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Quality of life is increasingly becoming a concept researched empirically and theoretically in the field of economics. In urban economics in particular, this increasing interest stems mainly from the fact that quality of life affects urban competitiveness and urban growth: research shows that when households and businesses decide where to locate, quality of life considerations can play a very important role. The purpose of the present paper is to examine the way economic literature and urban economic literature in particular, have adopted quality of life considerations in the economic thinking. Moreover, it presents the ways various studies have attempted to capture the multidimensional nature of the concept, and quantify it for the purposes of empirical research. Additionally we focus on the state of the art in Spain. Looking at the experiences in the last years we see very important possibilities of developing new studies in the field.
In this paper we analyse the status of scientific publications in Economics and Business in Spain (1994-2004). We focus our research in showing the preferred journals of the authors affiliated to Spanish universities, the quality of these journals and also the evolution along the decade. Throughout the paper we study deeply the areas of knowledge: which are more productive and also how the articles are distributed among Universities considering the areas of knowledge. The results show an important stability concerning the growth of published articles considering different levels of quality of journals. A second result is the important concentration in a few areas of knowledge: Fundamentals of Economic Analysis and Applied Economics. We observe a degree of specialization of several universities. Last, we display the relationship between journal publication and university’s publication pattern.
This paper studies Spanish scientific production in Economics from 1994 to 2004. It focuses on aspects that have received little attention in other bibliometric studies, such as the impact of research and the role of scientific collaborations in the publications produced by Spanish universities. Our results show that national research networks have played a fundamental role in the increase in Spanish scientific production in this discipline.
There are several determinants that influence household location decisions. More concretely, recent economic literature assigns an increasingly important role to the variables governing quality of life. Nevertheless, the spatial stationarity of the parameters is implicitly assumed in most studies. Here we analyse the role of quality of life in urban economics and test for the spatial stationarity of the relationship between city growth and quality of life.
In the literature on housing market areas, different approaches can be found to defining them, for example, using travel-to-work areas and, more recently, making use of migration data. Here we propose a simple exercise to shed light on which approach performs better. Using regional data from Catalonia, Spain, we have computed housing market areas with both commuting data and migration data. In order to decide which procedure shows superior performance, we have looked at uniformity of prices within areas. The main finding is that commuting algorithms present more homogeneous areas in terms of housing prices.
In recent years, we have seen how the quality of work life has been focused and defined by the European Commission (EC). In our study we compare the EC definition with the academic one and try to see how close they are. We also analyse the possibility of applying the institutional definition to the Spanish case through the development of specific indicators. Our main conclusions are that QWL is increasingly important for policy makers. In addition, it is essential to have objective indicators and to conduct surveys in order to reliably measure QWL.
Este trabajo analiza cual ha sido la evolución de la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana en España en el período 1991-2000 situándola en el contexto internacional. Para ello, se elaboran rankings de países, autores e instituciones en función de las publicaciones realizadas en una muestra de nueve revistas internacionales ampliamente reconocidas dentro de este campo. Los resultados muestran que la mejora en la posición relativa a nivel internacional encontrada por otros autores para el conjunto de la investigación española en economía también se produce en el contexto de la investigación económica regional y urbana De hecho, hay un claro aumento de la presencia a nivel internacional de los autores e instituciones españolas motivado en buena medida por un incremento de las publicaciones de autores con tradición en la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana pero también por la irrupción con fuerza de 'nuevos' autores.
Este trabajo analiza cual ha sido la evolución de la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana en España en el período 1991-2000 situándola en el contexto internacional. Para ello, se elaboran rankings de países, autores e instituciones en función de las publicaciones realizadas en una muestra de nueve revistas internacionales ampliamente reconocidas dentro de este campo. Los resultados muestran que la mejora en la posición relativa a nivel internacional encontrada por otros autores para el conjunto de la investigación española en economía también se produce en el contexto de la investigación económica regional y urbana De hecho, hay un claro aumento de la presencia a nivel internacional de los autores e instituciones españolas motivado en buena medida por un incremento de las publicaciones de autores con tradición en la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana pero también por la irrupción con fuerza de 'nuevos' autores.
