368 resultados para Muscles de la main


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Con este trabajo he pretendido realizar un estudio aproximado a la música del período romántico cuya temática gira en torno al mundo de la noche. Lo he hecho a través de los compositores de música para piano más representativos de la época, con una breve pincelada a la música sinfónica y a las artes representativas. He pretendido demostrar cómo cada compositor reflejó su personalidad a través de un concepto tan abstracto y romántico como es el mundo de la noche.


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Aquest projecte final vol ser un acostament senzill, però amb voluntat de rigorositat respecte a la capacitat mnemònica en el context de l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge musical. Bàsicament està estructurat en dos grans blocs. D’una banda el marc teòric, el qual proporciona una visió general del funcionament de la memòria a nivell neurològic, psicològic i musical, i dels tipus de memòria existents dels quals ens podem servir per a memoritzar. De l’altra faig una recerca sobre quin paper juga la memòria musical tant en músics formats com en nens que comencen a aprendre música. Els musics formats són representats per una mostra d’alumnes de quart curs i graduats de quatre conservatoris superiors diferents, als que a través d’un qüestionari se’ls demana informació per conèixer de primera mà la seva opinió, vivències i coneixements sobre com utilitzen la memòria. Els nens en formació s’investiguen a través d’un estudi de cas amb la intenció de comprovar què suposa dissenyar activitats d’aprenentatge orientades a facilitar la capacitat de la memòria de les persones que estan començant a aprendre música.


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The context where the university admissions exams are performed is presented and the main concerns about this exams are outlined and discussed from a statistical point of view. The paper offers an illustration of the use of random coefficient models in the study of educational data. The association between two individual scores (one internal and the other external to the school) and the effect of the school in the external exam is analized by a regression model with random intercept and fixed slope. A variance component model for the analysis of the grading process is also presented. The paper ends with an outline of the main findings and the presentation of some specific proposals to improve and control the equity of the system. Some pedagogic reflections are also included.


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In this article an empirical analyse of farming costs is performed withinthe frame of the activity based costing, employing a panel data set ofCatalan farms. One the main conclusions of the study is that there islimited association for transaction and farm costs, especially in indirectcosts. Direct and indirect costs are mainly driven by volume production.


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Spanish and Western agriculture show a continuous decrease in the numberof farms. One of the main factors for this trend is the economicnon-viability of many of the existing farms. In addition, interrelationshipof agriculture with other industries is growing. Thus, policymakers, banks,creditors and other stakeholders are interested in predicting farm viability.The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidence that the use ofaccounting-based information could significantly improve understandingand prediction of various degrees of farm viability. Two multinomial logitmodels were applied to a sample of farms of Catalonia, Spain. One modelincluded non-accounting-based variables, while the other also consideredaccounting-based variables. It was found that accounting added significantinformation to predict various degrees of farm viability. This findingreveals, both the need of encouraging the little existing use of accountingby farms and to develop appropriate accounting standards for agriculture.


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El projecte presentat en aquest document formal conté la proposta per a la nova marca de vins Enjoyme, el projecte consta de la creació de diverses peces gràfiques per tal de construir una proposta global per a la marca. L’encàrrec per part del client consta de: construcció de marca Enjoyme (logotip), lloc web enfocat a la venda on line, packaging del producte, OPI i revista digital. Cadascuna d’aquestes peces es troba explicada detalladament dins d’aquest document amb les seves respectives especificacions creatives, tècniques, estratègiques i econòmiques. El concepte creatiu d’aquesta campanya “Cultiva els teus sentits” està reflectit en cadascuna de les peces, formant un equilibri en conjunt. La idea central de la campanya s’enfoca a transmetre als clients totes les sensacions que li pot donar la natura en ser humà, tenint en compte l’orgànic i biodinàmic com a part fonamental del projecte, ja que aquest producte elaborat amb aquest tipus d’agricultura.


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L'ecologia del paisatge neix en una vinculació ben estreta amb la geografia i viu un espectacular desenvolupament a partir de la segona meitat del segle XX. En l’actualitat, és una perspectiva científica transdisciplinària, consolidada i reconeguda, que intenta comprendre i ajudar a resoldre els principals reptes ambientals contemporanis pel que fa a la conservació del patrimoni natural i cultural. En aquestes pàgines, es repassa de forma sintètica els conceptes clau i els mètodes, eminentment quantitatius, emprats per l’ecologia del paisatge per analitzar la situació i l’evolució dels paisatges


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This article makes a revision of the most eminent contributions in Geography in relation to the forest study, starting with principal Spanish geographical journals, congress transactions and other bibliography about forest questions. A selection of the most eminent bibliography has been made paying special attention to three main subjects: forest and forest science history, forest and landscape description, and forest management


