o estrelles dobles fisiques son sistemes formats per dues estrelles lligades gravitatoriament. Avui en dia sabem que aquest és un fenomen molt comú a la galaxia, on aproximadament la meitat de les estrelles s'han format i han donat lloc a aquesta mena de sistemes...


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We present new optical and infrared photometric observations and high resolution H α spectra of the periodic radio star LSI+61◦303. The optical photometric data set covers the time interval 1985-1993 and amounts to about a hundred nights. A period of ∼26 days is found in the V band. The infrared data also present evidence for a similar periodicity, but with higher amplitude of variation ((0.m 2). The spectroscopic observations include 16 intermediate and high dispersion spectra of LSI+61◦303 collected between January 1989 and February 1993. The H α emission line profile and its variations are analyzed. Several emission line parameters -- among them the H α EW and the width of the H α red hump -- change strongly at or close to radio maximum, and may exhibit periodic variability. We also observe a significant change in the peak separation. The H α profile of LSI+61◦303 does not seem peculiar for a Be star. However, several of the observed variations of the H α profile can probably be associated with the presence of the compact, secondary star.


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In this note we report high time resolution V Johnson photometry of the microquasar V4641 Sgr (SAX J1819.3-2525 - XTE J1819-254). This source was discovered as an X-ray transient by BeppoSAX and RossiXTE satellites (In't Zand et al. 1999; Markwardt et al. 1999). On 1999 September, a very fast transient optical and X-ray outburst was observed, reaching up to ...


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Memòria de la Biblioteca de la Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona de l'any 2014.


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We present an Analytic Model of Intergalactic-medium and GAlaxy (AMIGA) evolution since the dark ages. AMIGA is in the spirit of the popular semi-analytic models of galaxy formation, although it does not use halo merger trees but interpolates halo properties in grids that are progressively built. This strategy is less memory-demanding and allows one to start modeling at sufficiently high redshifts and low halo masses to have trivial boundary conditions. The number of free parameters is minimized by making a causal connection between physical processes usually treated as independent of each other, which leads to more reliable predictions. However, the strongest points of AMIGA are the following: (1) the inclusion of molecular cooling and metal-poor, population III (Pop III) stars with the most dramatic feedback and (2) accurate follow up of the temperature and volume filling factor of neutral, singly ionized, and doubly ionized regions, taking into account the distinct halo mass functions in those environments. We find the following general results. Massive Pop III stars determine the intergalactic medium metallicity and temperature, and the growth of spheroids and disks is self-regulated by that of massive black holes (MBHs) developed from the remnants of those stars. However, the properties of normal galaxies and active galactic nuclei appear to be quite insensitive to Pop III star properties due to the much higher yield of ordinary stars compared to Pop III stars and the dramatic growth of MBHs when normal galaxies begin to develop, which cause the memory loss of the initial conditions.