El territorio de Valentia está siendo analizado en el contexto de un nuevo proyecto de investigación, Valentia Landscape Project, que busca modelizar la evolución de paisaje cultural valenciano desde la protohistoria a época moderna. Una parte importante de este proyecto se centra en el período romano, puesto que uno de los principales objetivos es la revisión, a través de un nuevo análisis arqueomorfológico, de las hipótesis propuestas hasta la fecha para la red viaria y los parcelarios antiguos. Se presentan los primeros resultados.
The objective of this study consists, firstly, of quantifying differences between Spanish universities' output (in terms of publications and citations), and secondly, analysing its determinants. The results obtained show that there are factors which have a positive influence on these indicators, such as having a third-cycle programme, with public financing obtained in competitive selection procedures, having a large number of full-time researchers or involvement in collaborations with international institutions. However, other factors which appear to have the opposite effect were also noted. These include a higher number of students per lecturer or a lower proportion of lecturers with recognised six-year periods.
By means of a literature review this paper aims at shedding more light on the potentialities of unhealthy food/drink taxation in changing eating patterns and life styles and hence combating the obesity epidemic. One remarkable point that emerges when assessing the set of selected papers is the existence of a wide diversity of objectives, methodologies, settings and datasets, policies implemented and results achieved by all these studies, which undoubtedly adds complexity to any attempt to draw a general conclusion on fast food taxation. Most of the examined studies predict a rather modest fiscal impact on unhealthy food and drinks consumption and/or nutrition intake and consequently a poor result on weight loss and obesity, by the interplay of several factors among them the effects of cross-price elasticities.
By means of a literature review this paper aims at shedding more light on the potentialities of unhealthy food/drink taxation in changing eating patterns and life styles and hence combating the obesity epidemic. One remarkable point that emerges when assessing the set of selected papers is the existence of a wide diversity of objectives, methodologies, settings and datasets, policies implemented and results achieved by all these studies, which undoubtedly adds complexity to any attempt to draw a general conclusion on fast food taxation. Most of the examined studies predict a rather modest fiscal impact on unhealthy food and drinks consumption and/or nutrition intake and consequently a poor result on weight loss and obesity, by the interplay of several factors among them the effects of cross-price elasticities.
En este trabajo se analiza la situación de las publicaciones científicas en Economía y Empresa en España en el decenio 1994-2003. En concreto se analizan la producción de artículos, la productividad por investigador, la calidad de las publicaciones y su impacto (citas) y se elaboran rankings de las universidades españolas. Los principales resultados apuntan a unos niveles de producción científica que evolucionan de manera creciente en los últimos años. Esta mejora se debe al incremento de la plantilla y, sobre todo, al incremento de su productividad.
Se pone de manifiesto la idoneidad de la técnica de calorimetría diferencial de barrido para la caracterización de materiales. Se presentan ejemplos específicos de aplicación de dicha técnica en el estudio de los fenómenos ligados a la transición vitrea y cinética de cristalización de vidrios calcogenuros y metálicos así como en el estudio de la reordenación de fases desordenadas metastables.
The effect of pork fat reduction (from 44% to 20% final fat content) and its partial substitution by sunflower oil (3% addition) on the physicochemical, instrumental and sensory properties throughout storage time of small caliber non-acid fermented sausages (fuet type) with reduced sodium content (with partial substitution of NaCl by KCl and K-lactate) and without direct addition of nitrate and nitrite (natural nitrate source used instead), was studied. Results showed that sausages with reduced fat (10% initial fat content) and with acceptable sensory characteristics can be obtained by adding to the shoulder lean (8% fat content) during the grinding, either 3.3% backfat (3% fat content) or 3% sunflower oil, both previously finely comminuted with lean. Furthermore, sunflower oil showed to be suitable for partial pork backfat substitution in very lean fermented sausages, conferring desirable sensory properties similar to those of sausages with standard fat content. The sensory quality of the sausages was maintained after three-month cold storage in modified atmosphere.