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The Guilleries are a small and mountainous area located in the north-westem part of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges where metamorphic and igneous Paleozoic rocks are exposed. After the main hercynian folding this area was affected by a brittle deformation that is mainly manifested by the intrusion of a very large number of dykes of granodiorite and the development of a complex joint system. Trends of dykes indicate that their intrusion was related to a SE-NW extension, whose estimated value is 40% on an average. This extension seems to stand, although without any associated igneous event, with the development of NE-SW directed joints which make the main set. Five families more were developed later, onegently-dipping and fou upright; the latter trending roughly SE-NW, ENE-WSW, ESE-WNW and N-S. AU the joint sets appear in the metasedimentary Paleozoic rocks and in the hercynian intrusive bodies. Concerning the ages, joints that belong to the NE-SW and SE-NW directed sets and also those slightly dipping have been attributed to the late-hercynian times and all the other are considered to be later


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The metodology used in the research of materials destinated to port constructions in the Costa Brava is described. This metodology follows a set of work steps. The first three allow to do a selection of the stone quarries that exist in the zone. The other steps consists in studing the materials and the characteristics of the chosen quarries and the zones closed to them, as to order them according to their utility in port constmctions. Finally, the main results obtained are explained


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The main volcanic edifice of the Crosa de Sant Dalmai is the largest in the catalonian volcanic area. The crater is 1.300 m long and 74 m deep. At present it is protected by the "Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural" of the Generalitat de Catalunya


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This study is about the main characteristics of a large area in the province of Girona, the utilization of which has been historically poor, basically due to gecsnorphological causes. The analysis has been made considering the possibilities -both positive and negative - that the geological medium offers by appropiate use of the area, bearing in mind the possible impacts that these uses could have on the medium. The conclusions drawn from this study are shown in a series of maps


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The Pyrenees are an alpine chain with hercynian basement rocks that outcrop in a large area called the Axial Zone. These rocks have been involved in the alpine deformation events although their main structural features resulted from the Hercynian orogeny. A relevant characteristic of the Hercynian basement is a change in structural style in depth which has been commonly studied and interpreted in the Pallaresa Anticlinorium, in the Central Pyrenees. This anticlinorium is a complex hercynian structural unit whose southern part belongs to the suprastructure whereas the northern part corresponds mostly to a transition zone between the infrastructure and the suprastructure. Rocks of the suprastructure show a steeply dipping slaty cleavage as the dominant structure, which is overprinting folds and thrusts rarely going with pervasive deformation. The transition zone results from a slaty cleavage, very often close to the bedding, overprinted by one or two steep crenulation cleavages. A gradual boundary exists between both structural levels and it can be observed that the deformation developing slaty cleavage in the suprastructure grades to a crenulation foliation in the transition zone. The gradual character of that boundary, as seen in the northern end of the transition zone, suggests that the southern sharp boundary is not original. That boundary is interpreted as a northward dipping inverse fault, possibly with Alpine age. That fault causes a relative uplift of the rocks of the transition zone and gives this sharp boundary with the suprastructural levels. It provokes the asymmetry in the Pallaresa anticlinorium


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The study presented is interdisciplinary names: the presence of place names related with industrial, artisanal or mining activities in rural areas. The main hypothesis refers to this fact; the uniqueness of industrial, mining or craft in a rural area is an important reason to influence their names, a fact that gives archaeological value, remembering economic activities now disappeared. The methodology used for the study has been usually applied in onomastic studies: compilation of names from field work, oral interviews, archival work, revision of ancient documents and revision of works and studies related to the cartography of Osor. The final conclusion is that, as proposed in the hypothesis, in a rural area as the studied, the low presence of industrial, artisanal or mining activities have generated place names that have helped in keeping the memory of economic activities now disappeared


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La recerca tracta sobre els diferents mecanismes que les ciutats i les regions utilitzen per millorar la seva imatge. En aquest sentit, el treball se centra en la marca-ciutat, el màrqueting de ciutats i els diferents models de comunicació emprats per exaltar la reputació dels territoris. Pel que fa la segona part de la recerca, consisteix en l’estudi de la marca-ciutat Barcelona en els àmbits dels negocis, la societat del coneixement, el turisme, la sostenibilitat i la qualitat de vida i la cultura. Per tant, el propòsit d’aquesta recerca és comprendre quines accions desenvolupen els principals actors per incentivar els negocis a Barcelona, descobrir quines iniciatives s’han pres per potenciar l’economia del coneixement, el turisme, la sostenibilitat i la qualitat de vida i la indústria cultural a la ciutat de Barcelona